The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1980, Image 8
sage 8 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1980 United Press International AUSTIN — Twenty Iranians and Arabs jailed for disrupting a speech at the University of Texas went with- out food for the seventh day Wednesday, vowing to continue their hunger strike until charges are dropped. NEED TO GET IT ALL TOGETHER? Complete Tuxedo $25 to $40 formals Iranians continue hunger strike omb urns ( The Moslem Student Association meanwhile announced its members will fast to demonstrate support for the jail inmates and a group calling itself Progressive Students said 30 of its members also are abstaining from food. Sheriff Raymond Frank ordered three of the prisoners taken to a hos pital for tests Tuesday but said doc tors advised none needed hospitali zation. “Their being on a hunger strike is not helping their health any. It looked to me like several were in real bad shape,” Frank said. “But the doctors said they didn’t need to stay in the hospital.” Frank said the protesters scrawled anti-American slogans on the jail walls and demanded special pri vileges on grounds they are political U 846-6714 & 846-1151 — 846-6714 & 846-1151 UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER - CINEMA STEVE MARTIN. Discounl Tickets- Al lowed IhejERk BERNADETTE PETEf |1 ^CARL REINER \\ CINEMA DAILY 7:30 9:30 NOW PLAYING! iNo Passes No Metlnee Prices No Discount Tickets r f WAS HE THE f SON OF GQD?j, [SUNN, ^ In search of GiHistoric Jesus PIRANHAC0N IS COMING Thursday Feb.21 8:00pm G. Rollie White Coliseum Tickets: $5.25,6.50,7.00 MSC Box Office 845-2916 prisoners rather than accused cri minals. “They’re very pushy,” Frank said. “They want to be given priority.” All 20 of the protesters have re fused offers for release on personal bond. Three women originally arrested with the men relented and were released on personal bonds Tuesday. The women said they will con tinue to fast but were concerned ab out their health deteriorating in the jail. “We were put in dirty, over crowded cells where cockroaches crawled over us,” said Rama Yaghi, one of the three women. “Our health was deteriorating and we were tre ated very badly in jail, worse than ordinary prisoners, and we were political prisoners.” Frank denied the foreign prison ers were treated any differently from other inmates. The sheriff said the male fore igners were moved to a minimum security facility at Del Valley last week where conditions are less crowded, but the protesters ob jected to being away from the down town Austin jail. Hadi Sadeghi, deputy to the gen eral consul of Iran in Houston, vi sited the county jail Tuesday and met with the foreign prisoners. “I guess they could be treated bet ter,” Sadeghi said. “It would be a lot better if the school (UT) wovdd drop the charges.” UT security officers arrested the shouting demonstrators for disrupt ing a Jan. 31 speech on campus by Iran’s former representative to the United Nations, Fereydoun Hoveyda. The protesters were taken from the auditorium and released but police re-arrested the demonstrators after formal charges were filed last week. The foreigners face Class B misde meanor charges, subject to $1,000 fine and 180 days in jail. United Pr FRANKSTO franks ton Stat as a bomb in t ay forced a ri ours later a t ackage contaii oad flares. 846 Davis’ 1st wife seeks higher child support PRE-L United Press International DALLAS — T. Cullen Davis’ first wife has asked a judge to increase her child support payments from the Fort Worth millionaire who has spent the past three years fighting murder and murder-for-hire charges. produced in Davis’ divorce ffomli second wife, Priscilla Lee Davii,j submitted to the court since! client has no way of knowing Dac current wealth. : - CAMPUS 7:45 & 9:45 THE WHJSOJVqjL OF ZEND A. A UNIVERSAL RCIURE Sandra Davis, Davis’ first wife, filed a motion in family court last week asking that the child support payments set during the couple’s di vorce In 1968 lie raised to an amount determined by the court. The hearing on the motion willSi Davis’ latest round in a legal taifi that began during a hotly contest! divorce suit with Priscilla Davis Before the bitter divorce was n solved, Davis was accused of kills his stepdaughter and soliciting ik murder of the judge in his dim suit. Mrs. Davis has custody of her and Davis’ two teen-age sons, and now receives $75 a month for each boy. Mrs. Davis’ attorney, Donald R. Smith, requested that all records r ? r rials 4 Furnished Efficiency, Bedroom j {ft 24 Hr. Pro & Service Families V Pets perm t t J Saturday q 693-111C Ren three trials to convict Davis on ami the charges, all charges againstlli industrialist were dropped Nov, ll 1979. MANOR EAST 3 MANOR EAST MALL DUSTIN HOFFMAN Kramer Kramer [TOl MANOR EAST 3 MANOR EAST MALL MIDNIGHT MOVIES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The sights and sounds of the ’60’s. There were bittersweet times™ There were crazy times™ „.and it was all unforgettable. THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN jj [ajj [MJ ll!J IMJ [sjj [ly [Ml lllJ (MJ I^IJ isi isJ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i PIZZA BUCKS PAUL LE MAT CINDY WILLIAMS CANDY CLARK CHARLES MARTIN SMITH MACKENZIE PHILLIPS BO HOPKINS and RON HOWARD AlUCAS»KMlTD PRODUCTION "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" B. W. L. 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