The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 04, 1979, Image 6

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by horse
United Press International
HAMILTON, Mont. —Marathon
runner and heart specialist Jim Oury
of San Diego has been beaten by an
Arabian mare in a 26-mile “Mount
and Man” race across stretch of
Montana foothills.
The 5-year-old mare, Tara,
crossed the finish line Sunday 16
minutes ahead of Oury, who called
the contest “a good race, and very
The horse, owned and ridden by
Harold Mildenburger of Hamilton,
finished the hilly 26 miles, 385 yards
in 2:50:20.64. Tara took the early
lead and trotted until just before the
end of the race, when she increased
her speed to a canter.
“We re going to give her a big shot
of oats and a little gin and have a
party with her tonight,” Milden
burger said.
Oury and Mildenburger set up the
race and bet on it at a hunting camp
in the Bitterroot Mountains of west
ern Montana last May. Milden
burger didn’t say how much he won
in wagers on the race, but said he’d
donate $500 of his winnings to the
Multiple Sclerosis Society.
“Psychologically it was good for
me, going up the first half and com
ing down the second half,” Oury said
of the race. “I suppose the psychol
ogy was wasted on the horse.”
Saturn’s moon shown
It looks like a great year for the Texas Aggies
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Fall Semester
Sept. 3 to Dec. 14, 1979
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Dormitory room telephones are restricted to local telephone
If you want to add long distance calling privileges to your
room telephone, you should sign up at our desk in the lobby of
the Memorial Student Center, Wednesday, September 5
through Friday, September 21 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
When requesting this service, please remember:
1. Bring your roommate when signing up - one student must
be designated account manager to be responsible for
paying your account.
2. If you should change rooms, notify our office so we can
change your account. If unchanged, you will be responsible
for long distance calls made from your telephone.
3. No deposit is required unless past paying habits warrant a
If you have other questions, stop at our desk.
Photos of planet sent
United Press International
The Pioneer 11 spacecraft has re
turned intriguing pictures of
Saturn’s moon, Titan, which is prob
ably the only place in the solar sys
tem other than Earth where life
might exist.
When resolved by computers, the
photographs taken Sunday should
have a clarity comparable to a
naked-eye view of Earth’s moon.
From the best of Earth’s telescopes,
Titan appears only as a reddish point
of light.
Pioneer, fresh from its successful
encounter with Saturn, passed
within 220,000 miles of Titan on its
25,000 mph outbound journey from
the huge ringed planet.
Titan has a potential for life be
cause it has an atmosphere of am
monium and carbon which is neces
sary for development of living or
ganisms, NASA scientists said.
In the past, scientists thought
Mars would be hospitable to life, but
that possibility has generally been
ruled out because organisms were
not found by two Viking spacecraft
that landed on the planet. Mars’ at
mosphere was thin and tempera
tures were too cold.
Scientists were collecting ul
traviolet and polarization mea
surements of Titan from Pioneer at
the Space Agency’s Ames Research
Center. Titan, whose 3,600-inile
diameter is larger than that of Earth’s
moon, emerged as a place of sharp
color variations and possible struc
ture in its methane atmosphere. It
already was known that Titan’s atmo
sphere contains a reddish smog of
For life to exist, surface tempera
tures should be above freezing so or
ganisms can move. Therefore, the
main question about Titan is
whether the surface is warm enough.
Before Pioneer flew by Titan,
many scientists figured the surface
temperature was minus-300 di
Fahrenheit, which would be
too cold.
However, some speculated
with the right kind of atmos)
the surface might be warmed
greenhouse effect in which heat!
the sun is trapped at low levels]
Exobiologists also have thei
that local areas of the satellite
be warmed sufficiently for
volcanoes or convective curie
from the interior.
NASA scientists continue!
study the new data from Sale
where Pioneer already has
ered a new ring and more bant
weather currents than expected.
The scientists determined Si
that the planet puts out niuchm
heat than anticipated, so thenj
about the nature of its interior
be reconsidered. They also fonaj
vast and strange cloud 142,000iij
in space from Saturn.
in the past, scientists thought many scientists hgured the surtace
Carter joins prison team
for softball game victory
ational the full half-dozen miles on one of been a member.
For thosi
campus, 1
be a chal
United Press International
PLAINS, Ga. — Dressed in
orange prison T-shirt bearing the
number 15, President Carter dug in
at the plate, gripped the bat and
whacked a single to left field. As a
respite from politics, Carter joined a
Sumter County Correctional Institu
tion softball team Sunday for a 16-4
romp over a group of reporters and
female athletes.
But Carter, who batted 3-for-4 in
the seven-inning contest, didn’t es
cape politics entirely. “Are you in for
four or eight? a reporter jokingly
asked during the game.
The president, who returns to the
White House today for a Labor Day
picnic with union leaders, spent a
relaxed weekend visiting old friends
in his hometown.
Since his arrival Thursday from a
Florida campaign swing, the only
presidential business Carter publicly
conducted was the appointment of
veteran diplomat Donald McHenry
to succeed Andrew Young as U.N.
The president and his wife
Rosalynn spent three hours walking
through downtown Plains Friday,
shaking hands and posing for pic
tures with tourists along the jammed
The Carters went fishing twice
over the weekend, but apparently
came home empty handed. The
president went jogging twice, with
the first lady accompanying him for
the full half-dozen miles on one of
the runs.
The Carters went to a lawn party
in their honor Friday at the home of
Dr. Gatewood Dudley and his wife,
Mary Faye. Then they dropped in on
two other long-time friends. Bill and
Irene Horne, staying to nearly mid
night Friday.
After a quiet Saturday at home,
the Carters attended both Plains
Baptist churches Sunday and went to
a luncheon at the local Methodist
church, where the first lady had once
been a member.
Carter then played softball
the Americus prison team before!
ing Rosalynn to Sunday dinner
home of old friend B.T. Wishan
was 11 p.m. when the Garten
back to their home north ofPlii
The president, who has runi
political trouble with organized!
over his economic policies, bas
work cut out for him on hisreta
Washington this afternoon
White House picnic with AFU
Strike or lockout?
BART isn’t working
United Press International
mile rapid transit system that links
San Francisco with dozens of outly
ing communities was closed Monday
tabor dispute.
Headquarters for:
340 Jersey — Southgate
Commuters faced rush-hour con
gestion when they headed to work
today because Bay Area Rapid Tran
sit officials say there “definitely will
be no train service.
Union officials, meanwhile, told
maintenance and clerical personnel
to report to work as usual, although
BART management was turning
them away.
No picket signs were posted by the
unions, which claims BART man
agement “illegally locked out” 1,650
workers in a dispute over a work
slowdown and sabotage to trains in
the maintenance yards at Concord.
BART officials said the union’s
back-to-work order was a ploy to gain
a bargaining advantage and secure
unemployment insurance benefits.
The three-county system —- the
main commuter link that carries
160,000 passengers daily between
San Francisco and burgeoning resi
dential communities east of San
ble among tl
More tha;
tbeir line “(
wore T-shir
Francisco Bay — was brought tl
indefinite halt Friday by thedisp Despite
A BART spokesman said Sud
there would be no train sen
“definitely through Tuesday (tdf
and we re not sure how long
that. ”
John Maheu, of the United Pil
Employees Union, said the
down was not a strike. He ins!
the BART employees were "ill
locked out.
“We are telling our people
ahead to work,” he said.
Only a handful of workersshm
up for the morning shifts Sum
and they were turned away by W
“Without question, astrikebas,
fact, taken place against the W | eni ^ er 0 f q
district and its patrons, ” BART tent “correct”
torney William Dietrich said
“Traditionally, a strike isd
as two or more employees refusiaf
perform all or any part of assij from an avenl
duties, he said.
He said 43 of the 45 opefiH Southwest
scheduled for Friday evening K
muter runs failed to report fbrj
calling in sick.
At stake in the
Club sport — no experience necessary
& members of the
Faculty, staff, students,
community welcome
If interested call —
Mary: 693-4484
Sara: 845-1556
and Monopi
cities” outsi
Labor Day
percent inte
The low-i
groups, was
Most of the
house withe
a 30-year no
Don Crist. ‘
It’s like Car
began lining
the groups ;
“We were
ity of lines c
the authority
it were alios
Instead, f;
nity, with s
Monopoly g
United I
serration issue
wemed wit
Ike League
* reported <
iters genert
dispute oi ,ot ing record
whether the shutdown constitute
“strike” or “lockout is unenipl
ment insurance for union worker!'
it’s determined they are on sti
they cannot receive the benefit!
Should BART try to resume a
ice or move equipment in
maintenance yards, “additional
siderations and tactics will be can
out, ” union lawyer Victor Van Bo
Union contracts with BARI
pired June 30 and the key stuiiibl
block in previous talks was a
troversial cost-of-living clause.
. 3 hour i
Lor > Morris Ji
your dean. T
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