The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 31, 1979, Image 1

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    -The Battalion
fol. 72 No. 171
Tuesday, July 31, 1979
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
Partly cloudy skies with a high in the mid 90’s and a
low in the mid 70’s. Winds will be Southerly at 5-10
UT to share
raduate facilities
'exas A&M University and the Uni-
sity of Texas now share more than a
im men,1^.
■The Texas A&M Board of Regents
:as World Spetlp^ Thursday to a resolution with the
K)-mile Texas System Board of Re
fits to establish a program to have com-
n use of graduate education facilities
courses within the two universities.
Irhe joint resolution states that the qual-
J of education may he increased by the
Int use of unique graduate educational
lilities, such as laboratories and courses.
Irhe A&M regents passed a similar reso
lution applying to graduate students
bin its own system, which includes
of 6,600 tons,
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om said there
i-to-3 degree
campuses at Prairie View, Stephenville,
College Station and Galveston.
The board additionally approved a pro
posal by the Texas Engineering Experi
ment Station to establish a research center
at Prairie View A&M. Prairie View also
received funds of $15,000 for the construc
tion of an Industrial Education Building.
The regents also authorized Texas A&M
President Jarvis Miller to negotiate the
purchase of a Corpus Christi waterfront
tract developed by the Southwest Re
search Institute.
The waterfront facilities are valued at
$250,000 and will be used by the Texas
Engineering Extension Service Oil Spill
Control school and by TEES for research.
In other business, the board approved a
$5.5 million bond for the financing of the
proposed modular dorm to be completed
by September 1980.
To finance other construction, including
a horticulture laboratory, greenhouse and
furnishings for a new fine arts complex at
Tarleton State University in Stephenville,
the board issued $10 million worth of
Permanent University Fund Bonds.
The bonds were sold to Harris Trust &
Savings Bank and Associates of Chicago at
an effective interest rate of 5.4342 per
The board also promised to issue a
statement August 1 concerning the
progress of construction on Kyle Field.
\ineral Wells is new home
Refugees arrive in Texas
lines, he said,
in in the stadii
? disgruntled
rstand it."
United Press International
11NERAL WELLS, Texas — Some
abodian refugees who spent four years
holding camp in Thailand arrived in
st Texas Monday, despite some local
icern they would cause health and edu-
ion problems in the community,
layor Robert J. Shiflet, who was out of
n during Monday’s arrival, said he had
leived many calls from people who un-
itood the refugees’ problem but didn’t
perstand why they were coming to
jneral Wells.
|Pussell Whatley Jr. said he didn’t see
|y the refugees were receiving so much
when some Americans needed help.
I’m not trying to sound belligerent or
jumane, but by the same token I don’t
llwe should take on the problems of the
Trld,” he said.
alias businessman L. Dale Ireland
eed to house 72 refugees and hire those
:1 he realizedOi ;ible for employment. Ireland is presi-
rterback field,! it of Airline Instruments Inc.
:s, Kelly Phelp If everything works right, we ll try to
ng more people in,” he said. “We can’t
enough because we need to run three
Despite reports that some residents
ation quarter ^ unhappy, Ireland said he felt every-
Ing would work out.
■ People have been more than coopera-
, Barry Switzer e ; he said
d begin worki
enter the school system this fall. School
Superintendent Bill Hall said he under
stood most of the children could neither
read nor write in their own language,
which could make teaching English more
Stiff said the school system was trying to
raise funds to initiate pre-training courses,
particularly in English, before the
school year begins.
The town’s leaders were not notified
about the Cambodians arrival until late
last month. Stiff said he thought that was
why some residents had a negative at
About 15 Cambodian families will live in
renovated apartments at nearby Fort Wol-
ters Village, a former U.S. Army base. Ire
land pays for their housing until they earn
enough to pay him back.
he would bei
ssing more and
He was
Consol board OKs
funding for irrigation ~
Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr.
Charles Outlaw groans in pain as emergency medical technicians gingerly ease him onto a stretcher.
Hitchers heat driver, steal car
Charles Outlaw learned the hard
way that picking up hitchhikers can
be a bad idea.
Outlaw, from Lovelady, Texas,
was beaten and left on the side of
Hwy 30 near Texas Ave. Monday af
ternoon by five hitchhikers he had
picked up earlier in the day. Four of
the men sped away in Outlaw’s 1971
army surplus Ford LTD, leaving the
fifth hitchhiker near the intersection
of Hwy 30 and Hwy 6. College Sta
tion police had the fifth man in cus
tody Monday. The other four re
main at large.
“They were a dirty, ugly-looking
bunch, with long hair and all,” a
witness said.
Outlaw, 29, told police he picked
up the five hitchhikers on Interstate
10 between Houston and Beaumont
while driving to Lovelady from a job
in Louisiana. He told police he
didn’t know any of the five hitchhik
Witnesses said the men beat Out
law repeatedly before leaving him
by the roadside.
“He just got the shit beat out of
him,” one man said.
Outlaw was treated and released
from St. Joseph’s Hospital emer
gency room after X-rays indicated
he had suffered no broken bones.
Outlaw said the hitchhikers topk
about $80 from his wallet before fle
eing as bystanders from nearby
apartments ran to his aid.
d might also!#
koff returns
hurch groups as well as local em-
yers sponsor the refugees, who must
v an employer before they arrive. Ire-
d said his initial involvement began
he contacted the Catholic diocese in
rt Worth and offered to help.
City Manager Jim Stiff said the refugee
ansors, including Ireland, addressed a
ty Council meeting earlier this month to
y local fears.
Otto Velez cratl
in the flrsl i:
ti drove in three ^ , , r
ul a homer Wd “eland told the Council the refugees
uld be screened before they entered
United Staes to make sure they were
(carrying contagious diseases. Stiff said,
jj A bilingual teacher will have to be hired
teach the Cambodian children who will
ng the Toronti!
5 decision ovei
IBI single
1-0 lead in thi
edo Griffin
I on Roy Ho*
scored when I
'y*“boozers run
ir Velez’s
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raise money
or bar manager
I. Untifthis time Ail#
Auctioneers are W**
J by piece or in bis 1
lewriters - (16) mW
(11) office desks-(S
- cabinets
5rs-(12) gas ranges';
ors - scrap batteries'
i & hundreds ofolW'
United Press International
DENVER — Pot bellies jiggled.
Faces reddened. But all the runners
in the Smokers, Wheezers, and
Boozers Marathon crossed the finish
line and then headed into a bar to
More than 50 runners left one
air-conditioned bar to run in the
race Saturday and ran all of 10
blocks to Copperfield’s bar.
Winner John McNulty, 22, a stu
dent at Colorado State University,
attributed his victory to the number
of beers he drank before the race.
McNulty’s winning time wasn’t
available, but race observers said his
- i973Chev.wion^ i perfect calculation of when stop
mfvan^gS 1 ' ^ would turn g reen was the W
mtiac station wage"' to his win.
sedan -(3) WasW'| The “marathon” raised “several
thousand dollars” for Jeff Ferrell, a
night manager who was shot in the
bead last month at the Tipsy Tiger
Lounge in Denver. The money will
help pay his medical bills.
Ferrell had ordered two men out
of the bar June 29. One of the men
returned and shot Ferrell in the
forehead with a .32-caliber hand
gun. Since then, he has been unable
to speak.
He watched the runners as they
left a starting line at The Parlour Bar
and Restaurant for the 10-block run
to Copperfield’s.
More than $1,500 was raised, race
sponsors said.
Battalion Staff
The A&M Consolidated School
Board voted Monday night spend
$75,000 for the completion of land
scaping work at three district cam
The $75,000 will be provided
from unappropriated construction
funds, said Dr. Donald Ney, Assis
tant Superintendent for Finance for
the district.
The unappropriated funds come
from interest on invested district
bonds, Ney said.
The money is to be spent on the
South Knoll and College Hills
elementary school campuses and
the Junior High School campus.
The majority of the landscaping
work already funded involves ero
sion control for the campus grounds.
The landscaping work was con
tracted through and partially funded
by the Soil Conservation Service.
Nearly $18,000 of the newly ap
propriated funds will be used to re
place the irrigation systems that
have been installed at the cam
There are problems with with the
sprinkler systems currently being
used at the three schools, Ney told
the board during a progress report
on the landscaping work.
The current system, partially in
stalled at the schools, involves the
use of removable sprinkler heads.
The new system would have
sprinkler heads attached to the
Sprinklers have been damaged
through accident and a few have
been misplaced or stolen, he said.
In addition, it requires excessive
manpower to move the sprinkler
heads when using the system, Ney
Changing to the new system
would alleviate the theft and dam
age problems and save the cost of
replacing the systems later at a
higher expense, Ney concluded.
In other business, the board
voted to adopt a new system for staff
utilization at district schools.
In a related move, the district
then established a student-adult
ratio (SAR) of 18.0 for each campus
in the district.
The SAR is a number used to rep
resent the number of district per
sonnel in a school building during a
teaching day. It is calculated by a
series of figures drawn from actual
school enrollment and the number
of staff members in each school
(excluding custodial and lunchroom
The SAR will be established by
the administration of individual
schools and subject to approval by
the district, said H.R. Burnett, As
sistant Superintendent for Instruc
The SAR is part of the staff utiliza
tion system, he said.
The staff utilization system will be
used to calcualte budgetary needs
and teacher allocations and needs
for each school, Burnett said.
In addition, the staff utilization
plan will allow the district’s staff to
begin budget planning at an earlier
date because each school’s needs
will be based on actual enrollment
figures and predetermined criteria,
said superintendent Bruce Ander
In other action, the board:
— approved a performance and
leadership plan for district staff
members. The plan will permit the
superintendent and the school
board to assign salaries for admistra-
tive staff members based on
achievement predetermined goals
set at the end of a year.
— raised the salary for substituue
teacheAs in the district salary from
$22 to $25.
— voted to appoint Ney as the
district liaison to the Soil Conserva
tion Service.
Cave men’ charges lowered
United Press International
CARLSBAD, N.M. — A state district
judge Monday handed back to federal offi
cials a case involving four men arrested in
the armed takeover at Carlsbad Caverns
National Park earlier this month.
District Judge John Walker granted a
request by defense attorneys for a writ of
habeus corpus, a move which allowed the
prisoners to be released from state felony
charges in the case.
U.S. Attorney R.E. Thompson said in
Albuquerque the suspects were im
mediately rearrested on federal warrants
charging them with damage to federal
property and aiding and abetting in the
damage to federal property. He said the
charges are misdemeanors, carrying
maximum penalties of one year in jail and
a $1,000 fine.
The judge’s action apparently ended
three weeks of indecision about jurisdic
tion in the case, which had been bounced
back and forth between federal and state
The suspects, Dennis James Mark, 39,
of Riesel, Texas, Eugene Hiram Meroney,
31, William Charles Lovejoy, 28, and
David W. Kuczynski, 28, all of Odessa,
Texas, were arrested on federal mis
demeanor charges when they surrendered
following a 5% hour armed takeover of the
underground cafeteria at the national
During the takeover, the four men held
a park employee as a hostage. About 100
tourists were trapped in an adjacent room.
The purpose of the takeover was not
fully clear, although the gunmen pres
ented a rambling list of greivances and at
one time demanded $1 million in cash and
an airliner to Brazil.
In order to secure release of the hostage
and to insure the safety of the 100 trapped
tourists, FBI agents who negotiated the
surrender of the four men promised they
would be charged only with mis
After they surrendered, federal officials
later determined there was a jurisdictional
problem and decided that the suspects
should be arraigned on state misdemeanor
But at their arraignment, District Judge
Students program expansion cause
A&M movie and concert prices
will go up for the fall semester
Battalion Staff
While it’s gotten more and more expensive to live and
have fun in the “real world,” Texas A&M students have
taken refuge with low-cost entertainment offered by the
But no place is immune from inflation, not even Aggie-
land, where one-dollar movies and free concerts will soon
be a thing of the past.
This fall Aggie Cinema, Cepheid Variable and the Arts
Committee will charge $1.25 admission to their movies.
Town Hall will raise its ticket costs and will no longer have
free concerts.
Even the Grove, whose free movies are the entertain
ment mainstay for many, will charge a 25-cent admission
next summer.
“It (price increases) was just a matter of time,” said
Emen Haby, vice president of finance for the Memorial
Student Center Council and Directorate. “It had to hap
pen sooner or later.”
The expansion of the Student Programs Office (SPO)
staff along with the growing programs and goals of the
committees necessitated the price increases, Haby said.
“If you want to improve you’ve got to find more
money,” he said. “In the past student service fees were
enough because the programs were small enough. This
year we’re getting larger and we need more money.
“We’ve gotten increased student service fees, but not
comparable to the increase in programming,” he said.
“Because of what students wanted to do, we asked the
committees to find additional revenue to support those
The student government decides how to allocate stu
dent service fees. All twenty student program committees
receive some portion of these fees except for Aggie
Cinema, Cepheid Variable, Free University and Scona,
Haby said.
Committees like Aggie Cinema and Town Hall “which
have the potential to be self sufficient,” can best raise the
additional money needed for the SPO budget, he said.
Members of Aggie Cinema, Cepheid Variable and the
Arts Committee met early last May to consider raising
their prices, said Henry Harlos, chairman of Aggie
Cinema. He said either all three committees would go up
to $1.25, or all three would stay the same.
“We felt it was for the best interest to go up,” Harloe ea
d. “I don’t think $1.25 is asking too much. It’s a heck of a
lot cheaper than anything in town.
“I think we’re comparable with other universities,” he
The last price increase came in 1973, when the Arts
Committee and Aggie Cinema went from 50 cents to a
Aggie Cinema will still charge only one dollar for its
classic/Intemational series, which features classic Bogart
films and others on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
In the past Aggie Cinema has not paid anything to help
with overall student programming expenses, but it has
been asked to give $10,000 to the SPO budget this next
year, Harlos said.
Town Hall is the only committee whose tentative 1979-
80 budget has been cut, Haby said. Town Hall requested
$65,000, its same budget as last year, but student govern
ment cut it to $44,500.
Student government felt that Town Hall could increase
its revenue and compensate the budget cut by raising
ticket sales, Haby said.
The student government’s budget recommendations
must be approved by Texas A&M President Jarvis Miller
and the Board of Regents.
Harvey W. Fort of Carlsbad refused to ac
cept the misdemeanor charges in the case.
The Eddy County District Attorney’s of
fice then filed state felony charges of kid
napping and aggravated assault against the
Defense attorneys for the suspects then
challenged the state action, filing the mo
tion for a writ of habeus corpus so the men
could again face federal misdemeanor
charges as they had originally been prom
The suspects were to have faced a pre
liminary hearing Tuesday in Carlsbad on
the state charges. That hearing has been,
canceled because the state charges were
Leaded gas
legal for
all in crisis
United Press International
Environmental Protection Agency Tues
day issued rules clarifying situations where
it would be legal, for a gasoline station to
put leaded fuel in a car designed for un
Leaded fuel in sufficient quantity can
destroy the air pollution control devices on
later model cars. Retailers who put leaded
gas into such cars are usually liable to fines
of up to $10,000 per violation.
But, the agency said, there can be a
“bona fide emergency” where the retailer
would not be liable.
“The retailer who introduces the leaded
fuel must have no unleaded fuel at his sta
tion. The gasoline tank of the vehicle must
be almost empty and there must be no
other station within a several-mile radius
that is available to dispense unleaded
gasoline,” the agency said in a notice in
Monday’s Federal Register.
“The retailer can introduce only enough
leaded fuel to enable the motorist to reach
the closest open station with unleaded
gasoline, or the motorist’s destination,
whichever is closer,” it added.
The EPA also said a general shortage of
unleaded gasoline does not constitute an
“In a situation where one retail outlet is
out of unleadeed gasoline but there are
other stations with unleaded gasoline
nearby, no bona fide emergency exists,”
the notice said. “We beleive it is reason
able to expect that retailers will assess the
unleaded gasoline availability in their im
mediate areas just as they assess the pric
ing by competitive stations.
The EPA has been worried that tight
supplies of gasoline will cause more
switching to leaded gasoline, and result in
increased air pollution.