The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 05, 1979, Image 3
THE BATTALION Paqe 3 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1979 3 campus & city yfit Light turnout expected n voting on proposals I if By FLOYD WILTZ Battalion Reporter There are nearly 30,000 registered ers in Brazos County, but County for; :rk- Frank Boriskie expects only ' ne er by t )ut|3,000 of them to vote Tuesday. ioeiskie said he expects the low Sold fevt ier turnout because there are no tegayeupm elections this year. The ballot d. Those Nov. 6 contains only three state ‘Jlarat an ipostions. rweekerii^re first is a constitutional m ggets in endment which would require i some o! :aries public to be licensed by the otadime je. They are currently licensed by <’ep, have mt) clerks’ offices, lology (o Proixrsition 2 would provide for islitive review of the process of newspai eHaking by agencies in the execu- he way tf 3 department. rs. Soi The third proposition woidd allow "dy, thattljl jilt he solve* electors the Legislature to authorize $10 mil lion in bonds to guamatee loans for purchase of farm and ranch lands by individuals. Boriskie said only 16 people have voted with absenteee ballots in the past two weeks. Absentee voting ended Friday. Thirty-one polling places will be open Nov. 6 from 7 a. m. to 7 p.m. They are the Millican Community Center, Wellborn Water Supply Building, S.P.J.S.T. Hall at Smetna, Carver High School, and Fellowship Hall East Bldg. Also, the Edge Community Cen ter, Steep Hollow Community Cen ter, South Knoll Elementary School, A&M Consolidated’s Special Serv ices building, and the College Sta tion Fire Station. Others are Crockett Elementary School, Sul Ross Elementary School, Henderson Elementary School, Ben Milam Elementary School, and Fannin Elementary School. Also, Bowie Elementary School, Travis Elementary School, the Bryan Central Fire Station, Bonham Elementary School, and the Texas A&M University Center. Other polling places are College Station Municipal Building, the Army Reserve Center, LBJ Elemen tary School, College Hills Elemen tary School, the American Legion Hall, Bryan High School, Bethel Baptist Church, Peach Creek Com munity Center, VFW Hall, the west building of Fellowship Hall, and A&M Consolidated High School. for Austia In the n ing thisc >1 tlie woi ige of Me’ ending, prof says Egotism in ads on way out? " uetc^bpA tugged face springs out of an fojBtisment saying, “I do it my way cause that’s the way I like it,” tel- g consumers that looking out for sj B)er one is paramount. R;iologists say the “Age of Me” is :i 0 ■ us, but a business professor /s that attitude may backfire on the siness world, creating fewer ■ict sales. 1 we quite likely will discover a ■ears from now that ‘me’ adver- ■ didn’t sell more products — ■nore social unrest,” says Dr. ■s McNeal of Texas A&M Uni- rsit ’s Department of Marketing. ■Neal says the age is charac- ■d by self-interest rather than ■acrifice. It is often exemplified the advertising world in state- snts such as “I want to lie me,” “I’ll > it my way,” “I’m looking out for imb;r one,” and “I love me and hy not.” In the “age of me, people care ore about satisfying themselves an!society, says the professor. “The me need is not new; people ive always craved individual ex- ession,” says McNeal. “But in the isti social norms discouraged blat- it expressions of individualism and icouraged togetherness. “Apparently, the values of our so- ety have changed and now permit, /en encourage, self-gratification id egocentrism, he says. In the “age of me advertising, the less is on “I” in ads. For example, do it because I want it that way. at the “T in advertising can easily Rewed by the public as arrogant, ysjthe marketing professor. In fact, there is no particular rea- an arrogant posture, even if these son to believe an audience will be types of ads with negative tones are attentive to an advertisement with attention getting, he says. LEARN TO SUPER SEW! We want to teach you or renew your interest in sewing. It is so simple and the classes are fun — like a special club meeting. You learn. But you love it. BASIC CLASSES Thursday, Nov. 8, 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. - “Making Silk Flowers” - Two 1-hour lessons $5 Friday, Nov. 9,9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. - “Making Silk Flowers” - Two 1 -hour lessons $5 Saturday, Nov. 10,9 a.m. - Basic Beginners (includes teens) - Six 2-hour lessons $25 Tuesday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m. - “Sewing with Ultrasuede® - Three 2-hour lessons ’25 Wednesday, Nov. 14-19 10 a.m. - FREE CLINIC Wednesday, Nov. 14 -1:30 p.m. - Basic Beginners - Six 2-hour lessons $25 ENROLL NOW Culpepper Plaza 693-3535 Regents accept hid to raze PVU buildings In a special meeting Saturday the Texas A&M Univerisity Board of Regents gave a $69,924 contract to demolish five buildings at Prairie View A&M University. The contract was awarded to Whitlow Brick Demolition Co. of Tyler. The company will also construct a tunnel beneath the site ofone of the buildings to house utility lines. Texas A&M Facilities and Construction Director Wesley Peel said the bid was much lower than the estimated cost of $193,000 for the demolition. The Regents also voted to pay an Austin law firm $40,000 to repre sent the University in $1.2 million lawsuit filed by Rucker Construc tion Co. against Texas A&M. The firm is seeking damages against the University for damages due to construction delays when the company was building the Soil and Crops Sciences building. Later in the day Board of Regents Chairman Clyde H. Wells and Texas A&M President Jarvis E. Miller spoke at the dedication of the new Haas and McFadden dormitories. Men’s & women’s tennis apparel T-Shirts & custom-design transfers Complete selection of athletic clothing OPEN 9:30-6:00 -TU. ^BROOKS £3conVERSE I ocIut Koom 822 VILLA MARIA RD "SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED'' ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALL 779 9484 For him / fashion pendants that look like a million yet cost a mere trifle! a. Lion's head and chain, $15 b. One-diamond dog tag, $25 Both in 12 karat yellow gold-filled. Elegant gift wrap at no extra charge. Student Accounts Welcome Zales and Friends make wishes come true. Also available, Zales Revolving Charge. The Diamond Store Illustrations enlarged. “I’d been overweight most of my life. My friends don’t even recognize me now!! Rodney Wright If# “I never thought I could do it. It was so easy!” Marcia Linton “My husband loves his NEW wife!” Helen Manam “I lost 26 lbs. the safe and easy way! I’ve never felt better!” Bennye Smith A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR OVER WEIGHT PEOPLE LOSE UP TO 30 LBS. IN 30 DAYS A PROVEN PROGRAM FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LOSE UNWANTED POUNDS AND INCHES SAFELY AND QUICKLY! THE CLINICS THAT HAVE SWEPT HOUSTON THE LEADING MEDICAL CENTER OF THE U.S. ARE NOW IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STA TION! FREE CONSULTATION CALL 10-7 MON.-FRI. WRITTEN GUARANTEED WEIGHT LOSS CALL 846-1727 •’ 5 •• -• V-v-fV; ... .' 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