The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 24, 1980, Image 4
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Battalion Classifieds Professors’ ratings to be released soon ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ^ __ . _ „ SPECIAL NOTICE SPECIAL NOTICE PERSONALS Full & Part Time Positions Available at Farmer’s Market Sandwich Shop in Bryan hours flexible 822-6417 2700 Texas Ave., Bryan yatfn NowTaking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822-0544... Itfh Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notarv Public. 823-7723... 76tfn r— i i i i i i— Help Wanted Part Time GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY 696-3411 | MAINTENANCE MAN WANTED Good salary, good working condi tions, company benefits. Experi enced in electrical and plumbing. APPLY DIXIE CHICKEN 846-2332 aotfn , - CASH FOR OLD GOLD ' Class rings, wedding rings, worn out ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. ► . The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 ► vn a country i>nopping uonter ' 731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 PART TIME i Students to work on telephone solic itation program. Morning, afternoon, and evening shifts. Excellent pay for qualified people. Can earn up to $10/hr. or more. Guaranteed $3/hr. start. Call after 12 for information and employment. 846-3033 83t10 BABYSITTERS WANTED Work Your Own Hours GOOD PAY FULL/PART TIME 779-6451 (after 6:00) Must Have Transportation 81 tin EARN EXTRA MONEY • Driving Job • • Delivering Pizzas • • Part time nights. Great work sche- • • dule for students & moonlighters. • • $3.25/hr. plus commission on every • • pizza delivered. Must have own car • • and be 18 years or older. Apply 319 a 0 Patricia, C.S. • PIZZA EXPRESSrrno • SS00 weekly possible selling would b SMALLEST DICTIONARY. Hottest impulse item! New! Miracle of Miniaturization! 13,000 words! 695 pages! Send SI.00 FOR SAMPLE & DETAILS: MINI PUBLISHERS. BOX 2668. Laguna Hills. CA 92653 r/ttO « i|| SILVER | f Paying $15 per dollar in silver coins ;i sy before 1965, $10 for each knife, ■ 1;! spoon, fork marked sterling silver, y: i!i 696-3266 ;; Ask for Johnny a 5 t3 ;! WANTED SKIERS SUNBATHERS SKI WINTER PARK $159 SUNBATHE DAYTONA BEACH $99 PADRE ISLAND $89 FOR INFO CALL 779-6888 8617 DOMESTIC SERVICES Part Time/Full Time TEAM CLEANING HOMES With Other Students Starting Salary $3.30/hr. Plus Mileage 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano ^ TAMU student with pottery experi ence needed to fire kiln, mix glazes, moniter pottery area. $3.10 per hour. Application deadline Jan. 25, 5 p.m. MSC Craft Shop 845-1631 8611 OFFICIAL NOTICE — “SprIncTawards 1 If you are looking for temporary full time or part time employment the Eagle has a job for you. We are now forming sales teams for door to door subscription solita- tions. Set your own hours. Call Eagle Circulation 779-2345 SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline - March 1, 1980 Application forms for Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 PM, March 1,1980. Late applications will not be accepted. 80133 COCKTAIL WAITRESSES NEEDED Apply 313 College Ave. Skaggs Shopping Center At the Spectrum 11-3 Daily 846-2277 8 6t3 LOST School. Deep Sentimental 2148. REWARD!! Wale blonde cocker spaniel. Please call 693- 3467. 693-4642. Reward offered! 84t4 WANTED School Bus Drivers For Bryan School District Do you need part time work? Apply now for immediate train ing. $3.50 per hour for inexperi enced drivers plus conditional bonus at end of school year. BC- BS insurance available at group rates. Car pools available. 3 % Hours per day guaranteed if available both A.M. & P.M. Most bus routes longer. CALL NOW! Modern Dance Teacher for Dance Arts Society Please call Dove after 7.846-0987. If you don’t know what Modern Dance is, please don’t call. 77tfn !! Silver Seiko ladies watch at racquetball courts on 1-21. Great sentimental value. REWARD!! Please call 693-7677 or turn in at DeWare office. 86t3 PEPE’S MEXICAN FOOD "|| Now taking applications for day and ■ HELP! Reward for my Spalding basketball Iwith red “U.A.C.” on it. Lost on G. Rollie floor Sunday night. Please call 846-0522 after 5:00 85t3 evening shifts. $3.00 Per Hour |il! Apply In Person, 107 Dominik |l||^ College Station 180tfn | $25 REWARD LOST!! Grey/black female tabby cat in area iof Casa Blanca Apts, on College (Main. Front teeth missing. CALL 846-5136 I «... 779-3220 MANAGERS Are you now looking for an op portunity with one of America’s leading restaurant operations? If so, consider managing a Pizza Inn where you will find ex citing opportunities to use your talents in managing people. Our management-by-objective phi losophy is one of the keys to our success and has contributed to making us a leader in the food service industry. We offer an exciting benefit package. We pay as much as 25% of the profit to the right manager. Consider a career change now and give us a call. Pizza Inn Estes E. Marshall 1803 Greenfield Bryan, TX 77801 846-1784 An Equal Opportunity Employer IF YOU CAN SELL ►(or want to learn) and want to be- ►come an important part of an es tablished, progressive and grow ing men & boys apparel business CHECK THIS • Guaranteed Salary with total! ^pay based on total stores sales. ►• 5-Day Week '• Good Fringe Benefits including! pension plan after required time! on job. On-the-job training directly with owner and/or manager. y Good career opportunity if you! can sell and learn the business. ►FULL TIME POSITIONS IN ►CALDWELL & BRYAN. CON TACT US AT EITHER STORE. Part time positions available. 117 N. Main Downtown Bryan BOEDEKER’S 84t3 FOR RENT Own Room And Bath In New Mobile Home. $130/Month. Guy. 779-9468. 84r4 Room for rent in house 2 blocks,from campus, $150/mo., utilities paid. 693-8381. 83t5 NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn JOIN WEIGHT WHCHERS NOW SAVE $ 5 00 on your registration and first meeting fee through February 11, 1980 Of all the weight-loss programs in the world, none have been more successful than the Weight Watchers program. We've helped more people lose more pounds than any other plan. If you're serious about losing weight, join Weight Watch ers now. Because with many other programs, all you lose in the long run is time. COLLEGE STATION LUTHERAN STUDENTS CENTER 315 N. College Main Thurs. 5:15 p.m. 822-7303 Weight Watchers The Authority Losing weight never tasted so good The most successful weight loss program in the world. Offer good only in area #37. FOR RENT WORK WANTED HERITAGE MENSWFAR • BOYSWEAR FULL OR PART TIME "'Day shftt ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends Cashier experience helpful. ♦Flexible hours to fit your schedule ♦Rapid advancement Starting Salary $3.10/hr. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Bryan \ 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station [, 105 Dominik I lUNKUNIMt APARTMENTS Licensed child care. Call 846-5549. WHILE YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THE COST OF HEAT ING/COOLING YOUR APARTMENT AND DRIVING YOUR CAR, THINK ABOUT US ... WE PAY YOUR UTILITIES! AND WE GUARANTEE NO FUEL ADJUSTMENT OR RENT ESCALATION, ADD THAT TO OUR LOCATION TO TEXAS A&M, AND SEE HOW YOU CAN SAVE! O' <b ALL UTILITIES FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED EFFICIENCY, 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. NO ESCALATION CLAUSE OR FUEL ADJUSTMENT CHARGE PARTY/MEETING ROOM BASKETBALL/VOLLEYBALL COURT Rental office open Monday thru Friday 9-5 693-1110 Saturday 10-5, Sunday 2-5 i 1501 Hwy. 30 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE TWO SWIMMING POOLS TENNIS COURTS HEALTH SPAS, INCLUDING SAUNAS FOR MEN & WOMEN THREE LAUNDRY ROOMS 693-1011 81132 ^ FOR LEASE FOR RENT OR LEASE PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258...62tffi SERVICES FOR STUDENTS - Discounts on automobile repairs. Call MID-TEX MOTORS. 779-7588. Dodge 141 Aggie Dorm Refrigerators Sell, Rent & Lease ALL Sizes WHITE AUTO STORE Northgate Also Bike Repair FOR SALE Female blue Persian. Must Sell. 696-0294.85*3 'll Chevy Custom Deluxe pick-up w/topper, A/C, power, AM/FM, CB. Excellent condi tion. 846-4629. 8U7 Panasonic Stereo Two Trusters, Speakers, Three Months Old. 696-0277. H4i4 SUSAN HOPKINS Campus Keporter A Texas A&M University studenl government booklet containing stu dent evaluations of professors willbe released before fall preregistrata in April, and could help take Ik guesswork out of choosing profes sors. John C. Calhoun, vice presidetl for academic affairs, said the evalm tions are being provided to helpsln dents select professors, on the basis of other students’ opinions. Student government usedtopm out the evaluation booklet, he said but quit because of the timeandcost of publication. Calhoun said the booklets will® student government $4,500, will] computer use being the biggest a- pense. However, he said the evak tions will be free to students. Marvin Swink, senior Corps sena tor, said an academic affairs subcou mittee sent letters to 160 random professors, asking them howmant students they had in their classes From that information, he said,tbev asked those instructors with the largest groups of students to hand out the evaluations. The evaluation forms had 13state- ments regarding difficulty of course, the fairness of the and the quality of the text used. Stu dents were instructed to markeadi > statement according to how miidi they agreed or disagreed with it. Calhoun said the booklet will he most valuable to students in lower- level courses, since most instructa who were evaluated teach lower level courses. I T chei ridd usir Bell plar Pi Jack and I h Style and Eeonomy-78 Chevy Malibu V-6, Auto, Vinyl Top. 693-1038. 84t5 FOR SALE: One complete twin bed set - brass type headboard - like new. Two small pine chests of drawers - will talk price. 693-5322. After6:00p.m. 86t5 Stratolounger chair, double size, gold, good condition, vibrates. Call 696-0733 or 822-2225. $50 or best offer. 83t5 $ave Ga$ Money With MIX-I-GO Cas Addi tive!! Money Back Guaranteed. 693-7520. 86U2 Poor nutritm slows vaccine TB study sad JOB 'OPPORTUNITIES New Petroleum-related company in area. Looking for MANAGERS and SALESPER SONS positions. Call 693-7520 or693-9808. 86t5 0 are feet: Stat will com ing Mar T the doo: The feet N mar c C( JOB OPPORTUNITIES $356 Weekly GUARANTEED Work 2 hours daily at home ($178 for one hour daily) Free brochure. D.Y. P.O. Box 1374, College Station, TX SALESPERSONS NEEDED Set your own hours, unlimited earn ings possible, no experience neces sary. Call 696-0143 after 5:00. 8513 FOUND Female bulldog. Fawn-colored. Name - Sugar. Call 693-3677. 85t5 PETS FREE. Playful black kitten. She’s 10/wks. old. 693-6702. 82t5 United Press International The only available vaccine fot tuberculosis may be ineffective iflht persons receiving it are n nourished, a Texas A&M Universih College of Medicine study shows The two-year study using mal nourished laboratory animals indt cates protein and zinc deficiencies significantly hinder the body’s im mune response, and may reducethe effectiveness of the vaccine knownas bacille Calmette-Guerin or BfC, said David MeMurray of Texas A&M. But, tests are necessary to tively link nourishment to protectioa ■with BCG, he said. The findings raise questions con cerning the wide use of BCG tofigkt tuberculosis in developing countriK where large segments of the popula tion suffer from malnutrition. Tub- culosis hats infected a third of llie world’s population and kills 6million people annually. MeMurray said the study sup ported by the American Lung Asso ciation now will attempt to deter mine if high protein and high zinc diets can reverse the lowered bod) defenses and improve the immune responses triggered by BCG. “We also want to find outifilis more viable to modify the vaccineor the way it is given,” he said. T ger targ ert) A& F me! pro atte cer: cip; f the tho agr and SPECIAL NOTICE PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-6437 ™ORAG?l U - LOCK - IT 10 x 20 - $25 I 693-2339 For sub-lease 1-bdrm apt. for spring semester. Call 779-1614 after 5:30. 82t6 ATTENTION GIRL HORSE LOVERS! YMCA Camp Cullen at Trinity is j sponsoring a College Horsemanship | Clinic, especially for you, February I 1,2 & 3. Learn horsemanship groom- j ing, equitation, care of tack and j AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-805! 2 Bedroom IVi baths in Tanglewood South. $360 per month. All bills paid. Call 696- 1668. 83t5 Western riding with two days of rid ing on beautifully wooded trails, Cost - $18.00. For more information and reservations, call camp at 713/594/2274. 83t5 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE 'Where satisfaction is standard equipment 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 LADIES NITE Alt unescorted ladies get in FREE and we’ll give you 2 Free drinks! Nowhere but the Studio in the Doux Chene Apts. LSAT • MCAT • GRE GRE PSYCH • GRE BIO GMAT • DAT • OCAT • PCflT VAT • MAT • SAT NATL MED BDS ECFMG • FLEX • VQE NDB • NPB I • NLE KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 SATURDAY CLASSES LESSON #1 MAKE-UP LECTURE TONIGHT CALL FOR DETAILS 696-3196 (Wedn. classes start Feb. 6 (In Dallaa 11617 N. Cent. E*py.) / cor v