The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1979, Image 14
SAFEWAY Safeway Low, Low Meat Prices! •OPEN 24 HOURS • 7 DAYS A WEEK! •WE ACCEPT USDA FOOD COUPONS! •EXPRESS CHECKOUT OPEN 'TIL MIDNIGHT! PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 5, 8> 6, 1979 In Bryan-Collega Station. Boneless Hams I Boneless Round lAfhnlo fTnlv ® I USDA Whole Only, Water Added Smok-A-Roma (Sliced Ham. Lb. $ 1.66) Boneless Chuck Stpnlr USDA ^■“1111. Choice Beef (Boneless Tenderized Round Steak. Lb. $ 2.08) Roast USDA Choice Beef (Chuck Arm Roast Bone-In ... Lb. *1.98) Boneless Top Sirloin Steak USDA Choice Beef Loin Smok-A-Roma Sliced Bacon (2 Lb. Pkg. . . . $ 2.25) Premium Ground Beef T-Bone Steak USDA Choice Beef, Loin (Porterhouse '.USDA Steak .... Lb. *2.79) (CHOICE © . . . . . Lb. Regular Ground Beef Whole Fryers USDA Grade 'A' (Reg. Cut-Up Fryers ... Lb. 53<) _ (Split Breasts with Ribs . . lb. 99’) q ■ till 5 Thighs or Drumsticks Lb. O # Pork Loin Chops ^1?P^k. ibM.35 Sliced Slab Bacon Safeway Lb *1.13 Short Ribs 5Si! e piate ib 89’ Bologna ^Ihe Piece ib 99’ Sliced Bacon NoTouaiity pSM.39 Strip Steak . ib *3.74 Braunschweiger itZ'Lcei *85" Sausage S^g VS,*1.39 Chuck Steak Be 0 /! SLs ib *1.98 Cooked Ham£r y 6 pkg*1.69 1 B- 1 — New Zealand, LamD Legs Whole Frozen ib *1.85 Beef fOr SteW Boneless u, *1.98 Smoked Sausage^r^L^ $ 1.98 Smokies Hickory Smoked Pkg *1.59 Premium Franks ^0"Beef ^ *1.53 BULK BEEF VALUES! Top Sirloin BoneFes less. Choice Beef, Whole Only! .... Lb *2.19 Tenderloins Choice Beef! £ 4% A A Boneless, # Whole Only! .... Lb. Loin Strip Choice Beef Loin, Boneless, Half or Whole!... Lb Manor House I uriteys to to 14 Lbs.. Grade 'A' Lb. 79^ *3.49 Chuck Roll Choice Beef, £ ■■ 4 Whole, ? I || Boneless Lb. H • # I Trim Beef Brisket *1 35 i Choice Beef, Safeway Trimmed Lb Apples Washington Extra Fancy! Red or Golden Delicious! Tokay Grapes California! . ... Lb. Bartlett Pears Washington! Crotons Colorful! 6 Inch Pots 1 Carrots “f u. K Ll Bell Peppers S’ 6 to $ l (lucerne Grade 'A' 1a Large Eggs Radishes 601 4 ibs * 1 Cabbage ".‘em ib 15^ Cello Pkg Each 1 7* YellOW OniODS Crop! Lb. 1 5* East 1 Texas! Yams Russet Potatoes (“ u 1 No. 1 . Bag . 69’) ib 29’ 99’ Mums FoilWrapped 6 Inch Pots. 8 Lb. . Bag Potting Soii Our low Price! . . . Each 20 QM SPECIAL! Limit 2 Dozen With ‘7.50 Purchase or More, Less Beer, Wine, & Tobaccos. Each Doz. Scotch Buy Cookies Sunshine Krispy Crackers Delicious Snack Treats!. SPECIAL! Safeway I Cat Food SPECIAL! Crushed Wheat Bread Mrs. Wright's Parking ir come mor drinking t Serving Suggestion 1 t / 2 Lb. . . Loaf Brownie Mix "" w "’ h ' s Fudge ,Scotch Flour Buy Frosting Mix i . Pkg. 5 Lb. . . Bag 14 Oz. Mrs. Wright's Creamy White Pkg. Frosting Mix Creamy Fudge Pkg. Cake Mixes Assorted Pkg. 89< 75’ 69’ 69’ 55’ Tastee-0 # s Cereal Safpuiav .... BOX 89’ Safeway Box Instant CoffeeS ay °?a; $ 3.69 Plain Chili 59’ Tam mi;-, Eipton's, SPECIAL! 240z.$! QO I eQI IWlIX With Lemon & Sugar Jar leTO Instant Tea Upton’s, 3 Oz. SPECIALl Jar *2.38 Lemon Tea Mix SPECIAL! ° : 0, :. 4 ?a I ;*1.74 : Town 15 Oz. House Can O # Canned Chili ul'SZe 15 c 0 an, , Town 24 Oz. QQ<t House Con Town w 10.5 Oz. I House. . . . Cans 10.5 Oz. < Beef Stew Chic. Noodle Soup! Soup i ;99< *1 Town House I Cream of Mushroom . Dog FoodS'-c’U, "LIT Cat Food^r 4 c.™ *1 Dog Food Z’iTL,,,, .15 Dog Food '“^‘2.79 Cat Litter Tray Absobent . . 10 B l a b g79’ English Muffins Regular, 6 Count. . . Pkg. 1 Hamburger Buns! Hot Dog Buns French Bread Honey Buns New Orleans Style Mrs. Wright's 3 Count Lucerne Sugar I Scotch Buy Maple Ice Cream) Bathroom Tissue SPECIAL! "Flavor of the Month $ Vi Gal. . . . Ctn. Scotch Buy Fabric Softener Pink or Lemon Scented Safewayl/2 Moon Longhorn Cheese SPECIAL! Random Weight Packages 7-Up Regular or Sugar Free, SPECIAL! Deposits Not Included! Strawberries Fro^n 3 K *1 Whipped Topping S ’em 49’ French Fries Regular, Frozen . . ^59’ Fish Sticks K h n Buy : 8 p£:55’ Fried Chicken JoTe, Frozen 2 B l o b x*2.19 Paper Napkinss^T 1 4 p“s ,$ l Paper Napkins S B c u 0 y ,d ! "pfj:55’ Facial TissueK y 200 b C ox49’ White Magic Bleach See 1 "*’f 2 . Si43’ , Scotch Buy, Dry 49 Oz. Phosphate Free Box T # Compound 20Oz. Aluminum Foil ??£. Craft 2 Voi.39 < Trash Bags“ef G ty l ! on .’"K:89‘ Detergent i Dishwashing whTMagic " u b U ox65 c Liquid DetergentSe« h Buy 32 bh:65’ 29’ Cleanser Ma h gic 14 Oz. . . Can. Low Fat Milk ""” “,*1.39 Margarine m™"”' Canned Biscuits "" .S'" ’ 6c.™‘l Lucerne YogurtSS 42,™: $ 1 Party DipsirS a::39 c Golden Corn 5 ”* 8 "’ !2 0i.( Whole Kernel Golden Corn Cream S B t U yle . 3 Com 3 16 01. Cons Sweet Peas S B c u°y. cb 3'^ Green Beans S S* 3 ,60, Cut Green Beans French Style w Cons I Scotch I60i.^l Buy . .. Can J v Toothpaste Aim Brand Safeway, SPECIAL! SAVE 30 4 ! 6.4 Oz. .... Tube Columbia Encyclopedia This Week's Feature: VOLUME $4) Aft FOUR Each AaTT DESSERT DISH _ Springtime Feature chuMi Each of the Week! ...... Piece 89 all your car needs at Safeway’s low prices! Automotive supplies at Safeway! Sure! When you need antifreeze, weVe got it. At Safeway. Filters and motor oil. too. for that oil change to keep your car's performance up. That can save on gas. Plus, everything you need to make your one-ton baby sparkle like the day you drove her home. Wax, chamois, all just for a shine. And more. In Gateway's au tomotive section. From antifreeze to wax, Safeway is doing a little bit more for you . . . and your car. a little hit more ...from Safeway Anti Freeze and Coolant, Safeway Brand, SPECIAL! Each Gallon Deodorant Aerosol, SPECIAL! 6 ^ . . 3 c 0 .)i99‘ Nasal Mist?.T,,’;:;,?4 c ' ,u s Si:*l .69 Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price Shave Cream Foamy, SPECIAL! 11 Oz. Batteries Safeway 9-Volt c $ 1.09 2 Cf. JO Transistor, SPECIAL! Pkg. # O _ for Air Conditioners a o-w riliers and Heaters, SPECIAL! Z For I Vacuum Bags SPECIAL! Pkg*! 59’ 20% OFF Our Entire Selection of TIMEX WATCHES! Deodorant Stick, SPECIAL! .. 25 pJg*1.19 Hair Spray Final Net, Nan- 4 Oz. Aerosol, SPECIAL! Btl. *1.09 Soundesign Stereo *59. 95 With 2 Speakers, Model No. 6012-51 Receiver-Player. . Each « ■ .For Windshield >OIVenT Washers, Banner, SPECIAL). . . E £79’ Oil Treatment special! ,5 C 0 an*1.19 A - I* Transmission Fluid Amalie Dexron, SPECIAL! Each # Motor Oil Kiau'T 40 ' E Q c t h 79’ MOtOr Oil RereNned, SPECIAL! . . . . . . • . 3 Cents * 1 Motor Oil Each f* £■<( Air Filters 1.1b *1.99 Oil Filters Co" "afTw^PEc,ali. . . Each * 1 .69 Hair Spray A Microwave Oven Consort, for Men Aerosol, SPECIAL! SAVE 28<! Tappan, Model No. 56-1226 With Defrost Cycle & 28 Minute Timer, SPECIAL! Why Pay More? y| O Motor Oil Safeway Brand 10W40, Multi-Viscosity, SPECIAL! (24 Qt. Case ... *14.16) IMPORTANT NOTICE! $1,000 CASH BINGO Series No. 123 Officially Ends on Sat., Oct. 6, 1979. However, The Game Will Terminate When All Tickets Have Been Distributed. You Have 15 Days From The Above Date to Turn in Any Winning Discs. (Oct. 21, 1979). GET YOUR GAME TICKETS NOW AT ALL 80 SAFEWAY STORES IN SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHCENTRAL TEXAS (4 Bingo Discs per Ticket) NO PURCHASE REQUIRED! ADULTS ONLY! 18 YEARS OR OLDER! Stc me: after I> Mexia Wedn« date ft world’' The more crude Flo wot gushin U.S. ! away. "W< Proble weath. state o (PEM] under workc can nc cappet Ixtc the Yt hurrfc ters h weeks