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Jo, ra- :on 30 ;as al- $1 nil by killed Ind., :kson led in ts and issing nroe, n the dams with more culed more farm le” :ssfiil i the aval, nit at com- 1 Dr. “But i the ase a igor walk •ould re olice r-old i and with was ar in The Ar- that ling, rted turo ome THE BATTALION Page 3A MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1979 ADVERTISING INDEX FOR S JCCIELAND ’80: Igpeland 12A fAllTMENTS: iansbna 8A HOMO BILES: JfenOlds 4A 1A.VKS: Sy National Bank 12A BUSINESS SCHOOL: IcKeazie 12A CHITCHES: AM Wesley Foundation 8A Itlwy Baptist 12A int BaptistwsSA emsh Student Center 10A IEANERS: felch 6A 10THING: hurt’s 3A eat Cover 9A 1UBS: tarlight 8A eras Hall of Fame 7A [NTEHTAINMENT: iggie Cinema 10A ;inema 1 & 2 10A lanor East ‘3’ 10A un Theater 10A lORISTs: ob's Green Thumb 9A UTS & HARDWARE: >ntral Texas 7 A IA1R STYLING: hat Place 6A awrence 11A HEALTH CLUB: Voodstone Nautilus 8A VSURANCE: leerge Webb Agency 4A eystone Life Insurance 3A 5WELERS: des 7 A AMPS & UGHTING: mplite 11A URKET: CTION A ORGANIZATIONS: Century Singers 5A Cap & Gown 9A Alpha Phi Omega 10A RECORDS: Sundown Records 9A RESTAURANTS: El Chico 6A Grins 5A New York Subway 3A Pizza Inn 12A Tupinamba 12A Onion Ring 5A SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Texas A&M Bookstore 6A and HA SHOES: Lewis Shoes HA SPEED READING: Business & CommunicationslOA STAINED GLASS: Walton Stained Glass 3A TIRES: University Tire HA WASHATERIA: Aunt Frannie 12A Scanlin’s 9A Brain pressure studied Successful drug treatment to re lieve fluid pressure in the brains of trauma victims may be a future re sult of basic studies at Texas A&M University. Dr. George Barnes, assistant pro fessor of pharmacology at Texas A&M’s College of Medicine, is in vestigating the body’s mysterious blood brain barrier in hopes of ma nipulating the systme for use in de livering drugs during treatment of trauma or similar disorders. Usually the flow of liquid in the brain is strictly controlled by the blood brain barrier which acts as a canal lock to allow some amounts of certain fluids to disperse themselves in the cerebral tissue. More importantly for now, said Barnes, is understanding how the system protects the brain from ex cessive fluid buildup. His three- year study is funded by $66,000 from the American Heart Associa tion. “We want to see how much this system can be disturbed before the accumulation of fluid in the brain becomes dangerous,” he explained. Excessive buildup of fluids in the brain can be a time bomb for the 23 million Americans who suffer from hypertension since the increased pressure can alter brain function and increase the risk of stroke. “Although the brain has mecha nisms to protect itself from exces sive fluid accumulation,” said the Texas A&M researcher, “there are limits to the extent of protection that can be provided. “We are trying to measure the magnitude of these compensations under normal situations so we can predict how severe a stress has to be before edema (excessive fluid buil dup) occurs. “Once we understand the nature and extent of these mechanisms, we should be able to use drugs or other treatments to aid in removal of ex cess fluid from the brain,” said Barnes. BSCELLANEOUS: WALTON Stained Glass Studio Announces new classes beginning week of Sept. 10. Each class is 3 hours for 6 weeks. Fee $20. Morning classes 10-1 3810 Texas Ave. Afternoon classes 2-5 Bryan Evening classes 7-10 846-4156 109-111 Boyett St. Stl'E (Next Door To Campus Theater) Eastern Style Submarine Sandwiches Are Back In The Northgate Area! SUB SANDWICHES WHOLE HALF 1. Pressed Ham 1.25 .75 2. Pressed Ham -Cheese 1 -35 .80 3. Boiled Ham-Cheese 1.75 1.00 4. Boiled Ham-Cheese-Salami 1.90 1.05 5. Boiled Ham-Cheese-Capocollo 1.90 1.05 6. Salami-Cheese 1.75 1.00 7. Salami-Cheese-Capocollo 1.90 1.05 8. Roast Beef 1.90 1.05 9. Roast Beef-Cheese 2.00 1.10 10. Turkey 1.65 .95 11. Turkey-Cheese 1.75 1.00 12. Turkey-Cheese-Ham 1.90 1.05 13. Peppered Beef 1.90 1.05 14. Peppered Beef-Cheese 2.00 1.10 15. Peppered Beef-Cheese-Salami. 2.10 1.15 16. Capocollo-Cheese 1.75 1.00 17. Pepperoni-Cheese 1.75 1.00 18. Pastrami 1.90 1.05 19. All Cheese 1.65 .95 20. All Stops onthe NYSW 2.95 1.65 21. Tuna 1.85 1.05 22. Bar-B-Q (y*lb.) 1.75 - all subs garnished with lettuce, tomato, onion, salt, oregano & our own special Italian dressing. ALSO SERVED: Soda, Iced Tea, Milk, Ice Cream — 8 Flavors!! Chips, Salad, Pickles, Peppers, Homestyle Pies & More. OPEN 7 DAYS — WEEKDAYS 11 a.m.-l a.m. FRI. & SAT. 11 a.m.-2 a.m. STUDENT GROUP HEALTH PROGRAM The only University Sanctioned health plan for its students ALL students attending Texas A&M on a full time basis are eligible for coverage The plan protects students 24-hours a day any where in the world. Benefits are paid in addition to other insurance coverage. Maximum benefits payable to $5,000.00. SCHOOL YEAR PREMIUM RATES Student only $54.75 Student and/Dependent $152.00 Student and 2 or More Dependents $256.00 For further information call toll free 1-800-492-6436 IN TEXAS Or Stop By Our Table In the MSC This Week. Plan is Underwritten by Keystone Life Insurance Company of Texas P.0. Box 892 • Carrollton, Texas 75006 Big Results! CLASSIFIED ADS! COURTS WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO VISIT ANY OF OUR STORES FOR YOUR —WESTERN WEAR NEEDS ★ JEANS ★ HATS ★ BELTS ★ TACK ★ BOOTS BY TONY LAMA, JUSTIN AND LARRY MAHAN ★ LADY WRANGLER FASHION JEANS AND TOPS. ★ OUR CULPEPPER STORE NOW CARRIES A NEW LINE OF HORSE CARE PRODUCTS 77841 LsiveK l en Ra ie Pti •ear P 3o> &• ith T» boirp ;r. Of y Cod -nn Rj g Spra u*rm it rd* WE’RE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF COURT’S UNIVERSITY SHOE SERVICE, AT NORTHGATE ON COLLEGE MAIN (Formerly Holik’s) 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS • CULPEPPER PLAZA* • NORTHGATE DOWNTOWN MANOR EAST MALL* ♦OPEN LATE EVERY WEEKDAY NITE SERVING THE BRAZOS VALLEY FOR 23 YEARS