The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 18, 1980, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1980 Battalion Classifieds If fractions fracture you or T< calculus kills you: call BluM ar SERVICES FOR SALE Will do alterations. Call 846-5517 after 5 pm. |* 103t4 | Expert typing. Call Gloria 693-8286. 103tl0 ■ Chrvslfir Corn Cars GENERAL OFFICE HELP WANTED Fulltime. . . Typing 40 wpm . . . Light bookkeeping . . . 8-5 Monday through Friday. Apply Dixie Chicken Office FOR SALE: IBM Selectric typewriter. $225.00. Call 846-2127. 100t5 FOR SALE: Economical comfortable 35 x 8 Travel Trailer. Call Yolanda 845-1715 8:00 to 5:00. 779-8267 after 7:00. 100t5 \ Dodge 141 307 University 1-3 Daily 100tfn Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears SPECIAL NOTICE 1978 Mercury Cougar XR-7. All power, first owner, 20,000 miles. $5500. Call Jeff at 693- 8520. 102t5 United Press International SEATTLE — The people Peter Blum deals with range from youngs ters who become mentally fractured trying to handle fractions to graduate scholars struggling over calculus. ‘Tve had some nurses who can’t do percentages — something that can be vital to their job, ” Blum said. ‘Tve had carpenters who couldn’t use geometry to figure out how much material to use. I get people who want to go back to school after 25 years and are afraid they can’t pass a math test. “And I get a lot of parents who don’t want to transmit their own bad “Many women of the over-30 generation generally were brought up to believe that math was not im portant to their future, but in this era with more and more working women they find basic math is important in many jobs. ” With each student, Blum first tries to determine just where he or she became disenchanted with math. “Often, I find a fear developed. When we trace it back, they (stu dents) associate math with bad feel ings. They may have been insulted by a teacher or shamed by fellow students.” He said he tries to establish a re laxed atmosphere. He uses movies and cartoons as instructional aids. Blum, who has taught at the Uni versity of Washington and the Uni versity of Rochester in New York State, said he prefers his present work. “It’s much more exciting than teaching the standard unhilj classes because it requires so® more techniques. I find imuiE warding. A lot of people cornels, here starting to enjoy math afel having been mystified.” Blum said he is happy tow , pond with or talk to peopleUL for ways to improve math stdlfl address is 4518 Corliss Ave® Seattle, Wa. 98105. Hisphcs f . her is (206) 632-8639. 1979 Triumph Spitfire-Convertible. High mpg-first owner-3,700 miles-AM/FM Cassette. $5300.00. Call Jeff at 693-8520. 10115 feelings about math to their chil dren. ” '79 SUZUKI GS550E. Beautiful black, in su perb condition. $1650.00. 779-9121 after 4 pm. 103r6 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258.. .62tfn PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 K YOU’LL FIND All Your N Plumbing & Hardware Supplies at [ WHITE HOME & AUTOSTORE ’5 Northgate H BikeRepair—-Dorm Refrigerators 10315 OVERSEASJOBS Summer/year round. Europe, South America, Australia, Asia, Etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sightseeing. Free information. Write: IJC/Box 52-TC/ Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 99ts NEW AGGIE SENIOR BOOTS. NEVER BEEN WORN. MEN’S SIZE KM. Call 846- 3996 after 5 pm. 10315 '78 TRANS/AM 400-AUTOMATIC. Good Condition. $4950.00. 779-9121 after 4 pm. 10316 SHERWOOD HEALTH CARE INC. has full time and part time openings for LVN’s 6-2 and 2-10, RN 2-10. Excellent salary, benefits and work ing conditions. Contact E.P. Sulik, Admin. 822-7521 95118 1977 Monte Carlo — V8-305. Excellent Condi tion. First owner: 29,000 miles. 846-1230.6112 Blum is a mathematician who earned his doctorate at the Universi ty of California at Berkeley. In the basement of his Seattle home he op erates a service called Math Coun seling Institute. He mixes math and psychology into transactional analy sis techniques designed to cure whatever it is in the world of num bers that ails his clients. ' Catholic Left affects chun Over 2 a debate technol women Friday. In a d nology a and larj Samuel most tec! to contro The d A&M Ur part of tf on Natio Hendt the Advi Buy one. Cordoba '75 $2750.00. Catalina '75 $2250.00. 779-9678. 102t7 1972 Toyota Celica. $1600. 846-5275. “Transactional analysis (TA) is a form of group therapy invented by Eric Berne,” Blum said in an inter view. “Its use is well illustrated in such books as T’m OK, You’re OK’ and Born to Win. FOUND SPECIAL NOTICE Found lady’s rings in MSC. Call 693-6471 to describe. 102t2 Blum is working on a book of his own, showing how to use TA to help people cope with math. Its title is “Everybody Counts.” ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * -¥■ NOTICE TO BIDDERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR RENT Bid forms will be available at the Texas A&M Cyclotron, Building 434, Spence Street, Texas A&M University Campus, and sealed bids will be received in the office of the Inventory Supervisor, Purchasing and Stores, Agronomy Road, Texas A&M University; until 10:00 a.m. February 22, 1980 for Surplus Property consisting of an IBM 7094/1401 Computer System. This property may be inspected between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, by contacting Foress Johnson at the above address. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and ail technicali ties, For information call Foress Johnson at 713/845-1411. ioiti * * * * * * * * * * if * EFFICIENCY: Glade East Apts. Bedroom loft, pets, off Holleman. $150 + electricity. 696-3031. I0lt5 NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177 tin Enrollment in Blum’s school, now about four years old, has about as many ups and downs as a sine curve. “I probably get more students (from elementary to graduate level) than anyone else, but there is a pret ty close balance between students and people who are looking to another career or advancement in their jobs, and I get more women than men.” Blum said the reason women out number men students has nothing to do with basic intellect. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ HELP WANTED SPRING BREAK JOBS. Earn up to $7.60/hour in your own home area. Could lead to full time summer jobs with national co. Contact Charles Long, Aggieland Inn, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 12:00, 2:00 pm., or 4:00 pm. only. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 12:00 or 2:00 pm. only. No phone calls. 101t5 BASKIN-ROBBINS 31 2500 Texas Ave. Part-time student employment needed. Apply in person. 11-4. 10015 Help wanted. Experience with cars. Good per sonality. Apply at Piper’s Gulf Station by the Ramada Inn at the comer of University and Texas. 102tl0 HELP WANTED! Person with great sales personality to work M-F from 4 to 6 and some Saturdays. Apply at Shala’s Shoes between 1 and 5 weekdays. No phone calls please. 99ts wur ^ ► ^ ^ ^ NEED QUALIFIED SEAMSTRESS for drapery workroom. $3.10/hour for immediate employment. Call 823-5688 Mon - Fri Working hours 8 - 4. 103t3 i PART-TIME/NOW FULL-TIME/SUMMER National Marketing Co. will appoint six local representatives to contact A&M students. Above average pay, flexible hours, car necessary. For local interview call 800-821-5838 Jim Beasley. 10113 AVAILABLE NOW 2-bdrm, 1 -bath duplex -stove and refrigerator -fenced backyard Off T exas Ave. across from Bryan Pizza Hut. Under $250.00 CALL JACOB BEAL REAL ESTATE at 822-4518 M-F only. ioitio — 846-6714 & 846-1151 UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER- CINEMA I DAI LY 7:45 9:45 STEVE MARTIN* Discount Tickets- Al lowed & J WANTED WRITER. Need someone to do research and write non-school related reports. Call 846- 2127. lOOt.5 AVAILABLE NOW 2-bdrm 1 -bath Upstairs Duplex off Broadmoor $230.00/month gas paid. Call Jacob Beal Real Estate at 822-4518 M-F only. 1 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544 . Itfn RNADETTE PETE -TJCARL REINER j) CINEMA -•No Passes No Watinee Prices No Discount Tickets- NOW PLAYING! ^ , kj WAS HE THE f SON OF GOD?j [SUNN In search of Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823-7723.. .76tfn JOB (OPPORTUNITIES G Historic Jesus United Press International WASHINGTON — The antiwar protests of the so-called Catholic Left during the 1960s and early 1970s made the Roman Catholic church more politically liberal but left many activists alienated from the institutional church. Charles A. Meconis represents that irony. He was a young priest active in the Catholic Left who has since left the priesthood and is now program director for the Seattle Peace Action Coalition. But he stressed that the cutting of institutional ties, for himself as well as others in the movement, did not mean losing religion. “For myself, while my institution al connection has been weakened in the sense that I’m no longer active in the priesthood, I’ve found my own Catholicism strengthened and deepened and found that it was only when I was at a point where I was up to my eyeballs in activism that I’m driven to pray,” he said in an inter view. Meconis, whose thesis on the sub ject was published as “With Clumsy Grace, said that while he would not give the Catholic Left sole credit for moving the church from conserva tive positions in the 1950s to more liberal ones at the end of the 1970s, the movement “did have a significant impact on the Catholic church. *1 CAMPUS 7:45 & 9:45 » ... f . « THE OF ZEND A. A um PICTURE Led by such activists as the Berri- gan brothers, Daniel and Philip, the Catholic Left was known for antiwar protest centering around civil dis obedience that included draft card burnings and pouring blood on draft board files. But the Catholic Left had its most important impact on the church on another level. “A lot of people not in the core of the movement but who sympathized with it are now in middle manage ment positions within the church,” Meconis said. “And there are literal ly thousands of nuns, who didn’t get arrested but who were sympathiz ers, who made sandwiches and things like that, who have now been teaching children for a decade. That has to have an impact. ” “In the hierarchy, too, there has been a shift. Archbishop (John) Quinn (president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops) now speaks out aginst the neutron bomb. It is not only the Catholic Left that produced this, clearly,” Meconis said. “But, again, it had an impact. M econis believes lawbreaking separated the Catholic Left from tra ditional Catholic social movements such as the Catholic Worker and the secular antiwar movement. “The Catholic Worker people had drawn the line at action in a clearly pacifist way,’ ’ M econis said, “and that was precisely the birth of the Catholic Left.” On the other hand, the secular movement criticized the Catholic Left as “moralistic, mindless and masochistic, saying its lack of a sophisticated economic analysis and its moral opposition towarriij “height of folly.” The downfall of the movetl according to Meconis, was these] tional Harrisburg trial of the Rev. Philip Berrigan, Sister: zabeth McAlister and fiveothen charges of conspiring to kidnaps? Technolc debate b to the co gy: Tool circular ; “In n both,” si Hend< cleofFlc out whic pronoun : human : his chan retary of State Henry Kissinger;, by the v to blow up heating tunnels Washington federal buildings. Florin on tech “That specific issue was »i|: contrioi finished the movement, he sag "It was a double disaster for it K involved — both politically andp I sonally,” he said, dividing menik of the movement from one ai ami creating fear and suspidon in the movement. admitter l HUG' for circu In addition, he said the issue sexism alienated many women agree with the contention that! movement was heavily sexist H . , said 'And dnrt is a eon,in.,. bate among those who are still t ^ e an ' tive.” another Today the Catholic Leftispre Alta, much scattered, Meconis said 1 truck, ra study of some 200 members ofl I Barnes ( movement showed that some wH a wide s still active, particularly in oppoi nuclear weapons, but many oik ‘ had found more traditional oca: tions, such as teaching, nursing,* ing real estate and running antw | stores. J MANOR EAST 3 J ^ MANOR EAST MALL S * M econis believes that the moi| ment is not really over and wil creasingly be directed atthenudi 1 arms race. "There has been a marked crease in activity," he said. "Tlii 1 not to say that all the major denoi nations are going to be foment civil disobedience, hut there is ins tutional opposition to thearmsrace; A tc MH-MR AIDS (House Managers) Full time and part time. High School Diploma or equivalent. Good driving record. Experience with mentally ill/ mentally retarded preferred. APPLY AT BRAZOS VALLEY MH-MR 202 E. 27th St. Bryan AA/EOE 10315 CASH FOR OLD GOLD A Class rings, wedding rings, worn out . gold jewelry, coins, etc. 1 The Diamond Room < Town & Country Shopping Center f 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 k Ok efc A A Center \ yan i LOST MEN! WOMEN! JOBS! CRUISESHIPSi/SAILING EXPEDI- TIONSi/SAILING CAMPS. No ex perience. Good pay. Summer. Career. NATIONWIDE, WORL DWIDE! Send $4.95 for APPLICA- TION/INFO/REFERRALS to CRU IS EWORLD 127 Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. loan WAITRESSES NEEDED Call for appointment after 2. APPLY IN PERSON. Pair of glasses in brown vinyl case. Lost be tween C.E. building and Harrington. Call 845- 1289. tons Black/blonde male Terrier Cross. Red collar. Lost near College and Old College. 846-4185. 98t6 OFFICIAL NOTICE PART-TIME DRUG ABUSE COORDINATOR MA in Psychology or related field. Administrative experience required. Supervises Drug Education Prevention Staff. Apply Brazos Valley NH-MR 202 E. 27th St. Bryan, Texas AA/EOE 103t2 “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” AIRCRAFT OPERATING PARTNERSHIP Superbly equipped Cessna 175 with new 2000 hour Lycoming Engine conversion. Opening for active, 1 FR pilot. $2500 equity purchase. $124 monthly fixed cost. Call Mrs. Ragsdale 846-1731. 10315 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051| ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equip?nent” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 Deadline - March 1, 1980 Application forms for Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 PM, March 1,1980. Late applications will not be accepted. 80133 MSC AGGIE CINEMA • This Week s Movies* * Tuesday 7:30 BREAK ING i AWAY DUSTIN HOFFMAN Kramer Kramer SKYWAY TWIN! 2060 E. 29th 822-33001 MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL IS JUST $1.50 7:15 PER PERSON EAST 10:301 MIPt eB <g) 19X9 rWENTIfTH CENTUMV FRI. SAT. 7:30 & 9:45 7:30 J f nni □oLBYsfsiq * YJSSk*! THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN * * * * * * * * * * 7:15 ^ FRI- & SAT. Midnight She was rich, beautiful and untouchable ...but he hoi gonna have her anyway. MASSACRE AT REDNECK COUNTY (R|« 8:55 JACKSON COUNTY GIRL 7:15 WEST 10:30 8:55 INCOMING FRESHMEN DEI anteloj now E Steve i life Di even at appear Bissi birds t ments beaver near < clearet trol. “Be many he wa tires, old ba sell sa The rent sj wide prairii ;ing m “Cc seen a five oi captui Bissel Usi photo identi cludii siden He WANTED FAST FOOD PERSONNEL 3.15/hr *FREE FOOD ‘PAID VACATIONS ‘ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT ‘GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT ‘NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY FULL OR PART TIME 11 a.m.-2p.m. 7p.m.-2a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. APPLY IN PERSON BETWEEN 9:30 a.m.-l 1:00 a.m. 501 S. TEXAS AVE. (XD boyfriends: n/hat happens when you # see them again ? q NOTICE: Effective Feb. 25, 1980 the security lockers that are located in the entry area on both levels of the Texas A&M Bookstore will be cleaned out each day at 5:00 p.m. No Secret At All? WHEN OVER 30,000 PEOPLE READ IT IN Imri All articles removed may be claimed at the main office of the book store. There will be a $2.00 charge. ^ „ THE BATTALION llTrC y^=ri If you've got something to sell . . . we'll get your mes- lUmfffffyjTuJJI t~—sage across! And our big I- ' iT7>7 readership guarantees you lots of prospects! 845-2611 :• • 2 t F • P • t t fs 6 • (