The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1979, Image 1
arch nets $18,000... By RUTH GRAVES Battalion Reporter The Corps of Cadets, aided by six Dallas lowboy Cheerleaders, raised a record for the March of Dimes with its lual March to the Brazos Saturday. This year’s march was the Corps’ third r the March of Dimes. Each Corps mber collected pledges for each mile of mile march. This year’s march took a new twist, however, as six Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders aided the muddy cadets with their jontests held at the river. The Corps held competition between jutfits in tug-of-war, stretcher race and sack race. Two cheerleaders were assigned o officiate each event, said Stephen jreenwade, coordinator of the march. The cheerleaders met the Corps at the river, where they “tromped through the mud and stood out there and officiated in the events, screamed and hollered and signed autographs,” said Steve Manley, the public relations coordinator for the march. The cheerleaders braved mud, photo graphers and enthusiastic cadets at their appearance at the river. “They were willing to help — nothing was too much trouble for them,” Manley said. The cheerleaders’ decision to attend the event probably helped the Corps make more money for the March of Dimes, Manley said, by generating enthusiasm for the march. “It just sort of spiced things up,” said David Jackson, who raised the most money in pledges. Jackson, commanding officer of Squad ron 12, received pledges of $479 for the March of Dimes. Since the Corps received about $6,500 more in pledges for the March of Dimes than it did last year, the cheerleaders’ trip was a “pretty good investment for the March of Dimes,” Manley said. Although the cheerleaders’ services were com plimentary, the March of Dimes paid for the cheerleaders’ transportation. Manley said all of the cheerleaders told him that they were impressed with the Corps’ March to the Brazos. “They really seemed to enjoy it a whole lot,” Greenwade said. ... and drizzle wets 17 WC 1 By ANDY WILLIAMS Battalion Staff Rain and a quick pace prevented a up of students who ran a relay from Bston from joining Texas A&M Uni- rsity’s Corps of Cadets in the annual m|etition and games at the Brazos River i Hgiweekend. The 17 cadets from Moody College ran wo five-mile legs apiece in covering the 173 miles. They left the gangway of the e the «ip s, ' Texas Clipper, the Texas Maritime . ^^Rmy’s ship, at 6 a. m. Friday. They , theiiJirttQ river at 5:05 a.m. Saturday, is 0 J But the early morning arrival made ters, the group miss the festivities, en in;; “When we got thei > we were so pooped ERAtl® ah j ust went oi v separate ways and to 0,T crashed,” said Larry Chilton, one of the limners. He said Sunday night he thought tnam lii|H :h for Tei^ he was the only member of the group who went back later in the day. “We just all went up to the dorms and took showers and got cleaned up, ” said Ed Bishop, one of the organizers of the run. Bishop was disappointed to learn that he’d missed the six members of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. “We figured with all that rain, they didn’t even come out,” he said Sunday. “Well, I guess we really missed it, then.” Like the Corps, the runners had col lected pledges for the March of Dimes, but Bishop said he didn’t know yet how much money they’d raised. Bishop said the group carried “a wooden baton, actually a piece of a broomstick. We figured we better carry something, since it was a relay.” Only a couple of the Moody group had run in competition before. Bishop said. “I’ve run a marathon, and I ran cross country in high school, and so on.” He said most of the runners only started training a month ago. “We were kind of hesitant to talk about it because we were afraid it would fall through.” No one was exhausted by the running, Chilton said. “For the ones who’ve been training, it wasn’t very tough. Just two five-mile legs separated by several hours wasn’t like running a marathon.” But those in the cars got good and bored, Bishop said. In the daytime, the cars drove ahead of the runner, but at night one drove behind him to light his way. “That was better than having to run in the dark, though.” Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Connie Dolan of ficiates as Unit M-2 struggles in a tug-of-war con test during Saturday’s March to the Brazos ac tivities. Battalion photo by Lee Roy Leschper Jr. nr 1 Ihe Battalion Vol. 72 No. 125 8 Pages Monday, April 2, 1979 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 •nbr ays all United Press International HARRISBURG, Pa. — Nuclear engi neers early today launched a new effort to convert hydrogen gas back to water at the crippled Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. Success in the venture would help cool the atomic reactor and allow it to be shut down. The new attempt began just hours after President Carter — himself a trained nu clear engineer — and Gov. Dick Thornburgh donned bright yellow protec tive boots, personally inspected the plant on the Susquehanna River island and re ported the situation “stable.” Engineers hooked up hydrogen “re combiners” to the vents of the contain ment building, where the nuclear core is housed, to start today’s operation. The recombiners are designed to con vert some of the hydrogen gas buildup in the containment building back into water by heating it with oxygen — a process similar to the way steam from a teapot is converted back into water vapor. Once that is achieved, the engineers hope to use the reconverted water to help in the cooling process. Success in the Conversion attempt also would reduce the possibility of a second hydrogen gas explosion. Officials believe such an explosion damaged the facility last Wednesday, less than 10 hours after the nation’s worst nuclear accident began. Authorities said the maneuver posed no new danger and Thornburgh — as if to stress the belief — ordered state em ployees to report for work as usual today in the state Capitol complex, 10 miles from the plant site. Carter — who 27 years ago was part of a Navy team that helped avert a nuclear dis aster in an experimental reactor at Chalk River in Canada — made a 26-minute on site inspection of the mist-shrouded Three Mile Island plant Sunday. Later, he went to nearby Middletown, Pa., and told residents Thornburgh may have “to take further steps” to protect the population. He appealed to residents in the affected area to remain calm. Civil Defense officials put six counties — or some 636,000 people — in central Pennsylvania on “advanced alert” Sunday for possible evacuation of the population in an area ranging up to 20 miles from the nuclear facility. Thousands of residents already had fled the area. There has been no official evacu ation order, but Thornburgh suggested that pregnant women and pre-school chil dren stay at least five miles away from the facility. The main task now faced by the engi neers is to cool the reactor core so they can shut it down cold. Unless the fuel core can be cooled, the danger of a melt-down of the core — the worst possible nuclear catastrophe — could arise. Harold Denton, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s operation chief at the plant site, said the level of hydrogen in the con tainment building was increasing. But he said if the increase in hydrogen was due to a decrease in the size of the bubble, “that’s what we hoped to achieve.” Joseph Hendrie, chairman of the NRC, has said it might be “prudent” to evacuate the entire population up to 20 miles away from the nuclear plant if the bubble which is complicating the cooling system cannot be eliminated by normal means and other, more risky methods must be attempted. But Denton said Sunday the fuel was still cooling slowly and he believed the bubble was decreasing in size. “Time is on our side in an event like this,” Denton said. \igua: Water ihe ways it gets to your home? By DOUG GRAHAM y Battalion Staff rips are the things that go “ploot” in the night, ey sneak out of your faucet, leap into the sink with a loud “ploot,” and disappear down the drain, leaving wet plootprints behind. RYou probably think they follow a vague path of pipes leading top chrome-plated spigot, but you’re wrong. ■There is more to water than a drip from a faucet. A vast amount of water is pumped from the ground, chemically treated and stored for use. ■Bryan used 211 million gallons of water in January, said Michael Collins, an assistant at Bryan’s main pumping station. Tiice that amount is used each month during the summer. llBryan’s water originates in well fields some three to four miles out on Highway 6, past its junction with Highway 21. Texas A&M University extracts water from wells near the old Bryan air base (Research and Extension Center) on Highway 21. College Station, which currently buys its water from the Upiversity, is going to drill wells on Sandy Point Road (FM 1687) about halfway between Texas A&M’s and Bryan’s wells. BAH of the wells range from 600 to more than 2,500 feet deep. The shallower wells, in the Sparta Sand Strata, were sunk first and do not supply as much water as ones that go 2,500 feet or deeper to the Simsboro Sand or Wilcox-Carrizo layer. Orville , Housden, water production superintendent at the main pump- > ing station in Bryan, said the deep wells produce around 2,100 i gallons per minute, compared to 400 gallons per minute for the the shallower ones. RTh ere is a hitchiv however. The deep well water is hot — 116-120 degrees Fahrenheit. Bryan once used cooling towers to lower the temperature, but stopped because of the expense. Running the towers’ fans helped bloat Bryan’s $275,000 elec- oec^' tricity bill, Housden said. The cooler water — from the shallow wells — also has a problem: sulphur. Aerating the water at the well fields lets the sulphur react in the air and escape. One of Bryan’s two aerators is under repair, but the other still sprays water in the air like a fountain in a large screened wooden birdcage. Above the clean smell of wetness lurks the odor of rotten eggs. If you were water destined for Bryan, you would probably come from a deep well, though nine of Bryan’s 16 wells are shal low. You would be drawn out by an electric pump. The pumps look functional. They are massive, clean, and painted battleship gray. They hum monotonously, and produce around 95 horsepower each, as much as many small economy cars. And they squat in plain sheds beside the cows out in green pastures. It is spartan inside the pump houses. There is usually a locker which holds oil and a few other things, and a small galvanized garbage bucket feeding oil to the pump’s bearings through plastic tubes. From the pump, you, as hot water, would run through the cooling towers and mix with freshly-aerated cold water in one of two ground-level reservoirs at the well site. One, a concrete Depression-era public works project, holds 2 million gallons. The second, a steel structure, holds around 5 million gallons, says Ennis Owens, a certified water operator. Owens, 63, and Raymond Leach are the first men who work with the water. Early each morning Owens makes the rounds of the pumps in a white pickup, and checks lubrication and does routine maintenance. Both men chlorinate the water, perform other maintenance where needed, and operate the pumps ac cording to instructions from the main water production station. Leach and Owens wtere certified and trained by the Texas Department of Health Resources. The next step water takes after leaving the well field reser voirs is chlorination. That greenish gas is liquefied when it arrives at the well field in one-ton cylinders. A machine heats and vaporizes the corrosive element so it can be fed through another machine into the water. Leach said the chlorine is put into the water at a ratio of 6-8 parts per million (ppm) but dissipates to 3 ppm by the time the water reaches Bryan. About 355-495 pounds of chlorine are used each day, Leach said. Because of chlorine’s toxicity and corrosiveness, Leach said the chlorine handling equipment is supposed to be completely dismantled and cleaned each year. In case of leaks, the man on duty has a gas mask. But Owens said that if a big leak occurred, “I’d just start running. ” After the water is chlorinated, it is sent through one of four 100-200 horsepower pumps that can move 8,000-10,000 gallons a minute. It arrives at the main water production center on East 18th where it is fluorinated and stored. Bryan currently has 1 million gallons of elevated storage and is building a new 2-million gallon water tower. Texas A&M has 2 million gallons of elevated storage. College Station has 1 million gallons of elevated storage. Elevated storage is important because it keeps pressure con stant even during power blackouts. The State Board of Insur ance requires a town have a 10-hour supply of water in elevated storage and a 24-hour supply of ground storage. Ike Williams, an inspector, said 10 hours times population times 130 gallons equals the amount of water a town needs in elevated storage. Inside the East 18th Street pump station, Housden and Col lins use a large panel to monitor pump activity and water use. It not only has meters, but uses scrolls that turn slowly, marking consumption as the month goes by. The panel is part of what water operator Leach said is a trend toward increasing automation. Eventually the large pumps out in the fields will be operated by the production center, he said. One of the two chlorination machines was also built for automation, but has not been set up for automated operation yet, he added. Water goes from the center to people’s homes. Even then, it is periodically checked by the State Board of Health Resources, which maintains a field office in Bryan. Checks include bacteria count and a chemical analysis. That is the path a drip takes to a Bryan home. Bryan Utilities charges a customer at least $2.40 per month. Then it charges 63 cents per 1,000 gallons for first 10,000 gal lons. The price goes down from there. The path is somewhat different for Aggies’ water, but the method is the same. R. Clark Diebel, Texas A&M Controller, said that the Texas A&M water supply system makes money selling to the school and by supplying College Station with water. College Station bought water from Bryan until a year ago, but is now paying Texas A&M 43 cents a gallon. A cording to an earlier Battalion article, it costs the school around 38 cents a gallon to produce the water. Bennie Luedke, water and sewer superinendent for College Station, said specifications are now being drawn up and a few test holes are being dug for the city’s future system. “I’m not sure when the wells will be brought on line,” he said. The sad thing is that, as a drop of water, you probably won’t help quench someone’s thirst. If Dr. Jack Runkles, of the Texas Water Resources Institute at Texas A&M is correct, your con tribution may be more prosaic than that. You’ll probably be flushed down a toilet, which begins another complicated trip of an entirely different nature. Auction sells dinner, chicks (poultry type) By CATHY TERRELL Battalion Reporter If you feel that your life is not complete without a football autographed by the Texas Aggie football team, tune in to Channel 15 and watch The Great ^IUmU-TV Auction. BPSjft'he autographed football, sold for $225, Vjjim many other items are being auctioned Ra^Hprovide money for the operation of A^HmU-TV, Texas A&M University’s pub- .pflBPlhroadcasting station. V ■he auction began Sunday and will con- tihue today and Tuesday starting at 8 p. m. aip ending when all the merchandise for that night is sold. |\s of 9:30 p.m. Sunday, $1,500 had n raised. We’re really excited,” said Rod Zent, station manager. “Some people have bid °ver the retail price, while others have Sotten real bargains.” Kent estimates that $10,000 to $15,000 RU be raised in the three nights. ■‘We have about $10,000 worth of art for nday night.” unday night’s auction master John ^ftnry Faulk, a star of “Hee Haw, ” was I too pleased. It looks like it’s going great. I’m really eer. Chf °f : ze. 4 proud of the Brazos Valley citizens.,” Faulk said he enjoyed doing this for KAMU-TV even though “the Navasota River almost came up and flooded me” on his drive here from Madisonville Sunday evening. Master of ceremonies for tonight will be Dr. Diane Strommer, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts. Dr. Roger Feldman, associate professor of Veterinary Pathology, will host Tuesday night. If you desire something — 100 baby chicks (poultry, not women) for instance, a $50 retail value, or five hours of house cleaning by a service, or dinner with Pres ident Jarvis Miller and his wife — tune to the auction. First, pick out the item and remember which one of the six boards lists it. Call the station at 696-2211 and make a bid for the item by its number. High bidders will be announced on the air and called to confirm the bid. The items may be picked up in Studio B of the station after this confirma tion. In the “pick-up and pay” area is the Country Store, which has an assortment of lower priced items on sale that may be bought without bidding. Engineers begin try to cool reactor core Volunteers take bids at KAMU-TVs auction, which started Sunday night. Battalion photo by Kay ,ce ci»* se