Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1979)
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Page 12 THE BATTALION MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1979 ****************** * * PIKE - 3C BAR B-Q SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT PATE: APRIL 27, 28, 29 PLACE: BEE CREEK PARKS TROPHIES: 1-6 PLACES, 10 ALL TOURNA MENT, MVP, GOLDEN GLOVE, INDIVIDUAL 1 ST PLACE $40.00 PER TEAM DEADLINE: APRIL 24th FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL GLENN SAHA 822-6490 OR STEVE GEILER 779-6492 ALL UNIVERSITY PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT PLACE: BRAZOS COUNTY PAVILLION LIVE BANDS FREE BEER ADMISSION: 3.50 GUYS 3.00 STARTS AT 9:00 LADIES TFAM NAMF COACHES NAME TELEPHONE # ADDRESS ‘MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO PIKES ‘106 HIGHLAND, BRYAN, TX 77801 ****************** i * * * * * M * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * Willis leads Ags past Baylor team Texas A&M and Baylor, the first and second place finishers respec tively in last year’s Southwest Con ference track and field meet, met in Waco in a dual meet Friday night and the outcome was the same as the Aggies notched an impressive 88-48 Pacing the way for Texas A&M was freshman sprinter Steve Willis. He won both the 100- and the 200-meter dashes and also ran legs on the Ag gies’ victorious 400-meter and mile relay squads. Baylor also had a double winner in sophomore Todd Harbour who cap tured the 500-meter and the 600- meter runs. Harbour’s winning time of 3:44.54 was a stadium record and qualified him for the NCAA outdoor championships. Texas A&M’s big advantage in the meet came in the field events as they swept the discus, and the shot put, and took first and second in the pole vault and first and third places in the javelin. Football yards and a touchdown Saturday in Texas A&M’s two-hour scrimmage at Kyle Field. “Our offense is consistently im proving,” said Coach Tom Wilson. “This was the first time Dickey has been in a Saturday scrimmage this spring. He adds a lot to our attack. ” Dickey, who has been running track this spring, was held out of a dual meet with Baylor Friday night so he could take part in Saturday’s scrimmage. Quarterback Mike Mosley ran five times for 78 yards, including a 49- yard touchdown dash. The junior- to-be quarterback completed 10 of 13 passes for 118 yards. Softball Curtis Dickey, running with two sore legs, carried 21 times for 154 V Get ACTION mffi WANT ADS Advertise an item in the Battalion. Call 845-2611 The Texas A&M softball team had a successful Easter weekend, sweep ing a double-header with LSU Saturday in Baton Rouge. The Ag gies defeated the Tigers 7-1 and 15-2. In the first game, Texas A&M’s Shannon Murray had a no-hitter going into the seventh and final in ning before the Tigers produced their only hit of the ballgame. The Aggies collected 10 hits off of LSU pitching. Vicki Markowsky and Cindy Gough each went 2-for-4 and Debra Takacs went 2-for-3 to lead the Aggies’ offensive attack. In the nightcap, Aggie pitcher Sami Evans allowed only five hits and was supported by the hot-hitting Aggie bats, which produced 16 hits. Texas A&M scored six runs in the top of the first. For the Aggies, Markowsky went 3-for-5, Takacs went 2-for-5 and Toni Hymel went 2-for-4, including a fifth inning home run. Evans helped her self at the plate with a triple and a single in five at-bats. The Aggies, now second in the re gion behind Texas Woman’s Univer sity, travels to Huntsville Tuesday to play Sam Houston State University. Womens Track 7 shall return Texas A&M’s Mike Moss seems determined to return this volley in one of the Aggies’ ear/y- season matches. Last weekend, the Aggies took “a country lickin’ by a good team,” according to Texas A&M coach David Kent, as they were defeated by Arkansas, 9-0. Today iklij travel to Houston to take on the Cougarse important Southwest Conference matcli, Aggies are presently 3-4 in conference pli Battalion photo by Lee Roy Lesclip# NBA playoffs Spurs defeat 76ers The Texas A&M women’s track team finished first in the Metroplex Meet in Dallas last weekend. The Aggies complied 63 points, ahead of second place finisher Texas Woman’s University with 40 points. First places for the Aggies in cluded Ellen Smith, 400-meter hur dles, 63.3; Debbie Cocke, 3,000- meter run, 10:56.7; Donna Branch, javelin, 152-3; Early Douglas, shot put, 46-2; Vickilee Cobern, discus, 147-6. The Aggies will compete in the Kansas Relays this weekend. United Press International SAN ANTONIO — George Ger- vin and Larry Kenon teamed up for 61 points Sunday to spark San An tonio to a 119-106 victory over Philadelphia in the opening game of their NBA playoff series. The fired-up Spurs took control of the game with less than three min utes gone in the first quarter and led 31-22 after one period. Phildelphia never got any closer, despite a third-quarter rally led by Darryl Dawkins’ 13-point outburst. Gervin was the game’s high scorer with 31 points, despite sitting out most of the third period with foul trouble, and Kenon took up the slack by hitting for 30 points. Dawkins led Philadelpia with 25 points, 20 of them in the last half, and Julius Erving hit 22 for the losers. San Antonio coach Doug Moe said the Spurs’ defense played a bigger role in the victory than did the scor ing outburst by Gervin and Kenon. San Antonio’s guards started put ting pressure on the 76ers’ backcourt at the halfcourt line, forcing Philadelphia into 27 turnovers and resulting in 16 steals for the Spurs. The Spurs had led by 26 points twice early in the third quarter, until Dawkins entered with 9:16 left and proceeded to dominate the backboards, reeling off 13 points. Dawkins’ effort brought Philadel phia to within 92-81 with 8:54 to go in the contest, until the rally fizzled and Moe emptied his bench in the final minutes of the rout. Both Kenon and center Billy Paultz called the Spurs’ defensive ef fort the best of the year. “I think we ll prepare om mentally for Tuesday nights because of what happenedlai against Washington,” Fault! “We’ve been there before think we learned a lesson. Box Score PHILADELPHIA (106) Erving94-5 22, B. Jones20-04,C.ja 9, Cheeks 9 1-3 19, Bibby54-614,Mi 5, Dawkins 8 9-1625, MixOO-OO.SIdiii 2, Redmond 0 00 0, Bryant 30-06,' 2236 106. SAN ANTONIO (119) Bristow 5 3-4 13, Kenon 142-230,1 12, Silas 4 4-4 12, Gervin 127-1031,0 5, Olberding 2 4-4 8, Dampier 00-29, 0-0 6, Bietrick 1 0-02, MosleyOO-OO. 25-33 119. Philadelphia 22 23 2536- Antonio 31 32 25 31—119 Fouled out — none. Total fouls- phia 26, San Antonio 30. Teehnic-il Mix. A — 10,253. /v\ ^McDonald's MCDONALD’S DRIVE-THRU WINDOW INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS /v\ jHMcDonald's At University Drive BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING nis Now at Manor East Mall In dat jno Playoff Plays IM Picks fre t< Basketball action climaxed with a grand, spectacular night April 5 when the final championship games were played. Overall it was keen competition and tough-going all the way. In Men’s Class A, it was Pabst over the Roaches for the All- University titile, 50-39. The half was 25-17 for Pabst with Dave Kosmoski and Bill O’Brian high scorers for the Roaches and Mike Floyd, Danny Jones, and James Siegfried high tallyers for Pabst. In the second half Carl Sittig joined Dave as high scorers for the Roaches and Mike Floyd domi nated the basket for Pabst with help from Robert Lopez and Clint Clement. The Dunn Snarps outscored the Kings Kids 35-28 in class B compe tition. The half saw the Kids’ ahead 22-12 with Gary Keese, Mark Hegi, and John Miller as high scorers for the Kids. Dunn seemed content with spreading its score among all its players, but came back the second half to rack up 23 points, led by Glen DeMois and Mike Psencik. Class C competition was close as ATO won by only 3 points over the Aston Average White Team. The first half ended with ATO leading 26-20. The basket was dominated by Bill Goodrum and Mark Stuchsbury for ATO and by Satter field for Aston. Norton and Hig gins carried the majority of points for Aston in the second half while Goodrum kept the lead up for ATO. In Women’s All-University Class A last year’s champions the Mosher Pistol Petes were downed by the A’s 48-22. Mosher scored only 6 points in the first half as the A’s racked up 22 points led by high scorers Julie Born, and Melinda Dornak. Mosher activated in the second half, but could only come up with 16 points led by Ginger Killian and Lee Ann Drozd. The A’s pounded out 13 more baskets, the majority hustled by Melinda Dornak and Julie Born. Women’s B was a defensive con test between the Shooting Stars and the Gatorades. The half was close with the Gatorades ahead by 1 point, 13-12. In the last half the Gatorades just managed to ease by the Stars 20-18 to win. Women’s Class C competition was won by Soft Touch over Kappa just 19-14. Soft Touch finagled a three point lead through-out the game. JBAH kept its All-University Class A Co-Rec Champ title over the MOB 52-48. Halftime saw the MOB out front 26-18, but JBAH pepped up in the second half to tally 34 points and pull ahead at the end for a victory. The RM Kittens ran over DDT for the Class B CoRec Title. The Half was 30-19 for the Kittens, a lead they held onto throughout the second half for a glorious win of 71-46. Co-Rec Class C was also a run away in the first half for the Vul tures as they led 40-17 over the Hot Shots. The Hot Shots nar rowed the margin, but couldn’t quite get up the momentum to win as they gave the game to the Vul tures 55-67. Well, that whiz of whizzes is really out there working. Last week it was softball and this week it’s waterpolo. Seems like that old codger took a liking to the water and decided to try his hand at waterpolo picks while he hung out around the old swimming holes. So here they are, folks, waterpolo picks! Class A The Stans Wetbacks Southern Comfort Briarwood AC E-l Jocks ■I: Da ssi ala dl Class B Our Gang The Test Tubes Ozoners L. M. Inc. On The Mark What a couple. Kathy Jarvis and Debbie Pistone refereed a womens class A basketball game in which the “A’s” took the championship title. Thanks To all those IM ref s who put in long and hard hours (sometimes till 1:00 a.m.), we wish to say thank you for a job well done. You give stability to team sports, lend an open ear for complaints, give us someone neutral to complain ab out, and render justice when needed. All those aching muscles, homework not done, and short- nights’ sleep were not in vain. Thanks from all of us who work with or participate in Intramurals. Acknowledgments This advertisement is sponsored by your local McDonald’s Restau rant, on University Drive and at Manor East Mall, under the direc tion of the Intramural Office. Stories are by Michelle Wolstein, pictures by Dana Kamataris. IM SPORT SHORTS Sports Shorts Entries Open Track & Field Today, Monday April 16 Entries Closing Bowhunters Archery Tuesday, April 17 Special Events Bowhunter’s Archery Shoot Sunday, April 22 3:00 p.m. Hwy. 60 just past Country Kitchen, Watch for the sign. Canoe Race has been re scheduled for May 5, the first Saturday in May. Call Friday, May 4, to make sure river con ditions will be good enough for the race to take place. Pictures for All-University Class A champs will be taken today from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at DeWare Fieldhouse. The annual IM track meet is opening for entries today, Monday, April 16. Entries close Tuesday, March 24. The meet will be held April 28 and 29 at the Bryan High School track. Preliminaries and field events will take place Saturday, April 28 at 9:00 a.m. Divisional will start at 2:00 p.m. that afternoon. All- University will be Sunday the 29 at 2:00 p.m. Men’s events will include the 120 yard low hurdles, the 440 yard dash, 440 yard relay, 220 yard dash, 880 yard run, 400 yard dash, mile run, mile relay, shot put (12 lbs.), high jump, softball throw, and long jump. Women’s divisions include the 440 yard dash, 50 yard dash, 880 yard relay, 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 440 yard relay, high jump, softball throw, shot put (8 lbs.), mile run. Corec division will have a 440 yard relay and an 880 yard relay. A master’s mile for anyone 35 years old and over will also be of fered. Because of its late date, dorm points will not be awarded for this event, but T-shirts will be given to all Champions. ' • • 1 ^ t v -ii S’ v * ,|> Iptggl | Ut- ■ ■ ' ■ * - 4f<- < James Masihborn, once again, takes the Slam Dunkchampio ship. Congratulations James!