The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 04, 1979, Image 10

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Two unions support walkout
Order doesn’t deter teacher strike biggest yet
in Chicago
Drug bust National briefs [)^
United Press International
sentative of the Association of Class
room Teachers said Monday the or
ganization has not decided if it will
seek to represent striking teachers
at the bargaining table.
Teachers acting under the banner
of the American Federation of
Teachers voted two weeks ago to
strike for higher wages. They want a
12 percent raise. The school board
has offered them 9 percent.
Mary Hepp, ACT president, said
the union still supports the current
teachers’ strike.
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Hepp indicated Saturday the
union rrtay seek to represent
teachers in negotiating a contract
with the school board, which has
been ordered by three judges not to
recognize the AFT.
Hepp said ACT leaders “are ask
ing our attorneys to analyze the
situation as far as bargaining is con
cerned.” Instructors have said they
will form picket lines again Tuesday,
despite Friday’s court order.
The judges ordered the school
district not to negotiate with the
AFT and not to pay teachers for the
period they are on strike.
Superintendent Thomas Payzant
said he hoped the court order would
prompt teachers to go back to work.
AFT Vice President Brenda Mar
tin Sunday accused the school board
of spending money to break the
strike that could have been used to
meet teachers’ demands.
She said the board is “wasting
money” paying substitutes '$50 a
day, hiring security personnel, and
paying attorneys.
United Press International
N. H. — Crews manned
vacuum trucks and
United Press International
CHICAGO — Authorities who
seized 30 pounds of heroin from a
Texas man — the largest heroin sei
zure in Illinois history — said the
man may have been a courier for an
international drug ring.
Although actual value of the he
roin will be determined from lab
tests, today authorities estimate its
street value may be as high as $30
Francisco Gonzalez Fernandez,
31, an illegal alien from Laredo, sur
rendered Friday to U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration agents
and Chicago police after he was
stopped on the Stevenson Ex
barges today to clean up a 10-mile stretch of the Piscataqua River,
blackened by an estimated 15,000 gallons of tar-like industrial oil that
leaked from a Liberian tanker.
Coast Guard officials estimated the 613-foot “New Concord'
dumped about 15,000 gallons of the sticky oil Saturday night into the
river that divides New Hampshire and Maine.
CHICAGO — The Labor Day holiday produced a final settlement
to a seven-week strike by the International Union of Electrical Worli.
ers against Westinghouse.
Union members in Indiana and other states voted “overwhelm
ingly” Sunday to ratify the new three-year contract, which will
provide a raise of about 50 cents an hour in the first year.
The tentative agreement, completed in bargaining at Pittsburg
Thursday, also required the company to continue paying the ful
contributions to worker pension programs. The issue was the main
item of dispute in the strike that started July 15.
Port Authc
rport said •
mirers wh<
iissair fligh
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Thirty pounds of Mexican brown
heroin and $100,000 cash were
found by narcotics agents in two
false gas tanks in Fernandez’s truck.
Authorities said Saturday they be
lieve Fernandez was a courier for an
international smuggling ring and
others probably will be arrested.
His arrest capped a six-month sur
veillance involving 20 investigators.
ATLANTA — A dramatic decline in the number of measles cases
reported so far this year has federal health officials predicting a record
low for 1979.
In its weekly morbidity and mortality report, the Atlanta-based
Center for Disease Control said if known cases of measles “continue
to decline at the current rate, the projected 1979 total will be be
tween 13,000 and 14,000 reported cases, an all-time low for the
United States.”
The big drop apparently was the result of a national effort an
nounced last year to try to eliminate the disease in America.
The Dalai
urinan att<
ms to parti
>rvice wit
joke at Si
'ednesday i
Bond was set Saturday at
$300,000, although Assistant U.S.
Attorney John Sullivan asked it be
raised to $1 million to keep Fernan
dez from leaving the country. A
magistrate will review Sullivan’s re
quest at a preliminary hearing to
Fernandez was being held Satur
day on the temporary $300,000
bond but federal officials expected
Fernandez to furnish the bond soon.
Gramm opposes
gas compromise
United Press International
WASHINGTON — One of the
first orders of business when Con
gress returns today from its month
long recess is to devise — and enact
— a compromise plan allowing Pres
ident Carter to declare gasoline ra
tioning in an emergency.
Both the House and Senateb
approved a standby rationing li
but a committee named to
compromise between the two
sions was unable to agree beforel
Rep. Phil Gramm, D-Texai
Bryan/College Station, sponsor
the strict “trigger” in both
House committee earlier and
conference committee now, said!
week that if the conference conn
wccp. nidi ii me euincicnec turn .■ .
tee tampers with it, he will trytol O ave '
_ _ _ ^ _ _ 7 • 'I /inflow n./Yr
in the Memorial Student Center
the bill altogether.
Gramm is a freshman «■ v r'. j
gressman with no great clout ini j,. '
House — but he speaks for a si ? anr ‘!'
able group of House members* kconcer s
would not have voted for thert
ing without making it a last-ra
But sources on both the Hr
and Senate committee staffs
: the SX
och for the
it, where ‘
Sunday they are hopeful langig SaiC ^
acceptable both to the Congress) 0 C1 >
the White House can be vmt J
ople from
North Littl
The main point of differenci
over the trigger that would end
the president to put rationing
effect, but the staff members s
there are many ways a comprou
could be reached on the issue
uumw uc itaunt:u un me issue". ^ .
out risking the loss of any substanl • vvoi:
bloc of congressional support.
During the recess, congresski
staff members discussed rationi
with White House aides andfot sou t°
there is a possibility PresidentC la(
ter would veto any rationing billi le
included a strict trigger provision
The House bill, for exampi
would not allow rationing unl(
there was a 20 percent shortage
or threat of that shortage — ink
supplies for 30 days.
Opponents argued that
American economy would bf
chaos before rationing could bee
clared under that restriction, I
the House — in two separate efc
— refused to pass a rationing!
without that trigger.
e exiled :
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een living i
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