THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1979 Page 9 what’s up at A&M ds and i( Ption, | flent, ai § e studcj : floor of u, er,’ it, ^ond tlie|J of the q : hat studej 'ade. > “>s to lo hangi; a veryi lve donenj indents, , Tuesday TONGUE TWISTERS CONTEST: The MSC Town Hall is having a Tongue Twisters Contest at noon at the Rudder Fountain. \G ECO CLUB: There will be a presentation of distinguished stu dent awards and a slide show of field trips and election of officers at 7:30 p.m. in Room 108, Harrington. UNG DANCE COMMITTEE: The Senior Weekend is approaching and all interested members of the Class of ’79 are urged to attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder Tower. PLANT SCIENCES SEMINAR: Elaine Cowan will speak on “The Effect of Chronic Exposure to Low Levels of Ethylene on Cotton Seedlings During Germination” at 4 p.m. in Room 112, Plant Sciences Building. PLANT SCIENCE CLUB: There will be a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Room 103, Plant Sciences Building. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: Will meet at 8 p.m. in the letterman’s lounge in G. Rollie White Coliseum. tENNIS TEAM: The men’s team will play SMU here at 1:30 p.m. AGGIE CINEMA: “Macbeth,” a film adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic tale of murder, guilt, and revenge will be shown at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (R) Wednesday TOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS: Dr. Lela Edwards will speak I on her job experiences in public relations at 6:30 p.m. in Room I I 002, Reed McDonald. MSC ARTS COMMITTEE: There will be a mandatory attendance I K meeting at 7 p.m. in Room 140A, MSC. POLITICAL FORUM: Sheik Abdullah Tariki will speak on “Energy, OPEC and the U.S.” at 8 p.m. in Room 206, MSC. Tariki is a former Saudi Arabian oil minister and co-founder of OPEC. BRIDGE CLUB: Will play at 7:15 p.m. in the MSC. Check screen for room number. Everyone is invited to play. TAMU STAMP CLUB: There will be an activity-trading session at 7:30 p.m. in Room 305AB, Rudder Tower. fAMU SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB: Will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 301, Rudder Tower. RESUMES: J. Malon Southerland, assistant director of the place ment office, will speak on “Effective Resumes,” or “Putting Your Qualifications on Paper,” at noon in Room 342, Zachry. [OLF TEAM: The men’s team will play in the All-American In vitational in Houston. sday afiti iAGGIE CINEMA: “High Noon,” starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly in this western drama about a retired marshal whose wed ding is disturbed by the return of a killer who is to arrive on the noon train, will be shown at 8 p.m. in Room 201, MSC. Thursday JJLASS OF ’80 COUNCIL: There will be a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in I Room 510, Rudder Tower. TAMU MARINE FELLOWS LECTURE: Dr. John Flipse will ■ speak on “Manganese Nodule Mining” in Sterling C. Evans Li- I brary. GUATEMALAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Will have officer elections at 7:30 p.m. in Room 607, Rudder Tower. lMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Will present “College Life” at 7 p.m. in Room 308, Rudder Tower. Dr. Walter Bradley will B speak on “True Personal Freedom.” Everyone is welcome. J see tliisll in, a spokj 1 Had «[ dennonittj fusion I long anij ow therei about it.’| es are a s self-relii eligion. ecided oi 5,037 W hs ago, jd to malt : ;ifter tiis along will lure to sen icreage, defaults nail num! ist meml ne r iths Hem live hope 'islation i as pei months n the U rdy, hu s have them anil manent Nationals | .amesa nites thel on ( attorney ras repres le pasti : the I > policy al uyer i lade in c lid the Mfj amount ij e land c purchase! buyers hf nuld be * Stine runs for VP student services Editor’s note: This questionaire was handed in too late to appear in The Battalion s election tabloid sec tion (inserted in the newspaper to day). Brad Smith and John Groce, whose questionaires appear in the campaign section, are also running for Vice President of Student Serv ices in student government. Name: John J. Stine Age: 21 Major: Theatre Arts Class: Sophomore, ’81 Hometown: Dallas What are your qualifications for this position? My judgement, and my determi nation in working with people are my qualifications for V.P. Student Services. I have the common sense to start a job and work until it is finished. I’ve worked within the Corps of Cadets in our battalion with ideas for a better and well- rounded life in the Corps. With the students on campus, news ideas are always needed, and I have an open mind to listen to the people on cam pus. How do you feel these qualifica tions prepare you to intereact with the student body? Judgement is very important to interact successfully with our stu dent body. When starting a new pol icy or overhauling an old one we must keep in mind that it must ben efit the students. With any policy changes, problems will arise, quick responsive decisions to remedy these problems are a must. But one cannot stop there. You must have the determination to follow through and make sure the programs or policies are actually benefiting the student body. What do you see as the major problems and issues confronting the VP for Student Services next year? The shuttle bus will have a thorough examination to see how we can better serve the majority of the off-campus students. Ticket distri bution will be looked at to make sure students will all have a fair chance of gaining admission to the games. Extra attention must be paid to this area since construction at Kyle Field will still be going on dur ing football season. Budget cuts are also being looked at, and we must make sure that it will be distributed according to the needs of the various organizations on campus. What changes, if any, do you plan to make as VP for Student Services? I forsee the need for very little changes in student services. If the need arises I will do my best to make sure these changes benefit you the student. Why should students pick you over any of the other candidates? Because I will represent you, the student, in my actions as VP for Student Services. We will have a well-rounded program next year, and want to make sure the student body will have every opportunity to enjoy and enrich your lifestyle while attending A&M. Learning doesn’t just come from books and lectures, it also comes from the interactions with other students and in all our activities. What do you as a student owe to the student body as an elected offi cial, and what do they owe to you? As an elected official, I owe you my damndest effort to make sure we have successful programs in which to learn from. I want your stay at A&M to be the most memorable in your life. I’ll do my best in every way to make sure you get what you want. A howdy every now and then will be sufficient in return, thank you. Next time you're in Mexico, stop by and visit the Cuervo fabrica in V quila. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 1400 S. College 823-805 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 Since 1795 we’ve welcomed our guests with our best. A traditional taste of Cuervo Gold. Visitors to Cuervo have always been greeted in a special way. They're met at the gates and invited inside to experi ence the unique taste of Cuervo Gold. This is the way we’ve said "welcome”for more than 180 years. And it is as traditional as Cuervo Gold itself For this dedication to tradition is what makes Cuervo Gold truly special. Neat, on the rocks, with a splash of soda, in a perfect Sunrise or Margarita, Cuervo Gold will bring you back to a time when quality ruled the world. Cuervo. The Gold standard since 1795. 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