THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. AUGUST IS. 1979 Page 7 y West says Rudy T. made mistake | United Press International HOUSTON — Former Los ugeles Lakers Coach Jerry West i Btified Tuesday an error in judg- 0mes,lc sfnt by Houston Rockets’ captain Indy Tomjanovich contributed to 'n l f ace ' crus ^’ n 8 punch Tom- a *ly ^ovjch received from Kermit undwoiti fashington during a December nitedStat, ^ game. nu unrvtn ^ es t testified at the federal court he cribci ,^1 of a $4.4 million damage suit ”*• onijanovich, who missed the rest Titlel; ^ t ij e 1977-78 season, and the >at mosn j ous ton Rockets have filed against in this ^ Lakers. ! cora hn!K Washington, expected to testify esearchas ^ has said he was scuffling with itlural uir.i ^ pockets’ Kevin Kunnert and tnustfolhi ^hed Tomjanovich because he etivities \ti ^, u ght the Rockets’ captain was onalacfoa uming to hit him. Tomjanovich has nerallycts id he was rushing to break up the ;est agricik jht. tion witin West said Tomjanovich made a and dive-j geared ber prodae “mistake” in rushing to intervene. “If it were me, I would never have done that. The size of these people involved in basketball keeps me away from fights,” West said. “I can’t say what Tomjanovich’s intent was in running down to the fight,” West said, “but I can’t say his intent was to hit Washington.” West said the injury to Tom janovich and one later in the season to center Moses Malone undoubt edly hurt the Rockets’ campaign that year. “Injuries decide the fate of many clubs,” he said. West said Kunnert started the scuffle with Washington, who West said was “a first-class fellow, an ex tremely nice person, one of our better-liked players.” As the five-man, one-woman jury watched the game film once more, West testified, “It’s almost explicit in this film that Kunnert elbowed Washington in the face. “It (Tomjanovich’s injury) was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen,” West said. “People make mistakes and sometimes these things happen. There’s no way you can efifectively control fighting in basketball. “Fights are not pretty. I don’t like them. But they happen. Washington was suspended and fined by NBA Commissioner Larry O’Brien after the Dec. 9, 1977, in cident in Los Angeles. He now plays for the San Diego Clippers. As part of a scheduUng accommo dation, defense attorneys presented part of their case, including West’s testimony, out of turn, before the plaintiffs had rested their case in U.S. District Judge John Singleton’s court. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the sec ond defense witness of the day, tes tified he did not consider Washing ton a hostile player. "No, I don't think so,” Jabbar said. ‘T’ve never seen Kermit start a fight. He’s an easy-going person.” Jabbar said he yelled at Washing ton to quit fighting when the brawl started. “I was yelling at Kermit to stop. I told him to quit it,” he said. “I’ve never seen a punch like the one that he threw.” Jabbar said he held on to Kunnert to pull him away from Washington. XUichad^ •V An Episcopal School 2505 South College Avenue Academic Curriculum Small Classes A Superior Faculty PRESCHOOL-ELEMENTARY-SECONDARY College Preparatory Curriculum Call TODAY For Fall Registration 822-2715 in sm Bombers beat by Boulder ALTERATIONS IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS “DON T GIVE UP — WE LL MAKE IT FIT!’' AT WFl OH S CLEANERS WE NOT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPE- ClALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES. TAPERED SHIRTS. JEAN HEMS, WATCH POCKETS. ETC (WE RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) United Press International WICHITA, Kan. — Bob Ferris igled in two runs in the sixth in- ng Tuesday night and defending kampion Boulder (Colo.) held off a inth-inning rally to defeat the jyan Bombers (Texas) 4-2 in a win- s bracket game in the National jJjjeball Congress tournament. In other games Tuesday night, rand Rapids (Mich.) played becoi lutchinson (Kan.) and Eureka n Calif.) met Madison (Wis.). r .^Fifth-seeded Boulder took a 2-1 or 50 ““Jad in the second and moved ahead in the sixth but Bryan had the tying runs on second and third with one out in the ninth before Ricky Wright struck out the last two bat ters to preserve the win for Boulder. It was Wright’s second win in the tournament and Boulder’s third without a loss. In loser’s bracket games, Jeff Smith doubled in three runs to help second-seeded Rapid City (S.D.) eliminate Phoenix (Ariz.) 9-0 and Ocala (Fla.) trimmed Dodge City (Kan.) 7-1. Mark Williams limited Dodge City to four hits to give lOth-seeded Ocala its second win in the tourna ment. ,aw overrules UIL he Vietal United Press International move ovef AUSTIN — A law passed by the e saying,W9 Legislature overrides Univer- vlaybe ar^ Interscholastic League resi- them so American Sicy rules, and will permit stu- tnts placed in foster homes to mpete in sports activities without rsonsaltt sng a year of eligibility, Attorney represeoj meral Mark White said Tuesday. White’s legal opinion was issued iesponse to an inquiry from UIL blemsinii jtet or Bailey Marshall. The in- where Ij airy specifically concerned the igibility of a 16-year-old foster lild placed in the home of Jimmy /ietname* k) Betty Mayfield in Lorena. boats ;e fireboa eligible for varsi y sports at calm had) arena for one year because of the ons ream ILs “previous participation rule. Mi prevents a student from play- nt, closedi g varsity sports for one year after 5 Vietnaa loving to a new school if he partici- ckers fcT * t men retun fed ty sports at a former 'Tile boy played football at Cor- etter,”^ canaHigh School in 1978 while liv- idsey safi gat the Corsicana State Home. White said in his opinion that the I passed by the Legislature pre- I the UIL from using any of ybody’s I’m sure inor inci ce tbo ' '' n Mood* also apP® brmost* of foster children, even when the previous residence of the student was another foster home or an or phanage. The UIL had ruled the boy was ing up W fee rules to prevent foster ehil- ivliil quiet tn placed in new homes from mediately participating in UIL l°rts. y*C Marshall had asked if the law u ‘m!d override UIL rules requiring Undent to attend a school for 30 P!Y() deodar days immediately prior to L/* Ifathletic contest in which he par- _ fcpated, a second rule requiring a ®e-year layoff from varsity sports if ivtudent changes schools and a J *d rule prohibiting a student who trustees* byed football or basketball at one 11 percet‘1 Aool from participating in those for thecal in a secon( j sc hool for a period i f«e year after transferring. White said the law takes prece- 1 “rcover all three rules in the case ring the s* s to S18.lj the top 0,282. i creases * y h° k the 1? :■ favorite nesting WUUL close to A&M. ■TB : K Professional management by Brentwood Properties FRIDAY AUGUST 17 and Every other Friday after Brazos County Arena Bryan, Texas WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTERl TEXAS HALL OF FAME WEDNESDAY 7-12 “SILVER CREEK BAND” $2/person — All Ags get in free with current I.D. Lone Star Draft beer $1.75/pitcher THURSDAY 7-12 “COUNTRY EDITION” $2/person Happy Hour Prices all night long FRIDAY 7-12 “JESS DEMAINE & AUSTIN’’ $2 per person BAREBACK *35 TIE DOWN *30 RIBBON ROPING >30 TEAM ROPING *40 (TEAM) BARREL RACE *15 JR. BARREL RACE *5 BULL RIDING $35 JR. BREAK-AWAY $5 Books Open Thursday Aug. 16 from 12-6 P.M. Call 823-8660 East By Pass & Tabor Rd Producer C*N RODEO COMPANY Lou’s Worried! He needs Used Books — 7 He’s buying Books NOW He’d Rather Buy Books from You. OTLOUPOT'S&I North Gate — Across from the Post Office At the Corner win \stros hugers lose United Press International HOUSTON — Joaquin Andujar •fein two runs with a second in- j?inside-the-park home run and a four-hitter Tuesday night [ * i y the Houston Astros to a 2-1 ^7 over the Montreal Expos. [Mujar, 12-8, struck out one and one in breaking a personal fe-game losing streak by pitching e