THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1979 Page 5 redit card swindle Z3pould cost $1 million France gies. «■ \\«-bh l, Kc (ini Rvice action ij ipmenf is Ave. United Press International ALPINE, Texas — An assistant strict attorney said Tuesday losses tn a credit card swindling scheme duoned by Southern Pacific rail- ad employees and West Texas nice station operators may total million. Assistant District Attorney Ken- ith DeHart said seven persons ar- -sted recently in the scam bring to (the number of defendants impli- ited. But DeHart, who said the quiet investigation began in January, in dicated those arrested may repre sent only a small portion of the par ticipants in the 2-year-old enterprise. Local authorities and Southern Pacific Transportation Co. detec tives discovered the credit card scheme in January and received cooperation from seven suspects ar rested, DeHart said. The arrested pleaded guilty to lients sought for leepwater port : WANTED OMMATE oker lobile home i campus. • 5 1 2-552- I return cal. !-6Sl| *hi NT bile home ITS] ■mining pool IENCIES bedroom ills paid ds. Villa h of Villa Mai manager United Press International HOUSTON — The Texas leepwater Port Authority board % Ksda y voted to seek approval of a jpartment of Transportation *nse agreement and to begin find- ijclients of a proposed $1.2 billion Jterminal 26 miles off Freeport. We have made a giant step in ling the reality of a deepwater for Texas, Port Authority man Bob Casey said at the leering of commissioners. Formal acceptance of the federal to operate such a terminal !l P 6 cannot be made until the project has lined up users and received the ap proval of Gov. William P. Cle ments. But Casey was authorized by the board to send a letter to the fed eral government accepting the license terms. The authority planned to finance the $1.2 billion in bonds for the terminal construction from user agreements made with oil and chemical companies. Those com panies signing agreements would pay approximately 25 percent less per barrel of oil than other com panies using the terminal. BI agent at Davis trial stiftes on hugging McCrory United Press International FORT WORTH, Texas — An FBI tot testifying in the retrial of T. ui ollen Davis described Tuesday )»the state’s star witness was rig- with wires and electronic de- i so agents could listen to his ftings with the Fort Worth mil- taire. Agent Jerry Hubble said prosecu- witness David McCrory had nl ires and microphones taped to his r» with wires running down his gsand out to his arms. Much of the testimony involved lat brand the receivers were, how >y functioned and what quality of sound they would reproduce. The state appeared to be using the testimony as a prelude to play ing tapes of McCrory-Davis meet ings in which Davis allegedly claimed he wanted 15 people killed, including his divorce judge. Davis, whose first trial in Hous ton ended with a hung jury, is al leged to have forced McCrory, a friend and employee, to hire a pro fessional killer to slay District Judge Joe Eidson. McCrory turned state’s evidence in the plot and was used by te FBI to trap Davis. No one was injured in the alleged scheme. theft in conspiring to defraud oil companies of money by submitting credit card slips for goods that actu ally were never bought. SP employees and service station operators apparently worked out their own arrangements, often deal ing in cash, merchandise or credit, DeHart said. “It was a complex scheme. It took us about two months to figure out what those guys were doing,” he said. DeHart said it was unclear whether violations had occurred outside Texas, but added, “I’d be surprised if it’s not rampant all up and down the (Southern Pacific) line.” He said losses in Brewster County alone amounted to $380,000 so far, but added that Southern Pacific “detectives tell me they ex pect the loss to be over a million dollars before they get through.” DeHart said seven defendants in dicted in June pleaded guilty and had each received probated terms of 10 years or less and made restitution in exchange for future testimony. Southern Pacific Transportation Co. spokesman Jim Loveland, con tacted Tuesday in San Francisco, said the firm is continuing its own investigation. Asked whether the abuse was confined to Texas, Loveland said, “I don’t know if that’s a fair assumption to make. I don’t want to rule out the possibility of it being elsewhere.” The spokesman declined to dis cuss specifics of the case, but said Southern Pacific had taken steps to plug holes within its purchasing sys tem. “We just don’t want to say much about it at this point,” he added. “Whenever we find any wrongdo ing, we ll certainly prosecute those people and take te necessary ac tions.” DeHart said although inves tigators are still seeking the scheme’s “kingpins,” Southern Pacific has felt an impact from ear lier arrests. “The railroad’s charges have al ready dropped off since we made this investigation,” he said. Unconfirmed reports by some sources placed losses at $2.5 million to $3 million. The UnfiWES are bach/ Taco Villa confirms - the Hungries are back! Those stomach-growlers who devil your appetite, captured and bonded on sparkling party-time glassware in lively fiesta colors. Eight different glasses. Eight different Hungries: Beauregard, Irving, Harley, Sigmund, and all the gang in a wild assortment of colors. Next time the Hungries strike you, strike hack. Grab a tasty Mexican spe cialty at Taco Villa: burritos, chalupas, guadalajaras, taco-burgers, hambur gers and more. Top it off with a Coke . . . and keep the glass for your own collection. saoes you from the ‘mUffiffleS! 614 Villa Maria, Bryan © TACO VILLA, INC.. 1979 IT’S BRYAN MARINE’S CLEAR THE DECKS COST Of NG YOUR R (NTEE NC / ADD THAI ] SEE HOtt j jrnished 4 3 Mi* NT CRAflSf )om m iYBALlI n * * 30°/< O OFF ALL SKIS AND SKI EQUIPMENT (Ski Jackets, Ropes, Gloves, Slalom Skis) comoy c skis MAJERAJAH Honeycomb Skfc JOBE • JOBE Honeycomb $-j g-j oo list 215.00 NOW EP Comp I retail 225.00 NOW s 158 00 O’BRIEN Competitor retail 229.00 NOW $ 1 61 00 1979 CVX-16 Glastron-Carlson 1979 115 Mercury w/power trim 1979 Magnum Custom Trailer (includes all standard accessories) Reg. $8173.00 $£n^ftoo + tax, title & U\J J O registration 1979 Glastron HPV-160 Bass Boat 1979 Mercury 90 HP (w/power trim) 1979 Magnum Custom Trailer (includes all standard accessories) Peg. $7905.00 SCQO 1 00 *■ tax. title & 4m> I registration 1979 Glastron SSV-189 1979 898 Mercruiser 1979 Magnum Custom Trailer (includes aH standard accessories) Reg. $11,466.00 + tax. title & KJ registration VIO 30%-40% OFF ALL BOATING ACCESSORIES! 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