The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 15, 1979, Image 4
Page 4 1 Ht «A1 I ALIUIN WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15. 1979 VI VT'i'T'I'TT I , i , i , i*T , rTTTl' , T'T*T'TT'T'TTT*rTTTTTTTTTTTTT , T r M tf W MW MW MW MW W MW MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM ’mrrHTHTN The Battalion Classifieds Ad I**’ i ,i. i ,t. i ,i. i .1. i .1.1 .i. 1.1.1 I I - T -1 - T -1 - 1 -1 I i ^ II1J+1J+U+1 a t . I ^ I j J+U+IaJ+U* I a t aI uj^j.ijajaj:t^:itijax\^jaja3ajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj.\.\\:amw: help WANTED - help wanted ^ km.m4S54&kS£CS^mm:^m^w£Si5iL!2Si5S^^m MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Now EXPERIENCED DANCE TEACHERS I | For Dance Arts Society of A&M | Experience in tap, jazz, and ballet J | (beginning and intermediate levels). I CALL DOVE 846-0987 After 6:00 1791? The Houston Chronicle l! NEEDS CARRIERS Duo to a change from afternoon to morning de livery effective Sept. 1, the Chronicle now has several routes open for the Fall Semester. High est paying routes in town plus liberal travel allow- Call Julian McMurrey | 693-2323 846-0763 - THE MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED FOR AUDITING AUGUST 29, 30 & 31, 1979 TWIN CITY FURNITURE says DON’T RENT FURNITURE!!! FULL OR PART TIME *Day shift *Flexible hours to fit your schedule ’Night shift (til 10:P0 p.m.) *Rapid advancement ♦Weekends Minimum starting salary $2.90 per hour for inexperienced persons. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person only: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (if possible) Bryan 1101 Texas Whataburger College Station 105 Dominik EARN MONEY OVER SEMESTER BREAK & FALL SEMESTER Full Or Part Time Team Cleaning Homes Starting Salary $3.10/hr. Plus Mileage DOMESTIC SERVICES INC 693-1954 Interviewing in Rm. 141 MSC Aug. 15 & 16, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Judy Smeins Libby Vastano Buy your own and SAVE $$$ 5 pc. dining - 69.95 Full size innerspring mattress & box - 89.95 4-drawer chests - 49.95 Sofa & chair - 189.95 Complete * Houseful (19 pcs.) - 699.95 PREGNANCY TESTING Counselling on all alternatives and birth control methods. Women’s Referral Center, 3910 Old College Road. 846-8437 NOTICE Little Mexico Restaurant in Culpepper Plaza "wETGf^^^ATcTTER^oan show you how losing weight is fun without starving. College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15, Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main. For further information call 822-7303. 13719 218 S. Main Downtown Bryan 9-6 Yamaha CR1020 receiver. Magnifice superb tuner. Clean, 70 WPC RMS f Guaranteed through 1981. Phont 4484 . . . 183t5 f Lsr. r w Good Bargains on apartment fumito 6638, 696-8624... 183t3 For Sale: Raleigh International 10 spew, cellent condition. Call 693-1264.. ISM Duplex for sale by owner. 2000 $56,000. 319 Columbia Ct 2583... 180t7 Bryz a you school c.s. *,§"#! late lor ine> Kawasaki 900. $1750...183t3 Call 693-1382 after school tyailabl For Sale. Four Pirelli steel belted radialta joolS 3' and wheels to fit Volkswagen cars, tW 16 jayQUa 0540... 183t3 ^ ‘ IM. & .T MERCURY COUGAR / X-R7 1971 vi Black white Landau roof, original w x engine in excellent condition, ne*'. Y battery, air, AM/FM stereo, 16MPG 4 $1400 ^ 696-3829 MOVING SALE Friday 9:00-5:00 Window air conditioner, bookcase record cabinet, clothing, misc Franklin (1 block from Wlamsa Park) 822-2693 Ji .. •s/’- klch FOR SALE Several desks and chest of drawers. Ok^ b student use and as well as storage space % sonably priced. Call 822-0808 8:AM to SM After 5:PM 779-6403 TWIN CITY FURNITURE . 12x60 AIRLINER MOBILE HOME Central heat/air, fully j w/freezer, 3 bed, IVa bath. ^ 4 $8200 4 693-7753 After 5 $100 Reward for new red Schwinn Traveler III bike. 846-7852... 183t2 Scho 7 Call BCOCf losewo len | ROSI 1 l eoc©< tent: all timt »riod. FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Is now taking applications for full and part time employment. If you are interested in working in an exciting, pleasant at mosphere, come by or call: Help wanted for six weekends for Renaissance Festival. $3.00/hour. Call 846-3073 after 5:00 Mon./Wed... 184t3 Part time help wanted. Grapevine Personality. 696-3411... 166tfh / kith po ichool < p:e LOST ATTENTIOII 693-3996 SWEDEN’S PERSON WITH GREAT SALES PERSONALITY To Work 12 to 6 p.m. Weekdays And Saturdays Apply In Person At SHALA’S SHOES 707 Texas Ave. IP* 7 apartment mart* WE LEASE ff APARTMENTS T0WNH0MES HOUSES FOR RENT 846_2561 NEW EFFICIENCIES $159 month. One bedroom from $180 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 177tfn 3-C BARBECUE Openings Available: Waitresses Busboys Waiters Lineworkers Apply in person at 810 South Main Between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Now accepting applications for fall semester. Need cooks, dishwash ers, waiters & waitresses, and foun tain personnel. All shifts available. Pick up an application at Swen- sen’s, Culpepper Plaza. i78tio REPAIR MAN Part time repair man wanted. Must O have tools and transportation. For x more details call: JACOB BEAL REALTY 822-4518 Ask For Teri soocosooooeo* HAVE LUNCH ON US ... FREE! NOW AND/ OR FALL SEMESTER Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD paid vacations ROOM FOR advancement. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE necessary BUS DRIVERS WANTED! MUST BE AT LEAST 19 YEARS OLD, HAVE GOOD DRIV ING RECORD, GOOD REFERENCES, AND CHAUFFERS LICENSE, MUST DRIVE A MINIMUM OF 15 HOURS PER WEEK, APPLY NOW AND HAVE A JOB FOR NEXT FALL CALL 779-0812. TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISES, INC. 1701 GROESBECK, BRYAN — AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER — Part & full time positions available for the following shifts 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.rn.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $2.90/hr. Apply in person at Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. Between 2-5 p.m. daily Part Time Student Worker Position available at the MSC Craft Shop $2.90/hour Application deadline Aug. 24 APPLY AT CRAFT SHOP 845-1631 i84t2 A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. Apartments • Duplexes • All Types Of Housing Call for appointment or come by A&M APT. ^ PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 ^|l|/ 2339 S. Texas, C.S. jftw “Next to the Dairy Queen” . JOB OPPORTUNITIES *0 J o For employment information at Texas A&M L'niversity dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Ac tion. Texas A&M University piano & organ DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED Must have pickup, be neat and dependable. Hours flexible, average 5 hours weekly earns 35.00 + mileage. Not steady, busy one week and slow the next. Requires additional time close to Christmas. For app. 779-7080, Randy. ie3t4 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Limited positions open Full or Part Time A PPly between 9:30-11 and 2-4 18018 nAMitTiAN DAKS WHILE YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THE COST OF COOLING YOUR APARTMENT AND DRIVING YOUR CAR, THINK ABOUT US . . . WE PAY YOUR UTILITIES! AND WE GUARANTEE NO FUEL ADJUSTMENT OR RENT ESCALATION, ADD THAT TO OUR LOCATION TO TEXAS A&M, AND SEE HOW YOU CAN SAVE! \ » O ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE TWO SWIMMING POOLS TENNIS COURTS HEALTH SPAS, INCLUDING SAUNAS FOR MEN & WOMEN THREE LAUNDRY ROOMS FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED EFFICIENCY, 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. NO ESCALATION CLAUSE OR FUEL ADJUSTMENT CHARGE PARTY/MEETING ROOM BASKETBALL/VOLLEYBALL COURT 693-1110 Rental office open Monday thru Friday 9-5 Saturday 10-5, Sunday 2-5 693-1011 1501 Hwy. 30 isote AGGIES!! PEP oh takii vening < Apply Why rent furniture whenya can buy it, and save more] too? CHECK THESE PWCK 59. 95 ■: \) 39.3! 49,9! 79,3: aii 5 pc. Dining Set 7 pc. Dining Set 4 dr. chest 5 dr. chest Full size Mat. Set Bed Frames Sofa & Chair Recliners 3 pc. Coc Table Set59.S: 4 pc. Bdrm. Set 149. Rockers 35.(X! xccc D c ’art tim iwiing ~e shi' railabh ,, 1 accc 151 149.95 79.3 Texas Furniture Outlet 712 Villa Maria r 8*0 QUEEN-SIZE HIDEABED Almost new, used about 6 mod* $250.00. Cost new $400. Call 779-3391 10a.m.-3(Un After 5 p.m. 846-5434 O'socooeceeoeo's* at.’m.'m.'m.'m.'m.'m.'mxkm** PERSONALS HowTo Study. $1.00. Papers Dept.7 25126, Lansing, Mich. 48909... 183M WANTED Typing. 7723. Symbols. Notary Pn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate AS 822-0544—Itfn . ’art& fi cdy ir lege Assi: At T pot penencc xation Wenen wc Hot ity rr 5** fc 696 : r 5 1411 CASH FOR OLD GOLD ’ Class rings, wedding rings, wcr: ► gold jewelry, coins, etc. ► The Diamond Room Town A Country Shopping Canter . 3731 E. 29th St., Bryin 846-4708 ^ A A ate A A A A led 0*6 DIXIE CHICKEN INC. Hiring Immediately Full or part time for Miranda’s, Chicken Oil Co., Texas Moon Tavern, & Dixie Chicken. Apply 307 University Interviews 3-5 p.m. Daily Looking for an apartment? We’ve got the best in town. • Sevilla • ’ &uiu&iias Aurora Gardens • cjtffiUjpIfilfe * TA0S 4Si ■v METRO PROPERTIES 693-6505/693-4242