The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 04, 1979, Image 7
insporta- Sam Stroder pair n the physical said the trai j would like to “ course, ght,” he cm- would be in- chief Rusi haven’t beei the aerobin :-k of lights, iroblems we’: rid. , the tracks tte estimate! lO miles on iti shape I thin! jog on.,’ ke 3nt “IltS iversityofft vho survey'd s. :edforthebA with a gain ecord 31,331 M Universit) its this fall, if t-hile Tarlels ed 80 studeoli Texas A&Mj d essen s fall compa® THE BATTALION Page 7A THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1979 what’s up Thursday FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Will have a reception with First City National Bank of Houston from 6-8 p.m. at Briarcrest Country Club. Cocktails at 6 p.m., presentation at 7 p.m. TSEA: Pepper Powers, TSEA vice president, will discuss teacher rights in the classroom at 7 p.m. in Room 601, Rudder. YELL PRACTICE: For the Tech game will be held in the grove at 7:30 p.m. The Aggie Band steps off from the Quad at 7:15. UPPER ROOM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Will meet for Bible study at 7:45 p.m. in the Meditation Room, All Faiths Chapel. “BRIGADOON“: Will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder Tower (75 cents). A touching tale of two American hunters who find a magic village in Scotland that appears once every hundred years. (G) CLASS OF ’82: Will meet after Yell Practice in Room 229, MSC. The Halloween Dance and the Class of ’82 Ball will be discussed. CIRCLE K: This service organization will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder. SIGMA IOTA EPSILON: Will have a “Meet the Profs” party at 7:30 p.m. in Room 145, MSC. GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL: Will meet at 5 p.m. in the president’s conference room, second floor of the Coke building. All members and interested persons are urged to attend. GUATEMALAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 402, Rudder. MSC RADIO COMMITTEE: Will meet after yell practice in Room 410 Rudder. Dr. Tom Comstock, Brazos County Races Officer, is the guest speaker. TAMU NAVIGATORS: Will meet at 9 p.m. in Room 206, MSC. LEADERSHIP TRAINING CLASS: Will be held 8:30-10 p.m. in Room 204, Harrington. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. E.E. STUDENT WIVES CLUB: Joy Painter will give “Tips on Buy ing a Home” at 7 p.m. in Room 342, Zachry. Friday “CHINA SYNDROME": Will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Au ditorium. Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas star in this film about an accident at a nuclear power plant. (PC) “EYES OF LAURA MARS“: Will be shown at midnight in Rudder Theater. Faye Dunaway and Tommy Lee Jones star in this murder mystery centered in the world of high fashion. (R) DEADLINE: Today is the last day to pay the second installment board payment. The amount is $170.30 for the 7-day plan and $152.45 for the 5-day plan. Pay at the Fiscal Office, Coke Building or Rudder Cashier’s Office. FLORICULTURE-ORNAMENTAL-HORTICULTURE CLUB: Will have a party with all the beer you can drink at 8 p.m. at the Brazos Center. Dennis Ivy & The Waymen will play. Tickets are $3, and available from club members or at the door. MIDNIGHT YELL PRACTICE: For the Texas Tech game will be held in the parking lot of South Plains Mall in Lubbock. BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: “The Bee’s Knees,” a Dallas-based band, and Baylis & Schulte are featured at 8 p.m. Saturday FARON, EVANS & BRANDED: Will give a benefit concert from 3 p.m. until dark in the parking lot next to Pasta’s Pizza. Proceeds will benefit the Brazos County American Cancer Society. Beer will be 50 cents. MSC BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: “The Bee’s Knees” will per form at 8 p.m. “CHINA SYNDROME”: Will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Au ditorium. Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas star in this film about an accident at a nuclear power plant. (PC) “EYES OF LAURA MARS“: Will be shown at midnight in Rudder Theater. Faye Dunaway and Tommy Lee Jones star in this murder mystery centered in the high fashion world. (R) A&M WHEELMEN: Will meet at 9 a.m. in front of Rudder Foun tain for a 38-mile ride. FOOTBALL GAME: The Aggies travel to Texas Tech to play the Red Raiders in Jones Stadium at 7:30 p.m. Sun Theatres 333 University 84t The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-3 a."*. Poi.-Sat No one under 18 Ladies Discount With i his Coupor. BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS 846-9806 Judge rules home TV videotaping OK United Press International LOS ANGELES — A federal judge has ruled it is legal for private citizens to videotape television shows at home, rejecting a legal challenge important to the rapidly growing videotape market by an noyed movie-makers. The decision Tuesday also upheld the legality of tape recording music and other material from the radio. U.S. District Judge Warren Fer guson said Congress never intended the copyright laws to apply to such home recordings, commenting that in any case it is too late to halt the revolution in viewing habits spread ing throughout the country. Any other ruling would be un enforceable, the judge said. “Home recording simply cannot be controlled. Nobody is going into anybody’s home to prevent it,” the judge said. The film industry plaintiffs said they would appeal. “Both sides knew going into this case that ultimately it would have to be decided by the (U.S.) Supreme Court,” said Sidney Sheinberg, president of MCA Inc. Walt Disney Productions and MCA brought the landmark suit against the Sony Corp., makers of the Betamax video cassette rec order, and several related com panies and retailers. Although only two film studios and one video recorder manufac turer were directly involved, the ruling was looked to as a precedent applying to the rapidly growing in dustry. The moviemakers sought a court order banning the manufacture, sale and use of the machines, on the ground they allow users to circum vent the copyright laws that protect the propery rights of film makers and program creators, unfairly re ducing the value of the companies’ motion pictures. hi !r n it 11 LOCALLY OWNED JEWELRY & GIFTWARE ^1>7XX\MX CATALOG SHOWROOMS IN: COLLEGE STATION 303 S. COLLEGE AVE. “NEXT TO SKAGGS” STORE HOURS: M0N.-FRI. 10 AM-9PM SATURDAYS 10 AM-6 PM BankAmericaro USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN A GREAT WEEK LONG EVENT BEAT THE HIGH COST OF INFLATION VALUES LADIES WHITE BOLD CHANDELIER RING. 2 CT. TOTAL 14K GOLD SUGG. RET. 1899.95 LADIES YELLOW - GOLD STARLITE DINNER RING. VzCT. TOTAL 14K. GOLD SUGG. RET. 1095.00 374-061 MENS YELLOW GOLD CLUSTER RING. VzCT. TOTAL SUGG. RET. 879.95 NOW 949 9 NOW 547 50 mrnm 318-042 MENS YELLOW GOLD HORSESHOE, RING. V2CT. TOTAL SUGG. RET. 895.0C NOW 439 9 318-113 NOW 447 51 318-118 OSTER ELECTRIC MEAT-FOOD £ • Saves money, time, effort. • Slice family sized roasts, sirloins, hams, cold cuts, breads. • 62/3” separate stainless steel blades SUGG. RET. 53.97 NOW 34 8 206-148 Qster LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING. SUNBEAM DELUXE MIXMASTER MIXER With dough hooks for breadmaking. • Removes from stand for port able use. • Automatic beater ejector. * 261-198 (I SUGG. RET. 97.50 J/o, NOW 611! GENERAL ELECTRIC SPRAY STEAM & DRY IRON 3 IRON IN 1 • 25 steam vents. • Water window. • Fabric temp. dial. 148-050 SUGG. RET. 22.98 NOW 14" SUNBEAM LECHEF FOOD PROCESSOR • Turn ordinary meals into haute cuisine. • Knead dough. Mix dressings and batters. Slice meats and vegetables. • Direct drive motor. • 2 1 /2 qt. capacity. 261-287 SUGG. RET. 145.75 NOW 84 261-281 SUNBEAM ODYSSEY 1200 BLOWER-DRYER SUGG. RET. 23.95 cosco TOT ROD FOLDABLE STROLLER SUGG. RET. 30.00 126-004 NOW 18® 1200 watts of power. 25 speeds. 3 heats. NOW 14 67 Sunhram i SUNBEAM JEWEL SELF CLEANING. SHOT OF STEAM. IRON SUGG. RET. 35.95 NOW 0087 261-294 22' Y >"■ /- COSCO INFANT SEAT 126-014 SUGG. RET. 40.00 NOW 26 9 cosco PLAY PEN 126-019 SUGG. RET. 42.00 now 28 97 FOLDS FOR EASY STORAGE