The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1980, Image 11
i utdoors unting, fishing remain available Big Charlie,” a magnificent 15- optotiiMjnt White-tailed buck deer who 0 been the grandsire of the Texas ks and Wildlife Department’s re- arch program on nufrition and ge- ties for the past six years, has . Mi he #kBxhe big buck succumbed to a wAjterial infection and pneumonia ■toncrflortly before Christmas at the Kerr •9mlrBjldlii'e Management Area in Kerr aunty. During his 6Vi years of life, Char- Contributed more to biologists I owledge alxnit the role of genet- lin deer antler development than U F i mil alsoia was iniatedi ion la ‘nt fm pyother single animal. He sired 16 ucks which formed the nucleus of peiraMestudy which proved conclusively BushaBat spike bucks (bucks which dur- Howa® their first IS months of life de- J lop only single antlers without mgs or forks) are inferior animals kh never will attain lx>dy or an- r growth of bucks which have nize<l®ked antlers as yearlings, e offin Biologist Donnie Harmel, who Ids up the Kerr Area studies, said arden. tidie s male offspring were com- dpediK red to another group of 36 bucks d thw iose fathers were spikes. “Only six caucu rcent of Charlie’s male offspring remei oduced spike antlers, while 42 Itwau reent of the group whose fathers ceswe :re spikes produced only spike 'istratri tiers in their first 1‘/a years of iper. I' Harmel said, y’s moAHarmel noted that spike bucks P voltl ma in protected in some counties because of the belief that they will develop into full-scale trophy bucks if given another year or two of grow ing time. “This study is showing that to be untrue, and continued protec tion of spikes is detrimental to the overall quality of a deer herd, not just antler growth,” Harmel added. Big Charlie as a yearling sported a six-point rack, and last fall he had 15 points with an inside spread of 19 inches. He tipped the scales at 216 pounds “live weight ’, which Hill Country hunters will attest is a giant in these days of declining body weight in that area. ★★★★★★★ A generally good 1979-80 hunting season is winding down, but hunters still have time to take advantage of long seasons on waterfowl, doves and quail in many counties. Deer and turkey seasons already are over, and reports from around the state indicate a good harvest of both species. The only minus factor observed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologists was high natural mortality of deer in some Edwards Plateau counties be cause of extremely drv autumn con ditions. Hunters in those areas re ported numerous deer in poor body conditions. The only remaining big game animal with an open season is aoudad sheep which range in the canyon country of the Texas Panhandle. The season continues through Jan. 20. Quail hunting has been good virtually throughout the state, and hunters have until Feb. 17 in many counties to try their luck. The sec ond segment of the mourning dove season is underway, ending Jan. 13 in the North Zone and Jan. 20 in the South Zone. Ducks and geese are legal game statewide until Jan. 20, and the sandhill crane season in both zones will remain open until Jan. 30. Woodcock season closes Jan. 20, and Wilson’s snipe (jacksnipe) are legal game through Eel). 17. The pheasant season in Panhandle counties ended Jan. 6, and the season in Southeast Texas closed earlier. Hunters still can look forward to Formals Now at Northgate! s® ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iimimiiimmiiiiiNmimiiiimiimiiiiiiimiiMmmiimiMimmiiiimiimimmiiimij| I (Hlil ZZ IF IT’S AUTO & TRUCK PARTS — WE HAVE THEM! LEONARD AUTO SUPPLY | COMPLETE LINE OF WHOLESALE & RETAIL —r=| FRONT END ASSEMBLIES — FENDERS — HOODS — DOORS 1 -QUARTER PANELS — DECK LIDS, FOR LATE MODEL CARS = & TRUCKS & ALL FOREIGN CARS USED 1 GENERATORS • STARTERS • FUEL PUMPS ETC. OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 12 P.M. = WE BUY WRECKED & RETIRED AUTOS 823-8127 LOCATED BY UNDERPASS ON HWY. 21 HWY. 6 INTERSECTION OTU 1501 N. SIMS - BRYAN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIimillllllllllllllllllMllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir / Sororities. Friendship, Identity, Community Involvement and More! Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Phi and Phi Mu Invite you to learn more about sororities and what they can |do for you at A&M by participating in Spring Rush January 25, 26 and 27 For more information, please call: Jan 696-0646 Kenzie 846-2115 After 6 P.M. Laura 693-9137 the annual spring turkey gobbler season, which will be April 12-27 in 62 counties. ★★★★★★★ Public spring turkey golibler hunts will be offered on four of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart ment’s wildlife management areas during April. A total of 213 permits will be is sued after a public drawing in Aus tin at 10 a.m. March 13. Prospective hunters have until 5 p.m. March 10 to submit applications. Application forms and instruc tions are available from department offices across the state or by writing the TP&WD at 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744, or by cal ling toll-free 1-800-252-9327. As always, wildlife officials point out that the management area hunts are not necessarily indicative of high game populations, but part of the department’s ongoing management program. The general spring turkey season, offered this year in 62 coun ties, is April 12-27. The management areas are: Engeling W.M.A. — Located 20 miles northwest of Palestine on Highway 287 in Anderson County; 10,941 acres; April 11-13, 18-20 and 25-27; 75 permits. Gene Howe W.M.A. — Located six miles east of Canadian in Hem phill County; 5,821 acres; April 12-14, 19-21 and 26-28; 30 permits. Kerr W.M.A. — Located 11 miles west of Hunt in Kerr pounty on FM 1340; 6,493 acres; April 12-14, 19-21 and 26-28; 48 permits. Matador W.M.A. — Located 11 miles north of Paducah on FM 3256 in Cottle County; 28,183 acres; April 12-14, 19-21 and 26-28; 60 permits. THE BATTALION Page 11 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1980 * * * u a « a v « a 1 fee Jan. ALPHA PHI OMEGA NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY New M embers Orientation 21 & 24 7:00 p.m. MSC, Room 137 AFTER A BRIEF PRESENTATION, WE WILL TREAT YOU TO FREE PIZZA DELTA TAU DELTA SPRING RUSH All Men Interested Call: Robert Baker Rush Captain 779-3014 Charlie Baily Asst. Rush Captain 696-2999 1979-80 Campus Directory is IN Pickup in Room 216 Reed McDonald Building Students MUST have fee slips ITS HERE! The 2nd Annual Brazos Valley Boat & Sport FRI. JAN. 18 through SUN., JAN. 20 AT THE BRAZOS CENTER °V r Bo AHD m °to Rs , HOT TUB DISPLAY! MOTORCYCLES! INSURANCE ADVISORS! ADMISSION! FRL, JAN. 18 4 p.m.-9 p.m. • SAT., JAN. 19 9 a.m.-9 p.m. SUN., JAN. 20 NOON-6 p.m. THE BRAZOS Briarcrest CENTER * Just > V) The off < V) <T3 $ (0 & CQ Brazos the East X •B Center Bypass <0 UJ at Briarcrest TAMU University Drive