The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1979, Image 5
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1979 Page 5 arents’ Day Muster weekend offers out-of-the-ordinary events r ■ By ERIN BECKERS Battalion Reporter long with the booked-up motels, |jundance of campers and lots of jre-taking, a few other events •will make this year’s Parents’ Day • Weekend, which begins on Friday, out of the ordinary. “Unusual” is the word, said Ray Godsey, chairman of public rela- i tons for this weekend which honors iggie parents. The emphasis this year is to offer more for people to do,” Godsey said. An activity which will take place this weekend that usually isn’t offered on Parents’ Day Weekend is Aggie Muster. “I think it’s better to have both, so parents only have to come once. Any time we can offer both on the same weekend, there’s no way people won’t want to come,” he said. He said the Parents’ Day Weekend committee has been working along with the Muster sch« i perse 3 inner of marijuana give it away fast United Press International BERKELEY, Calif. — A 19-year-old University of California ophomore is the winner of a marijuana raffle that netted her a kilo of yhat the sponsors described as “fairly decent Colombian grass.” [ She said, in a telephone interview after the raffle, she will use the Marijuana, valued at $2,000 on the illegal market, to keep her friends nappy and smoking.” ‘I’ll get rid of it as fast as I can,” she said. “I have a lot of friends and give an ounce to everyone.” The woman, who declined to identify herself, paid $1 for the raffle cket. The raffle was sponsored by a group supporting a marijuana initia te on the ballot in Tuesday’s Berkeley municipal election. The drawing was conducted in Wheeler Auditorium on the UC ampus. Campus police did not interfere. Classified Ads Cont’d hM*- FOR RENT committee to merge these two events. “I think it’s working out really well,” Godsey said. About 10,000 people will visit the campus this weekend, Godsey esti mated. Parents’ Day Weekend “lets them see the campus,” he said. “We’re trying to get a lot of off- campus and ‘non-regs’ to participate this year,” he said. Parents’ Day Weekend originated in 1925 when Texas A&M was a mil itary college. Through the years it has been associated with the Corps of Cadets, but this year the commit tee is looking for a change. A “first” is the campus-wide bar becue, scheduled for 4:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday in the Grove. The event is sponsored by the new off-campus student organization. Parents’ Day Weekend “never really had a function for off-campus students before,” said Kay Evans, vice-president for university rela tions. Although the lunch is for anyone who wishes to participate in the events that day, Evans said, it gives students off campus a chance to bring their parents and get involved in the weekend. Evans stressed that tickets must be bought in advance. The $3.10 tickets can be purchased through Thursday at the Memorial Student Center, Rudder box office and the Harrington Student Center Lounge. In case of rain, the food, provided by Texas A&M Food Serv ices, will be served in Room 201 in the MSC. The barbecue will “encourage students and parents to stay on campus,” Evans said. “It will also be convenient since it is between Mus ter and the Singing Cadets concert.” The concert, traditionally Aggie Muster, will be another “first” for Parents’ Day Weekend. “I think it’s the best show we’ve done in the three years I’ve been in it,” said Steve Rottler, treasurer for the Singing Cadets. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. Saturday in Rudder Auditorium. The $2.50 student tickets and $3 general admission tickets are availa ble at the MSC box office in Rudder Tower until the concert begins. All seats are reserved. The Singing Cadets will also per form at 9:30 a.m. Saturday for the Federation of Texas A&M Mothers’ Clubs and at Aggie Muster. All prof its will go to touring costs, said di rector of the group, Robert Boone. Aggie Parents of the Year will be announced Sunday in a program in Rudder Auditorium at 9 a.m. The honored parents, chosen by a com mittee of students, will receive a plaque, pendant and tie tack. The couple will be able to watch the Corps’ Review from the reviewing stand. Seats in the president’s box for a home football game will also be given to the couple. Featuring a new lunch menu. This month’s SPECIAL ... A big bowl of stew served with cornbread . . . Week days at noon . . . just $1.95 at FORT SHILOH. FOR RENT IfcA 4k A FOR RENT jimer lease. 2 Bedroom 114 bath furnished rtment, $200 per month. 693-5391. 137t8 Jevine Pa : TRIANGLE (TERRACE APTS. 3900 Old College I • shuttle bus • washateria • one and two bedroom unfurnished Summer Rates Start At $200 All Bills Paid 822-4964 NEW EFFICIENCIES $140 month. One bedroqm-from $175 month. All bills paid except electricity. No pets. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, manager. 822- 7772. 181tin- FAIRWAY 1 APTS, f 3300 S. College Bryan y shuttle bus • washateria ^ pool • barbecues § Summer Rates ^ Large 2 bedroom unfurn. $169 ? Large 2 bedroom turn. $189 y Now Pre-leasing For Fall § 822-4964 ^ & jiimiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiim SUBLEASE I FOR SUMMER 1 || 2 Bedroom apartment. V2 Block = fs from campus. Furnished! $175 per = H month. 305 Boyett, #3. S CALL 846-8692 137t2?§ ininiiimiHminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiHiinmin DUPLEX FOR RENT College Station, two bedroom one bath, all built-ins, washer and dryer connections, fenced-in yard. Weekdays 693-2903 HAVE LUNCH ON US ... FREE! A&M Apartment Placement is once again giving away free lunch to everyone who leases thru us. Apartments • Duplexes • All Types Of Housing Call for appointment or come by A&M APT- PLACEMENT SERVICE 693-3777 2339 S. Texas, C.S. M “Next to the Dairy Queen” ^ Townhome For d Summer Rent: I May 12 thru August 31. Two bed-P I room, one bath, fully furnished. p 5 846-6188 4, d 133t7^j | Check the Battalion ads! Call 845-2611 There’s a better way to get in on the summer fun! Join Vour Friends At ARBOR SQUARE APARTMENTS • Club — apartment or private use • Beautiful Pool-and-Sun area • Spacious, emaculate apartments • Adjacent to park/tennis facilities SUMMER RENTS REDUCED 25% ARBOR SQUARE 1700 Southwest Parkway 693-3701 13016 ion M ELI % irn ,1 One monthly check - One deposit — Your monthly rent at the Viking Apartments pays all bills. We absorb all those electricity bills at no extra cost to you. Apply now for Summer and Fall leases. .ABARTMENTS We maintain office hours Sun. afternoon & all day Sat. 1601 Holleman College Station, Tx. 77840 713/ 693-6716 dMYS THE GUYS AT CUSTOM SOUNDS HAVE GONE CRAZY AND ARE OF FERING YOU THE LOWEST PRICES ON NAME BRAND STEREO EQUIPMENT! AKAI STEREO RECEIVERS quantities are limited AA-1200 120 watts/channel reg. $775 NOW $ 479 95 AA-1150 50 watts/channel reg. $400 NOW $ 289 95 when you want something better A-107 Dolby Cassette Deck SX-680 \ AM/FM Stereo Receiver o^ NOW 30 watts/channel Reg. *350 $ 239 95 NOW Reg. *300 $23450 3806-A OLD COLLEGE RD. (NEXT TO TRIANGLE BOWLING ALLEY) CUSTOM SOUNDS OPEN 10-6 MON.-SAT. 846-5803