Page8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1979 Flight aborted after UFO chase jV. flliifrjsraarmg Movemleeir IH “! ^ Cm; S'OORtA, RuHer THcftt*/* United Press International VALENCIA, Spain — The pilot of a Caravelle jetliner carrying 109 pas sengers made an emergency landing to escape pursuit from four unidenti fied flying objects described as bright red spheres larger than stars. Transportation Ministry officials Monday said the incident began when the Spanish plane was flying over the Mediterranean island of Ibi za Sunday en route to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. The director of Valencia airport said the crew of the Caravelle de scribed the four flying objects as bright red balls three times larger than stars and shooting sparks. The crew said after the objects “pursued” them for some four hours, they decided to abort their long flight south to the Canary Islands off the West coast of Africa. They said the objects peeled out of sight some 30 miles away from Valencia, on Spain’s eastern Mediterranean coast. Turkey Special and Soda Turkey breast, sliced and served on your choice of bread and served with potato salad and pickle spear. And, whole cranberry sauce of course. In November, featuring Bwensen’s Ice Cream Pumpkin Pie. $4 Value Culpepper Plaxa SWENSEN’S 693-6948 TTt TTTT FLORICULTURE - ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE CLUB PLANT SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 17 AT THE PLANT SALE ► COMMONS FLORICULTURE - GREENHOUSE QUAD LUB/JOCK ST. w o . ■<-: — ZJ 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. HELD A A, A dfc dk A A ^ 1 ^i„ a * p ^ 00 Bar D rhkT~ Games Northgate Beer Whiskey Open Daily at 3 p.m. — Sun. at 6 p.m. What’s up at Texas A&M Wednesday MUM SALES: APO will sponsor mum sales through Thursday at the MSC, Sbisa and the Commons from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m., respectively. Mums will be delivered on cam pus and at off-campus distribution points. SHARE GROUP: Carolyn Storm will lead the group in the Meditation Room of All Faiths Chapel at 9 p.m. DEBATE TEAM: Will meet at 7 p.m. in the Academic Building. “A MIDSUMMER NIGHT S DREAM:” Shakespeare’s play will be presented Nov. 14-17 in Rudder Theater at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the MSC Box Office or at the door. Presented the Theater Arts Section. HILLEL FOUNDATION: Rabbi Joseph Radinsky will speak at 8 p.m. in the Hillel Jewish Student Center on “What is a Jew?” ROADRUNNERS CLUB: Will meet in Room 321 of the Physics Building at 8 p.m. to hear Dr. George Jessup of the Health and Physical Education department. Everyone is invited and refresh ments will be served. HANG GLIDING CLUB: Will meet in Room 105 Harrington at 7:30 p.m. PHI DELTA GAMMA: Dr. Annette Kolodny of the University of New Hampshire will speak at noon in Room 145 MSC on “The University and the Law.” The public is invited to attend. MATH CONTEST: A contest open to all undergraduate students will be given from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Room 201 of Milner Hall. Prizes will be awarded. For more information call 845-6736. FUN RUN: Will start at 6 p.m. at the steps of G. Rollie White. Sponsored by the TAMU Roadrunners. WILDLIFE LEGISLATION: James R. Fielding will speak on “Wild life Legislation at the National Level” in Room 301 Rudder. “TO BE YOUNG, GIFTED AND BLACK:” Will be presented by the Black Awareness Committee at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Forum. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI: Will meet in Room 305 Rudder at 7 p.m. CANNED GOODS COLLECTION: Alpha Phi Omega will be col lecting canned goods, clothing and money for underprivileged from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the MSC and at Sbisa and Commons from 11 2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m on Thursday and Friday. TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Will meet in Room 601 Rudder at 7 p.m. Mainstreaming will be discussed. Thursday FALL PHOTO CONTEST: Non-winning print entries in the contest may be picked up on the main floor of the MSC from 1-4 p.m. today and Friday. ARIZONA HOMETOWN CLUB: Will meet in Lounge A on the FREE DRYING (When You Wash) Limit 1 coupon per customer limit 50c Good 8 a.m.-9 p.m. thru 11/18/79 Hank’s Laundry 103 E. Holleman (behind Homecraft Electronics) Present This Coupon energy, isaverl t-T" 846-6714 & 846-1151 m UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTEI : CLASS OF ’80 submitting a used in our during Senior Interested in picture to be class History Weekend? If so, put it in an envelope with your name and phone number. Then put it in our class box in Rm. 216 MSC. I;'A zinger! f A tour-de force! PLAYBOY COMING SOON!! n LEGACY"(PG) CINEMA II A temptingly tasteful comedy for adults |j who can count. h ns BLAKE EDWARDS^ 846-4771 Unite: SAN FRA st group ol al police r Irofile to avt perstars.” Les Morg Ksco’s Gay 1 jn an intervii iionths are ■ Morgan c Mniny of the •gav men wei Corps Quad at 7:45 p.m. All residents of Arizona are welcome, CROSS COUNTRY MEET: Will be held at 5:30 p.m. on New Beef Cattle Road and Joe Route. Late entries will be accepted at the meet. Sponsored by Intramural Sports. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT: Will sponsor a Marriage Seminar at 7 p.m. in Room 504 Rudder. PENTECOSTAL UPPER ROOM: Charles Mahaney, evangelist, speak in the All Faiths Chapel at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. SMITH COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB: Will meet in Room 302 Rudder at 8 p.m. The date for Aggieland pictures will be announced. GREAT ISSUES: Will present Sarah Weddington, senior presidential ^ cnl ' ts ^ to advisor, speaking on “The Changing Status ofWomen,” ■ cac < ' in ^ Rudder Forum. Admission is free. ABILENE AREA HOMETOWN CLUB: Aggieland pictures will be made at 7:30 in Zachry. RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLUB: Will hold an organizational meeting in Room 211 of the Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. AUDIO ENGINEERING GROUP: Steven Hodge, manager of the Rudder Theater Complex, will speak and give a tour of the Rudder sound system . The group will meet in Rudder Auditorium at 7.3(1 p.m. PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION: The annual meeting willbe held at 7 p.m. at South Knoll Elementary School. Dr. Lonie Jones, deputy director of the State Tax Board, and Michael Moeller, executive director, Texans For Equitable Taxation, will speak. “COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT:” Eric Braeden and Susan Clark star in this story about a computer that tries to dominate mankind. Will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in Room 701 Rudder, OUTDOOR RECREATION: Will sponsor a Keystone Seminar ai 7:30 in Room 401 Rudder. FENCING CLUB: Will meet at 7 p.m. in G. Rollie White. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will meet at 7:30 in Room204, Harrington. Friday BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: Will present Lyle Lovett at 11 a.m, at the MSC fountain area. OAK RIDGE BOYS: MSC Town Hall concert at 8 p.m. in G. Rollie White. Information and tickets available at the MSC Box Office, 845-2916. GROMETS: Will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 140, MSC. “HOOPER:” Burt Reynolds stars as the “world’s greatest stuntman ”in this fast-moving comedy. Sally Field and Brian Keith also star. Will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. PHI ETA SIGMA: Will meet for group pictures at 6:30 p.m. in the MSC Lounge. Members should wear coats and ties. Continental Airlines profits drop ■ ey United Press International HOUSTON — Continental Air lines Tuesday reported a $9.5 mil lion loss for the third quarter of 1979, compared to a $16.8 million gain i during the same period last year. Continental, which held its quar terly board meeting in Houston, also reported a $2.4 million loss for the first nine months of the year, com pared to $30 million in earnings for the same period last year. Officials blamed the grounding in June and July of the airline’s 15D( 10s for inspection after a DC: crash, and the rising cost of jetfa Chairman Robert F. Six said jet prices had risen 61 percent si third quarter 1978. “This inflationary price increi WASI J nationwii | private si petitions If, afte diction ir that the j The In to enter | rights of Justice I absent fr j delayed I White. Marsh I arms and I argumen Marsh I ion hand I court nil I investme The c( penalties And ir — Lei Methodi at a cam — In a a Califori cancer-ci — Dis mph spe constitut The sh the big I The cc petitions signature ordered cost Continental $24.7 million 4 ing the third quarter,” Six said : $ N ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MAJORS LET US HELP YOU PLAN AHEAD TO BECOME ACM Our successful students repress 1/3 OF USA ■ :i :45 ...the man you thought you knew. E Distributed By Warner Bros A Warner Communications Company CAMPUS } HOUSTON 713-692-7186 CLASSES BEGIN DEC 10 ^■CPA REVIEW ^ r-f , s ^ V>‘*‘ y/ v ^ ^ ' ^ ... ,y-> JflHEAlC CILAjfJf*