the Batt, The Battalion Vol. 73 No. 109 Tuesday, February 26, 1980 USPS 045 360 8 Pages College Station, Texas Phone 845-2611 Oq Bookstore puts lock on keys — beeb By ANCEL1QUE COPELAND Campus Staff As of Monday, people who make a habit | of keeping the keys to the coin lockers lo- Bcated in the entrances of the Memorial Stu- ident Center Bookstore for long periods of Itime will either have to abide by the short- [term policy the lockers are intended for or |pay the price. K Howard DeHart, manager of the MSC BBookstore, said recently the lockers will be pcleaned out each day at 5 p.m. Anything found in them will be held at the book store s main office and students will have to pay $2 to claim their things. “We had so many students using the lockers for long-term use and they are not .designed for that. They are designed for l$hoppers since we don’t allow books and Dackpacks (in the bookstore) because it’s lard to tell what’s been paid for and what lliasn’t,” DeHart said. B The lockers will also be operated by tokens and not coin-return as they were in the past, DeHart said. Students can get tokens from the desk at the front of the store for no charge. The token will not be returned when the items are removed from the lockers. DeHart said the cylinders from the 376 lockers on the main floor and 250 lockers on the lower level have been removed and sent to a company to be exchanged and fitted with new keys, so that anyone still holding one of the many missing keys will not be able to operate the lockers. There are lockers designed for long term use on the lower level of the MSC available through the Bowling and Games depart ment. Oliver McCartney, manager of Bowling and Games, said the lockers can be rented for $2-$6 a semester, depending on size, and are available from 8 a.m.-ll p.m. Mon day—Thursday, until 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 1-11 p.m. on Sunday. Hdnight ilVE trance) ay group to sue RS! [University again aid's I® A J\ By JAN EVANS Campus Reporter ■ The Gay Student Services Organization is again bringing suit against Texas A&M ■Jniversity. I An appeals court has overturned an ear lier decision by District Court Judge Ross B. Sterling to dismiss the case against Texas A&M. ■ The GSSO was denied official recogni- Bon by the University in November 1976. Becking such recognition, the group filed |siuit in district court. The case was dis missed. The decision of the Fifth U.S. Court of Appeals means the GSSO will have another pjhance at suing the University. B The GSSO, then consisting of six mem bers, applied for official recognition in J April 1976. The organization received a de- I tiial of recognition from Dr. John Koldus, Bee president for student services, on Nov. 29. 1976. In his letter to the group Koldus cited a statement in the Texas A&M Uni versity Regulations, 1975-76: ■ “Student organizations may be officially Recognized when formed for purposes Jhich are consistent with the philosophy !nd goals that have been developed for the creation and existence of Texas A&M Uni- H »> versity. ■ The letter continued: “Homosexual con i' duct is illegal in Texas and, therefore, it would be most inappropriate for a state institution to officially support a student organization which is likely to incite, prom ote and result in acts contrary to and in violation of the Penal Code of the State of Texas.” The letter also said University adminis tration and faculty are responsible for refer ral services and educational information, which the GSSO said it provides. The group immediately filed a $10,000 law suit against the Unversity for violation of its members’ civil rights. But the appeals court said the case should not have been overturned, and the case was sent hack to district court. Larry Sauer, GSSO attorney, said it will be a couple of months before the trial date is set, and he guessed it would be six to 12 months before the trial. The three original plaintiffs in the case have graduated, but Sauer said the GSSO will simply add new plaintiffs. Sauer said he foresees no trouble in win ning the case. He said numerous similar cases have been won recently. When asked if the University would con sider an out-of-court settlement, Koldus said no. “We’ve taken our stand in terms of our interpretation of the law and we plan to continue our argument against the group. Tuesday, February Tuesday, February Tuesday, February Tuesday, February Monday, February' Monday, February Monday, February February 5:15 pm 28,5:15? Room ? >8, 6:00 pm, Ro (im * arch 1, 9 mn, Ski 51 m.. G.R-VVMetisw Michelle WolsW )avkl Hurst. Puerto Rico must be freed — Toro By SCOT K. MEYER Campus Reporter Puerto Rico can only become self- reliant as an independent nation, a , Puerto Rican Independence Party spokesman said in Rudder Tower Monday. Roberto Aponte Toro, the vice presi- [; dent for international affairs for the I Puerto Rican Independence Party, said 1 the 1980s will be the decade in which ! the United States will decide what to do (with Puerto Rico. I Toro said the options are continuance [as a commonwealth, statehood, orinde- Ipendence. I The commonwealth is just a “legal fiction which describes colonialism, Toro said. Puerto Rico was a good place to produce goods that Americans wanted more cheaply than they could [be produced in the United States, Toro Ssaid. Puerto Rico was supposed to be |the “showcase of the Caribbean,” he [said. Statehood is the solution which is ost popular with the people of Puerto ico, Toro said. Toro does not support tatehood, though, and said he would be gainst it even if 75 percent of the popu lation supported it. “Support is growing for the indepen- ent movement, and statehood is not oniething which can be undone, as the avil War demonstrated,” Toro said. Puerto Rican statehood would also be burden on the United States, Toro aid. Ask any statcist what he will do to rebuild the Puerto Rican economy, and le will answer: use federal funds,” Toro aid. Toro said the United States currently gives Puerto Rico $4 billion in transfer funds. If Puerto Rico were to become a state, he said, the United States could expect to increase that amount substan tially, in addition to inheriting a $7 bil lion debt. Toro said that 70 percent of the Puer to Rican population is dependent on food stamps and welfare. He said official figures put unemployment at 20 per cent, but that it is actually closer to 40 percent. Puerto Rico needs to be an indepen dent nation so that it can be weaned away from federal funds, Toro said. Puerto Rico will never solve its own problems if it can rely upon the United States for a free ride, he said. The most compelling reason for an independent Puerto Rico is the differ ence in culture between Puerto Rico and what might become its fellow states, Toro said. He said that Puerto Rico shares a heritage with Latin America, and should work with those countries in solving their common problems. Toro said that Puerto Rico would still maintain close ties with the United States, and could be useful to it as an independent nation. “There is a potential in Puerto Rico to be a real bridge of communication be tween Latin America and the United States, but we must be a bridge of equals, and not just an instrument of exploitation,” Toro said. Latin America tends to view Puerto Rico as a tool of the United States in the same way that the United States views Cuba as a tool of the Soviet Union, he said. Toro’s speech was sponsored by Poli tical Forum. Goldbricking Susan Moeller, a sophomore at Texas A&M University, finds the perfect brick arches near the corps dorm area. She found access to the spot by spot for soaking in some of the sun’s rays while she studies, on top of the climbing though a window in Spence Hall Photo by Lisa Schmidt Olympians celebrate triumphs with proud, grateful president United Press International WASHINGTON — For the 150 mem bers of the now-disbanded U.S. Olympic team, it was their last hurrah. Official Washington, presided over by President Carter, went wild celebrating the triumphs of the new U.S. heroes. With hundreds of flag-waving, cheering lawmakers and government officials look ing on, a beaming Carter hugged and shook hands with the team Monday at a joyous White House celebration. “For me, as president of the United States of America, this is one of the proudest moments I have ever experi enced,” said Carter, flanked by the Olym pians wearing “U.S.A.” team jackets and cowboy hats. The athletes’ exploits have “thrilled our nation. We are all deeply grateful for your wonderful achievements.” The feeling was mutual. “Meeting the president is a lifetime thrill. I can’t think of a better way to end this dream,” said Mike Eruzione of Winth- rop. Mass., captain of the victorious hockey team that upset the Soviet team, then went on to win the gold medal with a victory over Finland. Several lawmakers gave short speeches on Capitol Hill praising the athletes, and Rep. Frank Annunzio, D-Ill., introduced legislation to award congressional gold medals to speed-skater Eric Heiden, who won five Olympic gold medals, and the hockey team. The congressional medals, he said, would “be coming from the American peo ple as a sign pfour appreciation and recog nition for outstanding performances.” House Speaker Thomas O’Neill said the hockey victory over the Russians repre sented “a great lift to the American people. When team members arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., they were greeted by 1,000 people who serenaded them with the National Anthem. Hundreds of tourists lined sidewalks out side the White House when they arrived for their luncheon appointment with Car ter. Heiden was the first to greet the presi dent and Carter locked him in a big bear hug. Although Carter’s remarks were directed to all the Olympians, the stars of the show clearly were members of the young hockey team. The shocking 4-3 victory over the sup posedly invincible Soviet Union last Friday was “one of the most breathtaking upsets not only in Olympic history but in the en tire history of sport, ” Carter said. After Carter and his guests ate lunch in the executive mansion, some members of the hockey team offered their impressions. Jim Craig, North Easton, Mass., the hockey goalie, said he feared a “sore neck” from looking so often at the gold medal dangling around his neck. And, he added, “I might even wear it to the beach this summer.” Craig said the members of the hockey team, made up mostly of college players, were saddened because they now have to go their separate ways. “We were born in September and we just died last night,” said Craig. Dave Silk, Scituate, Mass., said the whole White House experience was “amaz ing. We met Jimmy and the whole thing. It will be hard to top this.” Big voter expected United Press International It’s primary day in New Hampshire, and the state again has the political world stand ing on its head. The Republicans are feud ing like 1972 Democrats and the Demo crats have reinvented the 1976 GOP pres idential campaign. The first state primary could draw a re cord quarter of a million voters. President Carter was the Democratic favorite by as much as 20 points over Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, with California Gov. Edmund Brown a distant third. But the Republican picture was too close and too snarled by controversy to predict how co-favorites Ronald Reagan and George Bush might fare against five other major presidential hopefuls. In the very first New Hampshire re turns, from Dixville Notch just after mid night, Carter got three votes to two for Kennedy and one for Brown. Bush and Reagan got five votes each, Sen. Howard Baker got four, and Rep. John Anderson, Rep. Philip Crane and former Texas Gov. John Connally got one each. Sen. Robert Dole did not get a vote. Minnesotans also began the process of choosing delegates for the Republican and Democratic national conventions — but, as in Iowa, they are using the caucus system that begins at the neighborhood level and works up to state conventions. Although party caucuses in Iowa and the Puerto Rico GOP primary gave Carter and Bush their first 1980 campaign victories and some delegates. New Hampshire re tained its attraction for the candidates and the media. One reason is that since 1952, no one has been elected president without winning New Hampshire. Another is the state’s vo ters twice have started the process of forc ing incumbents to abandon reelection bids turnout in N.H. — Harry Truman dropped out in 1952 and Lyndon Johnson in 1968. With cold weather but only scattered snow forecast, state officials looked for a big turnout in response to the seven-man Re publican race that turned nasty during the weekend and a Democratic contest in which Kennedy struggled to keep his can didacy alive against Carter’s Rose Garden campaign. Bush and Reagan were virtually tied in public opinion polls before last weekend. But a Saturday night debate at Nashua, N. H., originally supposed to match the two frontrunners, turned into an uncharacteris tic donnybrook. Reagan, who financed the debate, in vited four other candidates — Baker, Dole, Anderson and Crane. But the newspaper that was the original sponsor of the meeting refused to let it be expanded into a multi candidate forum. Although Reagan and Bush both insisted they would not speak ill of other Republi cans, the New Hampshire GOP cat fight sounded like one of the more vicious battles Democrats specialized in from 1964 to 1976. Meanwhile, the Democratic scene was relatively peaceful. Carter has said he will not campaign until the U.S. hostages in Iran are freed, but Kennedy insisted Carter is emulating Gerald Ford’s 1976 strategy of campaigning via the media from the safety of the White House Rose Garden. Brown campaigned energetically in the last weeks, but he never moved out of a distant third in the polls. At stake are 22 Republican and 19 Demo cratic convention delegates, a small num ber compared to the 34 Republican and 75 Democratic delegates who eventually will emerge from the Minnesota caucusconven- tion process. World news summary United Press International KABUL — The Afghan government of Babrak Karmal appears to be crumb ling. U.S. officials and diplomats say anti- Soviet protests have forced Russian in vasion forces to impose their authority in the capital of Kabul. TEHRAN — Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has ordered a meeting be tween the U.N. commission on Iranian grievances and alleged victims of the ousted shah’s regime. The U.N. panel, since flying to Tehran Saturday night, has met with President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, Fore ign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh and Iranian jurists. WASHINGTON — President Carter isn’t ready to consider mandatory wage- price controls, says press secretary Jody Powell. Carter, however, says the nation has reached “a crisis stage” in inflation and energy supplies and his economic advis ers are studying new ways to curb the price spiral — short of mandatory con trols. WASHINGTON — Former Rep. Daniel Flood, D-Pa., has agreed to plead guilty to a single conspiracy count to avoid a bribery retrial, sources say. Sources say under, the agreement, prosecutors would drop 10 bribery and perjury counts in the indictment charg ing the ailing Flood, 76, took more than $50,000 in payoffs. BELGRADE — President Josip Broz Tito’s lingering illness as a rallying point for patriotism among Yugoslavians. Several members of the collective state and party leadership, which has been running the country in all but name, have issued calls for unity. I / Court reverses conviction in Bolles case PHOENIX, Ariz. — The Arizona Sup reme Court has reversed the first-degree murder convictions of Max Dunlap and James Robison, who were sentenced to death for the bomb slaying of investigative reporter Don Bolles. The state high court ruled Monday the trial judge unconstitutionally frustrated efforts by defense attorneys to crossex amine the prosecution’s key witness. The case was sent back to Superior Court. Bolles, investigative reporter for the Ari zona Republic, died 11 days after a bomb exploded beneath his car in the parking lot of a Phoenix hotel in June, 1976. His death led to an investigation of orga nized crime in Arizona by a team of news paper reporters from around the country. Defense attorneys said they were pre paring for new trials, but William Schafer III, chief criminal counsel for the attorney general’s office, said he will first ask for a rehearing before the high court. Attorney General Bob Corbin said if the petition for a rehearing fails, his office is ready to prosecute the pair again. Dunlap and Robison were sentenced to death Jan. 10, 1977, in Maricopa County Superior Court. Bolles’ death led to an extensive investi gation of crime in Arizona by Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. The team, headed by Bob Greene, then with News- day, produced a 23-story series published by newspapers nationwide. The high court said Dunlap and Robison were denied their constitutional right to face an accuser when John Harvey Adam son, the man who detonated the bomb and a key prosecution witness, refused to answer certain questions and trial Judge Howard F. Thompson declined to force him to do so. Adamson, who turned state’s evidence to escape the death penalty, is serving a 20- year sentence. Pa Dff. 1 I I \L .Li a I 1 i >-4 ■ciat lokii oftl ha' rou< rant ideli enct »ntU mo nef, w-