page 1U I Ht BA a ALIGN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1979 House of Beds Mattresses, Brass Beds and Accessories INTRODUCTORY SALE NOW CARRYING SPRING-AIR MATTRESSES Twins - $99/set Full - $109/set (THREE FIRMNESSES) Queen - $159/set King - $199/set TAMU —Souths., p^ 1n . mam SALE STARTS FRIDAY (Prices good thru Oct. 6) I SouthwoodJ Place 696-0806 Southwood Place 1804C Brothers Blvd. the nation Police shrink catches killers United Press International PHOENIX — As escaped killers Gary Tison and Randy Greenawalt spread terror throughout Arizona during a crime spree a year ago, law offi cers turned to Bernard Barber for help in tracking them down. For Barber, it was just another task in his work as a police psy chologist, a field he helped pioneer. “During the time they were loose we were called in to use hypnosis on two witnesses,” Barber said as he recalled his work on the Tison case. “We also did some profiles on what we could anticipate about their activities. We got as much material as we could and tried to draw up some kind of profile. In fact, we suggested that they probably would return to the area they were familiar with and that’s exactly where we caught them.” Work on such criminal cases is just one facet of Barber’s job as a psychologist for the state De partment of Public Safety. His probable title, Barber said, would be a “clinical social police criminal psychologist.” His work deals with such wide-ranging matters as hostage situations, marital counseling, evaluations of new recruits, job stress, research and consulta tions with local law enforcement Some of Barber’s clients are DPS employees referred by their superiors because of departmen tal violations that may require discipline. In those cases, Barber makes reports to the proper DPS authorities. In all other cases, however, the clients receive the same “privilege and confidential” rights that would be accorded a patient seeing a private psychol ogist. agencies. Barber first touched on police psychology work in 1954 when he worked briefly with the Los Angeles County sheriffs de partment as a rehabilitation offi- Stress is one of the problem Barber deals with most, but the cause of that stress surprisingly is not the danger involved in police work. It is caused by shift changes, he said. The No. 2 rea son for stress, he said, is “soci ety’s expectation of the police man to be above mortal.” Abuses abound in GSA — solon Save up to $20.00 (All Perms $30.00) Call early for your appointment. Culpepper Plaza location only 693-0607 PlaceD k In Culpepper Plaza BAXI. The Finest New Dance Hall in Texas presents Texas Pride Sept. 28th Flying Burrito Bros. Sept. 29th Advance Ticket Sales: Budget Records & Tapes and Court’s Western Wear, Culpepper Plaza & Manor East Mall. 15 minutes from B-CS, 3 miles west of Snook, FM 60 & FM 3085. SANYO HAS ° ARRIVED! HURRY IN FOR GREAT SAVINGS ON CASSETTES AND TURNTABLES SALE — THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY RD5030 FRONT-LOAD CASSETTE DECK W/DOLBY RD5030 Front-Load Stereo Cassette Deck with Dolby. The new value leader in cassette decks, with all the essential features for truly high quality cassette recordings at an extremely attractive price. Attractive styling with front-load convenience, plus features like Dolby noise reduction, 3-position tape selector for normal, CxOz and FeCr tapes, large illuminated VU meters, mic and line inputs, plus a precision full auto stop Sanyo tape transport. «* drive to go through carbons It’s hard to resist a pen that holds the line like a Pilot. finefine marker pens M