The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 14, 1980, Image 1

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    ill honors with Q
scored nine poiotl
•ing on long-range!
■d all Aggie scoren
ojans were
pez, who scored
oints. Terri
1 Kathy Hammi
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ring for USC
Thursday, February 14, 1980
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
CS officer accused
of civil rights violation
City Staff
A Texas A&M University oceanographer
has filed a complaint against a College Sta
tion police officer claiming his civil rights
were violated when he was stopped for a
routine traffic violation Feb. 6.
Hussein Abdel-Reheim said he was driv
ing his moped to work on University Drive
when a College Station patrolman pulled
him over.
Abdel-Reheim said the officer told him
he was driving without a license plate,
which is a misdemeanor. Abdel-Reheim
said he was not aware it was missing and
would replace it when he returned from a
pending trip to Brazil.
The officer asked the Egyptian-born
U.S. citizen if he carried a gun or knife and
told him to put his hands on the car, Abdel-
Reheim said.
“Although I was cooperative, (he) sear
ched me spread-eagle against a car for con
cealed weapons, handcuffed me and took
me to the College Station police station
where I was locked up, until a friend came
and paid a ticket violation of $18.50.
“I was in complete shock,” he said, “I
couldn’t even react.”
Abdel-Reheim’s complaint states he nev
er was presented with nor asked to sign a
ticket, nor was he read his rights during the
incident. Abdel-Reheim said he tried to file
the complaint after his one hour stay in jail,
but was told to come back the next day at 2
p.m. He did, but he was told to come back
at 5 p.m. and was not able to file it until 7
p.m. During this time he said, “Everybody
was just laughing at me, asking me what I
What he wants is the ticket dismissed
and an apology.
“I was ashamed to tell my friends what
had happened to me,” he said. “Maybe this
has something to do with the Iranian situa
tion or maybe he thought I was fleeing the
country and he wanted his $18.50. This
could probably happen to any foreign-
looking fellow 95 percent of the time. ”
However, arresting officer Wayne On-
stott said, “I was as polite as I could be and
handed him the ticket to sign, but he said
he couldn’t sign it because he would be out
of town. So I took him down and made him
post a cash bond.”
Lt. Mason Newton, patrol division head,
said Abdel-Reheim’s refusal to sign the
ticket gave Onstott the authority to arrest
him. Also, an officer does not have to read a
person’s rights in a misdemeanor arrest, he
Newton said Onstott’s supervisor has
been notified of the allegations, and sworn
statements by the officer and Abdel-
Reheim have been forwarded to the assis
tant chief of police.
“But nothing will he done as far as we re
concerned,” he said. “This is not a formal
complaint, which would be filed with the
federal government.”
As for possible legal action, Lamar Hank
ins, Abdel-Reheim’s lawyer, said he will
reserve comment until his client goes be
fore a judge Thursday to fight the ticket.
T don’t want to say that I want to sue the
city, ” Abdel-Reheim said, “I want an expla
nation from the chief. ”
Bombs no laughing matter;
"pranks’ lead to expulsion
Give your heart a valentine
2 W |
Ed Ramos-Echandi, a senior majoring in political
science from San Antonio, has his blood pressure
checked by Bill Tarver, a freshman from Victoria.
Tarvers is part of the Texas A&M Emergency Care
Team that is holding a tree blood pressure clinic in
the Memorial Student Center today, until 5 p.m.
Cirlcle-K is also sponsoring the clinic.
Doing it beats reading about it
Campus Reporter
If you would like to try out your future
Dceupation instead of just reading about it,
the Cooperative Education Program might
be for you. The program, which involves
about 1,200 students, is sponsoring the Co
op Fair today and Friday.
UK .) Representatives from Co-op will be set
J?.v/Up in various locations around the campus
Urn to tell students about the work program.
Pfllit Steve Yates, director of Cooperative
Education at Texas A&M University, said
the goal of Co-op is to combine a student’s
iClassroom learning with work in his chosen
! The program generally involves a stu
dent working for one to four semesters
alternated with attending college. Yates
said the program has three major advan
Education. The student gets practical
job experience which enhances his studies
and usually commands a better salary after
Pay. Most students can help pay for
their schooling with money earned on Co-
;op jobs.
— Experience. Students learn to deal
YKE®with people at work and problems of living
Q|yj' .on their own.
—j Yates said the jobs students do are varied
Bas the fields they are in. The colleges parti
cipating in Co-op are Agriculture,
j Architecture and Environmental Design,
1 Business Admistration, Education, En-
Igineering, Geosciences (Meteorology
;only), Liberal Arts, Science, and Veterin-
i W!
I Gh!
ary Medicine (biomedical science only.)
The student interviews for and selects
the company he wishes to work for. Large
and small companies participate in the
program. Companies such as Dow Chemic
al, Southwestern Bell, and NASA now em
ploy Texas A&M Co-op students.
Most students work at companies scat
tered throughout Texas, but some students
have worked as far away as Illinois and
Florida. Yates said four students have
worked in Saudi Arabia.
Co-op students can sometimes live at
home during the work period, which is a
fall or spring semester, or two summer ses
Some, however, are in Co-op through
the “Parallel Work Program.” In this prog
ram, the student attends school and works
part time. This arrangement is sometimes
perferable to a student who is paying for his
Earnings vary according to the company,
Yates said. Generally, he said, the pay is
over $700 per month. But engineering stu
dents last fall averaged slightly over $1000
per month for the first work period.
Students must have a 2.5 GPR to be
eligible to enter the program. Minimum
college hours vary according to the college,
but the requirement is usually 30 or 60
hours credit.
Yates said the program’s main disadvan
tage is for participants who are involved in
student activities.
“The alternate semester system means
the student will be away at least one fall and
one spring semester. This breaks the con
tinuity so it’s sometimes harder to get high
leadership positions,” he said.
But students in the program seem to
think the advantages outweigh the dis
advantages. Some of these advantages were
mentioned at a meeting of the Co-op Stu
dent Advisory Committee.
“As a student all I had to do was go to
class and regurgitate the information
periodically. But when I worked, we had to
pull together as a team and do a job. ”
Johnson said the experience was particu
larly valuable because it showed him he did
not want to do that type of work. “I just
can’t get too fired up about electricity.”
Campus Reporter
Booomm! The explosion rips the late
night silence. Lights appear in windows
and sleepy faces stare to see what is hap
pening. A few curses are heard from the
dorms. Far away, is the sound of soft,
mocking laughter.
The scene has been replayed many times
at Texas A&M University. A “prankster”
has exploded a bomb made from the avail
able materials of a snuff can and black pow
der. If he intended to wake everybody or
get attention, he has succeeded. What the
“prankster” may not know is the detonation
of a major explosive device on campus is a
serious enough offense to get suspended
from the University.
Every part of the campus has felt the
effects of bombs, said Jerry Mainord, assis
tant director of student activities. He said
last year, explosions caused $1,000 in dam
age. One person, he said, blew off parts of
two fingers while he was trying to light one.
“When they’re big enough to do a great
deal of damage to somebody or some prop
erty, action has to be taken,” Mainord said.
The length of the suspension depends on
the case, he said.
Action has been taken in the Corps of
Cadets. In December, a window was blown
in by an explosion near Dorm 7.
Col. James Woodall, Corps comman
dant, sent a statement to every cadet that
spells out the University and Corps policies
concerning bombs.
“There will be no misunderstanding of
policy in the Corps,” Woodall said.
All cadets were required, under penalty
of dismissal from the Corps, to sign the
statement saying they understood the
“Anyone caught now,” Woodall said,
“will not have a leg to stand on.”
He said it was a preventive measure.
“We don’t want any injuries,” he said.
“Hopefully, this will make a prankster’
think twice about a prank ”.
Corps policy in the event a bomber is
caught is immediate dismissal from the
Corps. University policy depends on the
Last year, eight cadets were dismissed
from the Corps. So far this year, three have
been asked to leave. But one was jailed,
fined $200 and lost his military contract,
Woodall said.
“It was kind of an expensive lesson.”
Nobody has been seriously hurt this
year, Mainord said. One student had a tem
porary loss of hearing when she walked to
close to a detonation.
The explosions occur all over campus, he
said, and there is no pattern to when or
where a bomb might be. Usually they are
outside and at night but there have been
some in dorm rooms during the day.
Bathrooms, hallways and entry ramps
are favorite targets because they are public
places. Unfortunately they are sometimes
found in dorm rooms, Mainord said, and he
fears that someday a serious injury will
Mainord said it is the responsibility of
the students to be aware of University
“They are adults now, ” he said, “and it is
their job to know what the rules are. And as
responsible adults, students should report
bombings when they occur.”
Board payment
due Friday
The second installment board pay
ment for the 1980 spring semester is due
The amount due for the seven-day
plan is $170.30. For the five-day plan, it
is $152.45.
Payment may be made at the Fiscal
Office in the Coke Building or at the
Cashier’s Office in the main lobby of the
Rudder Center.
A penalty will be charged to those
who miss this deadline.
arter sees signs
progress in Iran
United Press International
1 ^lIKB WASHINGTON — President Carter
P Vlllt I. ays he has seen “some positive signs ’ of
I progress toward ending the 103 day-old
| ordeal of the American hostages in Iran —
f no thanks to Sen. Edward Kennedy.
But the president cautioned the Amer-
: ican people against premature optimism,
i; saying the hush-hush United Nations’
( efforts to free the 50 captives are still in a
delicate stage.
Stung by Kennedy’s criticism of his
handling of the Afghan and Iran crises. Car
ter accused the senator of overstepping
the hounds of both propriety and accuracy
in the presentation of views by a responsi
ble official.”
The president, meeting the Washington
press corps Wednesday night for the first
time in 11 weeks, gave his first relatively
hopeful assessment of the hostage drama
since the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in
Tehran on Nov. 4.
“In the past several weeks, our efforts
and our activities have become particularly
delicate and intense,” he said. “Recently
there have been some positive signs,
although experience has taught us to guard
against excessive optimism.”
Carter’s comments during the nationally
broadcast news conference came hours af
ter Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr
said Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had
accepted a plan that could lead to freedom
for the hostages.
There were reports the proposal would
include formation of an international com
mission under U.N. auspices to consider
Iran’s charges against deposed Shah
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
Technology’s side effects
are unplanned — Coates
Joseph Coates presented the opening address to about 200 people attending
SCONA 25 in Rudder Theatre Wednesday. He opened the conference with a
speech on “Technology: Tool or Tyrant?” Staff photo by Lynn Blanco
Campus Staff
Technology’s adverse consequences
come from unplanned side effects, a think-
tank president told the opening session of a
national student conference Wednesday.
“There is no technology I know of, ex
cept technology of war, that is designed to
be vicious and harmful, Joseph Coates
told over 200 people in Texas A&M Univer
sity’s Rudder Theater.
Coates, president of J.F. Coates, Inc.
and an appointment holder at the George
Washington University, was the first of six
speakers for the 25th Student Conference
on National Affairs (SCONA).
Coates said he wanted to open the con
ference on “Technology: Tool or Tyrant?”
by explaining some concepts about tech
nology that will be useful to the SCONA
delegates for the next few days.
Coates said every problem that is en
countered in technology is a problem that
was not planned or accounted for. Side
effects are not planned for because they do
not advance economic interests.
“The market system is at odds with the
need to control side effects,” he said.
Side effects can also go unconsidered be
cause of short- and long-term planning con
flicts, he said. In the haste to solve a prob
lem, short-term solutions are used and
long-term effects go unconsidered.
Coates gave the area between Houston
and Galveston as an example of short-term
planning without looking into the future.
The land between the two cities has sunk
more than nine feet since the turn of the
century, he said.
“The fact that the area is a coastal flood
plain went ignored because of the mindless
short-term concern for growth, growth,
The lack of planning for side effects is
reflected partly by the overwhelming
growth of government regulation, he said.
“We fail to force our government to sup
port the kind of studies about technology
that would help us in making decisions ab
out them.”
Coates pointed out, however, that
growth of bureaucracy isn’t always bad and
won’t go away. The world is getting more
complex, and with complexity, more ex
perts are demanded, he said. And with
these added experts comes added bureauc
Coates said technology has only three
criteria attached to it: it has to be possible,
it has to be sellable, and it has to be safe.
Unplanned, unexpected and alarming side
effects are not considered, so additional
criteria must added, he said.
“We have to supplement the three tradi
tional criteria with additional criteria. If we
don’t supplement them early in the game,
we will suffer through the rest of our lives,”
Coates said.
Social inventions are also a source of
many of our technological problems, he
said. Welfare, school segregation, social
security and the all-volunteer Army are so
cial failures because of lack of foresight and
planning, Coates said.
“Social inventions need not be failures if
we approach them with a bit more intelli
Coates charged that the U.S. space prog
ram is an outrage, not because of what is
being done, but because of what is not
being done.
“We’ve allowed the space program to
become bureaucrasized. We’ve failed to
face the fundamental facts of space — that
space is to be explored,” he said.
People are being blinded to the enor
mous excitement of technology, Coates
said. The most exciting element of space
technology is to find what’s out there — to
be a Columbus or a Magellan.