The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 05, 1979, Image 1

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    'The Battalion
72 No. 3
!0 Pages
Wednesday, September 5, 1979
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
Warm and humid with a 20% chance of rain. High
today in the low 90’s with the low tonight in the
mid 70’s. Winds will be 10 m.p.h.
teell Lewis, a senior in horticulture, fills up with gasoline at a station on
University Drive. Some gasoline station operators in Bryan-College Station
ire unsure about how long the gas will hold out. Battalion photo by Clay Cockrill
1 gas expected
lere by year’s end
Battalion Staff
Bryan-College Station gas station own-
rs are generally pessimistic about the
rice and availability of gasoline here for
Krest of the year.
Most predicted the price of regular
isoline would soon reach $1 a gallon he
re the end of the year.
In a survey of 20 gasoline stations in
Iryan-College Station on Texas Avenue,
ieaverage price for regular gasoline was
icents, up 25 percent from last May and
8 percent from May, 1978. The average
hce for unleaded is 93 cents.
station owners admit gasoline
is on an upswing, they feel the
rorst is yet to come.
Gene Zulkowski, owner of Zulkowski
exacoonl405 S. Texas Ave., said, “The
!is situation has crippled my business.
! orexample, last year at this time I had six
mployees, now I have only three. And to
lale matters worse, the government is
onstantly warning us the situation is
ring to get worse. ’’
Joe Messina, assistant manager of
Gulf Self-Serve on 300 S. Jersey,
eeswith Zulkowski.
i “The way everything is going right now,
(looks doubtful that anything will get bet-
rin the future, ” he said. “If they don’t
jve us 2,500 gallons .a day, we’ll be in big
rouble, and I certainly don’t anticipate
Wing that much any time soon. The out-
ongress votes to consider
campaigning, federal deficit
Chinese want Carter visit,
returned Mondale says
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Chinese leaders
want President Carter to visit their coun
try, Vice President Walter Mondale told
Carter Tuesday on returning from a 10-day
trip to China and the Far East.
The president said he will try to
schedule such a trip next year.
Mondale spoke to Carter at a luncheon.
‘They are very anxious that you visit,’’
said Mondale, who just returned from
China. “They made that point — both Hua
and Deng.”
Mondale referred to Communist Party
Chairman Hua Guofeng and Vice Premier
Deng Xiaoping.
“I will try to work out a time next year,”
Carter said.
“We had what I thought was an excel
lent trip,” Mondale told Carter. “Premier
Hua was delighted by your invitation, and
he said to use the words ‘with delight.’”
Carter has asked that Hua visit the United
States in 1980, as Deng did at the start of
1979 when the two nations resumed dip
lomatic relations.
During a few moments at the start of
Carter’s luncheon with Mondale — while
reporters and photographers were permit
ted to be present — the president asked
Mondale if he was allowed access to the
Chinese people.
“The mood was good. It was clear they
place high priority on good U.S.-Chinese
relations,” Mondale said.
Mondale’s week-long visit to China re
sulted in new agreements for trade and
development projects and a new consulate
in Canton. In Hong Kong Sunday, he
toured crowded refugee camps and de
fended the U.S. policy of picking up and
assisting the Indochinese “boat people.”
And in Tokyo en route home Monday,
he had lunch with Prime Minister
Masayoshi Ohira at the elegant Japanese
summer palace and briefed him on U.S.-
Chinese relations.
Mike Mansfield, U.S. ambassador to Ja
pan, said Mondale told Ohira he was
“pleased as punch” with his trip to China,
and had reaffirmed to Ohira the need for
U.S. consultation with Japan on trade with
China “so they won’t be interfering and
competing with one another to too great
an extent. ”
The Indochina refugee situation and the
Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia also
were discussed. Mondale spent less than
three hours in the Japanese capital.
On the two-day visit to Hong Kong, the
vice president toured two crowded ref
ugee camps and defended U.S. efforts to
find and rescue Vietnamese boat people
afloat on the South China Sea.
That initiative, he said, is “the right
thing to do ... one of the best things our
government has done in a long time.”
As he headed home. Mondale told re
porters his mission had been a success in
expanding relations with China. The
United States and the People’s Republic
established formal relations in January but
a number of difficulties had held up full
implementation of the new status, particu
larly economically.
Mondale held 12 hours of talks with top
Chinese leaders, toured the countryside to
confer with local and regional officials and
got in a hefty chunk of sightseeing.
His major speech on U.S.-China rela
tions was broadcast on Chinese radio and
television — affording millions of Chinese
their first opportunity to hear a message
from a foreign leader, and making him an
instant celebrity throughout much of
The most important official part of the
trip was the signing in Peking of bilateral
cooperation agreements with the Chinese
to start a new cultural exchange program
between the countries and to give the
Chinese much-needed technical assistance
for work on hydroelectric systems.
It was the first trip to China by a top
U.S. official since Gerald Ford traveled
there in 1975.
Friends help boy fight cancer
look is grim.”
One gasoline dealer, however, is op
timistic about the future.
Jesse McCullough, general manager of
the East Texas distribution for Sigmor
Shamrock, said gasoline supplies for his
firm were normal.
“Our stations are staying open seven
days a week with no problem. We have
supplies coming in from our Three Rivers
Refinery along with what the Sigmor
Shamrock Corporation sends us. I don’t
anticipate any real problems in the near
future. We’re not going to close any
pumps down at all.”
Andy Sustaita, a Phillips 66 dealer and
owner of Sustaita Phillips 66 at 208 N.
Texas Ave., said supplies for his station
were getting better, but he was unsure
how they would be in the future.
“We really haven’t had that much trou
ble,” he said. “But, then again, I don’t
think it can get much worse than it is.
Over the summer it was much worse than
it is now. On Sundays, we had 15 or 20
cars lined up for gasoline when we opened
the station in the morning. The lines were
generally limited to Sunday mornings.
“I think the return of the students will
cause some supply problems for the sta
tions near the campus,” he said. “I’m
about 6 miles north of the campus,
though, so until the kids start coming out
here for gas, I’ll be OK. ”
United Press International
STREAMWOOD, Ill. — Two years
ago, Timmy Estes had a tumor the size of a
lemon on his tongue. Despite radiation
and chemotherapy, 30 to 40 small tumors
soon appeared in his lungs.
He is 7 now, fighting a daily battle
against an extremely rare form of cancer.
The medical bills are high and often he
and his mother must stay in places infested
with mice and bugs to save money for trips
to the Mayo Clinic for experimental
“He’s so small — only 38 pounds,” says
Donna Estes. “He’s bald because of the
drugs and he has a lot of scars on his throat
and neck.
“He’s a very brave child. He tells me
every night not to cry, just to say our
prayers and God will help us.
Now, his neighbors, local store owners.
Boy Scouts, and even the village board in
his hometown of Streamwood, about 25
miles outside of Chicago, are helping too.
“It costs us $700 for one day of treat
ment, and that’s not counting travel ex
penses,” his mother said. “We’ve stayed in
places with mice and bugs to save money
while we re there (at the Mayo Clinic).”
Last week, however, the village board
Total eclipse
of moon visible
Thursday a.m.
United Press International
WASHINGTON — The moon will
move within Earth’s shadow Thursday
morning and the farther west you live, the
better the show will be.
It will be the last total lunar eclipse
visible from North America until 1982.
The moon will begin moving into
Earth’s shadow at 4:18 a.m. CDT and
leave the shadow at 7:30 a.m. CDT. The
moon will be totally eclipsed for 46 min
utes, between 5:31 a.m. and 6:17 a.m.
When Earth’s shadow covers the moon,
it appears as a rusty ball. It is never com
pletely dark because rays of sunlight are
bent by Earth’s atmosphere and enter the
The last total lunar eclipse visible in the
United States was in 1975.
gave the go-ahead for his supporters to
make door-to-door solicitations this Satur
day for donations to help pay his medical
The village has been divided into sec
tions by Timmy’s friends, neighbors and
members of two Boy Scout troops for the
door-to-door drive.
Local store owners pitched in by allow
ing donation cans and solicitations to be
made on their premises.
“The help everyone’s giving is really
just super,” says Timmy’s mother.
Last September local civic groups
helped raise $13,000 with a fund drive for
the boy. But those funds have dwindled
down to $10 because of all the medical
bills, Mrs. Estes said.
Timmy’s cancer, she said, was discov
ered in October 1977 when he had trouble
swallowing. His parents thought he might
have a problem with his tonsils.
A tumor the size of a lemon was discov
ered on his tongue, however, and he was
diagnosed as having an extremely rare
form of cancer with only 100 known cases
and only two cases involving the tongue.
He was treated with radiation and
chemotherapy, but last July doctors said
30 to 40 small tumors had spread to his
Doctors in Chicago said there was no
thing they could do, so now he travels to
the Mayo Clinic every three weeks for an
experimental chemotherapy treatment.
He also has undergone surgery on hi
Donations can be sent to the Timm
Estes Cancer Fund, First State Bank c
Hanover Park, 1400 Irving Park Road
Hanover Park, Ill. 60103.
1st student to die this yeai
will be honored Sept. 11
Nineteen-year-old Woodrow K. Ratliff,
first student fatality of the 1979-80
academic year, has been added to the list
of Texas A&M University students to be
honored Sept. 11 at Silver Taps.
Ratliff, an electrical engineering
sophomore from San Antonio, died Sept. 2
in a one-car accident near Bastrop. Serv
ices will be held Wednesday in San An
tonio, with burial in Fredericksburg.
Silver Taps, the traditional ceremony in
memory of students who have died, will
be conducted for six others besides Ratliff.
All died after Aggie Muster on April 21
anniversary of the Battle of San Jacinto
which clinched Texas independence.
The 10:30 p.m. outdoors memorial is
usually held shortly after ea,ch studenl
death during a year, but no ceremonies
are held after April 21 and before the first
Silver Taps of the fall semester.
The Sept. 11 memorial will also honoi
Charla Gwin, Stuart B. Walker, Alan D.
Peacock, Tamara L. Bates, Henry B.
Bishop and Luke D. Bell.
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Two items coming
) soon on Capitol Hill may have pro-
und importance on the way Congress
First is the Senate Budget Committee
allenge of seven other older and, at least
itilnow, more powerful committees over
Wing down the size of the federal defi
Then House members may have to deal
"ith a proposed limitation on the role of
il action committees in their own
Members return from their August va
cation today, with the House taking up the
•oreign aid appropriation and the Senate
addressing the Treasury and Postal Serv-
Otherwise, energy legislation and the
Premier foreign policy debate of this ses-
j°n — the Strategic Arms Limitation
Treaty — figure to dominate Congress’s
Mention through October and possibly
' nger.
Some of the other tough issues on the
fall agenda include possible disciplinary
action against Sen. Herman Talmadge,
D-Ga., accused of financial misconduct, a
bail-out for the Chrysler Corp., and abor
tion language in federal appropriations
The budget showdown may come next
week, providing the first major test of the
congressional process adopted five years
ago under which lawmakers are supposed
to keep spending within limits they set
earlier in the year.
In May, Congress approved a budget
with a $23 billion deficit, since raised to
$28 billion because of inflation. But some
major committees did not impose the re
quired spending cuts and the Senate Ap
propriations Committee has approved
about $2 billion in extra spending.
As a result, when it comes time to adopt
the revised budget this fall, it will be about
$32 billion in the red.
Senate Budget Committee chairman
Edmund Muskie, D-Maine, plans to chal
lenge the standing committees by asking
the Senate to require them to meet the
first targets.
Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., calls
the challenge “the single most important
economy test the Senate has faced since
the passage of the Congressional Budget
Act in 1974.”
The attempt to limit the amount of
money special interest groups can con
tribute to House candidates through their
political action committees “is going to be
a struggle because there are a lot of mem
bers who get a lot of PAC money,” says
Dick Conlon of the liberal Democratic
Study Group, which is pushing the at
Although public financing of campaigns
has been defeated repeatedly, Conlon says
this bill has a better chance, at least in
public image.
Opponents argue that limiting contribu
tions is an infringement of free expression
and that more should be spent by in
terested citizens on elections. Rep. Bill
Frenzel, R-Minn., contends, for example,
that spending on House races in 1976 was
10 percent of what Americans spent on
dandruff shampoos that year.
Just you & me, kid
Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.
Barbara Forrest and daughter Jenny, eight months,
share a quiet moment outside Texas A&M’s Memo
rial Student Center. Barbara’s husband, Wayne, is a
student at Texas A&M.