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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1980)
Page 10 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1980 f Spuds get labeling United Press International SAN FRANCISCO — Spuds have become the first fresh vegetable to get nutritional labeling — or point- of-sale materials, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration. I Signs and free brochures giving nutritional information are gradually becoming available to consumers in food stores in every region of the United States. The brochures and posters say, among other things, that one 2Yz inch diameter potato, weighing about 150 grams or one- third pound, provides 100 calories, 3 grams of protein, 22 grams of car bohydrate, no fat and 35 percent of the U.S. recommended daily allo wance of vitamin C. nation New York subway riders NOTICE: Effective Feb. 25, 1980 the security lockers that are located in the entry area on both levels of the Texas A&M Bookstore will be cleaned out each day at 5:00 p.m. All articles removed may be claimed at the main office of the book store. There will be a $2.00 charge. catch villains of the tracks United Press In ,ake placid et, warm smell o elopes the crow nter of the Mail oss the way, g den skates aroui wav to his thir lal. eading the heai United Press Internationa] NEW YORK — City subway rid ers, long the victims of muggers and others, fought back in three separate incidents Tuesday. Early in the day, about 40 passen gers and a conductor chased and tackled a knife-wielding robber who was held until the police arrived. One other occasion had a man who resisted an attempted robbery help ing transit police find and nab two youths in the case. ; E 11 ,. u i 6 i i WS4 DISCOUNT CENTER COORS 12 pac 3.55 ® LONE STAR LONGNECKS 5.49 a case plus deposit 1420 TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STA. SALE ENDS SAT. SCHLITZ 6 pac 12 oz. cans 1.65 COKE - TAB DR. PEPPER - SPRITE 6 pac cans 1.29 ' i The Bank of A&M pays you 13.013% on 6-month Money Market Certificates. The Bank of A&M pays you the maximum interest per mitted by law on 6-month Money Market Certificates. Rates change each week and, by law, interest cannot be compounded. There is a $10,000 minimum deposit and a substantial interest penalty must be imposed for early withdrawal. It makes sense to save where you bank. Get the details on Money Market Certificates from the Bank of A&M. Bank of A&M REPUBLIC OF TEXAS Member FDIC More resources for a growing community 111 University Drive • College Station your money. When the train stopped at Times Square, Malcolm, alarmed by train whistles summoning police, darted out of the car, but was chased and later arrested. A little later, Pedro Odiot, 25, was riding a subway, take his 9-year-old brother to the gym. In another incident, a chivalrous Bronx boxer punched a teen-ager who was bothering a young woman. He stared him down until police in tervened. It turned out the teen ager had a loaded gun. The sight of a 17-year-old bothering a young woman, “acting fresh — with his face right up next to hers” did not make him happy. When the doors opened at another stop, Odiot, who became a profes sional boxer a year ago, hit the youth, who fell out of the car onto the plat form. In the first incident, Tony Mal colm, 24, pulled a 7-inch hunting knife on a man and yelled, “Give me The teen-ager scrambled back aboard and was arrested at the next stop. Raymond Fermin, 31, was accosted about 2 a.m. Fermin fought Rolando Lanausse, 17, and Angel Gonzalea, 20, who fled after he fell off the platform. The duo was arrested and charged with attempted robbery. lo: era! j-. United Press Ii 'ASHINGTON problems of fsed along wil iter quality, municipal was srnment’s 10th ital report. |he report s lay by Presii til on Envirc l erosion of agi of the nation s nmental proble investment of i for soil consen Ine recent stuc tfrom Americai l, forest land air ion tons a yea it, pesticide an intwo-thirds o ns. lie report cited ning as a viabl e erosion whil Scientists formulate new theory on nuclear DNA replication United Press International NEW YORK — New findings show scientists may have been wrong about the way the cell makes DNA — the bearer of the genetic code of life. Control of DNA reproduction is an essential event in all normal growth. When it goes haywire, the cell has a misshapen nucleus which may make the cell malignant. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University Cancer Center said Tues day experiments show new DNA in mammalian cells is made along wind ing, giant molecules of old DNA at a ^imiiiimmiiimiimiiiimimiimiimimmiimiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimmiimiiiiimiiiimiiimiiimiiiiiiyj IF IT’S AUTO & TRUCK PARTS — WE HAVE THEM! LEONARD AUTO SUPPLY COMPLETE LINE OF WHOLESALE & RETAIL E FRONT END ASSEMBLIES — FENDERS — HOODS — DOORS = — QUARTER PANELS — DECK LIDS, FOR LATE MODEL CARS = = & TRUCKS & ALL FOREIGN CARS USED GENERATORS • STARTERS • FUEL PUMPS ETC. OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 12 P.M. WE BUY WRECKED & RETIRED AUTOS 823-8127 LOCATED BY UNDERPASS ON HWY. 21 & HWY. 6 INTERSECTION 1501 N. SIMS - BRYAN ’easing crop pi er use of energ; ivolves trade-o Vith minimur s, farmers do n lanting, but pL fertilizer and ;ously. large number of fixed sites atti advantages to r to the web-like structure—orijninjT include: folding — within the cell’s nudefp More effecti Dr. Donald S. Coffey and i-.j \y ;l ter erosior ates said the previous concept- Availibility < DNA reproduction was that lit growth, beca DNA copying device moved :ields increase i the DNA double helix and <x:,poration and k both strands of DNA at the ■&. time. - Need for les The scientists presented theuf^!* ze ’ ^ OV y ' covery in the current issue of XT, as , e 111 ‘ — a journal of molecular and eefc> be t cause Coffey said no one can spe> uch is nearly tv now about the practical iniplicsiventional cult: of the new evidence of how thc.^'Degradation ’^us is involved in reproduct ideuseandinc DNA. Mevelopme ieties of weed: He said the evidence suggests;.gujjj U p Q f j- production occurs at multiple 'nagc subseque that are fixed in place and l >|_p oss jble nee strands of DNA are reeled thr use becau these fixed “recording heads.’ d s provide a r “In a seemingly related pro^pests. the newly duplicated cells oceasi®. i\j ee( j f or ally form an abnormal mass oft nagement. called a tumor,” Coffey said. -Possible del iftiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii mimiimiiiiiiiimiimimmmmmmmimimiimiiiiimimmiiimitiiiiih- “In some cases, these tumorctf’.h 6031180 so * become malignant — in other = they spread out and invade adjoitii|r r 1 1 1 tissues, thus forming the sa = lar process of cancer. , . S “The nucleus of the cancerl f|i v . J 16 1S i'i 0 = shows U P ou \ shape, disorganfl| r ‘ f * ' and wrinkled, he said. op rotation is tating corn am teases such as ('beans, soybe d corn root wc Past research s replacing all of nts lost to soil out $18 billion :s showed that pfoil in the Sor iced average cc nt. Under a ms e Agricultu taring, for t TOers to pr; qualify for pie new *0 highlight M to urbai f gasohol ai l ter tables. cap Ur-s Unite d Pn Monticel fled a court Jtanced to pri lde r a bed in had no County