is-300 dei mid bei eculafed : atmosj warmed lich heall ow level uve theo: atellite y for ontinuei rom Sat i has dis lore bai expecti lined Sm t much TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1979 Space shuttle tiles may need gluing interiorm For those unfamiliar with the Texas A&M alsofomi campus, finding classrooms and buildings can 42,00(iEil be a challenge. Jim Neal, working at the in formation desk in Rudder Tower, where softball m beforel dinner ill , Wishan Carters th of Pin has ruiii 'anizedli cies, has his retun rnoon - th AFL ‘g ought the dis? ,aid Sm ain sen day (tw! v long litedPi 1 the! He ini re "illef eople ;ers shof fts Suni ay h} 1 B-l trike hai the t® ; reiusii>! of assif I operali aning m Getting help about campus those having trouble finding their way around can get assistance, directs Susan Neal, a freshman marketing major. Battalion photo by Clay Cockrill Low mortgages Now you know draw a crowd United Press International METAIRIE, La. — Sunning in the broiling heat or playing poker and Monopoly under the shade of beach umbrellas, members of “tent dties” outside Jefferson Parish mortgage companies held community Labor Day picnics to await a shot at low-interest home loans. Mortgage companies and homesteads will begin taking applications Wednesday for $86 million available for home loans at a low 7.6 percent interest. The low-interest money, which will he split among four income level groups, was made available by the sale of government-backed bonds. Most of the “tent city” residents said they would he unable to afford a house without the low-interest money. "When you consider each day we re out there we’re saving $7,000 on a30-yearnote, it’s absolutely thrilling, and a damn good bargain, ” said Don Crist. “Everybody’s having a ball and making lots of new friends. It’s like Carnival (Mardi Gras) out there. ” Potential buyers, armed with beach chairs and shade umbrellas, began lining up outside the offices last week. Leaders emerged among the groups at most offices and became impromptu mayors. “We were being told about big crowds and the very serious possibil ity of lines and property damage,” said Burnett Tappel, chairman of theauthority. “I really was under the impression there’d be a murder if it were allowed to continue. " Instead, families sitting in lines reported an instant sense of commu nity, with strangers sharing birthday parties, organizing marathon Monopoly games and sharing babysitting duties. Despite the 90-degree heat, afternoon monsoon-like rains and nightly attacks of mosquitos, sheriff’s deputies have reported no trou ble among those taking up temporary residence outside the mortgage offices. More than 100 applicants at the Carruth Mortgage Corp. named their line “Carruthville” and a couple outside a Canal Street office wore T-shirts emblazoned with “We re Sixth in Line at Riverside Financial." Congress graded 49% on conservation United Press International The Museum of Modern Art in New York City displayed Henri Matisse’s “Le Bateau” in 1961 —and it took 47 days before “the experts’ discovered it was hung upside down. United Press International WASHINGTON — The first space shuttle will be covered with heat insulation tiles to enable the rocket plane Columbia to withstand the enormous heat of re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. But the loss of even one tile might mean catastrophic heat. So scientists and officials of the Johnson Space Center in Houston now are considering equipping the astronauts with a spray can and caulk gun for space-walk repairs in case one or more tiles are damaged dur ing launch. The square, silica tiles — a novel feature of the revolutionary rocket plane — are designed to make sure the winged ship can repeatedly with stand the 2,000-degree-plus heat of re-entry from orbit. Minor damage to the tiles oc curred last winter when the Colum bia was ferried atop a 747 jet from California to Cape Canaveral, Fla. That trip was in preparation for launch, now expected next spring or summer. The damage caused con cern that, during launch, ice break ing off the shuttle’s external fuel tank might damage the Columbia’s underside, or that severe aerodynamic stress during the climb to orbit might hurt the tiles. Two weeks ago officials at the Na tional Aeronautics and Space Admin istration headquarters directed Houston to examine options for solv ing the problem, in case ongoing tests indicate the tiles are vulnera ble. “A lot of people are working very diligently to understand the charac teristics of the tile and to relieve any concern that we presently have about the possibility of either tile damage or tiles coming off during the ascent phase, said Reginald Machell, manager of the engineering team studying the inspection and re pair possibilities. He said in a telephone interview that an inspection and repair system may not be necessary, “but if you don’t start doing the work now, you close out the option by default.” Machell said decisions will be made in the next few weeks. He said one problem — how to inspect the outside of the shuttle in orbit — might be solved by rigging a television camera to an extendable boom attached to the shuttle’s remote-controlled manipulator arm. A second option is to provide as tronauts John Young and Robert Crippen with a device that would let an astronaut fly around the shuttle- iSTOLEN! PROTECT YOURSELF BIKE REGISTRATION PLACE: RUDDER FOUNTAIN DATE : SEPT 3-6 TIME 10am - 4pm ☆☆☆☆☆a service of***** ALPHA PHI OMEGA & UNIVERSITY POLICE TIME TO GET LEARN TO FLY! Do it with us. And try it out first with o special Discovery Flight. Ir costs only $ 10 to actually fly on airplane under rhe direction of a certified flight instrucror. And rhe $10 also covers valuable briefings before and after rhe flight. Enjoy rhe crisp, clear days of Aurumn and Winter and gain a lifetime skill. Learn ro fly with... : • . .V' 1 United Press International WASHINGTON — An average member of Congress had a 49 per- BART lent “correct” voting record on con- said. servation issues according to a group mcerned with the environment, t regional differences ranged an average 69 percent for New England to 18 percent for the Southwest. The League of Conservation Vot- tfon'H en reported Sunday that northeas- temers generally had a much better pute ? voting record than southeasterners institute on environmental issues ranging parks, dams and pollution to workeii nuclear power. on stir"' House Democrats averaged 58 percent, Republicans 32 percent. By states, Vermont was rated highest with an average 84 percent, while Alaska and New Mexico tied for the lowest score, 8 percent. No House member received a per-, feet score of 100 in 1978, but Rep. Jim Weaver, D-Ore., had the high est score with 99 percent. Five members scored zero — Reps. Robert Badham, R-Calif., Boh Stump, D-Ariz., and former Demo cratic Reps. John Flynt Jr. of Geor gia, Dale Milford of Texas and Joe Waggonner of Louisiana. Cessna PILOT CENTER tmunwecftitiBtt Brazos Aviation 696-8767 EASTERWOOD AIRPORT COLLEGE STATION When you get o pilot's license, you ore eligible to enter rhe TokeOff Sweepstakes... and ro win on airplane! Void where prohibited by low. 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"Coca-Cola - ’ and "Coke" are registered trademarks which identify the same product of The Coca-Cola Company I I I J BART stunib! vas a aiise. BIBLE COURSES FOR CREDIT “Survey of the Old Testament” taught by Rev. W. C. Hall, Jr. United Methodist Campus Minister This 3 hour course is offered for college credit as an extention course of Lon Morris Junior College and is transferable to A&M with the permission of your dean. The class will meet on Tuesday & Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley Foundation Building, 201 Tauber St. The cost is $25.00. For those planning to audit the course, the cost is $5.00. For more information call 846-4701. Don't Get Behind STAY AHEAD WITH SPEED READING Business & Communication Services TODAY! 846-5794 Starting date Sept. 17th RENT TO OWN! NO CREDITORS CHECKED NO REPAIR BILLS — SERVICE INCLUDED NO DEPOSIT! NO LONG-TERM OBLIGATION! RENT TODAY... HAVE IT HOME TONIGHT! 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