Slouch by Jim Earle “The strangest thing just happened to me! By the time I finished writing up my cheat notes, I realized that I had learned what I was supposed to know. “ Opinion ‘Nice guy’ tactics hurt U.S. Frankly, it just seems that the United States is going to “nice guy” itself to death. President Carter, in justifiable response to the Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, offered $400 million in military and economic aid to Pakistani ruler Muhammad Zia ul-Haq. However, there are already woes and cries from the left that Zia is “another Shah and that American support for the dictator’s “despotic regime” will result in a similar backlash when he is ultimately and unavoidably overthrown. Well folks, it’s a real world out there, and there are no absolutes. • -.ft* - - - If he is ultimately to be overthrown, then let it be by Pakistanis and not under the tank treads of Russian aggres sion. By the same token, what is this preoccupation with always having to support ONLY lilywhite, saintly governments? If critics can find one, fine, but like we noted earlier, this is a real world and not one of left wing idealistic fantasy. No, if we’re going to keep looking for “nice guys” to support and trying so hard to be the same ourselves, we’re going to lose everything we have. This nice guy stuff has got to stop. Newport (Vt.) Daily Express the small society by Brickman The Battalion U S P S 045 360 LETTERS POLICY Letttrs to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to being cut to that length or less if longer The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such lettirs and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Lettirs to the Editor. The Battalion. Room 216, Reed McDonald Building. College Station. Texas 77643. Represented nationally by National Educational Adver tising Services. Inc.. New York City. Chicago and l»s Angeles. The Battalion is published Monday through Fridas from ieptember through May except during exam and holiday xriods and the summer, when it is published on Tuesday hrmigh Thursday. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester. $33.25 per sch