|Page8 TH MONO batioi Slouch by Jim Earle Clu United Pr TRINIDAI and a wallet clues investig an apparent than 30 years Lou Girod< for the state s trict based in murder occui killer or killei If not deac L7L7 7 or persons < old, Girodo i The inves only physical ton with seve sing, a bulle and shoes — be Rudolph of Pueblo. Officials sa amateur box< P&a /3-*° “I think it’s stupid for you to order a bottle of invisible paint, but it’s double-stupid to blow up a bottle of the stuff!” Opinion No service in service stations It was quite a shock paying $1.10 a gallon for unleaded gas the other day at the neighborhood service station. And it was quite sobering to realize the price will probably go up again before the weekend. At least it wouldn’t be a surprise. But complaining about the price does nothing to lower it. The oil companies continue to make huge profits and scream that they really didn’t make that much money. Maybe the price of gas wouldn’t be so bothersome if it payed for more than the gas itself. Not too long ago, 33 cents would buy a gallon of gas and the service station attendant would put the gas in your tank, throw in a free oil check, wash your windshield and wish you a nice day. Now you get a gallon of gas for $1.10 and a smirk from the person behind the glass booth. Of course there are some service stations around that will wash your windshield and check your oil, but you have to pay about a nickel more for the gasoline. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to pay so much if you got some service at a service station. For free. It might improve the image of the oil companies too. the small society [ by Brickman I TH&Y TALK UNLESS THE^Y Washington Star Syndicata. Inc. Z-!3 3?^. The Battalion U S P S 045 360 LETTERS POLICY letters to the editor should not exceed 3(X) words and are subject to heinf> cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such lettirs and does nttt guarantee to publish any letter Each letter must he signed, show the address of the writer and lust a telephone number f