The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1979, Image 10
Page 10 THE BATTALION MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1979 Foyt wins Coors 200 By DAVID BOGGAN Battalion Sports Editor President Carter’s energy mes sage be damned, A. J. Foyt and Gary Bettenhausen were out to have a good, high-speed time Sunday af ternoon at the second running of the Coors 200. The cat-and-mouse antics of Foyt and Bettenhausen were the main at traction of the Texas World Speed way event, which lasted slightly over W2 hours. When the chec kered flag was dropped, Foyt had won his fourth race at the speedway. The Houston native, who led in the race six times, was in command of the final six laps. But he was con tinually harassed by Bettenhausen, who held the lead four times in the 100-lap race. As Foyt came off of turn four and down the stretch in the final lap, Bettenhausen gave one last challenge. The two Indy cars, Foyt’s Gilmore Racing Coyote and Bettenhausen’s Armstrong Mould Bignotti, sailed toward the finish line side by side and Foyt took the checkered flag . 03 of a second ahead of his pursuer. “I was having problems the last five or six laps of the race,” Foyt A. J. Foyt said. “I thought I had a slow leak in the right rear tire because I’ve had cuts in the tires before on this track. “I couldn’t make up my mind vote ANDREW COOK v.p. external affairs! the ‘FLYING DUTCHMAN’ will bring the ‘WINDS of CHANGE’ whether to go into pit and check it since Bettenhausen was so close, and when it got down to last four laps I decided to go for it. If I crashed, I crashed. “I went to the pit four times but I only had to change the tires once.” Bettenhausen led in laps 91-93 before Foyt took over for the final time. “Somebody asked me if I was playing with Gary out there,” Foyt remarked. “Well, I wish your butt would have been in that driver’s seat with me if you thought I was playing. He was running strong all day.” Much of the race was run under yellow flags, slowing the lap average to 129.54 mph. The cars were bunched under a yellow flag until the last six laps when Foyt and Bettenhausen again left the pack to make it a two-man duel. “Yellows usually work against you but this one gave me the benefit of the doubt and helped me gamble on fuel,” Foyt said. “If the yellow hadn’t come out I might not have made it because I was running low.” The lead changed 11 times in the race. Of the 16 cars to start only 10 finished. The Coors victory was the fourth major race in a row won by Foyt and it was his fourth consecutive first- place finish at the Texas World Speedway. The third place finisher was Larry Dickson, two laps behind the lead ers when the checkered flag came out. Bettenhausen’s brother, Tony, finished the race in ninth place. Coors 200 finishers 1. A.J. Foyt 2. Gary Bettenhausen 3. Larry Dickson 4. Cliff Hucul 5. George Snider 6. Billy Vukovich 7. Todd Gibson 8. Sheldon Kinser 9. Tony Bettenhausen 10. Jerry Karl 11. Dick Ferguson 12. Tom Bigelow 13. Jerry Sneva 14. Jim McElreath 15. Eldon Rasmussen 16. Johnny Parson TRAFFIC VIOLATION Anyone receiving unjusti fied traffic CITATIONS from College Station Police De partment is encouraged to report incident to Congress man Phil Gramm, 1609 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. ELECT John T. Groce Student Government 2 out qf^ 3 ainrt good Frogs win one A M Vice President of Student Services United Press International FORT WORTH, Texas — The TCU Horned Frogs made Texas A&M’s bid for a third consecutive Southwest Conference baseball championship almost impossible as the Frogs won one game of last weekend’s three-game series. The Aggies, now 7-4 in conference, had hoped to sweep the series and stay in the running for the SWC crown. In Friday’s game, Mark Ross scat tered eight hits and Texas A&M supported him with a 13-hit attack to boost the Aggies to an 8-4 South west Conference victory over TCU. The game was tied 3-3 after six innings but the Aggies broke loose for eight hits in the final three in nings. Ross, 5-3, struck out nine and walked only one. The Aggies opened the scoring with two unearned runs in the fourth inning but TCU countered in the fifth with four straight singles by game Sun Theatres RICK RICK 333 University 846 The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 12 Noon - 12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Ladies Discount With This Coupon BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS 846-9808 KUMPF ’82 SEGER V. JIM BOB COATES YOUR COLLEGE OF SCIENCE SENATOR Joey Key, Randal Rodri} Wheaton and Tommy Fiord a 3-2 lead. Texas A&M took the I with runs in the seventh inning and a three-run nii The Aggies’ Rodney Hoii hitters with two doubles in four at-bats. In Saturday’s opener Thurmond scattered six hill Aggies won 8-1. TCU scored as shortstt Brooks drove a 3-1 pitch 365-foot centerfield fence, gies answered with a so by Mike Hurdle, and wi in the third inning with runs. Thurmond struck out four and walked two, raising hi to 6-1. Novey, 3-2, picket loss. \ But the Frogs would the nightcap, afour-runral eighth inning and outstandi pitching by Dale Arnoldan Combs brought TCU from to an 8-6 win over the f The Aggies raised their 7-4 in the conference and the season. Today the Aggies host Ol City University in a doul beginning at 1:30 p.m. Field AA £ McDonald’s DRIVE-THRU WINDOW MCDONALD’S INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS McDonald's At University Drive RREAKFAST EVERY MORNING Now at Manor East Mall All For Fun The Women’s Play Day was one of the best displays of enthusiasm and sportsmanship in the 1978- 1979 school year. Seven women’s units competed in a wide variety of events, from softball and jogging to water-ballpons and pillow races. There was even an obstacle course complete with jumping rope, hopping in sacks and pop ping balloons. Quite a day in every way. The event was such a success that it will become an annual event occurring in the fall and perhaps enlarged to serve more women with plain old fashion fun. And I would like to thank all the women who participated and the dorm and unit directors who made the 1st Annual Women’s Playday super. (In alphabetical order listed below.) Briggs Babes Becky Goff" & Joan Panuska Fowler Foxes — Keathley Kisses - Krueger Klan — Cindy Gremillion Deanie Meadows Lynne Breedlove & Missy Duncan Mosher Marauders Squadron 14 — Company W-l — Kay Cannon & Leann Drozd Miki Dunham & Anita Bowden Teresa West Sandra Francis Overall Points: Keathley Residence Hall Exceptional Sportsmanship: Krueger Residential Hall Exceptional Enthusiasm: Squadron 14, and Company W-l. I-SPY” Participant of the Week IM Picks Terry L. Martin tries to throw the ball in an intertube Waterpolo game. The Aggie Play ers won 3-2. Terry should come by the IM office to pick up his “Be Our Guest” card, redeemable for free food at McDonalds. Well, that twisted mind is at it again. What can we say? He swears he’s got them right this time. So here they are, the softball picks of the Season by the IM Wiz. Extra Acts CLUB Target Archers Cycling Fencing Gymnastics Team Handball Men’s LaCrosse TRAVELS TO UT Regionals San Antonio Bellaire Houston Waco San Antonio Waco New Orleans April April 16 April 21 & 22 April 15 April April Polo Austin Polo Club Houston Polo Club Racq netball Rugby Women’s Rugby Women’s Soccer Odessa Galveston Austin Austin Grand Prairie Men’s Volleyball Women’s Volleyball Weightlifting Tulsa Tulsa April April 30 April 14 April 22 April April 14 April 14 April 21 April 28 April 10 April 10 Holiday In Dixie Tournament Rodeo N acogdoches Huntsville April 28 April 12-14 April 19-21 Times, Dates, and events subject to change and cancellations. Acknowledgments s r St Schedule Lms advertisement is soonsored bv vour JL This advertisement is sponsored by your local McDonald’s Restaurant, on University Drive and at Manor East Mall, under the direction of the Intramural Office. Stories are by Michelle Wolstein, pictures by Dana Kamataris. Free throw contest Monday, April 9 7:00 pm DeWare Gym in SPORI SHOP l S Sports Shorts Entries open Bowhunters Archery Monday, April 9 Meetings EMT Tuesday, April 10 Rm 232 G.R.W. All University Class A Pictures Monday April 16 4-6:00 at DeWare Fieldhouse Tennis begins Bowling Monday, April 9 Wednesday, April 11 4:30 pm MSC lanes 100-Yard Swim 100-Yard Dash Weightlifting Softball Throw Obstacle Course Thursday, April 12 10:00 pm Indoor Pool Monday, April 16 6:00 pm Kyle Field Tuesday, April 17 6:00 pm Nautilus Weight Room Wednesday, April 18 5:00 pm Intramural Complex Thursday, April 19 5:00 pm G. Rollie White Annex Corps AB B-Batt. Trident P-2 F-l C. L-l E-l Jocks Corps BC Fish BC Rebel E-2 Squad 8 Squad 6 F-2 Squad 10 Squad 2 Squad 7 Squad 12 B. Co. Band A-Batt Men’s Dorm AB Dreaded Dunn Mclnnis Puryear Playboys Dunn Sports Club Bear’s Gang Men’s Dorm BC Law II Moses Awesome Roots Aston Magnum Loads Puryear UFD Hart Balls Men’s Independent AB Impact I Braves Pi Kappa Alpha Scrubs I Scrap Iron Men’s Independent BC Gutterheads The Gasp Venzuala Dexter Jets Bosque Brew Women’s Independent AB Women s Independent BC Munchkins Atom Bombers Lemon Drops Taster Choice Big 10 Gals NAFT Baby Ruths Seagulls UAC The MO>s Women’s Dorm AB Mosher Mets Sparklers Keathley II Krueger Kut Ups Briggs Babe B’s Women’s Dorm BC Hughes Hustlers Bad News Babes W-l Krueger Klan CoRec AB Accidents Holy Terrors Strike Outs Warriors Stros CoRec BC Sigma Chi Wild Bunch Stupors Hardballs A.M. Players Photo by Helen ( Jamie Jordan and Autero Cuellar reach for the ball in; Man Volleyball game last Wednesday night.