The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 11, 1979, Image 3
ws rd THE BATTALION Page 3 TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1979 Bible interpertation big issue Y at Bee will be a ‘ on the in an at- | ren aee* 14 Baptists convene in Houston United Press International HOUSTON — Southern Baptists will determine the future course of an internal dispute over how strictly hIo interpret the Bible by electing of- I Ificers at the 122nd Southern Baptist BConvention s opening sessions to- II day. able con- was de- | Vet dies in war argument icks, was Saturday e wrecks. ak onday in ii "line and 1 and into | lore than | has been I tldez. An I it barren I <‘lds, and 1 Pipeline |j lot flying I on No. 1 I ■diately. [ al Bernard bbing of court let ssents of son was a small Jan. 25, the cash isiderits ;) radical loes not lack of a t Fergu- damage e court's a search al of his is a “dis- record, ” one in twisted. table to om the al disas- n Cam- ctroleos erwater le up of id been on the Mexico , worth a oops in ind the i begin S. em- )ort, as rnment to oust cities, er with States ie San- na and United Press International SAN ANTONIO — A former Marine who survived a rifle bul let in Vietnam only to die eight years later in an argument over the war with hometown friends was buried Monday at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. “On behalf of a grateful nation, we present to you our nation’s flag,” a cemetery official said as he handed to the victim’s sob bing mother the folded American flag which had covered the coffin of Robert I. Martinez. Martinez, 32, was stabbed four times in a fight with two former high school chums who allegedly “were making fun of him because he was in the war,” according to his brother, Jesse, 21. The brother told police a man held him at gunpoint to prevent him from going to Martinez’ aid. “It was jealousy, I guess,” Jesse Martinez said. “He (Bobert Martinez) said, are you making fun of me?’ and they began to fight.” Martinez, a migrant worker staying temporarily whith his parents in San Antonio en route from Michigan to California, was survived by his wife, Solia, and six stepchildren ages 4 to 16. "Whether we won the war in Vietnam or whether we thought it was silly, I really don’t care,” the Rev. Eugene Micheals said, addressing 100 friends and rela tives at St. Joseph Catholic Church. “He went to Vietnam and fought for a country that at times forgot him. There’s lots of violence in the world today. We don’t even know why it’s there.” An unusual amount of elec tioneering — including an unex pected public endorsement of a candidate by a former convention president, the Rev. W.A. Criswell of Dallas — marked preliminary sessions Sunday and Monday. There were reports those favoring strict “biblical inerrancy,” that is stringent enforcement of the Bible as church doctrine, were planning to provide transportation for dele gates expected to vote their way. Criswell, whose 20,000-member Dallas First Baptist Church is the denomination’s largest, Sunday vio lated what he called “an unwritten law’’ against former convention presidents’ endorsing candidates. “We will have a great time here if for no other reason than to elect Ad rian Rogers (pastor of Bellevue Bap tist Church of Memphis) president of the Southern Baptist Conven tion,” Criswell told the two-day pas tors conference. Criswell said others mentioned as FBI releases drawing of Wood assassin United Press International SAN ANTONIO — The FBI Monday released another composite drawing of a man it wants to ques tion in its investigation of the May 29 assassination of U.S. District Judge John H. Wood Jr. The sketch of a young man with dark complexion and large nose brought to six the number of com posite drawings compiled by an FBI artist from descriptions given by res idents of the Chateaux Dijon Tow- nhomes where Wood was shot in the back with a single .243-caliber bullet. Michael A. Morrow, special agent in charge of the local FBI, said that the individual portrayed in the drawing, “is not necessarily a sus pect in the assassination, but was also described by witnesses as being in the immediate vicinity of Judge Wood’s residence at the time of the shooting.” A special team of 40 FBI agents assigned to the case so far have not identified any of the persons in the six composite drawings, a spokes man said. inerrancy candidates, the Rev. Bailey Smith of First Southern Bap tist Church, Del City, Okla., and the Rev. Jerry Vines of Dauphin Way Baptist Church, Mobile, Ala., will withdraw if Rogers runs. No leading candidate had emerged from the other side, which espouses commitment to the Bible as ruling doctrine but recommends concentrating on worldwide missionary commitment rather than doctrinal criticism. Among possible alternatives to Rogers were Baylor University pres ident Abner McCall; the Rev. William Self of Wieuca Road Baptist Church, Atlanta, and the Rev. Douglas Watterson of First Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn. Two-term, outgoing president Jimmy Allen, pastor of San Antonio First Baptist Church, had expressed concern doctrinal quibbling will dis tract from the theme, “Bold Mission Thrust,” a call to spread the gospel to the entire world by 2000. Coney Island 59c Coney Island with cheese 69c Chili Campfire or Bonfire $1.65 Frito Pie $1.35 Turkey Pocket 75c Ham Pocket 75c Ham and Cheese Pocket 85c Tuna Pocket 75c French Fries 35c Onion Rings 65c Ice Box Pie 65c N.Y. Cheese Cake 85c Frosted Drinks Mug Pitcher Wine Cooler 55c... 1.95 Root Beer 45c... 1.45 Draft Beer 55c... 1.95 846-9174 University Square in front of Cinema Open Sun.-Thurs. 11-10:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11-12:30 p.m. Hriarurootf tfftpartmettts Pre-Leasing Program WE HAVE IT ALL! “For Summer and Fall” Tu*e$tone FOR 79 YEARS ... 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