The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1979, Image 9
THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1979 Page 9 ind contr )m Putenj AeJ nve ntioJ n Periodl ude n °mics j Jt h Kno|| on| ents at nsolidai, wth testi 1 take im of the | the scl tel factot 5. saidfi a ted pul m iH ■ •..348! I i erviceFew: v vehicle tr* for vehtdi! swithoulna I i experiercf i Jdels.Thest; COMMISSO 'okef ■s in Texs mti what’s up at A&M Friday 1ST ANNUAL SHSU CHILI COOK-OFF AND JAMBOREE: This Leukemia Society benefit will be held 6 p.m. tonight until 6 p.m. Saturday at the Rise and Sun Club on Highway 356 at Trinity. There will be places to camp tonight and entertainment including Dean Scott, Jeff Demain n Austin, Dave Duplessley and the Creole Express, Alex Harvey and local entertainment. Anyone interested in entering the chili cook-ofF Saturday should get in H contact with Roger Trevino at 295-0077. BASEBALL: The baseball team will play Baylor in a conference game ■ here at 3 p.m. GYMNASTICS: The gymnastics team will compete in the AIAW ■ National championships at Penn State. AGGIECON X: Continues with “Rollerball,” starring James Caan ■ about a vicious game designed to channel anti-social feelings that ■ might interfere with economic growth in a 21st century society at I 7 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (R) “The Exorcist,” starring Linda Blair ■ about demonic possession, will be shown at 9:10 p.m. in Rudder I Theater. (R) “Collisions,” starring Lily Tomlin, Gilda Radner and ■ Dan Ackroyd in a sensitive story of the human condition, will be ■ shown at 11:15 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (PG) “Countdowns,” I starring James Caan and Robert Duvall in a story of the Space I Race and Lunar Survival, will be shown at 12:50 a.m. in Rudder I Theater. (G) Saturday MECHANIZED AG CLUB: The Annual Spring Lawnmower Clinic ■ will be held from 8 a.m. until dark at the power and machinery ■ lab. BASEBALL: The Aggies will play Baylor in a doubleheader at 1 p.m. here. TfeNNIS TEAM: The men’s team will play the University of Texas here at 1:30 p.m. RACQUETBALL CLUB: In conjunction with the Woodstone ■ Nautilus Court Club, the Racquetball Club will present a rac- ■ quetball clinic featuring Jim Austin, the current national senior ■ singles champion at the Woodstone Nautilus from 2-4 p.m. All ■ club members are urged to attend. Admission is free. TAMU SURF CLUB: The will be a skateboard contest 8-5 p.m. in ■ the Grove. AGGIECON X: “Stepford Wives,” about two women who try to raise ■ the consciousess of married women of a Connecticut suburb and ■ make chilling discovery, will be shown at 7 p.m. in Rudder Thea- ■ ter. (PG) “Flesh Gordon,” a spoof of science fiction and pornog- ■ raphy will be shown at 9 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (R) “Day of the Dolphin,” about a marine biologist who investigates the behavior of dolphins and inter-species communication, will be shown at 9 p.m. in Rudder Theater. (PG) “The Power,” about a team of space research scient by a strange psychokinetic force, will be shown at 12:10 a.m. (G) Sunday TAMU INTERNATIONAL FQLKDANCERS: There will be a ■ folkdance party open to all from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the MSC I Ballroom. Beginner dances will be taught from 7 to 8:30 p.m. MOSES HALL TALENT SHOW: The 3rd Annual Moses Hall Tal- i ent Show, featuring on-campus talent will begin at 2:30 p.m. in 1 the Moses-Hughes-Keathley Quad. Admission is free and conces- jf sions will be provided. GEOSCIENCE STUDENT COUNCIL: Will meet from 1 p.m. until I dark at Koenig Kountry. AGGIECON X: “The Power,” about a team of space research scien- - tists plagued by a strange psychokinetic force that can move ob- ■ jects, direct electricity and apparently control or kill humans, will K be shown at 12:10 a.m. (G). Sun Theatres 133 University 84t The only movie in town Double-Feature Every Week Open 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 12 Noon - 12 Midnight Sun No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS 846-9808 PLITT Southern LCalBSON’S DISCOUNT CENTER 9 A.M.-9 P.M. MON.-SAT. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. SUNDAY 1420 TEXAS AVE. Schlitz 6 pack cans $149 pack $ 1 titles JL 6 bottles 19 64-oz. non returnable bottles 50,000 Summer Job Openings! The 1979 Summer Employment Direc tory of the U.S. lists over 50,000 sum mer job opportunities for you. Make plans now to earn money, travel to new areas of the country, and learn new skills. You get information on — names, addresses, pay rates, length of em ployment, how to apply — the works! Go to your bookstore, or send $5.95 to: Writer’s Digest Books, Dept. CAS, 9933 Alliance Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. Where the jobs are & how to get them t- 6 pack cans $] 69 Easy To Play CINEMA l&ll PLITT Southern UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-6714 & 846-1151 A NEW NIGHTMARE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD!.. ... One of the most original horror movies in years . . !’ —Jack Kroll. Newsweek See it with someone you’re sure of. $1.25 [R| Introducing JOHN AMPLAS as "MARTIN" Starring LINCOLN MAAZEL • CHRISTINE FORREST - ELYANE NADEAU SARAH VENABLE • TOM SAVINI • FRAN MIDDLETON • AL LEVITSKY (O CINEMA II THE OPENING Of MISTY BEETHOVEN RATED X $1.25 MANOR EAST “3” Midnight Show Paramount Pictures Presents A Lou Adler Production Up in mo Am msmw <mmm 01978 Paramount Plcturas Corporation R PMKVT N ABULT RMRRNI Original soundtrack aftxim avaBabte on Warner Bros. Records and Tfcpaa. Unrtar dtvcaen of 0* Soun* a > Layaway ’Terms with easy play Speed Music from Keyboard Center. Yairi, Alvarez, Yamaha, and others, ask to see Yairi which are stored in cases away from display. KEybdARd Center Baldwin Pianos, Organs, Fun Machines, Player Pianos. Manor East MaII Bryan • 779-7080 Randy Stuart, Owner Your Favorite Songs in Easy Play Speed Music. — 3 OptN 6 DAys Til 6 PM TTTT; MANOR EAST MALL COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A CASABLANCA FILMWORKS Production of EAST III I Original Soundtrack Album available horn CASABLANCA RECORD An<J FILMWORKS 823-8300 7:10 9:35 R 2:40 6:00 7:20 0:46 HE CAME HOME FOR li ja 11 MImm. ww ■mi SkB m 2:55 5:10 7:25 9:40 PANAVISIONMEIROCOLOR A COMPASS INIERNAIIONAL RELEASE CD R 1978 FA! t.ON INTF.HNATIONAI PRODUCTIONS ^1^ ‘ SKYWAY TWIN it it East * 1 I West R 1 jj Disco Fever % i Evictors ! School House By i Days The Lake j i A ★ CAMPUS Foul Play Goldie Hawn & Chevy Chase www*wwwwwww*wwwwww*wmwww±m.wwwwwmwww±wwwwww±wwM±WKWwwwKwwwx*wr