Page 6 THE BATTALION MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1979 Policewoman promoted after surviving, 500 attacks United Press Internationa] NEW YORK — “Muggable Mary,” who has been attacked 500 times, got a reward Friday for her troubles -— a promotion to detective first grade. Her real name is Mary Glatzle. “Muggable Mary” is a 37-year-old decoy cop who in her 10 years with the police department has gone out on the street with a backup team in a variety of disguises — among them an old woman — to invite would-be robbers. At a promotion ceremony at Police Headquarters Friday, Glatzle was jumped from detective third grade to detective first grade, skip ping a rank because of her outstand ing record. Glatzle has received numerous commendations, including the medal of merit for arresting an armed rapist. Department aims to cut education’s red tape when you buy a t-shirt. BRING THIS COUPON & COME ON OVER to e BOOK Store United Press International The U. S. Department of Educa tion, the nation’s new Cabinet-level post, is supposed to cut a lot of red tape in Uncle Sam’s dealings with state and local school systems. The new department, voted into existence Thursday by the House of Representatives, takes some educa tion functions out of HEW and leaves some in. For example, the HEW will con tinue to handle grants to schools of public health. The new agency will handle grants to local education agencies. The department is not meant to become a “big brother” looking over the shoulder of state and local edu cation departments, taking away their independence. Dr. Mary Frances Berry, assis tant HEW secretary for Education, now the highest federal education post, made that point in an inter view at the start of the new school OPEN 8—7 pm i year. With “education” in the Depart ment of Health, Education and Wel fare, there’s “so much claptrap” to go through getting paper — propo sals, contracts to the top for action, she said. It is hoped the paper won’t have so many levels to pass through after President Carter signs the educa tion bill. But those waiting for fed eral grants or approval on federally assisted education programs shouldn’t hold their breath. Insiders say the “more efficient” system will not take shape until most education functions are ex tracted from HEW. The new name for HEW, by the way, will be De partment of Health and Human Services. About $14 billion in programs will be transplanted into the Depart ment of Education — along with 17,400 workers. Not included in the new depart ment are school breakfast, school lunch, school milk programs funded by the U. S. Department of Agricul ture. But some education programs now outside HEW will be inside. These include: — From the National Science Foundation: pre-college teacher de velopment in science; minority in stitutions science improvement program. — From the Department of Jus tice: Law enforcement education and internship program. — From the Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loan program. — From the Department of Labor: High school equivalency and TUESDAY NIGHT BUFFET 6-8:30 ONLY Children ages 2-7 only $1.09 Children under 2 years old FREE! ATTENTION vF MSC Town Hall Option Pass holders! liown holll -J. Sr »- -Wk» ’• !• ALL THE PIZZA (thick or thin crust) SALAD AND SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT 1803 Greenfield Plaza 846-1784 413 S. Texas Ave. 846-6164 • Priority period to purchase tickets for Pablo Cruise Oct. 1-5 Tickets not purchased at this time will be released for sale to the general public. Texas A&M Bookstore BOOK SALE TEXAS A&M BOOKSTORE’S LARGEST BOOK SALE THIS YEAR!!!! 50% to 90% OFF LIST PRICE OF OVER 10,000 titles — All Subjects MEDICINE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGLISH LITERATURE LANGUAGES DO IT YOURSELF NATURE RELIGIOUS TRAVEL AUTO REPAIR CHILDRENS BOOKS AND MANY MORE HURRY — COME IN NOW FOR THE BEST SELECTION TEXAS A&M BOOKSTORE LOCATED IN THE MSC college assistance migrant program. — From the Department of Ag riculture: U.S.D.A. Graduate School. The existing major education branches now in HEW and slated for the new department include: Of fice of Education, Assistant Secre tary for Education, National Insti tute of Education, and other HEW programs. A sampling of what’s in the branches slated for the transfer: support and innovation grants to improve local education, bilingual education training grants, basic skills improvement, alcohol and drug abuse education, ethnic heri tage studies. Also: emergency general grants to school districts, grants to local edu cation agencies for Indian educa tion. Also: library demonstrations, bilingual vocational training, adult education, education for the hand icapped, youth employment, arts in education, consumer and metric education, teacher corps, teacher centers. Also: the National Center for Education Statistics and a batch of aid to student programs — basic education opportunity grants, sup plemental educational opportunity grants, national student direct loan program. Quote may rum candidate National brief s Reagan to announce candidacy Nov. 13 U1 United Press International MERRIMACK, N.H. — Former California Gov. Ronald Re a?i has set Nov. 13 to formally announce his presidential plans, Thers no doubt he will run. On a one-stop campaign swing into New Hampshire Friday, | agan told a Rotary Club luncheon, “Let me put it this way, Iliai»| tentatively set the date of Nov. 13 for announcing my decision. Reagan, considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination,l added with a smile, “Anybody who is interested, don’t get committti to anyone else.” Conviction returned in rape of 12-year-c ONTARIO, Calif. — A man has been convicted of raping all. year-old girl who was wearing an “I am horny” T-shirt. Nicholas R. Reese, 32, an auto mechanic, disappeared Monda; the third day of testimony, but his trial went on without him. He faces a charge of failure to appear for trial, in addition to sej tencing on charges of oral copulation, kidnapping, rape by threati rape by sodomy and committing lewd acts upon a child under R The girl spent UA days on the witness stand, appearing well po» and delivering articulate testimony, moving prosecutor John Kocti to describe her as “a 12-year-old woman.’’ The girl testified that Reese and another man, still being si grabbed her Feb. 20 as she walked on a street near her home; Montclair. They molested her in their car, then drove her to a buildingi: Claremont where they raped her and performed multiple sex act she said. Un CHEY Richard ( cused tw bowing tc duce a bill ity of We coal prodi Cheney troduced D-Iexas ; D-Iexas, federal cc cent. Wy< eral coal and othe even high “This is we’ve got the light has the j economic Couple rescues abandoned baby Hi ARLINGTON, Mass. —“Little Orphan Annie, the newbombA left to die in a plastic garbage bag near a church, was reported stable condition today at Symmes Hospital. The 2-hour-old infant was rescued Thursday night by acoupleot walking their dog. She was given the name Little Orphan Annieb hospital employees. Still wet and nude from birth with the placenta attached, tk 5-pound, 13-ounce child was found by Mr. and Mrs. John Kruesi; the brush near the parking lot of St. Camillus Church. The couple told authorities they heard a faint cry emerge from plastic bag. “At first they thought it might be a cat rummaging in a tnij barrel, said Police Lt. Gerald Connor, but when they looked at tk] bag, they felt it was something else. ” Ur PENR( said Sunc react or horses th; over a cr killing a v 16 others Five j pitalized a broken The horse parade fo tion of th River vail Dick S United Press International COLUMBUS, Ohio — A seem ingly innocuous campaign stand — against littered streets — has landed Mayor Tom Moody in hot water in his bid for re-election this November. At a Kiwanis Club luncheon ear lier this week, Moody commented: “I can understand the thief, I can understand the burglar, the robber. I can even understand the rapist. Rut what satisfactiqn you get out of littering’ T don’t know. “The burglar at least only offends the person whose home it is; the rapist only offends that lady; but the litterer offends the good senses of every human being.” Women Against Rape demon strated in front of City Hall the next day. Friday, an Ohio State University newspaper editorial voted for “one more McDonald’s wrapper rather than more rape. Moody’s Democratic opponent called him unsympathetic to victims of crime and a state representative from Columbus called him “sick. ” South’s governors; to discuss energy Ti United Press International NEW ORLEANS — Energy and a Sunbelt-Snowbelt dispute over the distribution of federal dollars, laced with an undercurrent of presi dential politics, highlight business at the Southern Governors'Confer ence this week. The governors, who on Sunday attended a pro football game and Cajun dinner-dance, begin serious business today. “I hope to show them a good time,” said Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards, host and chairman for the 45th annual meeting of the 19- member association. The energy issue, which will open conference business today, is critical in that the member states include most of the major producers of oil and natural gas in the country, as well as some major producers of ^BROOKS £3conVERSE Men’s & women’s tennis apparel T-Shirts & custom-design transfers Complete selection of athletic clothing OPEN 9:30-6:00 '~7hc LorktT Koom : "SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED" 8(26 vTIla MARIA RD ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALL 779-9484 coal. The debate could indi President Carter’s political sup among the governors. Oklahoma Gov. George Ni^ Democrat, said he willoffera lotion urging deregulation of Nigh agrees with much of Q response to the energy crisis, feels more needs to be doni encourage private productio: energy. “There is too much relianft synthetic fuels as a practical soli to the energy crisis, he said, Carter declined two invitatte attend but is sending Energy S« tary Charles Duncan and seif agency heads to represent tlie ministration. Duncan will meet vately with the governors Tiri the day after the energy issuefr hated in the second general of the conference. Several governors have expres |concem about what they feel f uneven distribution offederalfa between the North and the Soi Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton said may offer a proposal to did money more evenly. George Busbee, who succeed Carter as governor of Georgia,i “wildly” enthusiastic supportei the president. He planned to off pair of resolutions dealing wit"l even” treatement of the ! the federal government. One deals with discriminatE freight-hauling rates, the issued led to the creation of the SGAintk 1930s. Busbee said the as should hire a lawyer if necessart sue the federal governmeul MSC ARTS and MSC CAMAC present EL TEATR0 DE LA ESPERANZA’S Bilingual Play HIJ0S, ONCE A FAMILY October 1, 7:30 p.m. Rudder Theater Student $ 1 50 Non-Students $ 2 0 FLA< amount escapee terials Nation; leak wa employ by the Darr Atomic ported ended son, Ai Depot Flagsta might l the spi which l The packed worker “Ah' were \ That’s _ just a said. I detect from tl The state fi Co. of tritiurr plant. The glow-ii watch last sp school kitche at 99 s plant a he