The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1979, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1979 — O’Hair—pope case ‘not easy’ United Press International WASHINGTON — A federal judge, saying it is “not an easy case,” is mulling over atheist Mada- lyn Murray O’Hair’s attempt to stop Pope John Paul II from celebrating mass on Washington’s mall Sunday. O’Hair, who won a landmark 1963 Supreme Court ruling barring Bible reading in public schools, took on the pope in a packed courtroom Monday — at about the same time the pontiff was arriving in Boston. “I welcome him to the United States, but not to say a mass on pub lic land,” she told U.S. District Judge Oliver Gasch. O’Hair, 59, of Austin, and her son John Murray, contend in a suit against the Interior Department that a mass on the mall would violate constitutional guarantees separating church and state. Gasch dismissed a separate suit she filed against the pope on the ground he is the head of a foreign state and not within jurisdiction of U.S. courts. O’Hair, who argued her own case, told reporters “there is a co mingling of religion and govern ment on every level.” She complained the pope’s visit, also including speeches on the Bos ton Common and Grant Park ir Chicago, “is going to cost the United States taxpayers $25 million’ — money she said could better be, spent for the poor. Super Service Specials To Keep Your Car Running Right! FRONT-END ALIGNMENT (Most American & Foreign- Made Cars) $9 95 BALANCE 4 TIRES & LUBRICATION 95 (Most American & Foreign- Made Cars) *11 Special Offers Good Through Fri., Oct. 5 University Tire & Service Center 509 University Dr. “Next To Wyatt’s Q^0_g0.| 0 Sporting Goods” /x/j / * Pizza Planet 3 Presents: Wednesday Smorgasbord 5:30 till 8 $3.00 for Adults $1.50 for Children under 12 (Children under 5 are free) * * * * * * * * * * X 3 Pizza, Spaghetti, Soup and Salad All 'crs't-a-a ! what’s up at Texas A&M Wednesday AGGIELANDS: Have arrived and can be picked up in Lounge C, which is between Walton and Schumacher residence halls. Stu dents who have paid need only show their I.D. cards to pick up their books. SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB: Will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 201, Rudder. Training classes will be set up and a movie will be shown. Everyone welcome. MSC CRAFTS & ARTS COMMITTEE: Will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 216-T, MSC. PRE-VET SOCIETY: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder. SHARE GROUP: Carolyn Storm will lead a share group at 9 p.m. in the Meditation Room, All Faiths Chapel. Sponsored by Student “Y.” Everyone welcome. INTERNATIONAL FOLKDANCERS: Will meet 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the MSC. MICROCOMPUTER CLUB: Byron Young will demonstrate the APPLE computer at 7 p.m. in Room 203, Zachry. MSC BASEMENT COMMITTEE: Will be auditioning local talent from 6-10 p.m. Sign up for audition time in Room 216, MSC. CLASS OF ’80: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 350, MSC. Any senior may attend. STUDENT VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Will have an agency feir from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Rudder Fountain area. AGGIE SCOUTS: All scouts and those interested in scouting are invited to attend the meeting at 9 p.m. in Rudder. AG COMMUNICATORS OF TOMORROW: All Ag Journalism majors are encouraged to attend at 5 p.m. in the Communications Dept. Library in Reed McDonald. POLITICAL FORUM: “Killer Bees — Babe Schwartz and Gene Jones” at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 305, Rudder. VIDOR HOMETOWN CLUB: Will hold an organizational meeting at 8 p.m. in Room 303, Physics Bldg. SAN ANTONIO HOMETOWN CLUB: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 203, Harrington. New members welcome. AGGIE BLOOD DRIVE: Sign up your group today through Thurs day for the blood drive contest. Sign up from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the first floor of the MSC. A&M WHEELMEN: Will meet at 5:30 p.m. at Rudder Fountain for a short ride near town. SPORTS CAR CLUB: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 410, Rudder. Anyone with automotive interests is welcome. Trophies from Sunday’s Gymkana will be awarded. The Owners & Staff Cordially invite you to the Grand Opening of nro/n nrrvn nnvn jPj^CQ] "Sr a drinking establishment at 313 College Ave. in Skaggs Shopping Center During Happy Hour (3 to 7) today. Present this invitation at the door for a complimentary drink. A new exclusive Discotheque & Backgammon Club which is opening its doors today to our entirely new concept in atmosphere, intimacy and excitement. Dress: in Vogue MSC GREAT ISSUES presents Ross Terrill THE FUTURE OF CHINA AFTER MAO • October 4 8:00 p.m. Rudder Theatre Free FAMILY PLANNING: Will show the film, “Are You Ready for Sex?’’ at 8:30 p.m. in the Briggs Hall Lounge. STUDENT VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Will recruit new members for the SVS committee in the Rudder Fountain area. BELL COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB: Will hold an organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 301, Bolton. All people from Bell county are urged to attend. Thursday FINANCE ASSOCIATION: Will have a reception with First City National Bank of Houston from 6-8 p.m. at Briarcrest Country Club. Cocktails at 6 p.m., presentation at 7 p.m. TSEA: Pepper Powers, TSEA vice president, will discuss teacher rights in the classroom at 7 p.m. in Room 601, Rudder. UPPER ROOM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Will meet for Bible study at 7:45 p.m. in the Meditation Room, All Faiths Chapel. “BRIGADOON": Will be shown at 8 and 10:30 p.m. in Room 701, Rudder Tower (75 cents). A touching tale of two American hunters who find a magic village in Scotland that appears once every hundred years. (G) CLASS OF ’82: Will meet after Yell Practice in Room 229, MSC. The Halloween Dance and the Class of ’82 Ball will be discussed. CIRCLE K: This service organization will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder. SIGMA IOTA EPSILON: Will have a “Meet the Profs” party at 7:30 p.m. in Room 145, MSC. GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL: Will meet at 5 p m. in the president’s conference room, second floor of the Coke building. All members and interested persons are urged to attend. GUATEMALAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will meet at 730 p.m. in Room 402, Rudder. MSC RADIO COMMITTEE: Will meet after yell practice in Room 410 Rudder. Dr. Tom Comstock, Brazos County Races Officer, is the guest speaker. TAMU NAVIGATORS: Will meet at 9 p.m. in Room 206, MSC. LEADERSHIP TRAINING CLASS: Will be held 8:30-10 p.m. in Room 204, Harrington. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. E.E. STUDENT WIVES CLUB: Joy Painter will give “Tips on Buy ing a Home” at 7 p.m. in Room 342, Zachry. Friday “CHINA SYNDROME”: Will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Au ditorium. Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas star in his film about an accident at a nuclear power plant. (PG) “EYES OF LAURA MARS“: Will be shown at midnight in Rudder Theater. Faye Dunaway and Tommy Lee Jones star in this murder mystery centered in the world of high fashion. (R) DEADLINE: Today is the last day to pay the second installment board payment. The amount is $170.30 for the 7-day plan and $152.45 for the 5-day plan. Pay at the Fiscal Office, Coke Building or Rudder Cashier’xffice. FLORICULTURE-ORNAMENTAL-HORTICULTURE CLUB: Will have a party with all the beer you can drink at 8 p.m. at the Brazos Center. Dennis Ivy & The Waymen will play. Tickets are $3, and available from club members or at the door. BASEMENT COFFEEHOUSE: “The Bee’s Knees,” a Dallas-based band, and Baylis & Schulte are featured at 8 p.m. PACK’S PLASTER AND CERAMICS Unit CLEVE after he 1 election, another uy lonpartiss iave his hi mayor. Several Kucinich, - second to Voinovich, lame polls ortable r Democrats rote-gette unoff elec About 1 ients — 4( stered vot ;o to the y Kucinic! »ign by c 'a classic nent by r money. But Voi ‘has never t is right mayor of h ive.” Kucinicl ind self-s ieeking a : rddition t Charles I Majority I Pemocrat: Kucinic loesn’t ex jnmary. dieted vict “This eh rattle bet\ roans ar people,” I ion will b 'overnme nent by n Kucinic ition from roth politi powerful 1 iupported business h Voinovi' Re riot mu: FALL SALE OCTOBER 2 - OCTOBER 6 Tues.-Thurs. 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Frl. & Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sun. & Mon. FM 2223 (off Tabor Road) 823-3965 wm.- OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT DR. STEWART D. STEPHENSON CHIROPRACTOR PHONE 779-1551 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 1800 WILDE0AK & E. 29TH ATTENTION XilK vr MSC Town Hall Option Pass holders! Hewn holll Priority period to purchase tickets for Pablo Cruise Oct. 1-5 Tickets not purchased at this time will be released for sale to the general public. 2h dot pol new ce ed at i That’s Monday Police sa Richai * an d, an sought, Savings branch i m orning Asup, oonipani dow, r Panickec Asup f 0 j w ith a tl Two V ~~ withe P r °ache( Phinclo Asup wa The o suspect.