The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1979, Image 7
I nt: DM I I Ml_iv_/I x MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1979 gets into concert — eventually By RICHARD OLIVER Battalion Reporter From the beginning, it was obvi ous the crowd was not ready for the “new England Dan and John Ford Coley. :|frlu' group, synonymous with soft, sensuous love ballads, amazed Syone Friday night at G. Rollie White Coliseum with a beating, driying arsenal of hard rock selec- tiofts. For nearly three-fourths of the show the Aggie crowd sat stone- fece(! to the vibrating group. Not that England Dan and John Ford Coley weren’t charismatic enough to excite the crowd — they were. John appeared in a Superman cos tume, minus the cape, with red satin pants. He pounded on his piano and jumped all over the stage while Dan grimaced and re lentlessly hammered out song after song, urging the crowd to “sing it,” onl\ to be greeted by bewildered star Slowly, finally, the crowd began to Inap out of its daze as the group poijinded out such songs as “Gam bler “Well Never Have To Say orkers vote while stt e trealel 1 collar# to join union alt ARC plant |By REGINA MOEHLMAN Battalion Reporter [y a bare 10-vote margin, em- ees at Agency Records Control, voted Friday to join the Office Professional Employees Union, f the 220 employees eligible to |e, 112 voted in favor of the f mization, 102 against. RC, located on the East Bypass, produces computer record forms, majority of employees eligible ote were computer and key ch operators, computer mainte- e personnel and shipping and Jing clerks. Langford, A Houston repre sentative of the Office and Profes sional Employees Union, explained that though the employees will be come part of his union, they will have complete control over their own local and will make all their own decisions. The union will only advise and represent the em ployees, he said. ^Langford said it would take a week to ten days to receive certifica tion from the National Labor Rela tions Board. ^ftfter that, the union and ARC of- filials will begin negotiations, I Lffligford said. He was not sure what I exact changes the employees would ! ask for. ^Representatives of the union came to Bryan-College Station last October at the request of employees who complained of unfair wage and pijpmotion practices as ARC. Employees at ARC are paid on an incentive wage system. They are rated for efficiency each month and the rating they receive determines their next month’s salary. Em- plovees complained this causes their wlges to go up and down. ^■They also complained that an em ployee can be promoted only if a silpervisor likes him. WE)r. Robert Bower, president of ARC, refused to comment on Fri- da\ s voting results. ENGLAND DAN Goodbye Again” and “I’d Really Love To See You Tonight.” Gradually, almost as if they were afraid to be heard, the crowd re sponded until everyone was on his feet clapping and singing. The band pranced around the stage and seemed oblivious to the crowd as they cranked out songs such as “Rollin’ Fever,” “Movin’ On Down the Line” and “Maybe To night.” At one point, drummer Dan Gorman and guitarist Bubba Keith jumped into the crowd to urge the clappers on. Gorman repeatedly ex cited the crowd with his on-stage antics and terrific drum solos, and Keith was impressive with his ver satility on the rhythm guitar, bongos and harmonica. The lead guitarist, Ovid Stevens, provided a welcome addition for the hard rock fans by cooly playing one guitar lick after another. Having obviously won the crowd Battalion photo by Robert Cook over, the group returned for a 30- minute emcore, playing “Runnin’ After You” and “Wendy.” The opening act, Mac McAnally, was delightful and charming, and at one point drew more crowd re sponse than the headline group. The crowd cheered enthusiastically “Your Grandmother’s Mirror,” “Opinion On Love” and his one hit single from years ago, “It’s A Crazy World.” His flair clearly appealed to the crowd. After the concert, Dan Seals, (otherwise known as England Dan, the brother of Jim Seals of Seals and Crofts), eased himself into a chair and sighed heavily. Dressed com- Review fortably in a pair of blue jeans and a loose shirt, he was clearly pleased with the performance. “The crowd was great,” he said, grinning. “I was told they’d just sit there and listen, and they did for awhile. I wasn’t expecting them to hang from the rafters like that.” Asked the reason for the change from soft love ballads to hard rock, Seals laughed and leaned back thoughtfully. “Rock and roll is where we came from,” he said. “The soft stuff was just a departure for us. Besides, music is a progression and we have to keep moving on.” CHUCK WISE AGRICULTURAL GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL. ELECT 1 John T. Groce Student Government A M Vice President of Student Services Super Spring Sweep We’re moving the old to make room for the new. Come in for super savings on the following: [ea CARAT REG .50 14K y/g Ring 580.00 .27 14K y/g Ld. Ring 595.00 Onyx & Gold 24” Bead Necklace 295.00 Lapis & Gold 15" Bead Necklace 250.00 Tiger’s Eye 15" Bead Necklace 125.00 Onyx & Gold Bead Bracelet 75.00 Pearl & Gold Bead Bracelet 75.00 Lapis & Gold 24" Bead Necklace 325.00 Malacite & Gold 15” Bead Necklace 330.00 Lady’s Bulova Acutron Watch 275 00 (14K Case) Emerald Earrings 3 only 99.95 Emerald & Diamond Earrings (4 only) 175^00 Emerald & Dia. Earrings 2 only 475’oO Emerald & Dia. Earrings 1 only 400.00 Onyx Music Boxes 2 Only 84.00 Diamond Cluster Rings 25% off All chains by Sweet 25% off 14K Tennis racquet with diamonds 200.00 SALE 395.00 250.00 125.00 95.00 65.00 30.00 35.00 125.00 150.00 125.00 50.00 105.00 300.00 350.00 45.00 112.50 BUDGET •c S ^ ^ ^ C* o ^ THESE LPS THIS WEEK $C67 JOURNEY “Evolution” V ) VAN HALEN II THESE LPs THIS WEEK 99 KENNY ROGER & DOTTIE WEST “Classics” ECU' 1 ,, /£!#, { din*™ ith auce essW ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL SUPER SAVINGS ALL DIAMOND SOLITAIRES IN STOCK ^ 30% OFF cLiqdsey’s KIM CARNES “St. Vincent’s Court’ BLONDIE “Parallel Lines” NATALIE COLE “I Love You So” 1 ROCKETS “The Rockets” MANOR EAST MALL M0N-FRI 10-8:30 SAT 10-6 JEWELERS 779-3616 NEW IMPORT LPs NOW IN STOCK PARAPHERNALIA VISA BLANK TAPES SOUND CARE PRODUCTS At that point, John Ford Coley came in and collapsed in a chair. He smiled when asked about the crowd. “Man, I thought they’d be much more rowdy than that tonight,” he said. “I was told you all would be really rowdy, but ...” Both Seals and Coley were ex cited about their new album, “Dr. Heckle and Mr. Jive.” “This album reflects our musical change and a little of the difference between John and me,” Seals said. “We wanted to change to a harder rock format on the last album, but we decided to wait. This album is for John and me. It’s our way of doing it.” As he and Coley got up to leave, Seals turned and said, “I guess our way is finally happening.” Judging by the bewildered crowd response, I don’t know. JOHN FORD COLEY Battalion photo by Robert Cook FARMERS MARKET A New Favorite Returns! Our Own Farmer's Market BAR-B-QUE SANDWICH $1 00 JN Served v THIS WEEK ONLY (with this coupon) with pickle and onion POBOYS, PASTRIES, FRESH BREAD Special offer good 329 UNIVERSITY NORTHGATE through Sun. April 15 Only Across from the Post Office FOR 79 YEARS ... 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