Page 4 THE BATTALION MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1979 The Battalion Classifieds Scientists survey blac\ LOST HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR RENT Blue denim carrying case with bicycle tools. Call 846-0850 nights.. ,20t2 Hamilton Pocket Watch (Gold) Lost between Nagle Hall and MSC parking lot. If found please call James Thompson 823-7619 after 7:00 p.m. i8t4 Help Wanted Full and Part Time waitpersons, kitchen, and bartenders Apply Mon.-Thurs. Last National Bank 411 S. Texas Ave. Part time help wanted. Grapevine Personality. 696-3411... 166tfii SPECIAL NOTICE PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 BVMHMR REHAB. AID/DRIVER Must have good driving record. Must have ability to work with re tarded indiv. 8-5, Fringes. $563 mo. Contact-Lisa Bryan. 779-2000 E.O.E. 2it5 HELP WANTED Full or Part Time waitpeople, kitchen, and bartenders Apply 7-9 at C.K. Krumboltz (formerly Beef-N-Brew Hwy. 30 PART TIME HELP Pick Up-Delivery Work With TV Shop 822-5887 Rent me & my plane for away football games. Call 779-5340 . . . 5t24 MIRANDA’S Need Mix Drink Bartender EXPERIENCED ONLY! Apply In Person HELP WANTED 307 University Dr., C.S. For Aggieland Distribution Call 845-2611 or come by Rm 216 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $3.15/hr. Apply in person between 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. 1tfn -Available September 30- Extra comfortable 2 bedroom dup lex apartment. Large living room. Basic furnishings. Spacious, clean and bright. Nice for advanced TAMU students, married couple or small family. 12 minutes from uni versity. Call for particulars. 822- 6668. acts FOR SALE PIZZA HELP WANTED 3-C BARBECUE Openings Available: Waitresses Busboys Waiters Lineworkers Apply in person at 810 South Main Between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. PEPE’S MEXICAN FOOD | Now taking applications for day and ■ ■ evening shifts. $3.00 Per Hour ■ Apply In Person, 107 Dominik College Station 18Qtfn Help Wanted to work part time hours at: Farmer’s Market Deli & Sandwich Shop 2700 Texas Ave., Bryan 822-6414 18tfn ^Flexible Hours 'Bonuses jt ^Residential ^Commercial Ken Martin’s Steak House Now accepting applications for part time cashiers and kitchen help. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY 1803 S. Texas Ave., Bryan (Next to Sears) 15t5 6% Commission Want to earn 6% commission, $3.25/hour, and good tips? Come do it with Pizza Express. Must have own car. Hours are flexible. Excellent part-time job for stu dents. Apply In Person After 4 p.m. At 319 Patricia, C.S. Auto air horn plays war hymn. $100, 696-0646 after 6 p.m..,19t5 Dresser $15 ; box spring and mattress $20. 846-2992... 18t4 Loft $75, 693-5442. Fits corps style rooms. 18t5 Like new six String Aspen guitar. 693-2847, ask for Ron...20t2 All Season Deer Lease for 4 guns. Wooded, Creek, Water, Near Bryan. 779-4361...20t5 United Press International ANN ARBOR — Nearly 5,000 blacks across the country are being interviewed in what the University of Michigan describes as the most extensive survey ever conducted of the nation’s largest minority group. U-M’s Institute for Social Re search is currently conducting the interviews in more than 100 com- .munities with funding from the U. S. iPublic Health Service. About 200 black researchers are doing the interviews. James S. Jackson, associate pro fessor of psychology and director of the project, said the survey is ex pected to provide social scientists, policy makers and the black com munity with information about the black population in a number of im portant social and health-related areas. “This study will allow us to go be yond past stereotypes of blacks,” Jackson said. “Over the years blacks have developed different lifestyles in response to a variety of life situa tions.’’ Interviews with three generations of black Americans began in March and will continue through November, Jackson said. “We expect differences between blacks in rural areas and those in large cities. There will also ^ gional differences,” he example, the methods dealing with both everyday p, lems and those associate/, being black in Detroit’s inn e , may he different than thoseu^ rural Georgia.” Jackson described the stu three-in-one survey. The parent study involve Sli vey of a cross-section ofl] Americans, 18 and older. ] dents in this cross-section with at least three generations! will he selected to participate indepth study of black fan! These respondents willbereiii viewed and two of their [ lt members representing two generations also will be viewed. “The importance ofthisstnj, black Americans across theeo® cannot he overestimated,” Jad said. “We hope it will clear up; tain misconceptions about (If titudes and behaviors ofblach provide a basis for the develop: of useful policies and programs Jackson said reports on the of the survey are expected next year and will continue ti produced throughout thedecai JOHN DEERE Mod. "H Tractor, complete 2-row Implements, Bedders & Disc. $750, 779-4361... 20t5 Experiment aids growth 74 Mustang IJ, loaded, low mileage, will talk price. 693-3651. 1915 of whooping crane flock 1977 Chev. Silverado pick-up, 4-wheel drive fully loaded. 696-3567... 19t 10 10 Speed $35; Wayne Brown surfboard. 693 2157.. .21t5 1975 Beige 4-door Nova. New tires, good con dition, call 845-2480.. ,21t2 WANTED 1976 BUICK REGAL Power steering, brakes, windows, cruise control caVp™ raCli0 ' AIS ° 12x12 ' red/ t>lack shag 846-0828 Will Talk Price The Original Team-Cleaning Agency in B/CS FULL/PART TIME — Up To $3.50 Per Hour Apartment Plus Salary Maintenance man in small apart ment complex. Work your hours. Some carpentry, electrical and plumbing knowledge required. 846-6874 before 2 or after 6 p.m. Plus Travel Compensation 693-7844 Nancy Crouch, Owner Qualified photographers wanted to take party pictures. 35mm camera required. Work nights and weekends. Call Jim or Annette at University Studio 846-8019 OihC. ^OC =>oc 3C BARBECUE #3 HI CULPEPPER PLAZA School Bus Drivers For Bryan School District Will you need part time work this school year? Apply now for im mediate training. $3.50 per hour for inexperienced drivers plus conditional bonus at end of school year. BC-BS insurance available at group rates. Car pools available. 3 % Hours per day guaranteed if available both A.M. & P.M. Most bus routes longer. CALL NOW! The Houston Chronicle NEEDS CARRIERS We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time L Apply between 9:30-11 and 2-4 .J Due to a change from afternoon to morning de livery effective Sept. 1, the Chronicle now has several routes open for the Fall Semester. High est paying routes in town plus liberal travel allow ance. Call Julian McMurrey £ 693-2323 846-0763 ^ i__JJ_9 : 3220_„_j WANTED ■ COLLECTORS. RESTORERS, ATTENTION” T-Model Ford Coupe $750 1958 Buick Century Sedan $625 1961 Continental Sedan $375 1964 Cadillac Sedan $525 1966 Chev, '/ a T. Stepside Pickup $550 779-4361, 608 South Bryan 2015 “SAIL OF SAILS” (In Grandpa’s Basement) Thu., Fri., & Sat. 608 S. Bryan, in Bryan Antique, Primitive, & Old Furniture, Chairs, Tables, Dressers, Chest, Beds, Floor Lamps, Wooden Ice Box, Iron Beds, Picture Frames, Gas Heaters, Woodburning Stovesi Chifferobe, Bentwood Chairs, Buf fet, 1,000 & 1 Iron, Brass, Wood, Glass, Things & Stuff, Etc. (p.s., Hutch, Marbletop Washstand, Bot tles, Rock, Minerals). 2015 United Press International An experimental flock of endangered whooping cranes that winters in New Mexico’s central Rio Grande Valley could he nearly twice as big this year as last year. Hans Stuart of the Fish and ^ Wildlife Service said eight baby | whoopers survived at the flock’s j summer grounds in the Grays Lake j National Wildlife Refuge of south- j eastern Idaho. The whoopers, with their adopted j sandhill crane parents, should begin j the fall migration toward the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Ref uge in New Mexico in early Oc tober. If they survive the hazards of the 800-mile migration — including fences, power lines, hunters and animal predators — the size of the flock at the winter grounds would increase to 17 from nine last year. “This has been a very good year for whooping cranes,” Stuart Friday. “The weather hash good, with no late snowstor© During the summer, he said cials were able to account fort of the nine older whoopersthali tered in New Mexico last year did not know the fateofthcE bird. The most recent sighting, St said, was last Monday i Longmont, Colo., on the ear side of the Rocky Mountains said officials were somewhali ried about the bird being sofc the normal migration route. The experiment, which isaii at increasing the chancesi whoopers to survive in the began five years ago whenwhory crane eggs from the Canadian of the only established wild were placed in sandhill crane at Grays Lake. ALPHA MSC C/ p.m. BIBLE ! Harti “BREAI Theal Switz CAMAC MECH “Rec Coni DEAD! ENGIN resui Harr THE H p.m. favoi PRE-Lr Root Hou Rock CLASS desig MSC C TAMU on tl AP0LL p.m. SADDI High AGRIC nual AMER] Rode WILDI “The 601, INTER ture MSC Expert typing, call Gloria 693-0283... 18t 10 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544... Itfh EARN GOOD MONEY WORKING AT SWEDEN’S IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Flexible hours for student. Need to be able to work nights and have reliable car or motorcycle. Earn $3.25/hr. plus 8% commission plus tips driving for Chanello’s Pizza. „ , , _ _ Apply In Person, After 3 p.m. 301 Patricia (Apply today. We need about 50 people) Cooks, Waiters, Dishwashers, Waitresses.All Shifts Available. Pick up an application at Swen- sen’s, Culpepper Plaza, C.S. TYPING. Prompt, professional. 823- 5726...21t23 CASH FOR OLD GOLD < Class rings, wedding rings, worn out . ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. 1 The Diamond Room * Town & Country Shopping Center ( 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan i 846-4708 Private furnished room in house, $125 plus 1/4 utilities, near shuttle. Call Bobby 696- 1544... 20t5 FULL OR PART TIME '■Day sh.’ft *Night shift (til 10:00 p.m.) ♦■Weekends Cashier experience helpful Flexible hours to fit your schedule Rapid advancement Starting Salary $3.10/hr. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) DOMINO’S PIZZA IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Furnished Room For Rent In Private Home 693-6093 Now hiring delivery personnel, part time and full time, must have own car and insurance, J k ~~^ $3.25 per hour plus commission J and tips. 1 Apply after 4:30 p.m. 1504 Holleman, C.S. Need to sublease furnished efficiency, all bills paid, $126 per mo. 845-2981... 18t5 Bryan 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station 105 Dominik HELP WANTED DOMESTIC SERVICES FULL TIME — PART TIME Waitresses • Waiters • Busboys • APPLY RAMADA INN Part Time/Full Time TEAM CLEANING HOMES With Other Students $3.20/hr. Plus Mileage 693-1954 Judy Smeins Libby Vistano NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn BOY, IS SHE STACKED! (to the ceiling, that is) TWIN CITY FURNITURE has just received truckloads of Quality Furniture items. PRICES ARE SLASHED! to reduce our inventory 4-Drawer Chests 39.95 Full-Size Innerspring Mattress & Box 99.95 Oak-Frame Herculon Sofa & Chair 199.95 3-Piece Cofee & End Table Set 69.95 WATERBEDS (now Hybrid Model) plus much, much more . .. Kelvinator appliances, Sylvania TVs, Ther-a-Pedic Bedding. TWIN CITY FURNITURE Downtown Bryan 9-6 218 S. Main ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 The sandhills hatch the egji raise the young whoopers unti next year’s nesting season.! spring, more eggs have beenp' in the sandhill nests. Wildlife officials hope thewb ers will continue to follow tk dhill migration route and li« Idaho and New Mexico during: adolescence, then begin rais their own families when the)' mature. The crucial test of mi and raising families should cow the early 1980s. Sonnenblick Apts. 3700 Plainsman, Bryan large 2 bedroom unfurnished - $199/mo. large 2 bedroom furnished - $219/mo. dishwasher • pool washateria • covered parking 846-6874 ists Stuart also said the establi flock of whooping cranes appf to he in good shape this fall, seven youngsters expected to the 74 older birds in thefaN tion from Canada to the Texas( Coast. ALTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Gall George Wclili I'ai iticrs Insmaiiee ffi-H {400 S. College LSA1 SPORT Rud Eve MSC ( Rooi PRE-V SHARI the “ Y ” INTER p.m MICR( APF MSC B 6-10 CLASS seni STUD] fron AGGIE invil AG C( majt tion POLIT Jone Amity Review Seminal 15 student average class si!l Team teaching techniqus Convenient weekend cla sSt! . EXCLUSIVE MATH REFRESH 800-243-476! IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 306-page catalog of collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097G, Los Angeles, California, 90025. (213) 477-8226. i 6 , 18 HAVE LUNCH ON US ... FREE! 410 South Texas Avenue College Station (Across From A&M Campus) A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. Apartments • Duplexes • All Types Of Housing Call for appointment or come by A&M APT. pm PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 2339 S. Texas, C.S. “Next to the Dairy Queen” . USDA CHOICE BEEF Sides (200-350 lb. Avg. *1 3 7 *1 55 LI. Hinds (100-180 lb. Avg.) STOCK YOUR FREEZER FOR THE SEMESTER Yield grade 2 s, cut, wrapped and quick frozen. Fully guaranteed. Aged to perfection! This choice beef has been electro tender aged to yield an 18-30% more naturally tender and naturally aged beef. Readfleld Meats & Freezer Service 2701 Texas Ave. 822-1594