The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1979, Image 5
THE BATTALION MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1979 Page 5 what’s up at A&M Monday RENT 'entatwot* ,e| ve moiiji ind J. >93-284? SPEECH: Joel M. Stern, president of Chase Financial Policy, will speak on “Why Investors Do Not Care Abour Dividends” at noon in Room 204, Harrington. He will speak on “How Not To Overpay For Acquisitions” at 3 p.m. in the same room. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: Schlumberger will speak at 7:30 p.m. in Room 203, Zachry. There will be officer elections and a discussion of the plans for the national conference and spring party. PANHANDLE HOMETOWN CLUB: Officer elections will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room 607, Rudder Tower. jlASEBALL TEAM: Will play Oklahoma City here at 1 p.m. TENNIS TEAM: The men’s team will compete against Texas Tech in Lubbock. close to jSOLF TEAM: The women’s team will play in the Lady Cardinal Invitational in Vidor today and Tuesday. MSC ARTS COMMITTEE: Presents “Pumping Iron,” a documen- | tary about the World Bodybuilding Championship. The movie | will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (PC). CIENciES] e bedroo-j bills paidj 'els. Vila] h of Villa i 'manajs] Tuesday ILPHA ZETA BANQUET: Will be held at 7 p.m. in Room 201, MSC. INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGI NEERS: There will be a Hewlett-Packard presentation on “Small System Computer-Aided Design” at 7 p.m. in Room 103, Zachry. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS STUDENT COUNCIL: H.B. Zachry will speak on “The Ingredients of Success” at 7 p.m. in Rudder Theater. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: Will meet at 8 p.m. in the Letterman’s Lounge in G. Rollie White Coliseum. FCA welcomes all ex-high school athletes. • •••nil »ODOE iuch atoli 'St always l{ ummer, lil 'neby-»<| what m er! :a 846-11 ege M»[ . on IIOMEDICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION MEMBERS: Elections will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Room 201, VMA Building. :HRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION: Will meet at 7:15 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. PRE-MED, PRE-DENT SOCIETY: Admissions representatives from U.T. Health Science Center, San Antonio Dental Branch, will discuss “Opportunities in Dentistry” at 7:30 p.m. in Room 301, Rudder Tower. )EFENSIVE DRIVING: The Optimist Club of Bryan-College Sta tion will conduct an approved defensive driving course tonight and Wednesday night from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Medallion Room at the Bryan Utilities Building. The fee is $12 for the entire course. Graduates may obtain a 10 percent discount for 3 years on their automobile insurance. Wednesday Duplexesf edroom ath jase only THEATER ARTS PROGRAM: “Equus” will be shown at 8 p.m. tonight through April 14 and April 18-21. Tickets are $2 for stu dents and $3 for others. SPEECH: Texas Monthly’s associate editor, John Bloom, will speak at 7:30 p.m. in Room 229, MSC. fSWIM TEAM: The men’s and women’s teams will swim in the A.A. U. Nationals in Los Angeles today through Thursday. I that lant ON ING (O/lrfasuig&nerit (gruaynitet' A PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY PRESENTS NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER 8. FALL ONLY PRIVATE BUS iEpTbe ^ cloux [cbene Doux Crwne also has tafinis and basketball courts ana m swimming pool with a luxuriously furnished deck PLANNED ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WITH ENTERTAINMENT. REFRESHMENTS AND PRIZES ALL YEAR LONG NOT JUST ONCE A YEAR! Doux Chene offers all this plus the nicest staff in town So do yourself a favor Stop by the Doux Chene Apart ments. and win all year round /^xjrtments 693-1907 693-1906 WE’RE TRAVELIN YOURWAY! APARTMENTS N 2bdrm, l bath. Some with fenced backyards. Washer/Dry er connections. Located on the Shuttle Bus Route. Walking distance to A&M. Now leasing for Summer and Fall. For Leasing Information Call 693-5196 Monaco I (under new management and ownership) Magnificent, easy living can be found at Monaco I, with a swimming pool for a refreshing swim and balconies for a private visit with friends. Monaco I also has efficiency, 1, 2, & 3 BR with a laundry room for your convenience. The apartments have electric range, refrigerator, disposal and dishwasher and are fully carpeted. For further information call 693-2614. All bills are paid. Monaco II ite us® ea iinents (under new management and ownership) UCEfl I Here's the spacious apartment you've been looking for. You'll like our 1 & 2 bedrooms, complete with electric range, refrigerator, disposal and dishwasher. Each apartment is fully carpeted and has fenced patio. We are located Vz block from campus and on the shuttle bus route. Call us today 693-2614. All Bills are paid. Now leasing for summer & fall. c Posada (under new management and ownership) Quiet living with Spanish flair describes Posada Del Rey's atmosphere. You will find an apartment that is close to campus and on the shuttle bus route. For an afternoon swim or a relaxing evening on the balcony, you'll like Posada Del Rey. We have 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms with gas ranges, refrigerators and dishwashers. Call us, 693-9364. All bills are paid. Pool and Laundry. &l4viajefTuri[ (On/etyt "A %>annq Concern Africa only 1 ‘potholes’ difference of many, Ag says By PHYLLIS PONDER Battalion Reporter Texas drivers are used to watch ing for potholes, but in Africa on a recent safari one of the trucks was driven into an elephant trap. There the natives dig holes to trap animals instead of using guns, said Tom Gillis, who recently returned from his third safari in Africa. Gillis, a 1942 graduate of Texas A&M University, and his wife Frankie spoke to about 70 people Thursday night in The Memorial Student Center on hunting and tak ing pictures in Sudan, Kenya and South Africa. His lecture was spon sored by the MSC Travel Commit tee. The slide show Gillis presented il lustrated the everyday lifestyle Afri can natives have. He said the na tives are very similar to The Ameri can Indian in their tribal system. One tradition some Africans still have is that men buy their wives for $25-75. The annual income per per son is $20, Gillis said. “If you’re not satisfied, 20 years later you can take her back to her father and get a full refund,” Gillis said. There are few paved roads in Af rica and they last only for maybe two miles into the jungle, Gillis said. Since practically none of the natives own cars and only one in 20 owns a bicycle, most of the natives walk. Gillis estimated he walked more than 250 miles on his last 28-day safari in Africa. Gillis said the natives he visited still hunt for their food. He said everytime the natives hear gun shots they come running because they usually know something has been killed and want the meat. While the Gillises were in Africa they killed elephants, water bucks, hippopotamuses, lions, zebras, cape buffalos, gazelles and baboons. They also ate what they killed except lion, which he said didn’t taste good, and a 20-year-old elephant. “My son cooked that elephant meat for 28 hours in our oven range and it still tasted like shoe leather,” Gillis said. They traveled as far as they could on the roads in a diesel-powered Toyota with his guide and driver. In Sudan a government employee is required to go with any hunting ex pedition to make sure all the game laws are observed. The Gillises went to Kenya only to take photographs. “I strongly recommend a photo graphic safari since it is like going to an outdoor zoo,” Gillis said. Tourists can’t hunt there. “The animals are totally oblivious to you as long as you don’t get out side the vehicle,” Gillis said. This was obvious when the audi ence saw a slide that was taken 15 feet away from a lioness. Now you can call 32 people without even knowing their phone numbers. Whether you re involved in community activities or busy organiz ing an active household, think how much time you spend looking up and ! dialing the same phone numbers, every day. Well,you could keep doing things the same old way or you could come to the GTE Phone Mart jjjand get our Automatic Dialer 32. It remembers the numbers | you call most often and dials | them for you automatically. All you do is find the name and press the button. Four of the buttons are I color-coded for emergency | numbers for those times when every second counts. And they're easy for kids to use too. The Automatic Dialer 32 even has a special 'last number called" button. It automatically remembers your last manually-dialed number. So, if you get a busy signal, you can call back without re-dialing. So take some time out of your busy day and come in to see how the Automatic Dialer 32 can save you time. Put an Automatic Dialer in your life. Culpepper Plaza PHone maRT