The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1980, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1980 Caffeine linked to defects United Press International SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — Caf feine, one of the most widely con sumed substances in the world, has been positively linked to birth de fects in animals by a Food and Drug Administration scientist, the Morn ing Union reported Tuesday. In a copyright story, the newspap er said Dr. Thomas Collins of the FDA’s Division of Toxicology in Washington, D.C., has confirmed that defects in the offspring of labora tory animals are directly related to large doses of caffeine given by scien tists. The birth defects in animals caused by caffeine in some of the tests reviewed by Collins include cleft palates, digital defects, joint de fects, absence of a jaw, unusual smallness of the lower jaw, blood tumors and club feet. added to other beverages and found in many over-the-counter drugs, like aspirin. Caffeine stimulates brain and heart activity and may produce ex cessive gastric acidity and nervous ness. Collins’ previous research brought the ban on the food coloring Red Dye No. 2. The paper said Collins’ study on the effects of caffeine, a natural ing redient of coffee and tea, will be re leased in a month. Caffeine also is It has been listed in the Code of Federal Regulations as a multi purpose food substance generally re garded as safe. FDA spokesmen have said the agency is considering a proposal re quiring caffeine products to carry a warning to pregnant women, similar to the one now mandated on all food and drugs using saccharin, the paper reports. Beverage industry officials are preparing their own studies and trying to defuse the FDA report by arguing that Collins study shows that massive amounts of the substance must be administered for any effects to be noticeable. “It’s going to be controversial, to say the least,” said Collins, leader of the division’s Mammalian Reproduc tion and Teratology Team. WEAR sale: A BE READY FOR THAT SPRING SKI TRIP WITH SKI WEAR FROM TRI-STATE! ASPEN SKI WEAR 40% Wj GROUP SWEATERS 40% "y ft «k TOBOGGANS - f. 40% SMUGGLER SKI WEAR 50% SKI GLOVES 25% THERMAL UNDERWEAR Sale ends Saturday, March 1 30% OFF TRI-STATE A&M BANKAMER'URD SPORTING GOODS 3600 OED COEEEGE RD. 846-3280 4 At the Triangle’ 846-3570 Current feared to probes United Press International WASHINGTON — Every week or two, the United States gets a mes sage from Mars. The Martian correspondent re ports on the weather at its lonely outpost called Chryse and sends back a picture of the rocky, desert neighborhood. The observer is the Viking 1 robot that landed on Mars July 20, 1976. The space agency has it programmed to continue automatic operations through 1990 and engineers expect its nuclear generators to keep it going even longer. Viking 1 is just one of seven Amer ican planetary spacecraft still in operation. Some are working well past their designed lifetimes, provid ing the United States with valuable scientific dividends. The Viking 2 lander and one of two Viking Mars satellites also are work ing, but the satellite is expected to run out of control gas around June and when it dies, the Viking 2 lander will be silenced because it relies on the orbiter to relay communications to Earth. The major planetary project now underway centers on two Voyagers which made one discovery after another when they photographed Jupiter and its largest satellites last year. Voyager 1 is expected to repeat its spectacular performance in Novem ber when it cruises past Saturn. Voyager 2 will rendezvous with Saturn in August 1981. Dr. Thomas Mutch, associate NASA administrator for space scien ce, said it now appears that Voyager 2 will continue to work and become the first manmade probe to explore Uranus in 1986. He said there is a possibility that Voyager 2 will last long enough to reach Neptune in 1989. Other planetary spacecraft still working are the Pioneer-Venus satellite around Venus, the Pioneer 10 spacecraft heading out of the solar system and Pioneer 11 between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. The next big planetary mission is called Galileo. It consists of an atmospheric probe and a surveill ance satellite to be launched in Feb ruary and March 1984 to follow up on Voyager’s successes at Jupiter and explore the giant planet and its big moons in more detail. Galileo is the last planetary mis sion currently planned by the United States and Mutch told a Senate sub committee last week he was “very concerned about the long-term fu ture of planetary science. NASA had asked President Carter for funds in fiscal 1981 to begin work on a satellite to survey Venus with a powerful imaging radar system, and money to start work on an solar- electric rocket system that would en able a spacecraft to rendezvous with Halley’s comet in 1985 and the com et Temple 2 in 1988. Both requests were denieJ!| hopes to try again on the Vena sion next year with a laundiiil but it will be too late to start*! the comet explorer’s electrkq to carry out the dual cometii|j» Mutch said NASA hopeskH| .. . , . , r P Unite tunas next year to beginamt NEW YC est comet mission to Halle)Y ce th e Ft alone. Bexas / But he said it takessevera Jl tfeam mi preparation to begin a ms lt , 0 tinced ’ planetary exploration pro)« ^ n f erenC e said NASA has little hope(' t 0 [the p ing the go-ahead on suchpi n k e( l as tl the near future. tion, acec "We have, of course, lost J] e jr e coat amount of momentum, hefflUMeyt reply to Sen. Harrison Set ublsed 1 N.\i., who asked if NAS. »yola (Ill.) able to capitalize on its rc ] jto 25-( cesses. nice for tl “1 think there is asuprenv gmons C' this situation. Mutch saic i C e votes :11 ahead Irk was n Hna one lining Nc er x ate. rote na, ive< A? A\V\\\ eir recorc coml tim ate and lich beat mtueky ' -5 mark ; venth-rat It] ;o FIGHTERS SIGN UP NOW!!!!! ENTRYS CLOSE MARCH 28!!!!! FOUR OR FIVE MAN TEAMS!!!!! (TEAMS ONLY PLEASE) $50 00 per TEAM L.Wt. — 130 to 150 lbs. M.WI. — 151 to 165 lbs. H.WT. — 186 to 200 lbs. Sup. H Wt OPEN AND GREEK DIVISIONS CALL: CHARLIE 0 BRIEN 779-6129 l.H.WI, — 166 to 185 lbs. — 200 lbs. and up MUST BE A STUDENT AT TAMU FIGHTS: APRIL 25 and 26 1980. Unit H0UST ebacker nsidered in Footh negotiat Bi the O "We hav ontreal,” mt to be e Oiler: cessarih I am ii feet sea Book inju ball cai Clearance 50% regular price Sale price marked on books. Great Prices Great Selection PF IN THE MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER