The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 26, 1980, Image 4
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1980 ge 4 I ! I t ' t i i ‘ ' I i I! Battalion Abused boy Campus escapes family E< Classifieds WANTED SERVICES LOST yping. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 22-0544... Ufa .ping. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. E3-7723.. .76tfn “How to Make (A) on a Quiz” written by an honors graduate of one of the nation’s great universities. Send $5 to LEARNING EXPERI- ENCE/Box 765/Tyler, TX 75710. 105t7 REWARD!! $ 100 for the recovery of a diamond solitaire engagement ring. Call 846-8624.109t2 Expert typing. Call Gloria 693-8286. 103tl0 FOUND ^ CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 i dfc ^ a. HELP WANTED delp wanted. Experience with cars. Good per- onality. Apply at Piper’s Gulf Station by the damada Inn at the comer of University and Texas. 102U0 Unexpected Pregnancy? Services thru the 20th week Awake or Asleep Women’s Health Services Dallas, Texas (214) 349-9533 Call Collect FOUND; Young Springer Spaniel on campus near Drill Field 3 weeks ago. Call 845-1187 or 713-828-4257 or 713-828-4465. 108t5 FOR SALE United Press International LOS ANGELES — Police say a 9-year-old boy, who had been routinely chained to his bed and beaten by bis father and brother for the last three years, escaped from his family with the help of other neigh borhood youngsters. The boy, identified by police only as Lonnie, was in protective custody at Morningside Hospital and doctors told police the youngster had 3-year- old scars on his back, arms and legs. Police said the boy s father and his 20-year-old brother were arrested and a third suspect, reportedly the boy’s mother, was being sought. Sgt. Edward Lavin said the boy had been chained to a bed during the day and at other times he was chained and locked in a garage by his father and brother. Contest: $100 prize on By JED T. YOUNG Campus Reporter Pi Sigma Alpha, the political sci ence honor fraternity at Texas A&M University, is sponsoring a writing competition with a $100 prize for the first place paper. Pi Sigma Alpha, which began last year, is attempting to turn the paper competition into an annual event at Texas A&M. The society is looking for papers that have political or insti tutional topics. The papers will be judged by three faculty members of the political sci ence department, Drs. Robert Bern stein, Richard Bensel and Warren Dixon. Steve Ellis, chairman of the ’79 SUZUKI GS550E. Beautiful black, in su perb condition. $1650.00. 779-9121 after 4 pm. 103r6 ’78 TRANS/AM 400-AUTOMATIC. Good Condition. $4950.(X). 779-9121 after 4 pm. 103r6 HELP WANTED Applications are being accepted for part-time clerk typist. Re quired to have 50-60 wpm. Typ ing to include financial reports, charts, letters, and forms. Good filing skills desired. Ability to work full time during some peak work periods. Contact Personnel Office A&M Consolidated ISD 100 Anderson 696-8893 Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Title IX Employer. 10713 ROOMMATE PROBLEMS?? Roommate not sharing expenses? Losing money? Would you like to receive some lost cash? For this type of problem with roommates call: 779-9096 for more information. 1 09i4 FOR SALE: Sanyo turntable— Excellent con dition— four months old. $100.00. Call Robert 696-3137. I05t5 PIRANHAC0N IS COMING paper committee for Pi Sigma Alpha, said the papers will first he sorted by members of the honors society in order to eliminate the ones that seem inappropriate as far as quality and topics. In order to qualify, Ellis said, the paper should be written by a student and be on “some sort of political, systematic and scientific analysis of political activities or theories.” Pi Sigma Alpha is sponsoring the contest in order to encourage acade mic activities, especially for under graduate political science majors, and to try to develop an interest in writing good papers, said Ellis. Ellis said professors may also nominate papers they feel will be good papers for the competition and the honor society will try to contact the authors of those papers and en courage them to enter the contest. Although the first place paper is the only one which will win a cast prize, the writers of the second and third place papers will receive certi ficates of recognition. PR] Every shire liam I ing th edito laugh The awards will be presented April 14 at the Pi Sigma Alphaban- quet, along with the presentation of the new honor society members, The deadline to submit entriesis March 21 at 5 p. m.. Papersshouldbe turned in in 130 Bolton Hall. Senior Boots. Size HVi - 12. 693-3038. 106t5 For Sale: RCA Color television, good condi tion. $150.00. Call 779-9096. 109t4 YOU’LL FIND All Your Plumbing & Hardware Supplies at WHITE HOME & AUTO STORE Northgate Bike Repair—Dorm Refrigerators 10815 New! Room for rent. $115.00/month. Call 779- 9096. 109t5 TORAGE U - LOCK - IT ■ 10 x 20 - $25 693-2339 Ger Nelsoi swapp marria “Mosc was tl Nixon Eisenl Schwinn Women’s Ten-Speed bicycle. Good condition. Light. $100.00. 846-7036. 108t2 VIVITAR 35 MM CAMERA BE PROUD OF YOUR NEXT REPORT CARD! Get the PASSTEST METHOD. Send $3.25 to: PASSTEST Box 263, San Marcus, TX 78666 10311 I 2 lenses flash J | tele-converter leather case I Still in warranty. Call Benjie at 693-5347. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 It’s Cartel Edwa becau Gov. Flake. Leave message if not there. 10713 pmnuTEAS ■ bunds Of iMi-uimcmammmmm FOR RENT I BUNDS Of Wl-UVMGI 3609 Place E. 29th - Bryan HELP WANTED A&M Consolidated ISD is seeking applications for Secretary, Com munity Education Office. Must type 60-70 wpm, shorthand or speed writing desired, but not re quired. Must be able to work with public in person and by phone. Must be highly organized, self motivating and personable. Job requires flexi bility and some extra hours. Contact Personnel Office A&M Consolidated ISD 100 Anderson 696-8893 Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action/Title IX Em- r ™™ "SewceTor Chrysler Corp. Cars | Body Work — Painting v HALSELL MOTOR | COMPANY INC. ■ Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922® 1411 Texas Ave. _ 823-8111 Two male roommates wanted. Three blocks south of Campus. $115/month plus !4 bills. Available immediately. 696-3932. 106t5 Older home. NearTAMU. 3-bedroom, 2-bath. Living room, dining room, fireplace. $500. 846-4929. 109t5 Girl needed to sublease 2-bdrm, 2-bath apart ment. Call 845-8429. 105t5 SPECIAL NOTICE New! room for rent. $125.$$/month. Call 779- 9096. 105t5 Coffee Clutch! Kaffee Klatsch! [0QFFEEL 'J ''i Imported coffees over 40 varieties OPEN THURS. till 8 WAITRESSES FULL AND PART TIME DAYS FRANK’S BAR & GRILL 913 Harvey Rd. College Station loets WINCHELLS Accepting applications All shifts A-B-C $3.10 to $4.00/hour. 846-9869 loets PART-TIME/NOW FULL-TIME/SUMMER National Marketing Co. will appoint six local representatives to contact A&M Students. Above average pay, flexible hours, car necessary. For local interview call 800-821-5838 Jim Beasley. iQ4u TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT RESIDENT ADVISOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Resident advisor candidates must be senior or graduate student classification with overall 2.25 GPA and some residence hall experience preferred but not necessary. DUTIES: Live with the student athletes in Cain Hall, serve as coun selor to the athletes, and act as liason between Resident Manager and Athletic Department administrators. STIPEND: Room and Board In-state tuition waiver APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: Cain Hall (campus) or Leroy Sutherland 845- 4692 10fttfn PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 SHERWOOD HEALTH CARE INC. has full time and part time openings for LVN’s 6-2 and 2-10, RN 2-10. Excellent salary, benefits and work ing conditions. Contact E.P. Sulik, Admin. 822-7521 95tl6 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258.. ,62tfn AVAILABLE NOW 2-bdrm 1 -bath Upstairs Duplex off Broadmoor $230.00/month gas paid. Call Jacob Beal Real Estate at 822-4518 M-Fonly. ioitio JOB 'OPPORTUNITIES Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears DAY AND NIGHT PART-TIME HELP NEEDED Apply in person. PASTA’S PIZZA 807 Texas Avenue I05t5 GIVE YOUR SUMMER TO A SPECIAL KID A summer job with meaning. Coun selor at camp near Dallas. Salary, room board, insurance. Make appoint for Camp Directors visit to campus, February 27 and 28th at The Placement Center. For more information: Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place, Suite 123, Dallas, TX 75235. (214) 634-7500 i04te TOWNHOUSE Have unfurnished 2-bdrm townhouse, 1500 sq. ft., large enough for 4 students, 1V2 miles from campus. $350/month plus utilities. Phone DeeDee Ramsey 696-4104 lostio TOWNHOUSE Want two girls to share furnished town- house 1’/2 miles from campus. $115/ month each plus equal share of utilities. Washer and dryer. Phone Dee Dee Ramsey 696-4104. 108ti o WANTED FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.15/hr. ‘FREE FOOD 'PAID VACATIONS "ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT ‘GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT ‘NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FULLOR PARTTIME 11 a.m.-2p.m. 7 p.m.-2a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. APPLY IN PERSON BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. 501 S. TEXAS AVE. NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE “SPRING AWARDS J SCHOLARSHIPS” 1 Deadline - March 1, 1980 Application forms for Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 PM, March 1,1980. Late applications will not be accepted. | 80133 BEER GARDEN Appearing Live This Week TUESDAY WEDNESDAY- TETURSDAY "LINDSAY HAISLEY" $1.50 FRIDAY- SATURDAY $2.00 V ' 4410 College Main 846-9438 :: j SERVICES LOST ' 1 WEIGHT WATCHERS is a unique program of weight reduction that helps you to lose weight without starving and also shows you how to keep it off fore ver. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303.io9ti LOST: Female Pit Bulldog. 6 months old. Brin- dle colored. Call 845-6249. 107t3 Girl’s Class of '80 ring. Polished style. Lost between Rudder and SLAB. $50 REWARD! 693-5123. 107t5 REWARD: Male yellow Lab puppy. South of Campus. Call Terry. 845-7816 or 693- 7303. 107t5 Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal Arts has several avail able management-trainee positions with Foley’s Department Store in Houston for the summer and fall semesters. Interested students may obtain further information by con tacting Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary at 107 Harrington or 845-7814. 10815 Cooperative Education in the Col lege of Liberal Arts has two available claims representative positions with the Social Security offices in Brenham and Houston for the sum mer and fall semesters. A minimum of sixty hours is required and sociol ogy or psychology majors are prefer red. Interested students may obtain further information by contacting Henry D. Pope or Susannah Clary at 107 Harrington or 845-7814. loets ••::: ; Wed. Feb. 27 •••< •••« DERSG QZALA: The Hunter 7:30-Thea. $1.00 with TAMU I.D. ♦WEEKEND MOVIES* ZZll:: FRI. MANHATTAN mill:: FRI. & SAT. BLAZING SADDLES Zl”'}. SUNDAY THE TURNING POINT • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I 7:30 & 9:45 MIDNIGHT 7:30 • • • • • • • • •• ••••••*] • •••••••••• •••!•. I