THE BATTALION MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1979 Page 3 Loophole may be reopened United Press International WASHINGTON — Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said Saturday a wealthy lobby is trying to reopen a “notorious loophole” in tax laws that would create “a $1 billion a year tax giveaway” for the rich. In a letter to fellow senators and an accompanying statement, Ken nedy said Congress is being “heavily lobbied” to repeal a 1976 tax reform requiring a property inheritor to pay capital gains taxes on the difference between the original cost of the property and its sale price. Under the old law, the seller of inherited property would pay a capi tal gains tax only on the difference between the selling price and its value at the death of the original owner. In the letter, he said, “That legis- , lation was the first serious effort by ; Congress to close the most notori ous loophole in the Internal Reve nue Code — the failure to tax gains in the value of property transferred at death.” But he said “the ink was hardly dry” on the 1976 Tax Reform Act when banks, lawyers, accountants and financial advisers representing wealthy clients “launched an all out effort for repeal.” PEARL/FIJI Battalion photo by Bill Wilson Seta from San Antonio takes off from the lof a skateboard ramp. He was a judge at a skateboard contest sponsored by the A&M Surf Club over the weekend. ornadoes hit East Texas, ijure one, uproot pine trees First Annual Slowpitch Softball Tournament , DATE: APRIL 6, 7, 8 , PLACE: BEE CREEK PARK »ENTRANCE FEE: $40.00 , Send Entree fees to: FIJI SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT t FIJI HOUSE T ;anew i out in ). Gor in, was cement ;ry is a ivering ,s were natural entofa ick the workers flights y after Aero- >0 em- untract agree- jnion’s which ingers, io new ^^United Press International Black clouds containing tornadoes ndaf dropped from an angry East Storm system, injuring one, roofing several homes and up- ating several huge pine trees in ie heavily wooded region. Tornadoes and high velocity nds|hit neighboring Gregg and nith counties close to the northern ouisiana border. Several wer lines were reported down e rural roads were blocked plintered trees. we’re going to go ahead dsay it was a tornado,” said De nt of Public Safety spokes- oman Sara Fitzgerald in Tyler. Vehad one man call in and say this loud cut into his pasture and en lifted back up. On down the road from his place came back down and that’s where endamage was.” She said the cloud south of Tyler the roof off one home, caus ing one injury. “The injury was minor,” she said, “just cuts and bruises from glass. Just one adult was injured.” Fitzgerald said the cloud then lifted again and drifted over the city, coming back down east of town. “It damaged several houses out east but there weren’t any injuries. A lot of power lines came down and a lot of trees. It must have been a pretty good one to uproot some of these big pines we have here.” She also said the storm was ac companied by hail, heavy rain and high winds. In Longview, a tornado described by a witness was “a big one” de stroyed about 10 homes and brought power lines and trees to the ground. No injuries were reported there. Investigator Larry Smith of the Gregg County Sheriffs Office said the tornado touched down about 11 a.m. and traveled north along the ground about four miles. He said the tornado was headed in a northeasterly direction toward Jefferson, Texas, and Shreveport, La. 1414 S. College Bryan 779-9696 or Schaffhauser Diet. Co. 101 Luther West College Station 696-7231 or Contact Lonnie Copps at 696-8442 Vtillo promises help or poor in Juarez JUnited Press International UAREZ, Mexico — Mexican ident Jose Lopez Portillo Sun- y toured squatter colonies on the nmeter of the city and promised J dent leaders he would cooperate efforts to help the community’s k Lopez Portillo, ending his first tto}the border community in his ear administration, signed a .8! million agreement in which er lines would be run to the tter colonies. He termed the it of the area’s poor a “serious ^■colonies along the border are Bering places for young workers ini southern Mexico who travel ere to seek work or to illegally >ss into the United States at El so, Texas. Juarez is an important part of the public of Mexico because it rep- ients our entire country.” Lopez Portillo told student leaders before returning to Mexico City. “We will cooperate 100 percent with the city of Juarez in controlling the demographic growth of this community and will try to provide opportunities for employment of our young people.” Juarez officials say the city now has a population of 640,000 and could grow to more than 2 million by the year 2,000. During his visit to the city Satur day, the president laid the first stone for a 25,000 seat Olympic stadium in a national park about 100 yards from the U.S. border. Tpfnamba Beautiful Cedar Ridge A Nice Place To Live RENT BY THE MONTH WE OFFER YOU 2 Bdrm Unfurnished, All Built-Ins including Dish washer, Laundry Hook-Ups, $240. Brand New Units Located on Pinfeather Rd. Just North of Villa Maria. Convenient to TAMU & the Bryan Golf Course, as well as the B-CS Business & Industrial area. 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