The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1979, Image 10
Page 10 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1979 Food poisoning hits school 300 rushed to hospitals United Press International HUGO, Okla.— Health investi gators and school and hospital offi cials Tuesday were trying to learn the cause of apparent cases of food poisoning that sent more than 300 students and teachers to hospitals. Classes were canceled Tuesday as School Superintendent Simon Par ker and state Health Department officials continued their investiga tion. Parker said there was a report of vandalism during the weekend at Benjamin Franklin School, but it was not known if the vandals entered the kitchen. “Whether it was in the cafeteria or not, I don’t know, ” Parker said of the vandalism. “They turned the fire ex tinguishers loose and they cut up the couch in the faculty lounge.” Parker said first and second grad ers ate in the cafeteria Monday with no ill effects. He said students in grades three through eight later ate in the cafeteria and were stricken with vomiting and abdominal cramps. Tacos, okra and peach cobbler were served Monday. Lab tests were being conducted on throat cultures and samples of vomit and food that had been air lifted to the state Health Depart ment lab in Oklahoma City and at area hospitals, officials said. Students and teachers were rushed Monday to area hospitals by private car and ambulance and filled all beds in Hugo and nearby Paris, Texas, health facilities. At least three hospitals im plemented “disaster plans,” bring ing in off-duty doctors and nurses. Choctaw County Hospital Admi nistrator Gerald Shaeffer said the hospital admitted 58 persons and transferred 80 more to other hos pitals. “I don’t know what they ate, but it was all over the hospital, ’ Shaeffer said. At Paris, Texas, McCuistion Re gional Medical Center administrator Jesse Hayes said eight patients were admitted, including one in the inten sive care unit, and 112 were treated and released. “They were being brought in by ambulance and private cars,” Hayes said. Coalgate, Antlers and Idabel hos pitals, in southeastern Oklahoma near the Texas border, also treated victims. At least 10 students were admitted at Antlers and at least four at Idabel, officials said. Man wounds 3 policemen, dies in seige United Press International SAN ANTONIO — A series of police bullets Tuesday killed a man who shot a policeman, barri caded himself inside a house for nearly three hours and then charged out shooting, injuring two more officers. Police identified the victim as Javier Sanchez, 19, who was mor tally wounded after he opened the back door of the house where he had sought refuge and came out shooting his .357 Magnum at offieers creeping up to the home. The siege was touched off ab out 11 a.m. when officer Mike Young stopped two “suspicious” young men riding a 10-speed bi cycle near Wheatley High School, located about 10 blocks south of downtown. Witnesses said one of the two youths pulled a small caliber pis tol and shot Young in the leg and index finger. The two then ran toward a house where Sanchez held off police until his death, and the second escaped. suspect appareal Fifteen carloads of police.] well as a SWAT team, conveijj upon the house. Lour As tar as we can understiT there is no motive,’ said fcj Capt. Ramiro Estrada. Hj re' Estrada said they were si searching for the second yoiHP.Vz v A J but “we haven’t gotanyideanj he is.” ... A Time For Us To Count Our Blessings SHOPPING tfffH US. NBN CUSTOMERS WELCOME AND OLD CUSTOMERS APPRECIATED. ■ P m MENU. BE CLOSED THURS, MOV n THANKSGIVING wreTTBTWBTTrnnrrrrrro^TrrrrrTTrrrTTTTTm'rrnnrrgTrini Mugs (2) ft QUANTITY RIGHT • • RESERVED Pelican Island bridge needs repair / T0M TURKEYS Sun Valay 16 Is. S Up b 58* BAKING HENS . „ 50* HEN TURKEYS. /l 41 .**. *89* BONELESS HAMS . . “ CANNED HAMS . . . “ . . 5^‘6” Tyson's Grade 'A' DUCKUNGS DoUar-Saver Coupon! Keg. $5.99 This Week $4.99 With Coupon «» This "Dollar Saver” Coupon good through 11/21/79 ,floopooo»aflPfl*QfloattflBBflOBBaaflBQB»BaQBtaaBflQaaflfla«-8JUU>: nmn ftnnnnnniTB-g rrrrrnrrrrrTTTyrrrinnra-rB-a b a'a~BTa»B n b a g THESE PRICES GOOD THURS, FRI # AND SAT NOV 15-16-17 QUANTITY RIGHTS „ ^ $2.00OFF! Dollar-Saver Round Platter Coupon! (%ur Choice of Pattern) R ^h^„ k = This Dollar Saver Coupon good through 11/21/79 HlaAa.ajULa a a.a.a-a.a.ajULa-a-ajLaji.a.a.aj.ajLa.a.B.a.a.a a a.a.a.ajLa-ajuuuuLaxa-aj m ^ v ^ “ r Ptifeddphtt CREAM CHEESE Bintoys COOL WHIP. . 'rield's PECAN PIES Mr. Smith's PIE SHELLS United Press International GALVESTON — A draw bridge connecting Pelicajn apd Qalv^tyn^;- lands is in danger of collapsing and should be closed for repairs, said an official of the Galveston County agency which operates the bridge. Herbert E. Schmidt, chairman of the Galveston County Navigation District, said one of two brakes on the bascule (or counterweight) bridge is out, and the second brake is being used with no backup. “If the main brake failed and the bridge dropped, it would crash into the water,” Schmidt said. “That could cut off traffic to Pelican Island for up to four years because we would need a bond issue (to build a new bridge). “The new bridge would cost up to $6 million compared with the 1955 cost of $1.5 million for the present bridge,” he said. Scbmidt asked the Coast Guard to close the bridge from Aug. 1 until Dec. 31 for repairs, but the Coast Guard blocked the work after shrim pers protested they would be forced to make a 22-minute trip around Pelican Island. Schmidt said the shrimpers claimed 50 to 100 boats use the bridge when shrimp are available in western Galveston Bay, but Schmidt said records showed only two boats a day have used the bridge since Aug. 1. George McNeir, a spokesman for the shrimpers, said the four-month repair time is “wholly unwarranted. I could understand it if they wanted to close it for 10 or 15 days to replace the machinery, but not four or five months.” Schmidt’s proposal to close the bridge has drawn support from Peli can Island businessmen who have established the Pelican Island Orga nization. chick nrar Bone less Si WHOLE HAMS '“V ** ■* GROUND BEEF Fresh Fiyer GIZZARDS. Butt Half Smokad HAM. . . Boneless Savoy STEAKS . . Boneless Char-Broil STEAKS I Swift Butterfall I TURKEYS omosooooooomcoc 99*PIMENT0 SPREADl?*Tr'*99* MEAT WIENERS?^!! 5 ’ PORK STEAK h *t 38 SMOKED TURKEY .”^1” 1/4 PORK LOINJl** SLICED BACON .* 99** Colonif 1 OVEN ROUS naif Brown N Serve 8 12 ct. pkgs. 1 20 million bees bug site of accidents CAKE MIXES Duncan Hines 18 oz. box 63 Have A Coke and A Smle! United Press International CENTRALIA, Ill. — A trailer car rying 400 double-story bee hives containing about 20 million bees, broke free of the truck’s cab late Sun day on a curve on the north edge of town on U.S. 51. State agriculture officials spent Monday rounding up the millions of bees while cleanup crews from the apiary division of the Department of Agriculture used forklifts and other tools to clean up the wreckage. The truck, driven by Richard Ste wart, 35, of Palm Beach, Fla., was taking the bees from Illinois farms to Florida. U Sueur SWEET PEAS *303 17 oz. can K oz. can # 2-34 can iijii Eagle Brand HI COND MILK . , £§£; Rjggly Wiggly i| SPICED PEACHES Groan Giant |1| MUSHROOMS .. 2.5 oz. jar . ii Trappey's Sugary Sam Ilf YAMS . . # 2-J4 29 oz. can Hi Gala Dinner _ . . HI NAPKINS . . .5° .«*• 1*9- . Dinner or Compartment 15 ct. pkg. Ocean Spray CRAN BERRY SAUCE ■111^= ,$§ CHINET PLATES iV#VAV*V#%V«VrVrV.V.V'.rYVYVfV ( rYVV4>-V/Vifr:if<f/V# ■ »• v* .•»- »• *• -^wyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.oyyyyyyyy.‘yy.*yy.o.‘.‘.‘.».». \ Via sic SWEET PICKLES Blue Bonnet in ^.'s MARGARINE . Pure Vegetable WESSON OIL . Toppng DREAM WHIP . Towie Thrown STUffED OLIVES With Green ChHies y ROTEL TOMATOES COCA COLA & TAB 59 .16 oz. jar 69 i , + fa. . 59! 48 oz. btl • • • * q89 i 6 oz. box • • « 99*1 7 0 . z * ^ 99 ^ 10 oz. * 4 | . . $ cans 1 1/2 pill 7AVE iflfRCS l twmzrr Quality Chkd. WHIPPING CREAM Quality OiM. Dip* » SOUR CREAM ..« «• * Quality Ctikd. BUTTERMILK Quality Chkd. EGG NOG . US *1 Pascal CELERY SS:: 1 m\ 1/2 gaL dn. qt. dn. st -■!!-« N CABBA6E . • 2 v . . . Li RED ROME APPLES . . “"f"? CRANBERRIES . . 0cm SWEET POTATOES . .us. #l . . GRAPEFRUIT . «? T«« Ruby R#d_ YEUOW ONIONS. .US.*'. . ORANGES California GREEN CABBAGE us *1 wb. i>« 7V'i . 3 l#.*1 § . 3 Hk89*1! • 4 3 k OOyi THE FRIENDLIEST STORE IN TOWN • 2700 Taxat Am. S • 3516 Tam Am. • 200 t 24 Hi St. • 9 Redmond Tarraoa COLLEGE STATION and BRYAN, TEXAS tvv vvvvvvr-t-t- ^ vv Double 2bH Green Stamps every Tuesday with^2.SOor mor e purchase.