t Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1979 Texas LBB proposed budget trimmed Bill set for House debate next Tuesday United Press International AUSTIN — The House Approp riations Committee has trimmed almost $70 million from the budget proposed by the Legislative Budget Board, and a rider calling for an across-the-board 2 percent cut in state spending could reduce the panel’s appropriation bill by an additional $400 million. Rep. Bill Presnal, D-Bryan, said Monday that work on the bill is completed and the inch-thick bill will be printed and available for members today. “It’s all wrapped up and ready to go,” he said. A series of last minute cuts in the $20.8 billion bill reduced it to be tween $64 million and $70 million below the budget recommended by the LBB, Presnal said. The committee members also ap proved a provision in the bill man dating a 2 percent across-the-board reduction in the authorized spend ing for all but some educational pro- irams. ELCKlco' “We originally estimated that /ould save about $400 million, but lit will be slightly less because of some exemptions we made for edu cation,” Presnal said. He said the House bill would leave about $570 million available for use on school finance. It also makes allowances for a $450 million tax relief bill already passed by the House and pending in the Senate, and includes $314 million for an in crease in teacher salaries. Presnal said the bill will be ready for House debate when the lawmak ers return from their Easter recess RESTAURANT H09 Texas Avenue Iryan, Texas 77801 presents their new MANOR EAST 3 7:20-9:45 Buck Rogers 7:10-9:35 Midnight Express 7:25-9:40 Halloween ... The Night He Came Home HAPPY HOUR SKYWAY TWIN Heaven Can Wait Plus (2 for 1 on the biggest drinks in town) 4-7 EVERYDAY The One & Only EAST The Warriors Plus Thunder & Lightning — 846-6714 & 846-1151 u UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER - CINEMA Starts FRIDAY HURRICANE Ni'n:r 9 : 2 5ii THE 35II CHINA YNDROMi OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3107 TEXAS AVE. - BRYAN CAMPUS Force Ten From Navarone ■ I I 1ACK LEMMON [I 1ANE FONDA | Vincent Canby,|JH J| “l N. Y. Times next Tuesday, and predicted action on 'it could be completed within two or three days. “We’d like to go ahead and get it over to the Senate because the Se nate is dragging on their bill. They’re a week away from finishing a bill,” Presnal said. In its final session on spending matters Monday, the committee added $3.7 million more than the Legislative Budget Board had rec ommended for the agricultural ex tension service and experiment sta tions, but trimmed $10 million from funding for a highway program to grade crossings. A $2.4 million appropriation for creation of a new extension service center in San Antonio accounted for the bulk of the increased spending in that area. Rep. Lou Nelle Sutton, D-San Antonio, said the city of San Antonio had donated $1 million and about 100 acres of land had been contrib uted for the center. The House rejected, however, a $416,000 appropriation in the ex tension service budget for “rural sociological research.” Rep. Don Rains, D-San Marcos, said officials of the agency had been unable to explain that research and asked that it be eliminated. “It sounds like a cross between welfare and public relations,” said Rep. Bill Hollowell, D-Grand Saline. The item was removed from the budget without objection. MSC TRAVEL LAST CHANCE FOR EUROPE See 7 countries in 25 days for only $1580 May 14-June 7 OPEN TO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF Sign up in Room 216, MSC by April 12 FOR MORE INFO CALL MSC TRAVEL AT 845-1515 Be PRESCRIPTION STEREO 3602 0LV COLLEGE ROAD BRYAN, TEXAS 77S01 All LPs 80c Over Dealer Cost Discwasher Products Best Sound Around In Car Stereo — PIONEER Speakers CLARION & SANYO Tape Decks We Can Install Most Sys tems In 2 Hours Follow the bouncing bu^ By LIZ NEWLIN Battalion Staff Writing the budget for a major state university is really quite pie —just follow the steps. Here, in brief outline, are those On the left is the process now in use for generating the Legisl Budget Request for the next biennium, fiscal years 19791 1980-81. The procedure for writing an operating budget isontherigii During the first year of a biennium, the process usually be|i May, when the Legislature is pretty firm on how much of the Lq tive Budget Request it will appropriate. During the second; the biennium, the University already knows how much it will the process begins earlier, usually in December or Januaryft following September. While the University is writing the operating budget forthe year, the System and the universities also are involved in prepaj new Legislative Budget Request — for the September more year and a half away. Legislative Budget Request... ...presented in Spring 1979 Early 1978 and before — The Coordinating Board decides formula changes, if any, and general guidelines. Spring 1978 — “Raw” requests are submitted, using Coor dinating Board guides and hope for a big budget surplus. Put your wildest dreams here. bill. Senate Hearings fore the Finance Coi The Higher Education mittee, which revici other related policies, doesn’t even crack at the budget. Fi nate debates and ap| the general approprii bill. July 1978 — Official requests are given to the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) and Governor’s Office of Budget and Planning (GOB). Some wild dreams have been cut al ready. August 1978 — Hearings, usu ally on the campus, are held with the staffs of the LBB and GOB. Top administrators plead for their wildest dreams. October 1978 — Revise budget — mostly downward — for the Legislature. Ax all but the most essential wild dreams. May 1979 (maybe) - operating budget for tin beginning Sept. 1,19 preparation. The Senate conference coi hashes out differencs tween the two versionn appropriations bill, and: it to the governor. Hi probably sign it, but u fore he vetoes his pith items; usually, special (wild dreams). Them sary changes are made near-complete opei budget. A Few Months Later- again. Operating Budget Early 1979 — LBB and GOB recommendations come out. If wild dream makes it this far, it’s probably made it for good. Also, review University budget to see where more cuts can be made. Pieter Groot, Texas A&M Univer sity’s assistant vice president for academic budgets, notes: “We constantly adjust it as we get vibrations back from Aus tin.” Spring 1979 — Legislative ac tion, listed in sequence: H ouse of Representatives Hearings are before a sub committee of the Committee on Higher Education. Hear ings are before the Appropria tions Committee. The full House debates and approves the general appropriations The lump sum has beena| priated for the Systeml Legislature. First, preliminary pie-ci starts from the top and its way down: The regei vide it within the Systen presidents divide it their colleges, the di vide it among their ments, and the departa heads write their opei budgets, using their pre requests and legislative dates (salary increases, stance) as guides. Then the budgets are seat up the chain, with eacii making its own changes. Finally the regents appro and it goes into effect Se But circumstances can do —alter the way the are spent. OLMeCA HI xee eeeD tgouila. Their heads still stand. Nine feet high. Eighteen tons strong. The Olmec civiliza tion in Mexico that miraculously carved them out of stone is now ancient his tory. But, from this same land in Mexico, an imposing Tequila is made. It’s made in Gold and in Silver and it’s made to taste sensually powerful, but mellow. Olmeca is made as a monument for all tequilas that follow. ^ &. yS* r**t : * •• ••••'•!; ■ * : ^ - ~ H'f f \ V I Ut # :.;^i 4r )V. MMi . mAVi 80 PROW @ 80 PROOF A OBniiATE FROM THE MEZCftl RIANT LA FABRICA LA MART1NENA TEOUflA JAUSCO MEXICO R£G SS ANo?S390B REG FtDCAU SME 64119 750 ML (254 PLOT) OLMECA SILVER AND OLMECA GOLD OLMECA TEQUILA CO LOS ANGELES CALIF