The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1980, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Vol. 73 No. 100
16 Pages
Wednesday, February 13, 1980
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
arter sends
,800 Marines
Persian Gulf
^ T'Op
United Press International
{W ASHINGTON — President Carter is
dispatching four ships and 1,800 Marines to
HalJ.S. naval armada in the Arabian Sea
Hhe coast of Iran, and is standing firm on
I American boycott of the Moscow Olym-
Sdministration officials stressed the pur-
of the Marine force — complete with
■copters, tanks and amphibious assault
Bides — is to add to the U.S. deterrent
The Middle East.
Estate Department officials last week said
Hiet troops were massing along Iran’s
Hthwestern border in moves similar to
Hit occurred before the Russians invaded
_ white House press secretary Jody
| Hell said the presence of the Marines in
Hsian Gulf “is not related to the hostage
^ ^ Hation ” in Iran.
Hdministration officials said the four
Dickey having ^ ,s 1°^ the West Coast, picked up the
rose games in Nn Marine amphibious unit in Hawaii and ar-
it before, arrived f
3 minutes lateandlj
ard dash with f
p time. In New!
second to Houstotl
a 6.17 to Dicke; I
■ finished third, i
anley Floyd wotiij
>. 16 and A
lished second will
rived Tuesday at the U.S. naval base at
Subic Bay in the Philippines.
The USS Okinawa, USS Mobile, USS
Alamo and the USS San Bernadino will
conduct training exercises for the next two
weeks in the Philippines area.
On completion of those exercises, the
officials said, the four ships with Marines
will proceed to the Arabian Sea to join some
20 U.S. naval vessels by mid March. The
Marine group is to remain in the Arabian
Sea indefinitely.
Meanwhile, the International Olympic
Committee — meeting in Lake Placid,
N. Y. — decided Tuesday to go ahead with
the Olympic games in Moscow this sum
“Under the circumstances, neither the
president, the Congress, nor the American
people can support the sending of United
States teams to Moscow this summer,”
Powell said after announcement of the IOC
tudents will obey
homeini’s order
n won the meet.
ST FlffiS'
United Press International
.fhe militants at the besieged U.S.
ribassy have modified their rigid stand on
he release of the 50 American hostages,
aying they will obey Ayatollah Khomeini if
lejaccepts a compromise and orders the
aplives liberated.
J^hiimeini has not commented publicly
on the formula proposed by President
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr that would require
H United States to admit to interfering in
Jr|nian affairs and for an international com-
mlsion to investigate Iranian complaints
against the deposed shah and America’s
agfeged crimes in supporting the deposed
H spokesman for the militants, who have
been holding the Americans for 102 days
inside the U.S. Embassy, told UPI if
Khomeini accepted BaniSadr’s formula and
Hered them to release the hostages to an
international commission, they would fol
low his command.
If Ayatollah Khomeini, our imam,
iKlers us to release the hostages, yes, we
mil release them because we believe our
bham,” he said.
[Specifics of the formula have not been
Blade public, but it is based partly on a
formula set forth by U. N. Secretary Gener
al Kurt Waldheim for an investigative com-
• f mission. Waldheim reportedly is involved
\ in “delicate” negotiations related to the
The Washington Post reported today
[three Paris lawyers, each with long-
anding ties to Iranian revolutionaries,
we moved to the center of international
negotiations under way to win freedom for
the hostages.
The legal help they once offered Ayatol
lah Ruhollah Khomeini and others in exile
could become a key to finding a formula to
resolve the crisis, the report said.
Citing diplomatic sources at the United
Nations, the Post said it was told efforts to
seek a solution are now “in the decisive
week, not necessarily for the release of the
hostages but in the sense of finalizing a
The Post said U.S. government sources
echoed that view.
Tehran Radio quoted BaniSadr as saying
that Khomeini and the ruling Revolution
ary Council, which the president heads,
would act together in a decision on the
Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh
has said the international investigating
team would meet within the week in
Asked about his earlier statement that
the hostages might be released in the next
few days, Bani-Sadr said, “If America
agrees to our view this may be possible.”
Washington Monday rejected Bani
Sadr’s call for the United States to admit its
alleged guilt.
The militant spokesman was asked speci
fically if the militants would release the
Americans even if Shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi were not returned -— their main
demand throughout the 15-week crisis —
providing Khomeini ordered them to do so.
“Yes,” he replied.
Cold weather, warm welcome
Staff photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.
A couple of hundred Texas A&M basketball fans braved frigid weather
early this morning to welcome home the University’s basketball team
after a bitter defeat to the University of Arkansas Tuesday night. For
details of the close game, see Tony Gallucci’s story on page 15.
High oil prices threatening parks
xecutive defends oil industry
Campus Reporter
National parks, while perserving many of
this country’s resources, are in danger of
being shadowed by the scarcity of another
precious resource — oil, according to a
Texas A&M University report.
Presented at the Second Conference on
Scientific Research in November by Dr.
Carlton Van Doren of the recreation and
parks department, the publication said
higher gasoline prices will reduce family
travel by car.
“The ’80s won’t be like the ’70s,” Van
Doren said. “We are going to be forced to
make some sacrifices and forced to prob
ably settle for something less desirable in
our leisure activities. ”
Co-authored by graduate student Larry
Gustke, the paper speculated that visita
tion of national parks near cities will in
crease, while more remote park visitation
will decrease.
For the purpose of their study, Van
Doren and Gustke considered a park acces
sible if it was within a radius of 175 miles of
one or the standard metropolitan statistical
areas (SMSA). An SMSA is an area recog
nized by the census bureau as having a
population of 50,000 or more.
National park attendance reports for the
third quarter Quly-September) of1979 sup
ported this prediction. While overall visita
tion declined 6.3 percent, visitation rose at
accessible parks. For example, records of
Gateway East National Park, which is with
in 175 miles of about 8 million people, indi
cated an 11.2 percent increase in visitation.
The sharpest declines were reported in
the far West at more remote parks such as
Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon, said
Van Doren.
This presents a problem for the park ser
“The national park service has a mandate
to serve all the public,” Van Doren said.
And although two-thirds of the population
lives within 175 miles of at least one park,
he said, “If the poor can’t get to the parks
because of gas prices, then the park service
isn’t living up to its duty.”
Van Doren and Gustke, therefore, prop
osed alternative planning and management
procedures to maintain and increase acces
sibility to national parks.
For those national parks which are popu
lar but remote, such as Yellowstone, the
Great Smokey Mountains and the Grand
Canyon, the coauthors proposed mass
transportation and package tours.
“They don’t have many package tours for
parks right now,” Van Doren said. “But it
may be the way we ll go in the future.”
Additionally, stepped up promotional
efforts, such as advertising, would increase
visitation at parks which are more accessi
ble with only medium to low attendance,
Van Doren said.
And even at accessible parks with high
attendance, both Gustke and Van Doren
suggested introducing a mass transporta
tion system.
“We are trying to envision what’s going
to happen if people can’t visit parks by
automobile,” Van Doren said. “We re a na
tion pretty much glued to our four-wheeled
vehicles, but I think we ll sacrifice in all
other areas in order to have the opportunity
to take advantage of leisure activities.
H.J. Haynes, a Texas A&M University graduate who has spent 33 years in
the oil business, says using the oil companies as a convenient scapegoat for
the gasoline problem distorts the reality of today’s oil markets.
Campus Reporter
Misinformation about the energy indus
try has never been more widespread than it
is today, the chairman of the board of Stan
dard Oil of California said.
H.J. Haynes, a Texas A&M University
graduate who has spent 33 years in the oil
business, spoke to members of Texas
A&M’s Society of Petroleum Engineers
Tuesday night in Rudder Theater.
“Blaming the oil companies for higher
prices or short supplies may create a conve
nient scapegoat for some,” Haynes said,
“but it completely distorts the reality of
today’s oil markets.”
Haynes said that in a nationwide con
sumer survey taken last fall, Socal found
that Americans typically believe that oil
companies make 57 cents profit per dollar
of sales. Haynes said the true figure is clos
er to 5 percent profit, or about 3 cents profit
on each gallon of crude oil and petroleum
products sold by Socal.
For 1979, Socal had a capital return of
12.1 percent and Haynes is dismayed that
oil companies are “accused of gouging” the
public when inflation is at 14 percent.
Haynes said that in 1979 more than 40
percent of America’s oil requirements had
to be imported at a cost exceeding $60 bil
lion. Since 1972, Haynes said, the bill for
U.S. oil imports has increased by more
than 1,000 percent.
Haynes called the pending windfall pro
fits tax an “unfortunate legislation (which)
amounts to a punitive levy against the oil
industry. It will convert billions of dollars
away from domestic exploration and de
velopment, he said.
Haynes said the United States is not an
energy deficient nation. He said it’s esti
mated that the United States has oil and gas
yet to be developed equal to about what
this nation has produced in the 120-year
history of the petroleum industry.
However, Haynes said the government
regulatory process of the oil industry “fails
the test of logic at times” and “can be so
overwhelming and time-consuming that
the process is often self-defeating.”
Citing some examples, Haynes told of
Socal’s experience on an oil field in Utah.
As required, a federal botanist was brought
on site before drilling could begin. The
botanist found a locoweed species that was
on the government’s endangered species
list and all work was halted.
Haynes said Socal retained an indepen
dent authority who determined the weed
was not the same species on the govern
ment’s list, and work began again after a
delay of several months and a great deal of
In another example, also in Utah, work
men at another drilling site were required
to use steam to melt a snow pack so that
archeologists could search for arrowheads.
Haynes said that no arrowheads were
found, and they were able to begin work
again — also after several months’ delay
and a great deal of expense.
Haynes said conservation, expanded use
of coal and nuclear energy and the develop
ment of alternative energy forms and
synthetic fuels are also solutions to the
energy problem. But, he said, none is so
important as the increase of domestic pro
Children find first clue
to 1971 skyjack mystery
PORTLAND, Ore. — Children
playing in the sand along the Columbia
River found tattered remains of part of
the loot paid to skyjacker D.B. Cooper,
the first break in the case since he bailed
out of a plane into a rainy night in 1971.
FBI agents dug up more fragments of
wet $20 bills late Tuesday along the riv
er on the Fazio Ranch five miles west of
Vancouver, Wash.
FBI agent Ralph Himmelsbach, who
has been on the case since the Thank
sgiving Eve hijacking, said the finding of
the money reduces to “less than 50-50”
the odds that Cooper is still alive.
Children on a Sunday picnic found
three bundles of bills — about $3,000 in
$20 bills printed in 1963 and 1969 —
that were part of Cooper’s loot. The se
rial numbers showed they matched the
$200,000 Cooper extorted from North
west Airlines in 1971. The partially de
composed clumps of money were to be
sent to the FBI laboratory in Washing
ton, D.C., but agents on the case were
sure all of the bills found were from the
“They’re very small pieces of money,
about the size of a nickel,” said FBI
agent Tom Nicodemus. He said some of
tbe pieces of money were as deep as
three feet beneath the surface.
“It indicates to us there’s been a lot of
sand shift there and the money has been
there for some time,” Nicodemus said.
The discovery of the money was the
first solid lead in the case since Cooper
jumped from a Northwest Airlines flight
after a hijacking that began at Portland
on Thanksgiving Eve, 1971.
The middle-aged man, who actually
used the name Dan Cooper on boarding
the plane, told a stewardess he had a
bomb in his briefcase and demanded
$200,000 and four parachutes and to be
flown to Reno, Nev. He allowed the
other passengers to leave the plane at
Seattle where he got the money and
After takeoff, Cooper forced the en
tire crew to the flight deck and while the
plane was over southwest Washington
he jumped with his loot into the freezing
rainy night. No trace of him ever was
His actual identity also is unknown.
Because an FBI agent told a reporter
the night of the hijacking that agents
were checking on a man named “D.B.
Cooper” — the name has stuck even
though the man named was found not to
have been involved.
Christal Ingram, 25, of Vancouver,
Wash., said the money was found by her
children, Denise, 5, and Brian, who had
been digging in the sand with sticks on
the beach, which the ranch owners
allow people to use for a 25-cent per car
“I took it out of the sand and I handed
it to Brian,” Denise said Tuesday. “I
thought it was play money. I gave it to
Brian, so he could hand it to my Aunt
The money was turned in to FBI
agents, who said the discovery changed
the department’s opinion that Cooper
had possibly gone down in the Lake
Merwin area on the Lewis River, since
that stream feeds in the Columbia River
downstream from the Fazio property.
The FBI said it now appeared the
money might have been carried down
the Washougal River, which flows into
the Columbia about 12 miles east ol