The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 1979, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1979 MSC NATIONAL EAGLE SCOUT ASSOCIATION meeting of all members and prospects ■— Wednesday April 18 7:30 p.m. Room 305 of Rudder Tower for info call Vince @ 845-5957 a subdivision of Campus Scouts Controversy embroils bill for 1980 primary United Press International AUSTIN — Time is running out for a plan to schedule a March 11, 1980, presidential primary in Texas, featuring former governors John Connally and Ronald Reagan and ex-CIA director George Bush on the Republican ballot. , The Legislature is scheduled to adjourn May 28 and neither house has voted yet on the proposal. Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby, chief ar chitect of the proposal, continues to Tho yiiswoi* The Best Pizza In Town (Honest) io a^pizza^Ij©ver*s ^Prayer LIVE MUSIC — Fri., Sat., Sun. playing your songs by request. Our Hace in University Square College Station 046-4609 HAPPY HOUR - BEER & WINE 2-4-1 Mon.-Fri. 4:30-6:00 p.m. Our new place 2401 Texas Ave. Bryan 779-2431 Hey Kids! Have your birthday party at Mr. Gatti’s ... free cokes! No Hassle” Hairstyles Permanent Waves Sculptured Nails and much more. 696-6933 Our Place is That Place Michael Johnson with Meisburg & Walters Texas A&M University MSC Town Hall Special Attraction April 17, 8:15 Rudder Auditorium Tickets $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Tickets & Info: MSC Box Office 845-2916 hall express optimism about what he calls “the increasing force of logic” winning converts, but the Senate sponsor of the bill, Sen. Jack Ogg, D-Houston, acknowledges there are not enough votes now to put the measure up for debate. Under Senate procedure a two- thirds majority is needed to debate a bill, even though approval of a majority of the 31 senators is suffi cient for passage. Sen. Ron Glower, D-Garland is chief spokesman for the opponents of the plan to allow conservative Democrats to vote in the Republi can primary without forfeiting their right to participate in the later Democratic Party primary elections for state and local offices. He says he has more than a majority of the Se nate committed to vote against the bill. “I’m really going to try to bring it up next week,” Ogg said. “But I’m not going to go with it if the votes aren’t there.” Ogg said the pressure from politi cal parties on the issues has been greater than he’s seen on any con troversy in nearly a dozen years in the Legislature. He predicts the bill will win sup port of 18 to 22 senators, while Glower insists he has 17 firm “no” votes and might pick up one or two more. “I had as many as 20 at one time — I have a core of 17 now and that includes three of the four Republi cans in the Senate,” Glower said. Lt. Gov. Hobby said he believes the House could act on the bill in as little as two weeks and indicated he is encouraged by recent reports that Clements may support the separate, early presidential primary. Clements has said he has not yet made up his mind and has indicated he wants to avoid taking sides in what is expected to be a heated bat tle between supporters of Reagan — who swept Texas’ 1976 presidential primary — and Connally, who served three terms as governor of Texas before switching to the GOP in 1973. Connally, according to conven tional political thought, would bene fit most from an early separate pri mary in which conservative Demo crats could vote on the GOP presi dential candidates without being barred from voting later on the Democratic nominees for state and local offices. Reagan, political experts say, would fare better in presidential voting conducted in conjunction with party elections for other offices in the 1976 Texas primary. Now you know United Press International John Wayne did not put his handprints in cement in the collec tion of movie star sidewalk memen toes outside the famous Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard — he made a print of his fist. WRITE ON! THE THIRD ANNUAL POETRY AND FICTION AWARDS CEREMONY Tuesday April 17 Basement Coffee House 8 p.m. RECEPTION FOLLOWING at Jim King’s Bookseller Woodstone Plaza Presented by MSC Arts Committee Featuring a new lunch menu. This month’s SPECIAL ... A big bowl of stew served with cornbread . . . Week days at noon . . . just $1.95 at FORT SHILOH. what’s up at A&M Tuesday PARENT’S DAY BARBECUE: Tickets will be sold today through Thursday in the Harrington Center Lounge, MSC and Box Office. The barbecue, sponsored by OSCA, will be 4:40-5:30 p.m, Satur day in the Grove. TOWN HALL CONCERT: Michael Johnson will appear with Meis burg & Walters tonight at 8:15 in Rudder Auditorium. Tickets ($2.50, $3.00, $3.50) are on sale in the MSC Box Office. KING LEAR: Movie starring Paul Scofield will be shown at 8 p.m. in Room 201 of the MSC. AGGIE AIDS TO SPECIAL KIDS: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 139, MSC. TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS: Will hold an annual paper airplane contest at 5:30 p.m. in the Zachry Lobby. PRESIDENT MILLER’S STUDENT FORUM: Hassle-Free pres ents a question-and-answer period with Miller at noon by Rudder Fountain. HUMAN FACTORS CLUB: Today is the Spring Banquet reserva tion deadline. Contact club officers at 845-5531, ext. 293, for res ervations. TAMU HERPETOLOGY CLUB: Meeting and nominations for new officers will be at 7:30 p.m. in Room 104, Nagle Hall. FLORICULTURE-ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE CLUB from Meeting and officer elections will be at 7:30 p.m. in Room' Rudder. Al -gave c .school but to in on higf L ' teach “’i ■ not g<; pus ( |nor a trator Su[ ' ton, Corpi Austii shah i nor's pay n |! Dallo Lin in A&M WHEELMEN: Meeting and officer elections will be at 7:1 p.m. in Room 510, Rudder. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: Meet ing and officer elections will be at 7:30 p. m. in Room 203, Zachry, FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: Meeting will be atj p.m. in the Letterman’s Lounge of G. Rollie White. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY: Will meet at 71 p.m. in Room 305, Fermier. Guest speaker will be Jerry Sprayberry from Briggs-Weaver. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS: Wl meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 102, Zachry. Speaker will be Bel Harris with Olin Corp. BASEBALL: St. Mary’s will play a double-header against Texas A&M at 1 p.m. at Olson Field. Clem I " Wednesday WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS INC.: WICI will meet at 5pm in the vault at the Last National Bank for a year-end celebration and to make plans for next year. Non-members are also invited. CLASS OF ’81 GIFT: Will be selected at the meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 231 of the MSC. SERGEANT YORK: This 1941 film, starring Gary Cooper as a Ten nessee dirt farmer, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater ROOT BEER CHUGGING CONTEST: Will be at noon on the library side of the Academic Building. A 50-cent entrance fee will be charged. It is sponsored by Hassle-Free. BAKE SALE: The E.E. Student Wives Club will sell baked goodsin Zachry beginning at 9 a.m. FREE U REFUNDS: Will be distributed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 216 of the MSC today and tomorrow. ROADRUNNERS: Will meet for their weekly l,3,or 5-mile runatS p.m. in front of G. Rollie White Coliseum. SWIMMING: The men and women will swim at the A.A.U. Jr. Nationals in Durham, N.C. Thursday surpi schw conn, gram and a Clem i‘T ence schix of tin “It vv Si '“sunb their half tl end ol coni in A- soul In bined or5u by ll CIRCLE K: Will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 502, Rudder Tower. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY: There will be a kaleidoscope danceat8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. Admission is free. HASSLE-FREE: Jim Locke, student legal advisor, will hold a ques tion and answer period in the MSC lounge at noon. TAMU CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION: Will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 604AB, Rudder Tower. TRACK TEAM: Will run in the Baylor meet in Waco. HA.CC SWIM TEAM: The men and women’s teams will swim in the A.A,H I [ or j n Jr. Nationals in Durham, North Carolina today through Saturday I j n ^ wine :|s. I' Act flow ^BtLCkico aid. pdy ifiou, 1109 Texas Avenue Iryan, Texas 77801 I RESTAURANf ■ndu< |Soutl . Jpab; presents iLo.i their new HAPPY HOUR (2 for 1 on the biggest drinks in town) 4-7 EVERYDAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3107 TEXAS AVE. - BRYAN PARENTS’ DAY BAR-B-QUE Saturday, April 21 the Grove If raining: 201 MSC $310 serving: 4:30-5:30 ticket sales thru April 19 MSC Box Office, Harrington Lounge A Campus-Wide Barbecue sponsored by your Off-Campus Student Organization Rc