The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1979, Image 5

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    Page 5
felt, asaresil
about the!
John Mullins, senior aerospace engineering
M 0I J major from Houston, gulps down two choco
late ice cream cones at the Creamery as the
ile those ayeijia last days of summer weather approach,
nswered: "Es|k ■
n New York,
n should use i§j
or research.
Creamery hours are 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. to
12:15 p.m. on Saturdays.
Battalion photo by Mitzi Gehrs
Well under control
in 2 weeks — PEMEX
United Press International
;ystem was if# MEXICO CITY - A steel cone de-
iars ofEiseas •signed to catch most of the crude oil
3in 1953 tl emerging from a belching, runaway
ver was prc well will be fully operational by
31. Thursday, and officials hope to bring
said he had the gusher under control within two
/hite House Weeks.
imongpape rS! | “We still have to make a series of
brary in A tests and adjustments,” a spokes-
|man for the state oil monopoly, Pet-
riptionbeaii foleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), said
jewenheintfc Monday. “But the cone will be
•oinment h) working at full capacity on Thursday
at the latest.”
is of the tap™ The 310-ton, inverted funnel is
ed,” then*| designed to trap 80 to 90 percent of
machine it*'® e “intermittent burps” gushing
vords, whih from the crippled Ixtoc 1 oil well,
)e un derstool which has poured 2.5 million barrels
I she did nj
there were*
ban she
said othe f ;
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minutes altf'
on covered).
r told the'
f Nixon to
1 of being *
of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico
in less than five months.
PEMEX officials said work on the
relief wells was at an advanced
stage, “which makes us believe that
Ixtoc will be brought under control
within two weeks.”
They said one of the relief wells,
known as Ixtoc 1-B, should reach
See related story page 1.
the 12,000-foot depth of Ixtoc in 12
days — barring unforeseen prob
lems. Once it does, cement and
chemicals will be pumped through
to rupture the walls of the runaway
well and then cap it.
Ten days ago, the well was dump
ing 10,000 barrels of crude oil into
the gulf per day, but due to the in
jection of steel and lead balls into
Ixtoc’s mouth, the stream was cut
down to “intermittent burps.”
The PEMEX spokesman, how
ever, could not estimate by how
much the flow had been reduced.
He said it was “a significant
“We hope to know for sure some
time this week once the cone goes
into full operation,” he said.
So far, the project — nicknamed
“Operation Sombrero” — has only
succeeded in controlling unknown
amounts of natural gas.
The funnel was built in Houston
by Brown & Root, Inc., and has
been repaired once.
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Krueger’s post
meets opposition
United Press International
has confirmed Robert Krueger as
coordinator for Mexican affairs with
the rank of ambassador-at-large over
protests that the appointment would
set a precedent the United States
would eventually regret.
Krueger’s nomination to the
newly created position was ap
proved Monday on a 48-35 vote.
Dissenting senators argued the
United States does not need two
ambassadors to Mexico, but those
supporting the nomination said
Mexico and the United States have a
special relationship that warrants
the additional diplomat.
There was no criticism of
Krueger, the 45-year-old former
congressman from Texas. Some op
ponents even suggested he would
make a good choice to succeed Pat
rick Lucey as ambassador to
But there were strongly worded
objections to the creation of the new
post and to giving its holder the rank
of ambassador-at-large.
Sen. Edward Zorinsky, D-Neb.,
said the action was “empty and
cosmetic” and added it was a
“cheap, easy answer that will not
improve relations with Mexico.”
Zorinsky warned the precedent
would forever require the United
States to provide Mexico with two
ambassadors — one stationed in
County GOP
to hold rally
The Brazos County Republican
Party will hold an old-fashioned
political rally and barbecue Thurs
day from 6-9 p.m. in front of its new
headquarters at 813A Texas Ave.,
College Station.
County GOP Chairman Norbert
A. McNiel said the rally will give
Brazos County Republicans an op
portunity to visit the new headquar
ters and meet members of the
county organization. New commit
tee members will be introduced.
The kickoff for the 1980 cam
paign will feature country and west
ern music as the entertainment.
Tickets for the barbecue cost $5 per
person, and may be purchased at
county GOP headquarters, Bryan-
College Station Greyhound bus sta
tions, local banks and savings in
stitutions. Telephone reservations
may be made by calling 696-0682.
Voter registration forms and in
formation about the GOP presiden
tial candidates will be available.
Washington and one in Mexico City
— while other countries put pres
sure on the United States for equal
“This is a terrible precedent to set
— one that we will live to regret,”
said Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska.
He said the situation would be
different if President Carter had
named Krueger as ambassador-at-
large to more than one country and
he also expressed concern over the
reaction of the Canadian govern
Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said
the job was created by Carter to
overcome domestic political prob
lems which since have been re
solved by Lucey’s resignation.
But, Lugar said, the administra
tion was locked into a position which
it was “reticent” to abandon.
Sen. Frank Church, D-Ind.,
chairman of the Senate Foreign Re
lations Committee, defended the
nomination and said there was a
need “to upgrade relations with
Mexico,” which he said were “more
complex than with other nations.”
This weekend...
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Complaints against troopers
unwarranted, director says
United Press International
AUSTIN — The director of the Texas Department of Public Safety
said Tuesday harassment complaints lodged against two state troopers
by Atascosa County officials were unwarranted.
Col. Wilson E. Speir said the DPS internal affairs unit issued a
report regarding its investigation of complaints, submitted by Atas
cosa County officials, involving troopers Alberto Rodriquez and Earl
“The investigation did not reveal any violations of statutes, or of
departmental policies of a serious nature, that would justify our tak
ing disciplinary action against the troopers,” Speir said.
The DPS director said every allegation would be reviewed with the
Atascosa County commissioners removed the DPS troopers from
their county-owned office last month, claiming the troopers had been
harassing residents unduly and issuing a high number of citations for
driving while intoxicated.
The troopers have been operating out of their homes since their
ouster from the county building.
Speir said he would not transfer the troopers .
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