The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 17, 1979, Image 3
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1979 Page 3 bstandard County jail must meet new requirements es as W Satur- Seryto was a in tie spital. I lot of ofTle Dallas- gency know one," •uston ijuries ted to as 0 mil- m the to the Regu- Chan- ount)' ily. If ;aid it begin pplier s with By CRAIG ROGERS Battalion Reporter According to the 1977 Brazos nty Jail Inspection Report by the Commission on Jail Standards re at least 41 areas where the bounty Jail does not meet re- ements. The 1977 report was the ^Ried. The biggest area of concern is the venile detention area. Currently ere are not enough jail personnel rvise the area continually, ge W.T. McDonald, of the listrict Court, decertified the detention facility and forced e county to place all juvenile pris- lers in other jails. Head Jailer abert Boyd said the juveniles must transported to as far away as ameron, Centerville and Austin. County Judge Dick Holmgreen ys this problem has been the imber one priority for the jail and says “it is fast approaching the oint»vhere it will meet the re- uirements.” Boyd explained that before the jail as decertified there were five full- ti jailers. At night this left only ic person on hand to supervise the urthfl or jail, and to process pris- icrs, which is done on the first aor. Boyd said he handled up to 32 dsoners in one night. Three new ilers have been authorized by iidge Holmgreen to insure two jail- rs on duty at all times. After the three new jailers have located, the jail plans will be ken 1 efore Judge McDonald to try nd have the jail recertified for was built it was a model for other jails, but the rules change.” Boyd says this is the case with the Brazos jail. He says the Texas Com mission on Jail Standards has only been in existence a couple of years. He said they brought in a lot of new rules when they began operation. He said the county is trying to com ply with the new standards, but it needs more money, men and public support. Holmgreen refused to estimate the cost of a new jail or the cost to fix the existing jail. Both Holmgreen and Boyd did agree it would run into the millions of dollars. Holmgreen said he wanted the county to be able to correct the prob lem on its own. He said that Dallas County had recently had the same problem, except a federal judge ruled that the county had to build a new jail. Holmgreen said when a federal judge steps in the county is left with no options. It is required to find the money from somewhere and comply. Rather than face this possibility, Holmgreen says the panel he is ap pointing will study the matter so that the county can handle the problem itself. In the report presented to the county commissioners, the grand jury praised the sherifFs department for the work done with limited man power, but stressed the need for ad ditional money for equipment and personnel. In order to pay for an additional spending program the report called for a re-evaluation of property taxes. At the Commissioners’ Court meet ing where the report was heard. Judge Holmgreen praised the jury saying it was the first group he had heard propose a method to collect the additional money needed for in creased spending. The Robertson County Jail was re cently forced to make improvments. Robertson County was forced to pay $250,000 to make improvements in order to keep out of legal trouble. Standards did not close jails. He said oy svyd as an advisory body to help the county comply with the laws. Boyd told of the jail progress say ing, “I think we are making good progress. We are in a lot better shape than when I came here two years ago. Holmgreen agreed saying he was just finding out the extent of the problem and needed input from the community. That is why he chose to appoint the panel of private citizens, to help advise the commissioners on what the public wants them to do. The jailers think they have a good system, it is just an old jail. One de puty said, “It’s like trying to take a 1959 Ford and try to sell it today.” u Oth( ’ problems with the county will not be as easy to correct, 'ithproblems ranging from increas- ig lighting, adding shelves and langing the number of cells, Boyd ysthe problem is a lack of money. “That s been the main thing, shor- of personnel, and mainly shor- gedmoney.” Boyd added, “In the udget next year some of those lings will be corrected.” Some things wrong include minor :mspuch as door stops and shelves, ko includes changing the cell isions, providing an exercise d installing an emergency sys- to open cell doors. At the last meeting of the County mmissioners’ Court Holmgreen He would appoint a group of citi- ■to study the county’s space Mems, including the jail, and re- ^^_iack to him. j Holmgreen said they may even the county needs a new jail. Currently the jail is not over led. According to the jail stan- eport, the jail has a capacity of pie. Boyd says that the jail is during special events, such deo. Boyd says he has been in some jails Jtelevision monitoring systems much more elaborate facilities, so added that the county jail is jor to some other facilities. Holmgreen said that he felt the County Jail is still superior to itheif county jails. He said, “When it tostal workers and fans search or celebrity tot United Press International ELK CITY, Okla. — Kim McFar- is something of a celebrity at but her fans and the postal :e don’t know where to find Kim was photographed with Pres- denjl Carter during his visit to Elk Hity last month, and letters ad- pressed to her have been arriving ■st daily from across the nation. Postal officials said they have leen unable to locate the girl’s lome to deliver the mail. Goldwater: Soviet arms need watching United Press International WASHINGTON — Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., said Monday that U.S. compensation for the loss of listening posts in Iran, used for checking Soviet compliance with a new strategic arms limitation agreement, is not adequate. In a release from his Capitol Hill office, Goldwater said, “If they (administration officials) are so determined to get SALT 2 approved by the Senate, why can’t they please come forward with some ideas that make sense and that will work? “I would suggest that the administration start providing more re sources as well as the leadership to help our intelligence agencies do the job that is being demanded of them.” Goldwater expressed annoyance that administration plans to equip U2 aircraft with special monitoring equipment was leaked to the media. The stations were used to check on Soviet missile tests. “Because I feel that the rest of what is being contemplated is still highly classified, I will not reveal it except to say that what is being suggested won’t begin to compensate for the Iranian sites.” The administration recently informed the Senate Intelligence Committee, of which Goldwater is a member, on how it proposed to monitor Soviet compliance with SALT, Goldwater said. ===3<»C====3*>C IKK X>C IXS xk: XJC Be PRESCRIPTION STEREO 3602 OLD COLLEGE ROAV BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 0% All LPs 80c Over Dealer Cost Every Day Discwasher Products Best Sound Around In Car Stereo — PIONEER Speakers CLARION & SANYO Tape Decks We Can Install Most Sys tems In 2 Hours Liz S' lyff lV i(lM tPenl .Ste* 1 lieP^ ,gers, esebpj yiinl W* Beautiful Cedar Ridge A Nice Place To Live RENT BY THE MONTH #fxr 4# THE GUYS AT CUSTOM SOUNDS HAVE GONE CRAZY AND ARE OF FERING YOU THE LOWEST PRICES ON NAME BRAND STEREO EQUIPMENT! 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