The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 15, 1980, Image 3
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1979 Page 3A Bryan forms census review By NANCY ANDERSEN City Staff The Bryan City Council unani mously approved the creation of a committee to promote and review the 1980 census Monday night. The Complete Count Committee was created to ensure a correct count and to review the census for errors. The city had a lot of problems with the last census. City Manager Ernest Clark said, and the committee might minimize any errors in the new census. In other action, the council approved a citizens participation plan for the Community Develop ment Block Grant Program. Clark said the plan is merely a formality required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development since Bryan already has such a program. Councilman Henry Seale said the plan is “more governmental bureaucracy creeping into our over taxed system, and I resent it.” Mayor Richard Smith agreed and Councilman Henry Seale ISD to apply for federal aid By LAURA CORTEZ , City Staff he Bryan Independent School trict will apply for a Federal Im- Aid grant at the end of this jiith, the board of trustees decided day. )r. Charles B. Jones, director of nning and evaluation for the ool district, said this type of aid is ilahle to any district in which at :t3 percent of the students live in low-rent housing, or whose parents are on active military duty or work on federal property. Out of a total of 9,274 students in the district, 304 of them fall into one of these categories (3.28 percent), making the Bryan School District eli gible for the federal aid, Jones said. “Federal Impact Aid is the least restrictive of all federal monies,” he said, adding that the approximately $10,000 which he estimates the dis- What’s up WEDNESDAY SAN ANTONIO HOMETOWN CLUB: Will meet in Room 302, Rudder Tower at 7:30 p.m. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 510, Rudder Tower. Anyone interested in joining the club is wel come. THEHILLEL FOUNDATION: Is holding a welcome-back wine and cheese party at 7:30 p.m. in the Hillel Foundation Building at 800 Jersey St. in College Station. MICROCOMPUTER CLUB: Is holding a meeting at 7 p.m. in Room 203, Zachry Center. ORAL INTERPRETATION PERFORMANCE GROUP: Will hold auditions for the North Texas State University Interpretation Fes tival at 7 p.m. in Room 100 HECC. Anyone interested in the auditions, may contact Jo Hudson in Room 339, Harrington Tower or call 845-3451 ext. 72. itn STATE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Will pose for pictures for 180 Aggieland at 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Zachry Center. trict will receive from the govern ment will be used to supplement dis trict programs. In other action, the board re ceived a check for $10,000 presented by the Brazos County Industrial Foundation to be used to purchase machinery for a metals trade program. The program is a cooperative effort between the Bryan School Dis trict, the Bryan Chamber of Com merce and the Brazos County In dustrial Foundation to train local re sidents in the operation of industrial machinery. Dick Peacock, who made the pre sentation on behalf of BCIF, said he feels this is an important project be cause it will train people in the com munity for the many industry- related jobs which are expected to occur locally in the near future. “The machinist training equip ment that this money will provide for the school district will assure our loc al industry that it will have a qual ified source of applicants for posi tions as skilled technicians,” he said. The program is scheduled to begin in March and \vill be held at the old vocational building on Highway 21, which is being renovated for that purpose. said the program has worked well without the plan. Requiring citizen participation won’t increase it any, he added. The council also awarded con tracts for various improvements tot aling nearly $630,000. Among these are contracts for the repairing and painting of the water tower and im provement and development of two parks. A resolution to authorize a $4,000 contract for a study on the Old Car negie Library Building was also approved. The first phase of the study in volves developing scale drawings for the existing building. These draw ings will be done by a Texas A&M University architecture graduate student, who will receive a salary for his work. The second phase consists of studying the possible rehabilitation of the building. It has already been designated as a museum by the coun cil at the request of the Brazos Valley Historical Society. However, other uses will be considered by the Com munity Development committee. Smith said the city should help the committee develop guidelines for the building’s ultimate use. Councilman Joe Hanover ques tioned the spending of $4,000 for such a study even though the Com munity Development Committee is furnishing the funds. enerau, saver/ 1 1 I 1 ' ^5 DON’T GAMBLE j ON THE BIGGEST [ FILL-IN-THE-BLANK OF ALL: 1 1 1 1 J When a resume/application picture is ■ called for, use our professional glossy | service. 1 1 6 PRINTS — $11.95 University Studio 846-8019 Northgate EAT HEARTY. DRINK FREE. You already know how wonderful Swensen’s Ice Cream is. Did you realize we have fabulous food to go with it? To introduce you to this scrumptious fare, we’re offering a delicious bribe. When you order a Swensen’s SANDWICH or HAMBURGER OF YOUR CHOICE, HAVE AN ICE CREAM SODA OR A TREASURE ISLAND FLOAT. FREE! 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