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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1979)
the state THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JULY 11. 1979 Page 3 ommission eyes state Texas’ push wanted over a »s swin- l V to ask geGor- ity of a Jge de- therhe !ar with 'f about ' steam iers did ■ts from in back iry d con- fficials Arabia, 'J icara- arged. i U.S. homas 1 owns lion in n near 'd that ued to i. The and to ua iagua, im all 5,000 ;down ers on m the down oortar aerals their United Press International LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The five states belonging to the Ozarks Re gional Commission expressed inter est Tuesday in asking Texas to join the group but stopped short of tak ing formal action for fear they might be overshadowed. The Ozarks group, meeting in conjunction with the National Gov ernors’ Conference, is made up of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas. Oklahoma Gov. George Nigh fa vored prompt action to get Texas into the group but the governors of Kansas and Arkansas were more cautious. Missouri Gov. Joseph P. Teasdale who chairs the commission and Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards were absent. Nigh, whose state shares a border with Texas, said the Ozarks Re gional Commission set up by Con gress would probably have more fi nancial clout if Texas is added. “The way national politics is going, it would be an advantage getting funds to have some Texans. They have a pretty big influence in Washington.” j\ign also argued it would De helpful in luring tourists — par- ticuarly from overseas — to states in the Ozarks region. “It’s pretty hard to advertise tel ling people to spend two weeks in Vets converge to curb rabies tack s Boston millions le about me. nts since h of July 54 yean al slaying vy, was i, a re- i began tnesses Florida 1 times would liss inchers a., for a ’s Auto Police ed the nd that lice re- -ucking ;pokes- inchers lot, he onday, rm and United Press International EAGLE PASS, Texas — A team |)f state veterinarians converged uesday for a roundup and vaccina- ion of dogs and cats in an attempt to urtail an outbreak of rabies that has ailed two children along the Mexico wrder. Dr. William Bilderback, director f the Zoonosis Control Division of he Texas Department of Health, istimated from 2,500 to 3,000 pets wait vaccination in the border area. Last week, the city council passed in emergency measure allowing for mmediate shooting of stray untag- ;ed animals, but a three-day waiting >eriod still was in effect for regis- :ered strays. In Mexico, officials shot and joisoned several hundred strays last nonth after the death of a child in a 5 iedras Negras hospital. An 8-year-old Eagle Pass girl bit- ;en by a rabid dog died last week at ianta Rosa Medical Center where in 8-year-old boy from Piedras Neg- as Tuesday remained in critical barter energy plan nd for security, Jaworski warns United Press International I HOUSTON — Watergate prose cutor Leon Jaworski is concerned about President Carter’s reported plan for a national energy board empowered to overrule all other government entities in matters of energy. “I don’t know any details of this plan, but I would be slow to go along with anything that transgres ses property rights or the rights of an individual,” the former I Watergate prosecutor said. “Once you use the excuse that the nation’s security is in danger be cause of a situation that’s very press ing it can be used as an excuse the next time. I don’t see how I could favor it.” condition from a confirmed case. Bilderback said the state would furnish five or six veterinarians in the Eagle Pass vaccination drive to be supervised by Dr. Williamk D. Nettles, the regional Zoonosis Con trol Director from Uvalde. “We’ll only be there to give a hand with the vaccinations,” Bil derback said. He said local authorities would be in charge of rounding up the animals in a door-to-door, block-by-block in spection. He said it was hoped the veteri narians could complete the vaccin ations by Friday. Oklahoma City,” Nigh said. “But if we can promote tourism on a re gional basis, we ll do much better with Texas (in the group) because everyone has heard of it.” He also said most foreign consu lates involved in trade missions with Oklahoma are headquartered in Houston and “it just makes a neat rectangular package, speaking geo graphically.” But Kansas Gov. John Carlin said he wants to make sure if Texas joins the commission, member states don’t lose federal funds. “We should not split the same pie six ways in stead of five,” he said. “If this goes through there should be a bigger appropriation from Congress to take care of Texas. ” Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton said he is concerned Texas might in some way be eyeing his state’s ample water supply. “I think we should tell Texas we are interested in having them join,” Clinton said, “but that we want to work out specific concerns before we issue a formal invitation. We should tell them there are financial and other matters we want to get an understanding on, which I’m sure we will get.” Gary Vassmore, representing Teasdale, said he has contacted an aide to Texas Gov. William P. Cle ments Jr. “I understand Gov. Cle ments is very interested in the idea, and I know Gov. Teasdale is very enthusiastic.” The Ozarks Regional Commis sion, like other such commissions set up by Congress, works on prob lems common to states. .we ...a . KeyboARd Center Manor East MaII (Bryan ['‘■ xas ^ ) exclu^'V ches credi'J e r hereto^} Jtation, V* gress Karen ^ ; fr bie Kc . .Sean ‘ e . ..FoySf Keith W: y neu^.L by ^ 9.164% Interest and some nice people. Homestead offers both. 9.164% Interest... Money market certificates. These short term, high yield certificates mature in only 182 days. The rate shown above is the annual yield for this week. Minimum deposit is $10,000. Fed eral regulations require an interest penalty for early withdrawal. Some nice people... Really. You won’t find more friendly, profes sional people. That’s why we say “You’re at home with Homestead”. Homestead Savings Association of Texas 1063 S. Texas Avenue (across from the main entrance to A&M) Phone: 693-1063 IF YOU LIKE MUSIC EVEN BOTHER READING THIS AD! So you like music—right? But you don't know anything about matching stereo components or you're afraid to walk into a stereo store in fear of high pressure salespeople. At Custom Sounds we have the answer. - Why? We'll tell you. (DA wide selection of the best values in stereo com ponents currently on the market. (2) A well trained sales staff who take your needs and budget and consult you on the best way to go. (Our salespeople are not on com mission so we work as a team and you won't be tackled at the door.) (3)We service everything we sell right here. Not only is this convenient for you after the purchase but also very helpful in the fact we can actuallt test the equip ment ourselves before we put it on the shelves. (Our head technician is an Elec trical Engineer graduate of Texas A&AA.) (4)We discount our price, not our products or service. We do this by keeping our overhead way down. (If you have been in our store you know this to be true. Woofer's even started to complain about his quarters) This week our special is the following: SX-580 AAA/FM Stereo Receiver Project 60A Speakers VR-2 Equipment Rack Continuous power output of 20 watts per channel, minimum at 8 ohms from 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz with no more than 0.3% total harmonic distortion. Two power meters. FM sensitivity: Mono IQ.SdBf (1.9//V1. /fi Impedance: 8 ohms. Walnut grained vinyl cabinet: Regular Price $ 510 00 Custom Sounds SUPER SALE PRICE Enclosure-. Bookshelf type, ducted port. System: 2-way, 2-speaker. Loudspeaker: Woofer,8" cone type. Tweeter, l 3 /«" cone type. Frequency Range: 50-20,000Hz. 299 Just one example of the fantastic deals we offer on the many name brand components ^ such as Pioneer, Sansui, Nikko, Teac, - Philips, Akai, Ultralinear, Ess, Koss Loud speakers, OHAA, DBX, BIC, and we could goon and on. We’re hard to find but look us up 10-6 Mon.thru Sat. CUSTOM SOUNDS OPEN 10-6 MON.- SAT. 3806 A Old College Road 846-5803