I Battalion Classifieds Counselors dispel myths about service EX HELP WANTED Former Army helicopter pilot position avail able in local USAR unit. 779-0837 after 5 p.m. 79t5 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Full & Part Time Positions Available at Farmer’s Market Sandwich Shop in Bryan hours flexible 822-6417 2700 Texas Ave., Bryan $1000 Week (approx.) UP Earnable. Men, women, all skills for construction of prop osed Alaska-Canada gasline. Send $5.00 to: Job Info.,' Box 79167-A, Houston, TX 77024 75t4 $370 Per thousand envelopes you mail postage paid. Free. R.C., P.O. Box 9545, College Station, TX 77840. sits NEEDED Sometone to care for an active 2- year old in my home only. Tuesday and Friday 12:30 - 4:00. $20/week. CALL 693-2323 or 846-0763 7915 MAINTENANCE MAN WANTED Good salary, good working condi tions, company benefits. Experi enced in electrical and plumbing. APPLY DIXIE CHICKEN 846-2332 sotfn r* i Help Wanted Part Time GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY 696-3411 ■ L BABYSITTERS WANTED Work Your Own Hours GOOD PAY FULL/PART TIME 779-6451 (after 6:00) Must Have Transportation r HELP WANTED Part Time Day and Night PASTA S PIZZA 696-3380 S DRIVE-IN GROCERY Has part time hours available after noon and early evenings and weekends. For Appointment 846-4141 79ts SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION GIRL SERVICES HORSE LOVERS! YMCA Camp Cullen at Trinity is sponsoring a College Horsemanship Clinic, especially for you, February 1,2 & 3. Learn horsemanship groom ing, equitation, care of tack and Western riding with two days of rid ing on beautifully wooded trails, Cost - $18.00. For more information and reservations, call camp at r I '^Svice'S ervice For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. , 823-8111 Aggie Dorm Refrigerators Sell, Rent & Lease ALL Sizes WHITE AUTO STORE Northgate Also Bike Repair EARN EXTRA MONEY Now Taking Applications For Cashiers and Hostesses APPLY IN PERSON ONLY At Ken Martin’s 1803 S. Texas next to Sears _ $500 weeKly possiDle selling wuklu a I SMALLEST DICTIONARY. Hottest ■ impulse item! New! Miracle of ■ Miniaturization! 13,000 I words! 695 pages! Send I $1.00 FOR SAMPLE & DETAILS ■ MINI PUBLISHERS. BOX 2668. I Laguna Hills, CA 92653 PEPE’S MEXICAN FOOD Now taking applications for day and evening shifts. $3.00 Per Hour Apply In Person, 107 Dominik ^ College Station 180(fn Jjj MEN! WOMEN! JOBS! CRUISESHIPSI/SAILING EXPEDI- TIONSI/SAILING CAMPS. No ex perience. Good pay. Summer. Career. NATIONWIDE, WORL DWIDE! Send $4.95 for APPLICA TION/1 N FO/R E F E R R A L S to CRUISE WORLD 127 Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. 7717 PART TIME Students to work on telephone solic itation program. Morning, afternoon, and evening shifts. Excellent pay for qualified people. Can earn up to $10/hr. or more. Guaranteed $3/hr. start. Call after 12 for information and employment. 846-3033 satio If you are looking for temporary full time or part time employment the Eagle has a job for you. We are now forming sales teams for door to door subscription soiita- tions. Set your own hours. Call Eagle Circulation 779-2345 The Texas Grubstake Is Now J Interviewing For: I Waitpersons, cashier, hostess, j kitchen help. Full or part-time. I Manager-restaurant experience J helpful. Apply in person 3:30- I 5:30 daily or call 846-9174 for ^ appointment. aots •••••••••••••• Driving Job # Delivering Pizzas • Part time nights. Great work sche- • dule for students & moonlighters. • $3.25/hr. plus commission on every • pizza delivered. Must have own car 0 and be 18 years or older. Apply 319 ^ Patricia, C.S. PIZZA EXPRESSzzno • •••••••••••••e "wanted""' BARTENDERS No Experience Necessary We Will Train full or part time day or night shift $3.1 0/hr. Employee Benefits Miranda’s at Northgate 73tfn School Bus Drivers For Bryan School District Do you need part time work? Apply now for immediate train ing. $3.50 per hour for inexperi enced drivers plus conditional bonus at end of school year. BC- BS insurance available at group rates. Car pools available. 3 3 A Hours per day guaranteed if available both A.M. & P.M. Most bus routes longer. CALL NOW! 779-3220 1 1 1 77tfn| rrnnn DOMESTIC SERVICES Part Time/Full Time TEAM CLEANING HOMES With Other Students Starting Salary $3.30/hr. Plus Mileage 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vastano ^ Modem Dance Teacher for Dance Arts Society Please call Dove after 7. 846-0987. If you don’t know what Modern Dance is, please don’t call. 77tfn DRIVING JOB Delivering Pizzas Great work schedule for students. $3.25 per hour and commission on every pizza delivered. Must have own car, 18 yr. or older. Apply at 319 Patricia, C.S. 846-7785 Pizza Ex press. 7915 POSITION OPENINGS 1. SPECIAL ED TEACHER Teachers Certificate required. 2. HOME TEACHER FOR INFANT PROGRAM: BA in Social/Be havioral science. B-MOD train ing preferred. 3. GENETIC SCREENING DI RECTOR: MSW or MA in Psy chology. BA + 6 yrs. case work experience. May substitute. 4. 2 SECRETARIES: High School graduate. Typing ability and ex perience preferred. Apply at Brazos Valley MH-MR 202 E. 27th, Bryan, Texas AA/EOE 8212 J By CAROL HANCOCK Campus Staff Room 017 in the YMCA building is a place only a few Texas A&M University students are aware of. It is the home of the Personal Counsel ing Service, and there seems to be confusion about what it has to offer. Fred Dorn, a counseling intern, said students have their own con ception of what the Personal Coun seling Service does. Their ideas, he said, are usually part of common myths about the center. Myth One: The service is only for people with real emotional prob lems. Kerry Hope, a counseling psy chologist, said the majority of stu dents who come to personal coun seling are average college students with average problems. Very few have chronic, serious problems. The service is a crisis intervention and referral service, Hope said. This means it is not set up to handle long-term extreme cases. It will handle the more serious cases on a short-term basis, then refer them to a more appropriate area, she said. Personal counseling helps stu dents feel like they haveiheir feet on the ground, Dorn saitf. Myth Two: Personal Counseling does not have programs that pertain to the average student. A personal counseling group pro gram was initiated last semester, and it offers a variety of subjects. Some groups are specialty groups while others include anyone. An assertiveness training group teaches students to he assertive hut not necessarily aggressive. Relaxation training helps the stu dent fight anxiety and stress. There is also a procrastination group for students having trouble with budgeting their time. There are specialty groups for vet students, female cadets, graduate students, women in careers and pre-professionals. The pre-marital enrichment groun is for both mar ried and unmarried students, A once-a-week career worbl^ open to anyone and can he’ dent in deciding a career, maj, decisions and finding resouiwi that career. The groups meet at varioustij and days during the week aaj easily fit into a student’s sdiedj Dorn said. Myth Three: The student w|| placed wherever the connstl thinks Irest. A student can choose any go that interests him as well vidual counseling, Hope said,1 personal growth groups have6tt! 15 students in them at a time,ii said. The students can choose^ they will feel most comfortable. Myth Four: Once a student & to the personal counseling senn he or she is assigned a groupanl obligated to go to each session There is no pressure on astui to attend every session, Hopesn “Putting pressure on a stud would defeat our purpose,”i| said. “If a student feels heorsbei longer needs to go to a sessioi, have done my job. T. Myth Five: The counselorsr try to tell a student whattodo “We do not tell people wlai do. We teach people how lot care of themselves emotional Hope said. The counselorshelpji dents look at their optionsauJi cide for themselves, she sail VVe re neither advice-giversi shri nks; we re counselors. Myth Six: Tl ic counselors arf;| qualified to help a student. Each of the 10 counselors bast least a master’s in counseling.Una are both male and female eon selors. There are a lot of things pen]! put up with and don’t have to, D« said. “Leanring alxmt yourself alb you to deal with situations; encounter. The Personal Counst ing Serv ice teaches you about self.” Murray leads locals in raci JOB OPPORTUNITY JOB OPPORTUNITIES $356 Weekly GUARANTEED Work 2 hours daily at home ($178 for one hour daily) Free brochure. D.Y. P.O. Box 1374, College Station, TX 77840. 79t5 WANTED Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds 822- 0544... Itfh Typing. Full time. Symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723... 76tfn FOR RENT OR LEASE 2 Bedroom IVi baths in Tanglewood South. $360 per month. All bills paid. Call 696- 1668. 8.3(5 [i—up v qpn—v—*9—y* CASH FOR OLD GOLD * Class rings, wedding rings, worn out ( ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. ► . The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 iter C "J FOR LEASE For sub-lease 1-bdrm apt. for spring semester. Call 779-1614 after 5:30. 82(6 FOR RENT ROOMMATE WANTED Wooded seclusion. 2 Bedrooms, study, fire place, deck, $425 + utilities. 846-1379 nites. 80t3 Room for rent in house 2 blocks from campus, $150/mo., utilities paid. 693-8381. 83(5 3 Bdrm. house half block from campus, own room, $108 month, male. 693-3242. 79(5 Female roommate needed. One bedroom, shuttle bus, your rent share $117.50 all bills included. Call Laura after 7:30.at 696-1578. , . .79(5 *Day sh.’ft ♦Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦Weekends NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn Need female roommate to share nice, beautifully furnished 2 BDRM 2 Bth apartment near campus. Own room. $125 per month + Vz bills. Call 846-7145 Evenings 82t2 FULL OR PART TIME I Flexible hours to fit your schedule J Rapid advancement Cashier experience helpful. Starting Salary $3.10/hr. r Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) j Whataburger j MW" ■ MW " —"MX -V»W ■MW ' 1 3C BARBECUE #3 jj CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time L, Apply between 9:30-11 and 2-4 :>C FULL OR PART TIME Dayshift Casual Atmosphere Nightshirt Minimum wage $3. i 0/hr. Weekends Employee Benefits Cooks • Bartenders • Waitresses DIXIE CHICKEN TEXAS MOON TAVERN CHICKEN OIL CO. MIRANDA’S Apply in person 10 a.m.-11 a.m. - 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 70tfn IMMiflllNM# APARTMENTS WHILE YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THE COST OF HEAT ING/COOLING YOUR APARTMENT AND DRIVING YOUR CAR, THINK ABOUT US . . . WE PAY YOUR UTILITIES! AND WE GUARANTEE NO FUEL ADJUSTMENT OR RENT ESCALATION, ADD THAT TO OUR LOCATION TO TEXAS A&M, AND SEE HOW YOU CAN SAVE! ALL UTILITIES FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED EFFICIENCY, 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. NO ESCALATION CLAUSE OR FUEL ADJUSTMENT CHARGE PARTY/MEETING ROOM BASKETBALL/V0 LLEYBALL COURT Rental office open Monday thru Friday 9-5 693-1110 Saturday 10-5, Sunday 2-5 . 1501 Hwy. 30 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE TWO SWIMMING POOLS TENNIS COURTS HEALTH SPAS, INCLUDING SAUNAS FOR MEN & WOMEN THREE LAUNDRY ROOMS 693-1011 81132 FOR SALE 6/Wk Labrador/Retriever puppies, $10. Nancy 845-7816 (8-5) or come by 205B Sul phur Springs Rd. (after 5). 82(6 1963 Chevrolet truck, standard. Call 693-5908. 80t5 Nikko NR-715 38 w/ch. Like new with box and valid warranty, $200. 693-4388. 80(3 4.8 Cubic foot refrigerator, one year old, good condition, $125. Call 696-1990. 80(5 ’77 Chevy Custom Deluxe pick-up w/topper, A/C, power, AM/FM, CB. Excellent condi- tion. 846-4629. 81t7 Senior boots, spurs pullers, size 11V&-12. Excel lent condition, $220. 693-3038. 79(5 Students! 4.8 cu. ft. Sears refrigerator. Attrac tive imitation wood-grain door. Good condi tion. $130. Call John 846-4117. 79(5 Stratolounger chair, double size, gold, good condition, vibrates. Call 696-0733 or 822-2225. $50 or best offer. 83(5 Electronic Equipment For Sale: Tektronics 545B oscilloscope with dual trace plug-in, $375; enclosed equipment racks; x-y plotters; audio frequency spectrum recorder; time/frequency meters; differential voltmeters; digital printer. Call Rand Evans 845-6027 daily or 822-7781 after 5 p.m. 8113 By ANDY WILLIAMS General Assignments Reporter Graduate student Tinker Murray led a handful of local runners through a warm, humid, and windy Houston Marathon Saturday. Murray finished 21st out of about 2,000 starters. His time for the 26.2-mile race was 2:31:59, the sec ond best of his career, though he said he didn’t expect to run that well. The winner was Ron Tabb of Houston, who finished in a meet record 2:13:35. The winner of the women’s division was Vanessa Vaj- dos, who ran a 2:44:46. Murray, a physical education stu dent, ran much of the race with Jimmy Sterling, an A&M Consoli dated High School student who finished in 2:34, and Don Kirby, a range science graduate student, whose time was 2:39. Dr. Carl Gabbard, an assistant professor in the health and physical education department, was one of severdl runners who complained about the weather. OFFICIAL NOTICE “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline - March 1, 1980 Application forms for Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 PM, March 1,1980. Late applications will not be accepted. 80(33 The temperature during then was about 65 degrees. Ml marathoners prefer to run weather that is 45 degrees orcoli “The last race I ran in was! White Rock Marathon in Dallas, which conditions were almost p( feet. This marathon was almost opposite, he said. Gabbards li was 2:53. Doug Unger and Mike Timm® the president and vice president Texas A&M s Roadrunnersdn were both disappointed by lit perfo nuances. T fell apart, said Unger, ajuni biochemistry major. "I was short for a 2:40, but my abdomen ett cooperate with the rest of my bod) Timmons had the same con plaint. T got stitches in my side ret bad, he said. “I wouldn’t III finished the dang thing, bnl couldn’t think of any other wav get to the end. Timmons, an agricultural en; neering senior, said he ran mucin the last 8 miles holding his at sides. “I kept passing these race cials, and they’d yell at metoliol my hands over my head,’ hesaiil “So there I was, running alongIte refugee trying to surrender.” Timmons and Unger, bo whom finished in 2:59, ran much the way with Californian j* Helgerson, who has run am: a week for the past year. Rusty Higham, a graduate sic dent in PE, finished in 3:06. LOST Siamese cat. Chocolate paint (dark face, ears, legs, tail), white collar. If found please call 845-6811 (8am-5pm) or 696-3089 (evenings). Reward offered. 83(5 PERSONALS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258.. .62tfn LOST Grey Male Weimeraner Answers to C-D. Lost near East end of campus on Texas, Thurs. 16th. Has brown collar, very affectionate. REWARD OFFERED. Call 845- 3561, Darlene Johnson. sstz EASY MONEY Send one dollar cash and we will advise you on how you can make one hundred dollars instantly. P.O. Box 7538 Aggieland Station, Col lege Station, TX 77844. 79ts Large dark blue gray retriever with white chest blaze missing from Holleman St. area since Jan. 8. Call 693-6758 REWARD $50 79t5 PUBLISH YOURSELF! <9 with Professors’ Publishing Plan at 846-S I STORAGE U - LOCK - IT 10 x 20 - $25 693-2339 PERSONALS AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-80! IN MEMORY OF AMER SHEIKH Born: January 21, 1958, Lahore, Pakistan Died: December 7, 1979 in a car accident near Hempstead, TX Graduated in Aerospace Engineering Magna Cum Laude, December 14, 1979. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE The family of Amer wishes to thank all those people who sent messages of condolance and sympathy which have been of great consolation and solace in their honor of grief. 83t1 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE ‘Where satisfaction is standard equipment 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 —