The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 31, 1979, Image 3
1 ;ws l the state THE BATTALION Page 3 TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1979 ** patent » flexible line the machine 1 he also re- Fhe decision, nprovements half of Weed jveral earlier ae to “normal released five irs to protest state’s only to a “normal ot elaborate, immediately perintendent :ly after mid- lostages was lot hcipjii an unprec- teral called from heart culosis and >rt said the oer year in rates drop- ajor reason eaths from eases such y and now ing verself the itrators at test Thea- denounce- the “boat ?monstrat- aez, citing protesters Iso passed ies in her what’s up Tuesday MOVIE: “Psycho,” starring Anthony Perkins, will be shown at 8:45 p.m. in the Grove Theater. SAILING CLUB: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder Tower. INTERNATIONAL FOLKDANCERS: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 228, MSG. Wednesday MOVIE: “Singin’ in the Rain,” starring Gene Kelly, will be shown at 8:45 p.m. in the Grove Theater. SAILING CLUB: Will meet in Room 401, Rudder Tower at 7 p.m. Thursday MOVIE: “Andromeda Strain,” starring John Saxon, will be shown at 8:45 p.m. in the Grove Theater. PREMIERE PLAYERS: Texas A&M’s summer theater company for teenagers, will present its final show of the season, “Night Watch,” tonight through Saturday night. The performance of this stage thriller begins at 8 p.m. Admission is $1 for students and $2 for adults and are on sale at the MSG Box Office or at the door. TOWN HALL: Crystal Gayle will begin her performance at 8:15 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Friday MOVIE: “The Deep,” starring Jacqueline Bissett, will be shown at 8:45 p.m. in the Grove Theater. MIDNIGHT MOVIE: “The End,” starring Dom DeLuise and Burt Reynolds, will be shown in the Grove Theater. PREMIERE PLAYERS: Texas A&M’s summer theater company for teenagers, will present its final show of the season, “Night Watch,” tonight through Saturday night. The performance of this stage thriller begins at 8 p.m. Admission is $1 for students and $2 for adults and are on sale at the MSG Box Office or at the door. GROMETS: The Texas A&M Gamers club will meet at 7 p.m. to play wargames and role playing games in Room 137A and 140B today through Sunday at 6 p.m. CALENDAR: Any person, group or organization who would like to have something printed in the What’s Up column should fill out a form provided in Room 216, Reed McDonald. The name, date and purpose of the event should be included. Padre officials fret as slick nears United Press International CORPUS CHRISTI — Federal monitors Monday declined to pre dict whether the giant Mexican oil slick, now just 107 miles south of Texas, might foul the state’s sandy white beaches, but officials at Padre Island National Seashore said they fear the worst. The slick, being fed by a well blowout in Mexico’s Bay of Cam peche, is projected to appear offshore from Brownsville, Texas, by this weekend. “We have come to the realization that things that get into the Gulf, in time, land on Padre Island, whether they be bottles or something,” said Bob Whistler, the chief naturalist at Padre Island National Seashore. Padre Island stretches 100 miles from Corpus Christi to Brownsville and is home to the federally pro tected area, as well as several resort beaches. Officials said the island’s “Big Shell” area, 35 miles south of Cor pus Christi, eventually seems to re ceive any debris appearing in the Gulf of Mexico. “Just the nature of the currents in the Gulf would make the Big Shell a likely place to get at least some oil,” added Max Hancock, chief ranger at the Seashore. “Conflicting currents in the area tend to bring in a lot of floatsam from the Gulf.” THE PREMIERE PLAYERS PRESENT 1 NffG HT Carl Posey, a spokesman at a fed eral oilsick monitoring post operat ing the past three weeks at Coast Guard headquarters, said Monday the latest flights by Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmosperic Administration aircraft pinpointed the lead edge of the slick 107 miles south of the mouth of the Rio Grande at Brownsville. Posey said the latest NOAA projection puts the leading edge of the oil slick, which is moving northward in several large patches, about 30-40 miles offshore the U.S.-Mexico border at Brownsville by Friday. Posey said the forecast would be updated later this week. “It’s a statistical forecast which doesn’t mean it’s going to happen,” Posey said. He said “the currents just aren’t well enough defined” for NOAA to make any prediction on whether the oil might eventualy move toward Padre Island. “The only other important de velopment is that the Coast Guard is beginning to move equipment in,” Poseys aid. “They’re not putting anything in the water. They’ve moved in some booms and if the oil seems to threaten, they’ll deploy to try to keep it (oil) on the seaward side of the barrier islands.” The oil slick — now the largest on record — began forming June 3 when a well being drilled in Mexico’s Bay of Campeche blew out, caught fire and began spewing 1.5 million gallons of oil a day. Mex ican officials have said it may be Oc tober before the well can be shut off. 'ALTERATIONS IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 8 AT WELCH'S CLEANERS. WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCELLENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPE CIALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES, TAPERED SHIRTS. JEAN HEMS. WATCH POCKETS, ETC. "DON’T GIVE UP — WE LL MAKE IT FIT!" (WE RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) der’ lipment of id thus was en said the i waste that om Texas, t would be s company waste and s for burial her chi nday in the [ire depart- mrsing her ntually will :t feed their 'in mission’s ;y, said the oe city has e filed the i allowed to temporary >99 irtling new ecade, says (passenger ter air fare el, a senior nmittee on The board under the igineering. routes and Irive fares d result in Widow receives donations United Press International SAN ANTONIO — While Mattie chultz rested in a hospital Monday, lozens of letters containing dona- ions arrived for the 91-year-old hildless widow who spent a night in ail last week for shoplifting food to eep from starving. "Some contain $5, $10, $50. One nan from California offered to send neat.” said Lorraine Wernert, pres- dent of the Bexar County Senior citizens Council which set up a spe- :ial Mattie Schultz Fund. “I have a tack in my hand about 6 inches hick.” Mrs. Schultz, who spent 24 hours n jail after being arrested on a mis- lemeanor charge of attempting to :ake $15 worth of ham, sausage and Hitter from a grocery store in her Hirse, was under observation at a ocal hospital for exahustion. Her :ondition was listed as satisfactory Monday. Her doctor said the elderly .woman needed rest from the ex- itement and hundreds of telephone alls she received after she was re leased from jail and the media circu lated her story nationwide. Wernert said she was “amazed” to bear Mrs. Schultz, described as fiercely independent, resorted to shoplifting food when so many free nutrition programs were available. Mrs. Schultz, who said she had been suffering heart problems, told reporters she stole because she was desperate” and could not pay her $75 rent, $18 in utilities and doctor bills each month and have enough left out of $251 n pensions to eat properly. She said she had lived mostly on cereal and milk the last few months. Since her arrest, a full-time wel fare worker has been assigned to her case and encouraged her to enter the hospital where she could rest. ation, Texas 77843. entitled exclusively^ dispatches credited N er matter herein resell >llege Station, TX ER •sociation ism Congress Karen Roj® .... Debbie Pan* Sean Ft* Roy Keith 1 ■. Robin Thom] lyn Blosser, Di . .Clay ,.. Lynn Bl> .Greg Spi The Battalion WE’RE SPREADING THE NEWS HATE DOINQ LAUNDRY? Let Frannie’s do It for you Aunt Frannies Laundromat m s \\ L WATCH A PLAY OF SUSPENSE AUGUST 2-3-4 RUDDER FORUM 8:00 P.M. ALL STUDENTS $1.00 NON-STUDENTS $2.00 TICKETS AT THE MSC BOX OFFICE l^Holleman at Anderson 693-6587 I OR AT THE DOOR ★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ mmmtmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamt g Barcelona APARTMENTS NEWLY REMODELED ! ALL UTILITIES PAID and... Individual Heating and Air, Cable T.V., 3 Laundry Rooms, Swimming Pool, Security Guard, Party Room, and Close to Campus. 693-0261 700 Dominik, College Station Texas Ave. J; A&M Golf Course *c I BARCELONA * *W1ialaburp,or DIAMOND IMPORTERS & WHOLESALERS SUMMER SALE (Special offers extended till Aug. 4, 1979) fr : a non-profit, erated by studfl 1 mnity newspof ined by the ed0 The . ►Stitching 3Post WE’VE MOVED!! COME BY AND SEE OUR NEW LOCATION WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE NEEDLE ARTIST. yarns embroidery 707 TEXAS SUITE 126 latch hook rugs notions AND MUCH MUCH MORE! needle point kits tapestries 696-0072 iP .10 Round AA $ 70 .14 Round A+ 98 .18 Round A+ 128 .20 Round A+ 140 ; .62 Round AAAA 1550 .63 Round AAA+ 1475 .65 Round AAA + 1500 • .27 Round AAAA $ 486 .28 Round AAAA 504 .30 Round AAAA 540 .31 Round AAAA 558 .32 Round AAAA 576 .34 Round AAA 680 .34 Round AAA 680 .36 Round AA + 720 .37 Round AAA 740 .38 Round AAA 760 .38 Round AA 525 .40 Round AA 550 • 41 Round AAA 861 .42 Round AA 630 ■43 Round AA 575 <; .45 Round AAA 945 .47 Round AAA 987 .48 Round AAA 1008 .50 Round AAA 1050 .55 Round AAA 1155 ! .60 Round AAA 1380 <; .68 Round AA 1000 .72 Round AAA 1900 ( .73 Round AA 1150 1 .97 Round AA 1950 , i 1.01 Round AA 2000 1 ] 1.02 Round AAAA 3500 , 1.04 Round AA 2050 ] 1 1.07 Round AAAA 3600 1.72 Round AAA 5100 1.96 Round AA 4300 1 -Carat Rubies 400 00 10-pt. Aggie Diamonds 70 00 .04 MO AA+ $ 26 J .05 MQ AA+ 32 <! .03 MQ AA + 21 ! l .07 Pear A+ 42 'l .08 Pear A+ 48 ! .14 Pear A as <; .22 Pear A 160 1 26 Pear A 180 f .29 Pear A 200 I .29 Ova! AA 240 ■ .30 Pear A 225 ; .32 Pear A 240 ■ , .33 Pear AA 275 ; .36 MQ A+ 300 . i .38 Pear AA 325 ; .40 Pear A 280 , .42 Pear A+ 300 ; ; .41 Oval AAA 750 ' .42 Heart AA 450 ; 1 .42 Oval AA 600 .44 MQ AAA 836 ; .45 MQ AA 720 .49 Oval AAA 950 ; .48 MQ AA 768 ' .51 Heart AA 550 ; ; 53 Pear AA + 900 .57 MQ AA 950 ; 1 .67 Heart AA 700 ■ ■ .69 Oval AA 975 ; ; .70 MQ AA 1900 < . .75 Pear AA 1450 ; : 76 Oval AAA 1850 ■ 1 .75 E.C. AAAA 1900 .87 PPPPear AA + 1600 < : .88 MQ AA+ 1600 ' 1.00 MQ AAA 2200 < i .71 MQ AA 1800 .70 MQ AAA 2100 . , .81 MQ AAA 2500 1.91 Heart AA 4000 £ 2.06 Heart AA 4800 ; LAY-AWAY AND FINANCING AVAILABLE 5-polnt Full-Cut Aggie Diamond Just 30 00 !!! FREE 14Kt. Gold Engagement Ring with Any Diamond Over 1 /2 Carat Absolutely Free!! DIAMOND BROKERS INT L., INC. DIAMOND IMPORTERS & WHOLESALERS College Station, Texas 77840 1-713-693-1647