The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1979, Image 9
ARz, ^NDoa _ l' Half of illegitimate births to teens HI’ THE BATTALION TMI IPQOAV APOM OR 1Q7Q Page 9 Teen sex study ‘startling’ % SAVE HUNDREDS, possibly $ * THOUSANDS of dollars... t lg lew ingtk' i invest] ■stnientsjjj ue to g, U.S.dir f eed forej, is coundv nes, "ivestors, wn onei Bryan-Ct r U.S. Ib, set for (l fi 1 are °f conce[| I United Press International WASHINGTON — One out of every five 13- and 14-year-olds in the United States has had sexual in tercourse, a startling new congres- report on fertility and con- ption says. And the report, issued Tuesday e House Select Committee on lation, said despite repeated news stories and heightened public ■ eness, “fewer than one-third of ally active teen-agers regularly use [contraception. ” Rep. Anthony Beilenson, D-Calif., called it a “shocking fact” that more than one-half of all il legitimate births in the United States involve teen-age mothers. Hauch figures underline the woeful inadequacy of the government’s re sponse, the report said. Funding for such things as contraceptive re- ffigrch and family planning clinics must be increased if the problem is tope managed, it said. Lp know that belt-tightening is a top priority this year,” said Chair man James Scheuer, D-N.Y., “but spending a few millions now to help teen-agers prevent unwanted pre gnancies will save billions later.” He said in 1975 the government disbursed $4.65 billion in welfare money to women who. were teen agers when they first gave birth. There is also a problem involving reluctant teen-age participation in family planning programs due to “anxiety about confidentiality and legal impediments such as prohibi tions of services to minors or re quirements of parental notification or consent,” it said. “Kids felt unable to discuss sex with their parents,” said Rep. Paul McCloskey, R-Calif., a member of the panel. Such obstacles loom all the larger when placed against the report’s finding that “one fifth of all 13- and 14-year-olds have had sexual inter course. ” Other findings: —Pregnancy is the single most common cause of school dropouts among young girls. —Catholic schools have done an “oustanding” job — better than public schools — in educating stu dents about sex. Catholic sex educa tion begins in the first grade. —A million adolescent women become pregnant each year and over one-third of them have abor tions. —Of the more than 600,000 teen-agers who gave birth last year. 250,000 were 17 or younger and 13,000 were under 15. The committee suggested that until a safe pill is marketed, the government should earmark more money for family planning services that can reach low-income women and adolescents. May is the last month for ordering itside jok| s are somj b p 1 he Ml pportuitl 'll, whidiij ependeii [MR dire roducls« H5-$2M [y Shawp negotiaM 10 have Ml sell the d i thesalei d for «ii •ial exp* ancer defeats drvella Bayh United Press International WASHINGTON — Marvella Bayh, who battled cancer in private land public for more than eight years, died Tuesday at the National .Institutes of Health. She was 46. Her husband. Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., was at her side when I death came Tuesday afternoon. He had kept an around-the-clock vigil for the past 10 days. Mrs. Bayh’s cancer was discovered in 1971 when she had a mastec- | tomy. Bayh abruptly cut short his campaign for the Democratic pres idential nomination to be with his wife. After recuperating from the surgery, Mrs. Bayh launched a public campaign asking the public to watch for cancer’s warning signals and to urge frequent examinations. She made more than 175 speeches, wrote numerous magazine articles and frequently appeared on television and radio. She also was active as a special representative and longtime volunteer for the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Bayh thought her cancer had been cured, but it returned and became so widespread that it was inoperable. In February 1978, she was given a year to live. She was honored several times for her work and last March re ceived the Hubert Humphrey Inspirational Award — a honor she was already “too weak” to accept. She was scheduled to receive the 1979 Philip Murray-William Green Humanitarian award later this year. Although Mrs. Bayh knew she had less than a year to live, she wrote last November that a newfound faith in God and outpourings of love from friends had made her happier than she had ever been. “I am wrapped in love, encircled, surrounded, covered by love,” she said, “There has been such an outpouring of kindness, thought fulness; affection and encouragement from my friends — and even from strangers everywhere — that I feel blessed.” LUTHERAN STUDENT MOVEMENT (U5M) A FILM, “THE VIOLIN,” WILL BE SHOWN NEXT MONDAY EVENING (APRIL 30) AT 7:30 P.M. FOR DISCUSSION AND SHARING IN ROOM 305 OF THE MSC (DOWN THE HALL FROM THE METZGER GUN COLLECTION ON THE THIRD FLOOR ABOVE THE MAIN DESK AT THE MSC). This is an organization of students interested in maintaining a local organization representing the national group of Lutheran students known as the Lutheran Student Movement (LSM). The national con vention of the LSM at Valparaiso, Indiana, August 6-11 will also be discussed. Travel to and from the convention is provided and subsidy for the registration fee is also available. We invite anyone who feels comfortable with the Christian faith as expressed in the understanding of the Lutheran family to join us in this local chapter of LSM. Monday evening is a good time to find out what we are all about. These LOW PRICES are just a few examples of the deal you can get: Camara Z-28 Coupe $5322.09 Dodge Magnum XE 4797.60 Malibu 3651.60 Ford Mustang II ,.. .3543.25 Caprice Classic Coupe 4672.25 NOTE: Prices listed do not include Make Ready Service Fee Buick Skylark Coupe 3552.72 or State or local taxes which may vary geographically. Buick Regal Coupe 4217.91 New vehicle manufactures reserve the right to make Rilir'ir Flevtra ctorlan RORO changes in price for vehicles base cost, equipment, buick tiectra t>eaan b052.91 destjnallon and handling charges without notice All prices Cadillac Coupe DeVlIle 8580.25 listed herein are from sources which, from experience, have Chrysler Cordoba 5038.69 proven reliable. Prices effective until factory changeover lo Dodge Aspen Coupe 3492 80 1980 m001615 These P r ’ c6 s include all standard equip- ^ ^ men! plus our commission & freight. CALL NOW AND SAVE — 779-2458 House of Cars The house of HIGH QUALITY & LOW PRICES 1401 S. Texas at Coulter 779-2458 Al Gutierrez, Brokerage Firm House of Tires £ | * Hamburgers 1800 S. Texas Ave. College Station 693-9515 :r currenlj ter projed| •ies, inchi iden sloil zos ncy.r-jj irches iffice dew persons jy teaclfl 1 consW strongp® cts will lingrei ects svl ;en in nd Butter [ASTRAPTES AND DIAMOND BROKERS HAVE JOINED FORCES TO PRESENT: "THANK GOD IT'S THURSDAY!" WITH TONIGHT -Vt 0°>P- Girls 2.50 ^5^ Guys 3.50 OUR NEW HAPPY HOUR! 3 FOR 1 DRINKS PLUS FREE NACHOS & CHILI (every night, Tuesday through Saturday) A ■ Jr ^0 s Jr ClOUSy GIVEAWAY! EVERY WEEKEND ^2 Carat Emerald Given Away Friday Night (approx, value $300) Aggie Ring Diamond Given Away Saturday Night " .i! : ter- 813 Wellborn Road 696-1100 WATCH FOR OUR GIANT GEM GIVEAWAY The First Week In May sponsored by DIAMOND BROKERS Diamond Importers & Wholesalers College Station, Texas 77840 693-1647 209 University Drive E. (in the George Green Building) S#'