The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1979, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1979 Spring training over Wilson’s monster loose By DAVID BOGGAN Battalion Sports Staff Texas A&M head football coach Tom Wilson must be struggling with some of the same feelings of antici pation that Dr. Frankenstein ex perienced on that stormy night when he breathed life into his famed little bundle of joy. For six months, Wilson has been mixing Xs and Os in his lofty labora tory in Rudder Castle, and now it is time to throw the switch that will bring his creation to life. Wilson’s monster, the 1979 Texas A&M football team, will come to life before his very eyes Saturday night in the annual Maroon and White spring football game. “Anytime you put something like this together, you look forward to seeing what the result will be, ” Wil son said of the first team he has built from scratch. “I feel like, and my coaches feel like, we made progress in spring training. We re excited about it. “For the spring game, we’ve di vided the squad right down the middle. One team should not have any decided advantage over the other. It should be an evenly matched game — very competi tive.” Wilson said that the only thing that will distract from the game will be the list of players who cannot participate for various reasons. “Curtis Dickey will miss the game because he will be at the Drake Re lays,” the head coach said. “And there is still a gray area concerning Mike Mosley (who has been hos pitalized with the flu). He will play, but his endurance will be way down.” The list of Aggies who will miss the intrasquad contest due to injury is long. Split end Mike Whitwell, offensive tackle Thomas Gregory, cornerback Leandrew Brown, quar terback Jeff Booth, linebacker Doug Carr, fullback David Hill, Lynn Honeycutt and Randy Harvey are not expected to play Saturday night. Wilson plans to pick up where he left off last fall, using the I-formation as the Aggies’ basic offensive set. “I hope that our offense will be more complete than it was at the end of last year,” Wilson said. “We have made some progress, but we re not near where we ll be next fall. “Our offense will be limited Saturday because there will be sc outs there and we will be filming (for exchange with opponents). We don’t want to show them too much. We will run a base offense and a base defense.” Will the labors of spring yield a fruitful fall? “I think we ll be competitive,” Wilson said. “There are at least seven teams who can win the con ference, so I don’t see how anybody can predict what the outcome of the season will be. It will all come down to the ball club that has the desire to get the job done.” Getting the coaching job done for the Maroon team Saturday night will be Bob Stanley, Greg Davis, Charlie Napper, Jess Stiles, Dean Campbell and Phil Bennett. Starting for the Maroons’ offense will be Doug Teague, split end; Tim Ward, quick tackle; Flint Risien, quick guard; David Bandy, center; Ed Pustejovsky, strong guard; Mike Robbins, strong tackle; Chuck Carr, tight end; David Scott, flanker; David Beal, quarterback; David Brothers, fullback and Temple Aday, tailback. Weldon Floyd will handle the place-kicking duties for the Maroon team. Defensively, the Maroons will start Jacob Green, left end; Steve Lewis, left tackle; Arlis James, right tackle; Keith Baldwin, right end Doug Holmes, middle linebacker Mike Little, strongside linebacker Herbert Booker, weakside linebacker; Carl Grulich, left corner; Darrell Adams, right comer; Jimmy Hamilton, strong safety and Elroy Steen, free safety. David ONE MORE TIME SPECIAL Miller 12-Pack $ 3.49 846-6635 3611 S. College HAS THE NEW Money Saving 12-Packs Easy handling. Great pictures. Priced so low you'll think it's hot. The Pentax K1000. 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For the White team, coaching duties will be handled by George Haffner, Dan LaGrasta, Mike Foreman, R.C. Slocum, Paul Regis ter and Jackie Williams. Offensively, the Whites will start Larry Johnson, split end; Curtis Jennings, quick tackle; Paul Ha- gerty, quick guard; Preston Dickson, center; Bryan Dausin, strong guard; Zack Guthrie, strong tackle; Phillip Simpson, tight end; Gerald Carter, flanker; Mike Mosley, quarterback; Anthony Curette, fullback and Emerson Brown, tailback. David Hardy will kick for the White team. On defense, the Whites will start Paul Pender, left end; Gerald Gal loway, left tackle; Mack Moore, right tackle; James Zachary, right end; Jennings Teel, middle linebacker; Lynn Maughmer, strongside linebacker; Cal Peveto, weakside linebacker; Ricky Beck, left comer, Dan Davis, right comer; John Dawson, strong safety an<J, Bret Jordan, free safety. Kick-off for the Maroon and White game, which will be played at Bryan’s Viking Stadium, is scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday. Ad mission is free to Texas A&M stu dents with I.D., $3 for adults and $1 for students. Texas A&M quarterback Mike Mosley rolls out in last year’s game against the Kansas Jayhawks. Mosley and the rest of the Texas Aggie football team will be rolling in the first public showing of the 1979 Aggies when they play the annual Ma roon and White intrasquad game Saturday night, expected to lead the White team while David the Maroon squad. The game will start at 7 p.m. Bryan s Viking Stadium. Battalion photo by i ©1978 Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis